May 312017

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement.

RopeFest Baltia, verified 2017-May-31
RopeFest Baltia, Fetlife, verified 2017-May-31
International shibari festival. Riga, Latvia. July 1-2, 2017
The first day of festival will bring various shibari performances. Educational seminars will be organized the second day of festival (number of participants will be limited). Seminars will allow attenders to acquire or improve the skills necessary for safe tying, as experiences riggers, having significant practical shibari experience, will deliver seminars.

Baltic BDSM, Fetlife, verified 2017-May-31
An English language group for everyone living in (or connected to) the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, to share events, ideas, and local information.

Castle of Kinksburg, verified 2017-May-31
Kinksburg – Baltic BDSM online community.
Over 2000 members from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia share their experience and find new partners in this BDSM community.

Latvia, Fetlife, verified 2017-May-31
A group for those in, or connected to Latvia. Posts should ideally be in English to allow the widest interaction in the group.

Lietuva & Latvia BDSM, Fetlife, verified 2017-May-31
Lithuania’s & Latvia’s Tautu Draudzibas BDSM Group

Last updated: June 7, 2018 at 15:41 pm

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May 312017

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

RopeFest Baltia, verified 2017-May-31
RopeFest Baltia, Fetlife, verified 2017-May-31
International shibari festival. Riga, Latvia. July 1-2, 2017
The first day of festival will bring various shibari performances. Educational seminars will be organized the second day of festival (number of participants will be limited). Seminars will allow attenders to acquire or improve the skills necessary for safe tying, as experiences riggers, having significant practical shibari experience, will deliver seminars.

Lithuania. / Castle of Kinksburg, FetLife, reviewed 2017-May-31
Lithuanian kinksters. Sveiki, tautiečiai. Dėl visa pikto, jei kinksburgas ( griūtų, turėsim šią grupę diskusijoms, įvykiams ir panašiems reikalams. Būkime mandagūs ir pagarbūs.
Welcome, folks. If kinksburgas ( avalanches, we’ll have this group discussions, events, and similar matters. Let’s be polite and respectful.

Lietuva & Latvia BDSM, Fetlife, verified 2017-May-31
Lithuania’s & Latvia’s Tautu Draudzibas BDSM Group

Castle of Kinksburg, verified 2017-May-31
Kinksburg – Baltic BDSM online community.
Over 2000 members from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia share their experience and find new partners in this BDSM community.

Last updated: May 31, 2017 at 16:03 pm

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Sep 072015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

South Carolina Events, FetLife
CSRA – Augusta area

Aiken/Barnwell (SC) County Lifestylers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For Lifestylers in SC and Neighboring States interested in starting munches, socials and demonstrations.

ANR Charleston, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Post experiences, suggestions, meet and greets, etc. A comfortable outlet for those looking for an ANR partner and those wishing to discuss ANR relationship issues / suggestions.

Asheville – WNC Ropesters & Riggers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Workshops, demos, play party, presentation, pot luck get togethers, events, and more including many general BDSM practices also. General activities, meets and socials closest to Clayton, Mountain City, Bryson City, Franklin, and Sylva. WNC-Asheville, Hendersonville, Waynesville, GA-TN-FL-SC-VA.

Asheville – WNC Singles or Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For Singles or Poly in the WNC area. Get to know others of any fetish or kink and BDSM in this area. Singles, Couples, Poly or Open.

Augusta/Aiken/CSRA Gangbang Parties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For area Gangbangees or Gangbangers to meet and organize their Gangbang

BBW & BHM of the Southeast, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For all BBWs and BHMs who reside in the Southeastern part of USA (and our lovers/partners/friends/admirers who also live in the region) to get together and discuss BBW/BHM topics, activities, and events, in our area. No personal ads. AL-FL-GA-KY-LA-MS-NC-SC-TN-VA-WV

BIG Carolina – North & South Carolina BBW, BHM, and their Admirers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
BIG Carolina – North & South Carolina BBW, BHM, and their Admirers, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16 -INACTIVE-
For all of the luscious and curvy big girls, and stout handsome fellas in North Carolina & South Carolina. Also for those who chase after us.

B.J.B.F – Beaufort/Jasper BDSM/Fetish, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Exists to provide a safe, discrete, and friendly place for people of the Lowcountry and surrounding areas with a sincere interest in BDSM/Kink/Fetish Lifestyles to meet each other, learn, and socialize.

Black Women / White Men – Southeast, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Open to White Dom male and female Domme’s seeking black female and male submissives, and Black female Domme’s seeking white male or female submissives or slaves. AL-FL-GA-KY-MS-NC-SC-TN-VA

Blk Carolina GangBang Crew, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Only for women in NC-SC-VA-TN interested in traveling to the carolinas for and all exclusive BBC Gangbang crew! Plans to have monthly impregnation parties as well as as parties for women and couples who want to enjoy BBC bareaback!

Bootblacking SIG (Upstate SC, WNC, NE GA, and Friends), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Serves experienced and aspiring Bootblacks as well as those who want to learn about leather care. Greenville based. Hopes to connect with the like-minded and help each other learn and grow.

Brat PUNISHERS of South Carolina, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Restricted to: Only who I approve. Will remove anyone I don’t see that fits.

Cafe in Greenville, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16

Caldwell Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For the people with a love of B.D.S.M. playing and parties who want to meet other, like-minded, people in Caldwell and the surrounding area.

Carolina Area Submissive Fellowship, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Where anyone who identifies as a submissive (whether male, female, trans, sub, slave, switch (subbie hat on) folks can come together to learn from each other and support each other

Carolina Barter and Fetcycle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
To barter, trade or give their services or ignored items. Or perhaps you need something and want to know if anyone might have one to give, trade or barter.

Carolina BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Carolina BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16 Officially mothballed by group owner in 2014, but has excellent archives.
Kinksters united from North and South Carolina

Carolina Bear Lodge, verified 2015-Mar-16
Formed to give the bear community a place to call their own and a means to socialize in an accepting environment. It gives all the opportunity to fellowship as members of an organized group of men.

Carolina Classifieds – North Carolina & South Carolina’s Place to Advertise!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For those looking for…well…whatever. A job, a roomie, a whipping post. Make fetish gear? Advertise here. Looking for a partner?

Carolina DD/Ds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Particularly Greenville/Anderson/Spartanburg and surrounding towns. For setting up local munches, dinners, movie nights, BBQs, etc. -Everyone- is welcome no matter how or what Your practice may be. Most functions will be child friendly and encouraged.

Carolina Dominants, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Intended to identify those dominants that wish to network and work together to form an on going interaction of learning, mentoring and idea sharing.

Carolina Erotic Hypnosis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For folks in NC & SC to get together to discuss, practice and explore erotic hypnosis, for members to attain a practical knowledge based background and use of Hypnosis that works for them.

Carolina Females Enslaving Males, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Specifcally for Female Dominant’s interested in male slaves.

Carolina Fetish Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Goal: To hold networking events for education, practice shoots, and related other social events the Carolinas. Models, Photographers, Videographers, Fetlifers ect are all welcome!

Carolina Girls of Leather, see CgoL- Carolina Girls of Leather

Carolina Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Carolina Kink, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16 -INACTIVE-
For those located in and around the Carolinas who would love to meet others in the area and discuss area events and activities.

Carolina Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For those in the North and South Carolina to talk and meet.

Carolina Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Purpose: To bring Leatherfolk in the Carolinas together on a quarterly basis to foster “direct transmission”. Through these meetings you can create a leather network, find or become a mentor, and possibly find a family or new family member.

Carolina Leather Families, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For people in NC and SC interested in starting and sustaining a leather family and for those in existence to share things about their families. Goal: To provide a safe and secure environment for us to explore and travel in the journey of leather and apply it to our day-to-day lives.

Carolina Newbies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Open to all new people (and people who want to help) in the Carolinas to ask questions, and talk with more experienced lifestylers in the area.

Carolina Safe Call – North Carolina & South Carolina, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Setting up to arrange and encourage safe calls when meeting new play partners.

Carolina Spankers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For the discussion of all things related to spanking and especially those with a Carolina flavor. To ask a question about spanking, share spanking ideas, find spanking partners, or announce a spanking event

Carolina Submissives, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For Carolina Submissives as a sort of companion group to Carolina Dominants; sort of mentoring group.

Carolina TGs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For all cd’s, tv’s, tg’s and those involved with them.

Carolina Unpartnered Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For unpartnered Carolina kinksters to communicate and discuss.

Carolinas Floating Recipe Club. FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Meet once a month in the comfort of a club member’s home with the objective of getting feedback on their favorite dishes, taste other’s favorite dishes, and talk about cooking technigues all the while enjoying the fellowship of like minded people.

Carolinas Kink Photography and Modeling Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
To allow photography and modeling enthusiasts from North and South Carlolina to get together to share interests in this hobby.

Carolina’s Leadership Network, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Devoted to promoting and developing leadership in the various Lifestyle and Fetish communities in the Carolinas.

Carolinas Sex Positive, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For anyone interested in building, planning, or attending sex positive venus and events in the Carolinas.

CGoL (Carolina Girls of Leather), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
CGoL (Carolina Girls of Leather), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16 -INACTIVE-
For all who identify as “leather girls” in their own heartspace at any point and time and would like to learn from and with other girls in the area. Plan gatherings, share information about things going on in the Carolinas, and discuss topics important to us.

Charleston Board Games, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
For people interested in meeting on a regular basis to play board games of all sorts.

Charleston CAH (cards against humanity, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
To have fun, play cards, and in general have a good time.

Charleston Exhibitionism and Voyeurism, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For those who like to get naked for, have sex in front of, or masturbate in front of another person or persons.

