NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.
ABDL / Ageplayer / Diaper Group Hungary, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Magyar pelenkás / ABDL közösség, mindenkinek aki szeretne csevegni és beszélgetni egyaránt komolyabb és komlytalanabb dolgokról eme témában. Szeretettel várunk minden érdeklődőt.
Budapesht kink fetish & bdsm, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-12
All about BDSM and kink and fetish in Hungary and Budapest
Central European Group, FetLife, verified 2013-Dec-23
Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland. Whether you were born in, are living there now, or just passing through. Please post only in English.
Fenekelés pártiak, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
Minden ami fenekeléssel (spank) kapcsolatos.
Kinkster Expats/Foreigners living in Hungary, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-12
For expats living in Hungary interested in the BDSM lifestyle.
Látogatások szervezése Magyarországról, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
Egy csoportot azoknak, akik ki akarnak jutni eseményekre, vagy csak mondjuk egy bécsi munchra, csak a kíváncsiság kedvéért.
— For people who live in Budapest and want to organize visiting BDSM events in other countries.