NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.
BDSM Switzerland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-25
Dedicated to Swiss BDSM. Introduce yourself, tell us about something going on or just use this as a place to meet others.
BDSM Ticino, FetLife, added 2013-Apr-19
L’idea è quella di creare una cosa simile ai Stammtische che in Svizzera Tedesca ed in Germania esistono almeno da una decina di anni. Trovare un Bar od un ritrovo dove per incontrarsi facendo un aperitivo discutendo di BDSM ma non solo. Meglio ancora se nel ritrovo si può giocare, per praticare la nostra “perversione”.
Bücherecke, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
Bücher zu den Themen BDSM, Sex, Tantra, Beziehungen, Gender, sexuelle Orientierung etc. Romane, wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Philosophisches, Märchen, ganz egal; auch erwünscht sind Links zu Essays die du spannend findest.
Central European Group, FetLife, verified 2013-Dec-23
Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland. Whether you were born in, are living there now, or just passing through. Please post only in English.
Pet Play in Switzerland, FetLife, verified 2013-Apr-19
For people who are into all forms of pet play (ponies, dogs, cats, pterodactyls, whatever) or are curious about it. Oh and, of course, you should live in Switzerland. There aren’t so many of us, so it is good to have a place to get to know each other.
Seilschaften / rope byte CH, verified 2015-Mar-15
Seilschaften / rope byte CH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15
For people who love rope bondage in any form.
TS Deutschland, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Information/Diskussion zum Thema Transsexualität (TS). Postings auf deutsch. Transsexuell. German Austria switzerland Österreich Schweiz
Last updated: July 20, 2015 at 15:23 pm