Charleston Gay Kinksters, verified 2015-Mar-16
For GLBTQ kinksters in the Charleston area.

Charleston Hunger Pains, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-24
For foodies in the area to gather and try out new restaurants or revisit old favorites! Will try to meet about once a month.

Charleston In Real Life, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Specifically for in-real-life interactions in Charleston area. Complements existing local groups, but has a narrower focus. Serves mostly as a place to collect event announcements.

Charleston Kink Inc., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Pan-sexual educational community for adults who wish to explore the lifestyle of BDSM. Open to anyone who has an interest in BDSM and D/s including lifestylers, casual players, or someone with a beginning interest.

Charleston Nudists, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
Intention: To get a meeting group together.

Charleston Pagan Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Does not discriminate between any understanding of religion or path. To discuss and broaden our enlightenments of whatever our understandings of ourselves and the world around us are.

Charleston Riggers and Rope Bunnies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For learning and practicing Shibari style rope bondage and just having fun with rope.

Charleston SC 420 Friends, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
Safe, educational place for discussions with like-minded kinksters.

Charleston, SC Trans&GG Girlfriends, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Let’s get all dolled up and get together for cocktails, shopping, whatever! Female brains are a must; what’s between your legs doesn’t matter.

Charleston SEX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Pansexual 18+ group, created as a personal space for you to advertise what you are seeking whether that be sex, friendship, a partner, or anything else

Charleston, South Carolina, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For everyone in the local area such as Charleston, North Charleston, Hanahan, Ladson, Summerville, Moncks Corner, Goose Creek, St. Stephen, Bonneau, Macedonia, Mount Pleasant, Isle Of Palms, and anywhere and everywhere else in the area.

Charleston’s Kinky Art Collaborative, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
Diverse group of individuals who seek to enjoy and create art (often with kinky themes) with other resonant individuals in Charleston and surrounding. Talk art, post techniques and projects to share, philosophize about schools of thought regarding art, post samples of work, and such.

ChaSM (Charleston S/M), Yahoo

CLAP! Charleston Littles and Pets, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-21
Space to talk about and plan events, to share neat things, and to arrange for stuffie swaps and such.

Clemson Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Monthly event to share a meal, discussion, and laughs with others in the area!

Coastal Carolina Submissives, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For submissive/bottom/slaves (and switches with their ‘sub hat’ on) to exchange/discuss/debate ideas, ask questions, seek/offer advice, and have a little fun.

Coastal Empire Kinksters TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For kinksters just starting out in the BDSM lifestyle, ages 18-35 GA-SC-FL. Focus: Support, education and networking with other TNG groups with sharing of information in the form of discussion and socializing. All gender identification, role identification, and sexual orientation welcome.

Columbia Area TNG, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
Inactive. Yahoo group not controlled by owners of FetLife group, or standalone website

Columbia Submissive SIG, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
Carolina submissives/slaves that are interested in learning, networking, educating and just plain being there for each other.

Columbia TNG, verified 2015-Mar-16
Columbia TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Ages 18 to 35. Regular meetings (munches, demos, presentations, etc) each month. Munches are in public places while other events may be in members homes. Objective: To have healthy discussions in a welcoming atmosphere, whether that be munches, demos, or presentations.

Crossdressers of the Carolinas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For Crossdressers, TGs, TSs, TVs, GFs (or anyone else who sees gender as more than just the standard binaries) and their admirers in the NC, SC, VA and TN area. Let’s make new friends with like-minded neighbors, discuss our common interests and share CD friendly events.

CSRA Underground, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Augusta. Under construction.

Charleston Kink Inc, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Pan-sexual educational community for adults who wish to explore the lifestyle of BDSM. Open to anyone who has an interest in BDSM and D/s including lifestylers, casual players, or someone with a beginning interest. Was known as Desires in Charleston.

Dudes in Carolina Kink – DICK!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Bisexual, pansexual, gay, or heteroflexible men from the Carolinas and their visiting admirers. Men only, which includes cisgender and transgender men.

East Coast Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Created to give cuckolds and Hotwives a broader range, with specific areas of interest, for better connection and communication. AL-AR-CT-DC-DE-FL-GA-IL-IN-KY-LA-LAB-MA-MD-ME-MI-MS-NB-NC-NFLD-NH-NJ-NS-NY-OH-ONT-PA-PR-QB-RI-SC-TN-VA-VT-WV

East Coast Primal Den, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Get to know others that share the same interest. Come, talk and ask questions. For all who identify as a Primal and live in CT-DE-FL-GA-MA-MD-ME-NC-NH-NJ-NY-RI-SC-TN-VA.

Eastern Carolina Lifestylers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For lifestylers who live in the Eastern Carolinas. Will have meetings every month and social events as well.

FemDom – MaleSub Discussion (Southeastern US), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
Meet realtime for socials, educational demonstrations, and parties (monthly if not more often in Memphis, Nashville, Birmingham & North Alabama). Isn’t set up as a dating service

F.F.F-Food Fetish Folks, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-30
For food lovers, chefs, and anyone interested in expanding their taste palate.

F.L.O.G.S (Fetish Lifestylers Of the Grand Strand), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Safe, discrete, and friendly venue, for people of the Grand Strand and surrounding, with a sincere interest in BDSM and related fetishes, to meet each other, learn, and socialize.

Florence Kink and Fetish, Yahoo, INACTIVE, verified 2015-Mar-16
Pansexual group welcoming all identifications and orientations of kink, fetish

Florence, South Carolina, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Pansexual group welcoming all identifications and orientations of kink, fetish in and around the Florence area and the people that love them!

Formal Dinner & Leather Ball, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Annual event held in Greenville, SC. Fundraiser for the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom and began in 2009.

Ga/SC Kitties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For all the Kitties in the Georgia/South Carolina area, for talking about everything Kitty related.

The Gate (Your Gateway to BDSM), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
The Gate Munch/News, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
Advertises, Promotes, and Educate People of Events. Chapters: Phila, Central Ma. Providing members and other community very relaxed, public and safe place for meeting others with an interest. Welcomes anyone, from novice to experienced. CT-DE-FL-GA-MA-MD-ME-NC-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-SC-VA-VT.

Georgia Classified, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For fetlife members looking to contact or find other members in Georgia or close to Georgia. For now lets say 100 miles into SC-AL-FL-TN. Doms/Dommes, slaves, sluts and subs, a place for all who are close to GA or would happily relocate to The Peach State to find others.

Georgia South Carolina Florida Jobs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For those looking for employment (for themselves or for someone else), to share information. If you have job leads, advice, know of a current or pending opening, post what you are looking for (full time/part time/contract/temporary; field of expertise; years experience; salary range).

Greenville Gatherings, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Sep-08
Bouncing board for ideas for get togethers. Open for anyone to use and plan a hangout.

Greenville Renegaydes, verified 2015-Mar-16
Greenville Renegaydes, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
A Levi/Leather Club. Devoted to The Brotherhood, Sisterhood, And Camaraderie Of Those Interested In Levi/Leather As Well As The Betterment Of Our Community.

Greenville/Spartanburg Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Greenville/Spartanburg Kinksters, Google, verified 2015-Mar-16
No matter what your kink you have a home here. A home for like minded people in our area to get together and have some fun.

Greenville s-type group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Meets to discuss submission, slavery, and other service related topics and ideas, eventually have classes on service oriented topics. Restricted to individuals who are slaves, submissives, switches, bottoms, or anyone wishing to see and explore s-type topics.

Greenwood Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For others in the Greenwood Area that might enjoy getting together.

Holy City Poly, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
Meant to be a support resource for those in poly relationships or those who are interested in or curious about polyamory. Charleston based. Open to all forms of poly-interested: singles, couples, triads, quads, and more. Only requirement: Open to poly and wish to explore.

House of Wyrd, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Social/play space, located in the midlands of South Carolina, dedicated to safety and education.

Impact Charleston (DIC), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For learning/sharing Impact play. Group meets every other week.

Jewish BDSM In The Carolinas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For Jewish Kinksters and our Friends/Family. Discussions and hopefully Chavurah Type get togethers throughout the Carolinas.

Keeping Everyone Yearning (KEY), Yahoo
Merged with LPE into SCPX, SCPX merged into SC-LOCK

Kinky Charleston Celiacs (and Charleston Kinky Gluten Free), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For anyone in the Charleston area that has gluten intolerance, celiac disease, or eats gluten free.

Knotty Knights, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
In the Upstate of SC focused on practicing our rope work. For everyone interested in increasing their knowledge and abilities with rope bondage.

KWIC: Kinky Women in Carolinas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
A place to build and maintain the local sisterhood of kink women… no matter what end of the whip you prefer. All may join. Only women (and those whose primary gender identification is female) may post.

Ladies In Carolina Kink – LICK!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
VERY enthusiastic munch/play group focused around the lovely Carolina ladies who are sexually and romantically interested in other women.

Leather Order of The Midlands, verified 2015-Mar-16
INACTIVE? A fellowship of individuals having a common interest in the leather lifestyle, dedicated to the development and improvement of that fellowship, both in the individual and the community.

Lowcountry Gamer Collective, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For gaming talk, advice, experiences and the like for any game that anyone wants to bring to the table.

Lowcountry Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Classifieds group open to all Lowcountry people interested in finding other poly lovers or relationships. Open to all forms of poly-interested: singles, couples, triads, quads, and more.

Lowcounty Power Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Lowcounty Power Exchange (LPE), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16 -INACTIVE-
Pan-sexual organization of adults, over the age of 18, living in or near Charleston, or visiting Charleston on a regular basis, or having direct and continuing ties to the Charleston alternative lifestyle/kink community.

Masters And slaves Together: Greenville, verified 2015-Mar-16
MAsT Greenville SC, verified 2015-Mar-16
Pansexual support and discussion group for those interested in Master-Mistress/slave or Dominant/submissive relationships. Persons of any gender or sexual orientation are welcome.

MAsT: Lexington SC, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
MAsT: Lexington SC, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
Meets once a month to discuss topics relating to Master/slave relationships.

Myrtle Beach Area Kink/Fetish & Lifestyle, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
For locals and visitors looking to connect with other like-minded folks for some fun.

Myrtle Beach Kink, FetLife

Myrtle Beach Kink, Yahoo
A safe haven for those of us out there that like the S&M parts, Play Parties,all kinds of Deomos, learning the roles, behaviors, TOYS, how to use the toys how to make them and so much more of both D&s.

Myrtle Beach Polyamory, Meetup, verified 2015-Mar-16
For anyone in or around the Myrtle Beach area who practices or is curious about Polyamory. To meet other polyamorous people with the hope of building community.

Myrtle Beach Trans Girlz, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
Like-minded trans girls, for introductions, outings, and party planning, in the general region of Myrtle Beach.

The NC Porn scene, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For network, and discussion for people who are doing or looking to break into the porn business who live in NC-SC.

NC/SC Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For poly people in North and South Carolina to chat and get to know others in their area.

The Next Generation Charleston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For everyone under 35. Has been through a lot of changes over the last three years some of them good and some bad. Though just like people things change as time goes on so don’t let this groups past define it’s future.

North Carolina Leather Contest, verified 2018-Aug-2
North Carolina Leather Contest, Fetlife, verified 2018-Aug-2
Takes place during the Charlotte Tradesmen’s Leather Run – TradeMark 29.

North/South Carolina Fetish Modeling, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For all those in the Carolinas that are interested in/ actively modeling/ Photographers/ Clothing designers and just about everyone else involved in the Modeling process.

Odyssey in Rock Hill, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
To meet other kinky people in a safe environment.

Pee Dee Area Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Private group based in Florence. Family of kinksters who respect and care for one another and expect that of anyone who joins our group. Welcomes the Pee Dee areas BBWs, BHMs, Dommes, subs, Owners, slaves, and all other respectful kinksters.

Pee Dee Area Classifieds and Discussions, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For anybody in the Pee Dee area (SC) to post any type of classifieds or discussion concerning what you are looking for or what you are offering. This can be personal ads, things for sale, things wanted, services offered, services needed, etc.

Piedmont Area Kink (P.A.K), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Greenville. Pansexual. Provides educational opportunities, support and social networking to individuals interested in learning more about BDSM, Leather or other alternative lifestyles.

P.L.E.A.S.E., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Piedmont Life Education And Social Exchange (PLEASE), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
Piedmont Lifestyle Education And Social Exchange. Mission: To provide a safe environment for those individuals living or wanting to live a D/s or M/s lifestyle. Presents munches, workshops, demonstrations, lectures, and discussions.

Presenters from North and South Carolina, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
If you live in North or South Carolina and enjoy presenting please join the group and list the classes you offer.

Proposed meeting for Black Women/White Men-Southeast Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Do not join unless you are serious about attending the proposed bf/wm southeast gathering. AL-FL-GA-KY-MS-NC-SC-TN-VA

Queer Carolinas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
To be a safe space for the kinky-LGBTQ of the Carolinas to ask questions, explore their sex, gender, gender expression and sexual orientation with or without the kinky aspects. Envisioned as a place of questions, camaraderie, exploration, and support of LGBTQ issues.

Rope Bite Charleston, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-18
Aims to host quality riggers and rope bondage educators in an effort to expand local community’s skills and knowledge base.

Rope Bite Greenville, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Aims to host quality riggers and rope bondage educators in an effort to expand our local community’s skills and knowledge base. Open to all people ages 18 and up; who desire to learn about all aspects of Rope Art in a non threatening environment, with like minded people.

Rope Bite Upstate SC/ Western NC, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Aims to host quality riggers and rope bondage educators in an effort to expand our local community’s skills and knowledge base. Open to all 18+, who desire to learn about all aspects of Rope Art in a non threatening environment, with like minded people.

Savannah River Alliance of Ladies and Leather, FetLife, added 2013-Jul-02
CSRA area. Founded to provide a safe and unbiased outlet for the freedom of sexual expression by establishing social and educational opportunities, while embracing community pride and encouraging charitable support of women’s health and wellbeing.

Screaming Tents, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-29
For people into discussing and participating in, hiking / camping with other spankos and kinky types at sites within about 3 hours from the NC-SC border.

SE Regional Cucks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For all people interested in all aspects of Cuckolding. Any type of different inclination people have that relates to the fetish of cuckolding. Atlanta and Metropolitan area-GA-S TN-SC-AL-N FL

SERG (South East Regional Groups), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For Group Leaders in the South East Region to post FetLife Group Addresses, Yahoo Group Addresses, Events, or General Announcements. Resource for Group Leaders to keep in contact with each other in regards for General Information.

Simple Things Upstate Arts and Crafts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Arts group meant to allow everyone in the area the ability to participate, learn and teach.

Soda City Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For polyamorous kinksters in Columbia, SC, and the surrounding areas.

South Carolina Ageplay, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For littles and bigs, from toddlers to adult teens to find each other.

South Carolina Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Intention: Minimize cross-posting of events and happenings. Munches, Socials, Demos, Classes, Workshops, Conventions, Parties, and other Events.

South Carolina Littles’ Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
A really awesome group for all the littles in South Carolina and surrounding areas! Restricted to: Littles, those who love them, and curious parties.

South Carolina LOCK, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
South Carolina LOCK, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
Greenville. Pansexual, real-time gateway for those over the age of 18 and interested in the B.D.S.M./Leather/Fetish community.

South Carolina Monogamy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For kinky adults who are looking for friends, like minded individuals and relationships.

South Carolina Power Exchange (SCPX), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
Pansexual, educational group that helps explore the world of BDSM in the Greenville area. Open and friendly bunch of people who try to make entering the lifestyle a little easier on people who are new, newer, or shy. We are a merger of the two upstate groups KEY and UPE.

Southeast Area Ticklers and Ticklees, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
If you are currently in the southern part of the U.S., and love all there is about tickling or being tickled, and would love to meet others who feel the same way- AR-AL-FL-GA-MS-NC-SC-TN-TX-VA.

Southeast Newbie Mentoring, verified 2015-Mar-16
Nonjudgmental, open, friendly, sometimes even sage advice from those who have been in this crazy and fun world of BDSM for a while. AL-FL-GA-MS-NC-SC-TN

Southeast Olympus Leather Contest, verified 2015-Mar-16
<<< Southeast Olympus Leather >>>, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Ideal: To promote a positive image of the Leather lifestyle, to make all Leather folk feel good about themselves regardless of race, religion, political beliefs, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, size, handicap, or health condition. AL-FL-GA-KY-MS-NC-SC-TN

SouthEast SOAP (Singles, Open, And Poly), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For any one looking for a b/d, s/m, d/s relationship within the Southeast. If you are poly, in an “it’s complicated” relationship, an open relationship, or just simply single

Southeastern kinky nudists, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-17
For kinksters who are interested in nudism, nude living, clothes free communities and resorts, and being naked in social settings.

Southeastern Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For poly people in the southeastern United States (TN-GA-AL-N.FL-NC-SC-KY).

Southern BDSM Bikers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
To share stories, events, and conversation about BDSM, Leather and Bikes.

Southern Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Do you say “fuck you” with a smile? Do you say “I’m gonna whup that ass!” When you’re quenching your thirst after some heavy play do you reach for a glass of sweet tea ? In all seriousness, kinksters from the dirty South, come on in!

Southern Polyamory Gathering, verified 2015-Mar-16
Southern Polyamory Gathering, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
NEW SPG is a weekend immersive camping event designed to help it’s participants explore the themes of relationships. There will be a focus of legally planning for the future of your relationships, as well as a facilitated discussion on poly families that have children.

Southern States Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For all types of cuckolds, cuckqueans, Hotwives, Slutwives, Cuckoldresses, studs, and any others. All orientations. Straight, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender. And lifestyle choices. Master, slave, Dominant, submissive, switch. And all personalities. AL-AR-AZ-CA-FL-GA-KY-LA-MS-NC-NM-OK-PR-SC-TN-TX-VA

Sweet Carolina Gurls & Friends, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For sweet Gurls, crossdressers, TV, T-girls and their friends and admirers. All inclusive to any one who identifies as a cross dresser, TV, T-girl, gurl or any of their friends and admirers.

T3WD (This Thing That We Do), verified 2015-Mar-16
T3WD (This Thing That We Do), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
T3WD (This Thing That We Do), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-16
Pansexual BDSM group based in the Columbia, formed to provide education, support, and a safe social venue for people in this area who are living or interested in learning more about the BDSM, Leather, or other alternative lifestyles.

Trident Knights, verified 2015-Mar-16
Founded August 29, 1993, to promote, develop and support all factions of the Leather/Levi Community through hospitality, camaraderie, social function and education.

The Unfriendly Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
Here to make friends who share our passion for BDSM, and to share knowledge about BDSM with those friends and other like-minded adults. Live within or near the Grand Strand.

UPE: Merged with KEY into SCPX, SCPX merged into SC-LOCK

vampire’s and gothic people in ga, sc,nc,fl, any state surrounding Ga”, FetLife, verified 23-Jun-2013
For those who live in GA, SC,NC, FL, or any of the state’s that surround GA, who also are into Vampirism, and who are Gothic, or into anything dark or different that others do not understand.

The Warehouse SC, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
The Warehouse SC, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
= CLOSING, effective Apr2015 =

Where the Blue Ridge yawns it’s greatness…, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-16
For all those kinksters in the general Clemson area (Gamecocks included.).

Last updated: August 2, 2018 at 12:43 pm

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Aug 302015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

BDSM Ukraine, VK, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
An open community.

Moldova BDSM (Bacau, Balti, Botosani, Cahul, Chisinau, Edinet, Galati, Gagauzia, Iasi, Lapusna, Neamt, Orhei, Soroca, Suceava, Taraclia, Tighina, Ungheni, Vaslui, Vrancea & Bocovina Ucraineana si Stanga Nistrului), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
Un grup creat pentru toti iubitorii de BDSM ce isi au radacinile in Moldova istorica, indiferent de granite sau locul in care se gasesc acum (dar si pentru cei ce vor sa interactioneze cu membrii acestui grup sau sa participe la evenimente din arealul acestui grup).
— Dedicated to people with roots in the historical region of Moldova (which includes areas of Romania, Moldova and Ukraine). Others (interested in meeting people from this area or wanting to join events in this area) may also join if they agree to the rules of this group.

Travel and Vacation in Ukraine for Dommes and subs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
For men and women that are looking for a Ukrainian partner, or just looking or providing information on a romantic trip to Ukraine.

Ukraine BDSM FETISH Life (UBFL), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
The kinki Life in Ukraine – ALL ABout it.

Last updated: August 30, 2015 at 17:51 pm

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Aug 302015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

Moldova BDSM (Bacau, Balti, Botosani, Cahul, Chisinau, Edinet, Galati, Gagauzia, Iasi, Lapusna, Neamt, Orhei, Soroca, Suceava, Taraclia, Tighina, Ungheni, Vaslui, Vrancea & Bocovina Ucraineana si Stanga Nistrului), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
Un grup creat pentru toti iubitorii de BDSM ce isi au radacinile in Moldova istorica, indiferent de granite sau locul in care se gasesc acum (dar si pentru cei ce vor sa interactioneze cu membrii acestui grup sau sa participe la evenimente din arealul acestui grup).
— Dedicated to people with roots in the historical region of Moldova (which includes areas of Romania, Moldova and Ukraine). Others (interested in meeting people from this area or wanting to join events in this area) may also join if they agree to the rules of this group.

Last updated: August 30, 2015 at 17:21 pm

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Aug 262015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

BDSM – Nigeria, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-26
For those who are are already in the lifestyle, those aspiring to the lifestyle and those curious about the lifestyle who wish to socialise, learn more, broaden their horizons, find like-minded partners among others. All topics welcome.

Nigerian Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-26
For Straight, Gay and Bi people of Nigeria to chat and share their kinks and views.

Last updated: August 26, 2015 at 23:08 pm

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Aug 202015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

Austin AB[X] Calendar
Houston Events Calendar
North Texas Council of Clubs Calendar
Sanctuary – Dallas

806- Lifestyle for the Next Generation, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For 18-35 year-old kinksters in the Texas Panhandle, including Amarillo, Borger, Canyon, Dumas, Hereford, Lubbock, Plainview, and Pampa.

Aak! Atascocita Area Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
Serving Atascocita, Humble, Kingwood, NE Houston areas.

Abilene Area Fetish Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Anyone interested in getting out from behind the computer for local munches, real-world power-exchange relationships, BDSM education, friendships with like-minded folks, (not so) casual play partners, and the possibility of a private party circuit in the near future is welcome.

Abilene Practical BDSM, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For adults interested in practical application of BDSM in real life. Mission: Learn from each other to better understand, and apply, power exchange relationships in their multitude of permutations (M/s and D/s); share knowledge/experience regarding physical/emotional/mental facets of S/M “play”.

Adventures at All Things Adult, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
Austin. Premier destination for those who enjoy activities and adventures related to adult bookstore fun.

Aggie AB/DL Enthusiasts, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
For Texas A&M ABDLs looking for a safe haven to talk openly about the lifestyle, ask questions and safely connect with other Aggie ABDLs.

AGoL, see Austin girls of Leather

AKLATX (Shreveport/Bossier area) BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
People in the Shreveport/Bossier area to chat and possibly hang out at Starbuck etc.

ArkLaTex TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Shreveport based. Ages 18-35. Equal-opportunity kinksters – accepts all genders, sexual orientations, races, religions. Munches, coffees, and vanilla outings (movies, etc.).

Alamo City Bootblacks, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
For Boot Blacks, from Master Bootblack to beginner or anyone in the kink community that wants to learn how to take care of their gear.

Alamo City girls of Leather (ACgoL), Fetlife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Self-identified Leathergirls. Membership not limited by race, creed, orientation or gender, or side of the slash; identifying as Leathergirl essential. For all different interests, strengths, backgrounds and ideas to come together and bond in sisterhood and provide community service.

Alamo City Training Acadamy (ACTA), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: Help provide different educational opportunities to San Antonio and surrounding communities.

Amarillo BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For local people to get together, talk, meet for munches, socialize with like-minded people, and possibly play without fear of judgement.

Amarillo Power Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Amarillo Power Exchange (AMPEX), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Community-based group, formed to provide a safe and comfortable environment for people with BDSM-related ideologies to learn about and explore BDSM

Ambrosio’s BDSMTX News, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Low volume mailing list featuring announcements, press releases, occasional relevant articles about WIITWD, privacy issue links, interesting URLs, etc., Emphasis on Central Texas but the rest of Texas, the U.S., and — occasionally — the World are covered.

ANR lactation, age play relationships for Texas and surrounding areas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Information, seeking, building relationships, sharing. On lactating ladies, and the people who love them.

APE, see Amarillo Power Exchange

ARK-LA-TEX LINX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky and kink minded BDSM and swingers who live roughly in the Texarkana, Ar/Tx, Shreveport, Ruston/Monroe, El Dorado AR, SE OK areas. Set up munches and meet face to face.

Austin Abductions and Takedowns, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
To gather and plot. Want to plan an abduction/takedown? Want to be on the receiving end of one?

Austin Afternoon Adult Pleasures, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
Opportunity for those who have weekday daytimes available to get together and enjoy whatever decadent pleasures.

Austin Anal Alliance, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-17
For those in Austin that enjoy giving and receiving anal. Curious anal pursuers welcome as well.

Austin and Central Texas Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To find other individuals with whom to play/scene, start a relationship, or live, specifically for individuals in Austin and Central Texas area.

Austin Bound, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Discuss local clubs, events, parties, hookups, ask questions, or whatever.

Austin Bootblacks, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
For those learning to black, those who appreciate a good bootblack, and those looking for Austin bootblacks for an event. Resource for materials, advice and information related to bootblacking and leather care. Encourages peer to peer learning. Information sharing group.

Austin Community Center, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin Community Center, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those interested in contributing to the discussion concerning starting a BDSM friendly community center in Austin.

Austin Daytime Munch/Brunch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those in Austin who cannot always make the evening events and munches; so people can socialize and still get to know the community at large over Lunch. We will just chill, talk about whatever, kink or not related topics, and just have a good time getting to know one another.

Austin Fetish Underground, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the Austin fetish enthusiasts: those who enjoy fetish nights, fetish balls, fetish attire, goth clubs, and related nightlife.

Austin Gaming for Kinksters!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters in or near Austin Area who love to do different types of games.

Austin girls of Leather, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin girls of Leather, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-30
AgoL, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Self-identified Leathergirls. Membership not limited by race, creed, orientation or gender. Unique and powerful group of individuals – our solidarity and commonality is found in our understanding that the definition of Leathergirl involves who you are and not just how you play.

Austin Kink Information Central, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Provides comprehensive list of groups, social and educational events, and kink resources in and around Austin

Austin Kinky & Curious, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin Kinky & Curious, Meetup, verified 2015-Mar-30
Friendly, welcoming, whip-smart group of sexy folks from all backgrounds, orientations, and walks of life. Get together to make new friends, flirt, openly discuss kinky topics, organize play parties, and have tons of fun. Very active meet-up group.

Austin Kinky D&D, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-01
BDSM-themed D&D and other tabletop RPGs! For forming parties, matching players with DMs, discussing kinky campaign or character ideas, etc.

Austin Kinky Gun Range (AK-GR), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To unite and allow Austin kinksters to discuss and organize meetings related to Kink and Guns.

Austin Kinky Poker, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Poker night for Austin kinksters.

Austin Littles Munch, verified 2015-Mar-30
Ab’s, DL’s, Furries, Transgender, Straight, Gay, Men, Women, Sissies, Couples and Singles, a wide range of interests. Everyone welcome.

Austin Livestock Sale and Pet Shop (CLASSIFIEDS), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Classifieds group for Pet Players, Owners, Trainers, Vets, Pony Players, Riders, Grooms, and any other sort of people who are into Animal Play!

Austin Pony Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For pet owners and pony girls/boys interested in play in the local area. Other pets are welcome (puppy girls, cow girls, cat girls, etc.). Open for questions, information, and sharing of experiences.

Austin Pornographers Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
For the development, production and viewing of Austin made pornographic movies.

Austin ROPE, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Educational peer skill-share group dedicated to adult fun and learning all styles of ropework. Hands-on peer group for enthusiasts of all levels of experience, a place for leatherfolk of all sexual orientations to learn and exchange ideas for rope art and play.

Austin rope and bondage exchange, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
Rope and bondage event.

Austin SM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Not affiliated with any Austin area kink group. Open forum where free exchange of ideas is encouraged. Primary intent: To discuss things of interest to the Austin kink community.

Austin Spanking Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in the Austin area who enjoy the application of impact on the butt. Bratting is encouraged, if you’re willing to pay the price.

Austin sub Culture, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Outreach organization dedicated to the personal growth, education, and support of its members. Goal: To educate its members and the community in the joys of a safe, sane, and consensual lifestyle.

Austin Submissives, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For submissives/slaves/pets/bottoms/switches-in-sub-mode in the Austin and Central Texas area ONLY.

Austin Tantra, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Events related to the education and practice of tantric sex. Restricted to: residents of Austin and nearby cities.

Austin Texas BBC lovers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
All BBC lovers do apply.

Austin Texas Group Exhibition and Orgies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For couples interested in creating venues where folks can have shared group sexual experiences safely and enjoy the energy created by group sexuality.

Austin Texas Queer Kink (ATXQ), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
For members of the Austin and surrounding areas queer & trans community to talk kink and pursue kinky play. Action-based. Primarily used to facilitate parties, play and munches.

Austin TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin TNG, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For young adults (18-35) interested in an Alternative Lifestyle, kink, BDSM, etc. Mission: Create a safe, positive, encouraging environment for young adults to meet one another to build a support group of peers interested in kink.

Austin TX BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For discussions about events and things relevant to Austin; easy way for folks to find each other.

Austin Tx Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Not for hookups, seeking partners, etc. A place to look for something or to advertise it including stuff, rooms for rent, roommates sought or more personal things.

Austin Voyagers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin Voyagers, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pan-sexual, BDSM, poly, kinktastically friendly place. Great place for newbies and experienced people alike.

Austin’s Kinky Krafters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Meet other local crafters and organize meet-ups so we can get our crafting kink on together.

Austin’s Kinky Social Bulletin Board, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social Bulletin Board for any kinky or kink friendly thing you got going on in and around Austin area.

BADD (Building and Demonstrating Dominance), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Group of Dominants for Lifestyle and Ethical discussions and Socializing

B.A.Y-B, Beaumont Area Young-Bloods, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
Social group for those kinky and college age. To provide an outlet for young Kinksters who want to connect, meet, learn from, and just hang out with people of the same generation.

BBC Encounters, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Offer all forms of sexual encounters with black men at our swingers parties. Hosts two group events a month at swingers clubs in San Antonio; Kyle and Austin.

BCS Oasis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Meeting place for young kinky individuals in the Brazos Valley (Bryan/College Station area). To create a comfortable learning environment for the younger crowd, limited to those under the age of 36.

BDSM Beaumont, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For anybody interested in BDSM (bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sado-masochism) in SE TX-SW LA (Golden Triangle, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange, Jasper, Lake Charles, Livingston, Houston). Learn about local happenings, scene.

BDSM Books and Films – Austin, TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Functions as a book club. The books read or films screened will contain references to BDSM, fetishes, power dynamics etc.

BDSM Texas, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Beaumont, Texas Area Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Community group for Kinksters in the Golden Triangle Area-Western LA-Eastern Houston who wish to meet for Munches, Meetings, Demos, and Play Parties for the new and the veterans in the BDSM Lifestyle. Safe haven if you wish to learn or provide experiences for all.

Bexar Resistive and Antagonistic Terrors (BRAT), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Bexar County’s meeting place for everyone bratty.

Beyond Vanilla, verified 2015-Mar-30
Beyond Vanilla, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Annual event sponsored by NLA: Dallas. Educational and social weekend devoted to BDSM techniques and D/s relationships. Workshops geared towards everyone are intermingled with social opportunities and lots of entertainment.

BIGHT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bondage In Greater Houston Texas. *Ongoing group to express rope; *Bringing knowledge and reverence for rope to Greater Houston area; *Help people discover “when rope”, “where rope” and “why rope”.

Black Central Texas Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Common interest group for Black Kinksters in the Central Texas Area (Austin, Killeen, Waco but as far as Dallas/ FT. Worth, San Antonio, Houston as long as you are willing to come out to see us every so often). Welcomes all ethnicities.

Blindfolded Subs – Houston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Produces Play Parties where all subs are blindfolded and then played with by the FemDoms.

Bootblacks of Houston, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
For bootblacks in Houston. Dedicated to keeping alive the spirit of the bootblack within our community.

Borderland Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Comprehensive list of groups, social and educational events, and kink resources, area vendors, in and around El Paso and Las Cruces.

Borderland kinksters TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters and fetish lovers 18-35 to connect and learn together in the borderland area. El Paso, Las Cruces, Alamogordo, Juarez and the spaces in between.

Bottoms Up Dallas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bottoms Up Dallas, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Safe spanking social group based in Dallas. Parties every other month. Involved with the huge Texas All-State Spanking Party. Members are friendly and loads of fun. Primarily M/f, F/m and some F/f.

Bound by Desire, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bound by Desire, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Non-profit, social, educational, and support group exclusively for women who have a positive interest in BDSM play with other women. Sponsors educational, informational, and social events. Formed in 1991.

Bound Rose – Dallas, TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bound Rose – Dallas, TX, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual group of like-minded individuals who desire to explore various techniques and alternative lifestyles. Format: Casual with few guidelines to ensure that each person has a safe and sane experience.

Brownwood Texas Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinksters in and around Brown County who are looking for other kinky people to either share a good time or interests.

Building and Demonstrating Dominance, see BADD

Butch and Femme Dallas-Fort Worth, Tx (DFW), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For us to have fun, share our kink, BDSM and lifestyle, make new friends, have great discussions, and learn from each other.

CAKE +++, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dallas. Restricted to: littles, Daddies, Mommies, brothers, sisters, Aunts, Uncles, puppies, kitties, and like-minded individuals

CC Rope Social Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Rope bondage social group in Corpus Christi area. Meets monthly. Gives everyone the opportunity to freely socialize, tie decorative or restrictive bondage or be tied, or to simply watch, and give you the opportunity to practice and learn from others.

CCTEXDs (Corpus Christi Texas D/s), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
CCTEXDs (Corpus Christi Texas D/s), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to the enjoyment of almost all things BDSM. Hosts monthly munches and play parties.

CenTex Fet Riders, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
If: You live and/or ride a two-wheeled motorized vehicle in Central Texas… You have a fetish, not necessarily leather or motorcycles…

CENTEX Foodgasm, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Killeen area. To explore our desires for good food and all that makes our tummies tingle in the company of like-minded folk in the Killeen/Harker Heights area

Central Darkside, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who live in or travel to AR-KS-MO-NM-OK-TX. Meeting place for those who wish learn from the experienced, find someone special, share your tales, or announce local happenings pertaining to fetishes, power-exchange and all affiliated groups, activities and munches.

Central Texas boys of Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Safe space for all types of self-identified leather submissives to gather, have fun, and work for the organizations and charities within the gay and leather communities.

Central Texas cuddle sluts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Meet cuddle partners for those in, around central Texas, including Austin, College Station, Fort Hood, Killeen, New Braunfels, Round Rock, Waco, San Antonio, etc.

Central Texas SubMission, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin. Mission: to offer a safe place for subs, to educate, encourage, support, network and learn about submission in all its forms. Hope to attract people in all kinds of lifestyles–poly, leather, slaves, subs, bottoms, boys, bois, pups, and cubs to name a few.

Central Texas Tickling Galore!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all the -lee’s and -ler’s who enjoy tickling and/or being tickled. Pasadena.

CFNM DFW, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
Sfe place for men and women who enjoy the social/power exchange of the nude male and clothed female.

Club D.A.M.S.E.L (Dallas Area Masochists and Sadists Enjoying the Lifestyle), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those that enjoy the edgier aspects of the BDSM Lifestyle who live in, around Dallas. To have fun, socialize and not judge each other.

ClubFEM-Austin, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social organization composed of individuals who want to develop sincere Female Dominant/male submissive relationships. Venue to ask questions and learn more about Female Dominant/male submissive relationships and activities for ClubFEM-Austin events.

ClubFem DFW, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Very close knit group and many of our members enjoy each other’s company in “vanilla” settings as well as at ClubFEM and other BDSM functions and events. Restricted to: Female Dominants and submissive men in DFW or another ClubFem Chapter

ClubFEM: Houston, verified 2015-Mar-30
ClubFEM Houston Chapter, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
BDSM organization for Female dominants and submissive men. FEM is an acronym for “Females Enslaving Males”. Term “club” does not refer to a place or location but an organization of people coming together based on their mutual interest of Female domination and male submission.

CNG (Conroe Next Generation), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For 18-35 year olds. Holding regular munches and coffees as often as we can.

Coalition Of Cypress Kinksters [C.O.C.K.], FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters in the Cypress area. Please don’t join if you live in Galveston. That’s not Cypress.

Conroe Adult Fun, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Conroe Adult Fun, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Looking to find local people that share some of the same kinky views as you? Looking to find new friends to spend quality kinky time with? Accepts all kinky folk whether you be D/s, M/s, or just kinky in general.

CORE – DFW, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Discuss and inform and learn about the different types of protocols in and around the BDSM Lifestyle. Hands on group with monthly meetings and Hands on practice.

Corpus Christi Kink Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to educating re physical risks and/or emotional risks. Round-table discussions & occasional demonstrations of almost all things kinky and/or BDSM related. Socials/mixers, demonstrations, and classes in group settings.

Corpus Christi, TX Area Social, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Sep-08
For Corpus Christi and surrounding area. Get togethers and events, for extracurriculars such as billiards, bowling, etc.

Corset lovers and Waist Training of the Gulf Coast, FetLife, verified 2015-Jul-02
Interested in tight lacing, corsets or hip springs? For those who want to know more, share and inform about tight lace training, from corset newbies wondering where to start to the experts who will only wear the best of the best. AL-FL-LA-MS-TX.

Cosset – The Central Texas Protocol Party Group., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Central Texas kinksters who would like to get together at private-venue parties where an elevated BDSM protocol experience is not only welcomed, but expected.

Cowtown Leathermen, verified 2015-Mar-30
Cowtown Leathermen, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Leather organization formed as a charitable organization devoted to providing service and assistance to the gay, lesbian community of Tarrant County. Often out in the community doing fund raisers and various events.

Cuddle Buddies DFW, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
NOT a group for hook up for sexual encounters. For people to rediscover non-sexual touch and affection. Learn to have self-control. A fun networking event where you can meet new friends. Welcomes everyone.

Cunnulingus/ -Face Fucking/Sitting/Smothering in Texas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Do you enjoy cunnilingus? Do you like face sitting? Do you like face fucking? Do you like smothering? Do you like to eat pussy? Do any and/or all of these apply to you AND you live in the state of Texas?

Cypress Texas northwest Houston (290) friends, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
25 years of age+. Social group, sometimes goes to pubs and do not care to take the chance of being around minors anywhere.

Daddy in Texas, Where are the Babies at?, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For TX daddys and even mommys looking for their own little one. About the daddy/baby relationship or daddy/girl or daddy/son.

DAFT (Discussions and Fun Times), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Will be having get-togethers primarily in Collin County and North Dallas. Sole mission: To arrange times and places that we can meet and interact.

Dallas BDSM, verified 2015-Mar-30
Serves as a stepping stone, where people can begin to explore what is available around Dallas metroplex and beyond. Primarily on groups and events, links to sites that sell toys, bondage furniture and accessories, and informational sites to help people expand their knowledge of BDSM.

Dallas Bears, verified 2015-Mar-30
Charitable and social organization for the Bear Community, their Admirers and Allies. Mission: Community service, fellowship, fun and lasting friendships.

Dallas Blow Job Sluts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where those with a Blow job fetish can discuss and connect for giving and getting BJs.

Dallas Community Leather Titles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where, when and what’s going on will be posted as well as who to contact for the contests.

Dallas Cruising, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
For anyone who loves cruising for sex, public gloryHoles, peep holes, cruisey trails, hiking locations, places for public sex.

Dallas – Ft. Worth : 12 Step recovery meeting, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Provides a place to organize and post schedule information for a monthly Leather/BDSM/kink friendly 12 step recovery meeting in the DFW area. Restricted to: Members of any 12 Step based Anonymous fellowship

Dallas/Fort Worth BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed to promote a sense of community and to discuss educational and other topics of interest to those in the area who are lifestyle-curious, tolerant or involved.

Dallas / Fort Worth Friends With Benefits, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who are looking to form meaningful long term friendships with others that may include benefits. Doesn’t necessary have to be sexual and can be any benefit.

Dallas Fort Worth Kink Information Central, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Comprehensive list of real time groups, social and educational events, kink resources in/around DFW

Dallas girls of Leather (DgoL), verified 2015-Mar-30
Dallas girls of Leather (DgoL), Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dallas girls of Leather (DgoL), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Self-identified Leathergirls. Membership is not limited by race, creed, orientation or gender; however, identification of Leathergirl is essential. Mission: To provide, camaraderie, and a safe space to any individual who identifies as a Leathergirl, To provide community service.

Dallas Glory Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
For Glory Hole enthusiasts interested in gathering for GH parties. Portable holes are serviced by both men and women. Men and women welcome. Holes are separated. Gender preference respected.

Dallas Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Dallas area kinksters.

Dallas Poly and Kinky, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinky and Poly? Thinking about being Poly? Want to know more about Poly and ethical non-monogamy?

Dallas Poly Potluck, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To provide discussion, support, tools, resources and community to people in DFW and surrounding areas, for those living a polyamorous life or who want to learn about it.

Dallas Sanctuary Chat, see Sanctuary For Lifestyle Arts

Dallas Switches, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open forum for Switches and switching. Q & A, Event/party posting, Switches seeking, seeking a Switch, people who love Switches, and Switches unite!

Dallas TNG, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, See also TNG Dallas, verified 2015-Mar-30
Ages 18-35. Dedicated to creating a safe and positive environment for young adults interested in D/s, S&M, and all other flavors of alternative or kinky lifestyles. Monthly meetings; focus on educational activities and social opportunities.

Dallas, Tx – Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky Dallasites that are looking for something, somebody and/or something kinky to do.

Dallas Wolves, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For wolves of all Dallas packs to gather and discuss whatever, and for the curious to learn about wolves & the primal lifestyle.

Dark Horse Inn of Leander/Cedar Park, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Sep-08
Meeting place and group of like minded individuals and couples who embrace the lifestyle.

Dark Necessities, Fetlife, verified 2017-Mar-25
Houston based group for local players into humiliation play. Meetings are like munches but might include play. Email darknecessitiesgroup at gmail to attend.

Dark Roast, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kink and Coffee in San Marcos. Time for company and conversation with others in the community outside of play parties and events…and for those that just love coffee!

Denton Area Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To help facilitate education and growth as a community, to ask questions, share successes and failures, make new friends, meet with old friends and have fun.

Denton rough sex, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
From mild to extreme no judging here; looking to get out there and meet.

DFW Alpha Cuckold Personals, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
Discuss related issues, find a compatible partner /participant, or to share relevant information. Alpha cuck = a cuck not in chastity regularly, not humiliated by the Hot Wife or Bull, and enjoys a normal sexual relationship with the Hot Wife.

DFW Alt Munch,, verified 2015-Mar-30
DFW Alt Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Gateway group introducing people from the internet to BDSM and Leather communities in the DFW area. Long-running safe place for people to meet.

DFW Area BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Gathering place for the submissives, Doms, tops, bottoms, masters, slaves and the rest of the kinksters in the DFW area. Have a discussion, post your events, pimp out other sites and folks.

DFW Area BDSM Seeking, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Sister site to DFW Area BDSM. Post personal-ish ads here and see if you can find someone to connect with.

DFW Area Singles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For DFW area residents or visitors actively seeking a play partner.

DFW BDSM 101, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Mission: Provide information on basic fundamentals of participating in organized kink, S&M play and BDSM identities. 100% educational outreach group targeted at people who are new to BDSM and individuals who want to assist others by sharing their experiences and knowledge with newcomers.

DFW Bootblacks, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-26
For those learning to black, those who appreciate a good bootblack, and those looking for bootblacks for an event. A resource for materials, advice and information related to bootblacking and leather care. Encourages peer to peer learning.

DFW BRA, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
Book Readers Anonymous. Will vote ahead of time from a list of member nominated books for the book of the month, then meet at a coffeehouse or restaurant of our members’ choosing for discussion and fellowship.

DFW Chubs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
For Men & Women in the DFW Metroplex who are thick, chubby, overweight, or those that admire them. Gay, Bi, Straight, Transgender-all welcome.

DFW (Dallas-Fortworth TX), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Post your Dallas/Fort Worth events here!

D/FW Diverse Interest Kinksters (DIK), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open forum to discuss events, activities, behavior, protocol and such related to getting together with other kinky people and having fun in a vanilla world without traumatizing the vanillas. Post activities, events or discussions surrounding being kinky and vanilla/diverse interests.

DFW Erotic Hypno Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For discussing questions and showing off your latest discoveries. Guest presenters, teaches how to hypnotize someone, and provides a safe space for hypnotists and subjects to come together for their first experiences or to practice advanced techniques.

DFW Kink 101, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
If you want to know something about DFW kink, please ask a question. If you know something about DFW kink, please post it. Group leaders, event hosts, and DFW kink vendors, please promote your group, event, or products here.

DFW Laid Back Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Laid back open minded kinky people. Not high on protocol. Just a few simple rules for our parties.

DFW Leather Corps, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: To provide a common meeting place for Leather people regardless of age, nationality, sexual orientation or experience. Common bond: living in leather.

DFW Lunch Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-23
All are welcome, newcomers, active lifestylers, and everyone in-between. A great way to get information and meet new people. Meet up over coffee, tea, lunch, or whatever and relax and talk about life in general, life with kink or just sit and listen the knowledge being exchanged.

DFW Massage Swap, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinksters and fetishers interested in all kinds of massage swap. Will try to meet once a month in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex area.

DFW Online Garage Sale, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
People can post items they are trying to sell as if they were selling it at a garage sale, just this will be done online.

DFW Power Exchange, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For anyone in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who is into the Dominant/submissive lifestyle, regardless of orientation, level of experience or kink.

DFW Pups and Trainers, verified 2015-Mar-30
DFW Pups and Trainers, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-30
DFW Pups and Trainers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
DFW Pups and Trainers, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
An effort to make the puppy play community in the DFW area more cohesive so we can meet and get to know one another, make connections between these seeking a pup and/or owner, exchange tips on pup gear/training etc., to set up play time!

DFW Recycled Treasures, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people to give away items they may not need any more to people who could use them, instead of throwing it away.

DFW Rough N’ Primal, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
Special Interest Group focused on the many different Martial Arts, Wrestling and Brawling techniques used in Rough Body Play (RBP), Resistance Play (ReP, Rough Sex (RS). Goal: Train others to be better, safer players. Come to this place to learn, with respect and acceptance of those around us.

DFW & Surrounding city BBWs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-11
For BBWs and BBW lovers.

DFW Switches, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For people in the DFW area who identify as a switch.

DFW Tx FetLife Dark Dungeon Social Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
From novice to experienced, all sexual orientations no matter how you self-identify. Open and accepting group with positive energy and drama free zone.

DFW WHIP Society (Women Having Immense Power), FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-21
For Female Dominants and those who serve them. Purpose: To enlighten, promote, and educate those who are interested in the FemDom lifestyle through Play Parties, Tea Socials, and Educational Demos.

DFW Women Attending Local Events Together, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
Created because some would just feel more comfortable venturing out to events if they aren’t going by themselves.

Different Delights, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual D/s, BD S&M group Shreveport Bossier City area. Monthly munches. Purpose: To allow you to meet others face to face who share your interests. AR-LA-TX

Discipline Corps, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dallas. Men’s BDSM Social Group, membership is limited to biologically born males who wish to experience SAFE, SANE, and CONSENSUAL BDSM play with other men. Hosts activities for all levels of players, from novice to highly experienced; encourages sharing, mentoring and learning.

Dom-I-Knows, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
San Antonio. For male / females Dominant / tops (and all related roles-labels) to address, talk, and exchange information about what we do and why.

Dominant Roundtable – San Antonio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Free exchange of ideas, to promote education in our community, is aimed at helping Dominant-minded individuals discuss various topics dealing with life and the lifestyle, and meant to foster and promote camaraderie, friendship, and fellowship.

Dominion Dallas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dominion Dallas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Private BDSM studio.

Dom’s Den of Central Texas, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dom’s Den of Central Texas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dom’s Den of Central Texas, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the “Care, Feeding and Education” of the Dominant Soul. Pansexual group for Dominants and Switches in Top Mode. Information, support, sanctuary, understanding, learning, growth and service to the Community.

Drop of a Hat TX: Reasonably Spontaneous Sex and Orgies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Intention: To create spontaneous sexual encounters with others including one-on-ones, threesomes, and orgies!

E3WM – Tarrant County, TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Every 3 Weeks Munch. For Tarrant Co. folks wanting lifestyle information, to talk with others that share similar lifestyle interests. Open to any; curious, newbie, and active lifestylers.

East Texas BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in East Texas to meet and discuss the BDSM lifestyle.

East Texas Single Subs Seeking Poly Home, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
TX-AR-LA-OK area specific group for those seeking to join a Poly Home.

El Paso and Southwest area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to helping the kinksters of El Paso come closer together.

El Paso Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in, around the El Paso Munch Group who are interested in meeting with others in the BDSM lifestyle.

El Paso, TX and surroundings Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the kinksters in and or around El Paso to post things for sale and to post want ads.

Element, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Element, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin. Formed to learn and explore everything kinky you find outdoors. Water, Fire, Earth and Air! Garden massage parties, Bon fire picnics, Bamboo suspension in the trees and kink food fairs. Focus: Using nature to enhance our kinky lifestyle.

Elite Suite, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30CLOSED
The Elite Suite, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30

Erotic Rope DoJo, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
DFW. Private party. For the rope enthusiast, a place that DOES ROPE more often.

Erotic Ropes, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
Beaumont/Lumberton. A learning group. Beginners workshops in progress since in 2014. Will learn more about all things rope: safety and preparedness, ties and hitches, rope bondage, erotic ropes.

ESOM – Every So Often Munch/Movie, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
All inclusive group for Tarrant Co. and surrounding to schedule Movies and Munches and other fun things to do as a group.

FetNights TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Announce, advertise and review Fetish/BDSM/Leather/Etc. events and parties and hook up with other pervy folks going to these events.

FHK – FIREhouse Kennels, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-05
FHK – FIREhouse Kennels, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-05
Hosts pH2 (Puppies and Handlers of Houston) play parties, KTT (kinky toy makers) munches/classes, and SAF (Spring Adult Fun) play parties. For fun-loving kinksters without all the politics. For friends and newcomers to all grow in skills and have kinky fun!

First Monday at La Margarita’s, FetLife, verified 2015-May-23
A get-together for like-minded people in the North Austin Area.

Foodie Social Group-Houston, TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-01
NOT a munch or a gateway into the kink scene. Gathering of friends, family and people of like-minded interests who, enjoy the company of others in the lifestyle.

Fort Worth Area Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Fort Worth Area Kinksters, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to serving the fetish community of the western DFW Area. Founding principles: Establishing friendships, sharing knowledge, and socializing with people of like minds.

Fort Worth / Dallas Kinky Cyclers and Mountain Riders, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Local bike group for open minded riders to get together for rides both on and off road. For all skill levels to post events from slow casual rides to extreme crazy shit.

Fourth Friday DFW, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Casual gathering. Offers people with an interest in BDSM an opportunity to eat and socialize.

Fourth Friday – Houston Style, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-03
Casual gathering that offers everyone an opportunity to socialize & eat with other like minded non-judgmental folks.

Friendly Rio Grande Valley Kinky Folks, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Specifically formed to serve members living in South Texas, who are interested in D/s and this alternative lifestyle.

Friendly Unrestricted Consensual Kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
All-encompassing group for Corpus Christi and surrounding. Younger or older, experienced or beginner, all welcome. Fun, safe group. Welcomes, encourages members of other groups to come and meet fellow kinksters, whether to learn, teach, meet new people, or simply enjoy kink.

F.R.I.N.G.E., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Friends Reveling In No Guilt Entertainment. North Houston. Good, honest, kind kinksters, tired of the high school games & just want to have some mature, adult fun without a bunch of politics & worry. Get together, connect, have fun, play & just… live.

FUCK, see Friendly Unrestricted Consensual Kink

Fun in Kingsville, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
Fun, kinky group. Events have a relaxed atmosphere where everyone can have fun in a safe place.

Gainesville, Tx personal adds, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-25
For anyone looking for someone or something.

Galveston Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinksters in Galveston and nearby areas.

Geeky DIKs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-05
For kinky D/FWers that are interested in sharing their love of everything geeky, movies, television, gaming, etc.

Golden Showers Central Texas Area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
So you can come and experience golden showers plus be watch and watch others receiving showers.

Golden Triangle Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Restricted to: Anyone interested in kink in SE TX (Orange to Houston and surrounding)

Golden Triangle Rope, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-08
Designed to promote safety and education in ropes through experience and sharing knowledge with each other in a relaxed and positive environment. LA-TX

Grand Prairie TX Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For anyone living in Grand Prairie, Arlington, Mansfield, Irving, Cedar Hill, Dallas, Oak Cliff, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Farmer’s Branch, Hurst, Euless, Bedford, Duncanville, Cocker Hill…

Greater East Texas Daddies, Mommies, Caregivers, Littles, Pets, Age Players, and ABDL, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
For Daddies, Mommies, littles, pets, age players, and AB/DL of the area to discuss topics of interest and plan local events.

Gulf Coast Carpool, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
Where those in need of a ride and those with room to spare can meet, share rides, and support events along the Northern Gulf Coast AL-FL-LA-MS-TX.

Gulf Coast Classified Ads, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
If looking to buy, sell, or trade items, post it in this group as long as it’s a legal product; can be either kinky, or ‘nilla items.

Gulf coast foot lovers association. FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where people living in states surrounding the Gulf of Mexico can speak their mind, set up socials, find partners and friends that share the same desires.

Gulf Coast Kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
Online discussion group to share and learn about various kinks & fetishes. Welcomes all residents regardless of your gender, role, sexual orientation, or fetish/kink. AL-FL-LA-MS-TX.

Gulf Coast Touch of Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Gulf Coast Touch of Leather Clubhouse Gulf Coast, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed to help keep adults aware of what is happening in the Gulf Coast TX Community as well as in the extended Alternate Choice arenas such as: B/D, D/s, S/M, Fetish, Leather and so forth

GWNN (Group With No Name), verified 2015-Mar-30
GWNN Austin TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
GWNN Members, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Primary purpose: Social, along with support and education in a social setting. Monthly dinner socials (munch) so people can meet and get to know one another in a comfortable setting. BDSM play parties for our members.

A Healthy DIK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-16
Dedicated to focusing on improving the health of members. Goal: Provide a supportive environment where members can discuss their health goals, progress, successes and challenges they have faced.

Heartland Crossing, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Heartland Crossing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
For crossdressers, transvestites, sissies, genderplayers, transpersons, and their admirers and/or lovers; or those who are respectfully curious about the same. CO-IA-IL-IN-KS-MI-MN-MO-MT-ND-NE-NM-OH-OK-SD-TX-WI-WY.

Highland Lakes Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-05
For all kinksters in Highland Lakes area to build friendships, share experiences, provide support if needed and possibly even help some find what they seek.

Hill Country Fetish and Kink., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people to stay connected in the Hill Country area; Kerrville, Boerne, Bandera, and smaller towns between.

Hitchin’ Bitches DFW, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For female rope riggers/rope tops/dominants. Meet to learn, share and experience rope first hand, based upon the Peer to Peer and un-conference learning and sharing concepts. Women do the tying, the teaching, the demoing and the topping at events invited to participate in.

Houston 36 & Up, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Group that any new or older people in the scene can talk about the meanie 18&35 yr old group won’t let us in to..LOL.

Houston ABDL, Diaper Lovers, Wetting, and Pee Lovers, Desperation, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For the lovers of wetting, either in diapers or clothes. ABDL lovers into age play welcome as well. Desperate pee lovers and giving/receiving watersports.

Houston Anal Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For girls who enjoy anal sex and for guys who love girls that like anal sex 🙂

Houston Area BBW’s And Admirers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to big beautiful women and the men & women who appreciate them

Houston Area Coffee & Tea & Donuts Conversation Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
Post discussions on new coffee conversation ideas, favorite coffee/tea venues, or things you’d like to see at the meet and greets to promote discussions and getting to know each other a little better.

Houston area extra spicy latina social group tx, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social Assoc. for Latinas Sexy Amigas-SALSA. For Latinas to attend local events in Houston/Golden Triangle areas. Bi, Straight Latina ladies and those women that appreciate them.

Houston Area” Hookup” Fuck Buddies” And” Anonymous Sex”Group”, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To all peoples who looking to get out there and meet peoples who have a specific purpose in mind: Get laid.

Houston Area Induced Lactation (H.A.I.L.), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To meet and talk about inducing lactation, their journeys, experiences, and desires.

Houston Area Nightlife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
If you visit any bars clubs pubs or taverns in Houston Area and have some information to share or want to find out where to go to meet people.

Houston Area Sissy Maids, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
For those who wish to serve as well as those who wish to be served.

Houston Barter, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Allows kinksters to barter services or possessions for help, trade, or items.

Houston BBW Personals (Tx), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To find partners of any kind in Houston and surrounding. For Guys and Gals who love BBWs.

Houston BBW / SSBBW Women Who Love Men Jerking To Their Pics TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Restricted to: Lovers of bbw and ssbbw that wanna stroke it to us

Houston BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Discuss issues and ask questions. To teach a little and learn a little.

Houston BDSM Dungeon Gathering / Dark Party, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Discussion group of like-minded souls, for those with interest in the Dungeon Scene Play Lifestyle. Individuals and couples with a desire to increase their knowledge and skill sets in scene play and edge play. Those who enjoy the company of their peers through social mixers and munches.

Houston BDSM/Swingers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those that choose to blur the lines between BDSM and swinging. For those that like to beat be beaten and play sexually with others

Houston Big/littles, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
Goal: To provide a safe and welcoming environment for littles, Bigs, and those curious about the Big/little dynamic to explore, learn, and play.

Houston Bisexual Males, Couples, MMF, MMFF, Community and Admirers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bi couples in Houston area.

Houston Bisexual Men and Women Who Love BBWs/SSBBs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bi men and women who love bbw/ssbbw

Houston Bisexual Women Community, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To get together and have some fun, no matter what that may be!!

Houston Black BBW Females Wanting Mature White Men, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
All black females wanting mature white men

Houston blow job sluts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where all people who blow job fetish can go to discuss and connect for giving and getting bj’s

Houston CDs Transgenders and Sissies Community..TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To meet and/or converse with CDs, transgenders or sissies or people who like them.

Houston Cigar & Pipe Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
About the camaraderie and social aspect of cigars and pipes, teaching the kinky community the joys of cigar smoking done right.

Houston Community Calendar, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all members to communicate about Houston Community events.

Houston Connection surrounding Area Of Atascocita, Bellaire, Conroe, Cypress, Humble, Kingwood, Missouri City, Spring, Katy, Sugarland, Tomball, The Woodlands, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-28
To be able to post upcoming events and to meet others in surrounding area. Pan-sexual, Pan-kink, singles, couples, straight, bi, gay, uncertain – all welcome.

Houston Connections Surrounding Areas of Alvin, Baytown, Clearlake, Dickinson, Friendswood, Galveston, League City, Texas City Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-28
For like-minded individuals to meet up and share ideas and socialize, to get to know one another, make friends and contacts. networking.

Houston Couples and Threesomes Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Couples looking to hook up single males or women for adult fun who are open mind persons

Houston Doll Factory, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For dollers and the china dolls, porcelain dolls, wind-up dolls, pull-string dolls, ragdolls that we create. Of course those that are interested in the dollification processes we employ are welcome too.

Houston EROS, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston EROS, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston EROS, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Erotic Rose Society. Mission: To have fun and to encourage our friends to do likewise as we explore all sorts of interests relating to the mental and physical pursuits of BDSM through weekly meetings/classes, applying knowledge in real life play parties!

Houston Erotic Arts Troupe – HEAT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston’s newest and largest kinky play space. Operates as a private club by membership only.

Houston Events Calendar, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Community project involving group leaders, party hosts, educators and individuals in the Houston Area. Goal: To provide an updated list of local groups and events along with a share-able calendar as a team effort.

Houston Fire Bugs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Folks who like to play with fire, be on the receiving end of fire play, or like to watch people play with fire. Any & all fire play is welcome.

Houston Freaky Fridays, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
For Meet&Greets of Houston Kinksters at a local Swing club.

Houston girls of Leather – HgoL, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston girls of Leather – HgoL, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Self-identified Leathergirls. Membership is not limited by race, creed, orientation, gender or disability. Mission: To provide, camaraderie, and a safe space to any individual who identifies as a Leathergirl; To provide community service.

Houston Goreans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For real life Goreans, and those interested in living the lifestyle, who reside in the Houston area, to meet and exchange ideas and knowledge.

The Houston House, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To post up information about events that we host in our home. These events include our Annual Arabian Nights Play Party and Food Drive. Houston biggest free kinky play party!

Houston Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For discussions and event postings and also serves as a great place to put your foot in the door and get to know some people here in the Houston scene if you are new. Open to all kinks

Houston Kink Information Central, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Comprehensive list of real time groups, social and educational events, and kink resources in and around Houston

Houston Kinksters in the Workforce, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where managers can post their positions, or people looking for work can post their skills.

Houston Kinky Christians, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those who believe in and follow God and live our Christian lives in the world of BDSM.

Houston Kinky Happy Hour Munch Outings! TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Monthly social event to get to know each other, hang out together meet new friends and or play partners in kink scene. Held at a restaurant or bar, kick back and unwind with fun like-minded people, at Pasadena, Deer Park, Clear Lake, League City, Pearland and parts of Houston area

Houston Kinky Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those seeking various aspects of BDSM and relationships with people who are interested in BDSM in the Houston Area.

Houston Mentors Association, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
For those more experienced to share their knowledge with those just entering or wishing to further their development in the BDSM lifestyle.

Houston People Exchanging Power Official HPEP – Houston People Exchanging Power Club Page

Houston People Exchanging Power (HPEP) AgePlay SIG, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Focusing on the Big/little, Daddy (Mommy)/little dynamics. Goal: To provide a safe and welcoming environment for littles, Bigs, and those curious about the Big/little dynamic to explore, learn, and play.

Houston People out of Power (HPooP), FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-25
Satirical group. Has NOTHING to do with Houston People Exchanging Power (HPEP).

Houston pet play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the animal in all of us. If you’re a puppy, kitty, dragon, whatever and live in the Houston area.

Houston Poly Network, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For poly and ethically non-mono folks to meet like-minded folks for conversation and support.

Houston Pony Info, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For ponies, trainers, groomers, handlers and owners. Find new friends, explore your interest with like-minded folks and plan get-togethers.

Houston R/T real time meetings TX!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Those into BDSM with interests in meeting in real time in the Houston area.

Houston Sci-fi Kinksters Fantasy Geeks Talk Group!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Discussions on everything comic books scifi and fantasy from books to movies’, TV show and video games

Houston Spanking and Discipline Enthusiast, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people from Houston and neighboring area who are into spanking, discipline, domestic discipline, loving domestic discipline and such similar areas. Chat, make new friends, share experiences, ask questions and help build an organized spanking community.

Houston subs and slaves seeking Doms, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chatting, meeting place for subs looking to meet a Dom…and Doms searching in the Houston area for the perfect sub or slave.

Houston Telegram Kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-03
Party planning space and a place for friends to chat.

Houston Texas Area Kinky Contractors, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Whether you build kink equipment, spaces or are simply the sort of kink-friendly builder other kinksters might feel comfortable working in their home.

Houston / Texas Gothic Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Venue to discuss music, fashion, literature and others issues pertinent to goth culture and kink.

Houston, Texas – The Meat, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Place to post your party announcements, local Houston happenings, events, gatherings.

Houston (TX) Area Threesomes!!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For couples looking for a female(s) or a female(s) looking to join a couple in the bedroom, or anywhere else one might want them, who are local.

Houston Tx BDSM singles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To help singles discuss the challenges of living in Houston and looking for people to connect with in a large community.

Houston Unified Educators – HUE, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
For people who want to help teach classes in Houston and surrounding areas.

Houston West Side Sissy, CD and Transgender, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
Focus: Events, places and people on the West Side of Houston as they relate to “Sissies, CD’s and Transgenders”. Admirers welcome.

Houston’s Event Notification System, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
All events will posted in the weekly promotion as an unbiased resource.

HOUSTON’s Kinky Social Bulletin Board, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
List of BDSM event calendars, play/fetish parties, clubs, munches & classes.

HPEP (Houston People Exchanging Power), verified 2015-Mar-30
Official HPEP – Houston People Exchanging Power Club Page, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-25
HPEP (Houston People Exchanging Power), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Monthly meetings, munches, many special interest groups (SIGs) & special events. Pan-fetish, pan-sexual, independent, all-volunteer run social and support group open to anyone interested in BDSM, D/s, fetish fantasy and dress, leather, latex, cross dressing, etc.

HPEP HELL SIG – BDSM Books & Movies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston Erotic Literature Lovers. previously: HPEP Reading Circle.

HPEP Sub Support Sig, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Online and real time support group for anyone in the Houston area including Cypress, Spring, Richmond/Rosenberg, Pasadena, Humble, who identifies as a submissive. To support and educate everyone on the bottom side of the slash, so we can all grow in our journey.

Humble Area Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Discussions, Munches, and parties. Humble, Kingwood, Huffman, Crosby and all the surrounding areas. For fun loving kinksters without all the other politics, for friends and newcomers for us all to grow in our skills and have kinky fun

I am 5th., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Gathering of Musicians, Freaks, Artists, Performers, and Open Minded People in the DFW area who are proud of being different, proud to be say with confidence…”I am 5th.”

Johnson County Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those residing in or around Johnson County.

Judgement-Free Abilene Area, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-19
For Abilene and surrounding areas to join, and thrive, without judgement.

Just play! A Dallas area group!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Questions and answer group. Be nice and respectful. Restricted to: DFW area people

KAF (Katy Adult Fun), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Monthly munch. Welcomes people of all shapes, sizes, colors, ethnicities, identities, genders, orientations, religions and political affiliations.

Kaufman\Ellis county kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those in, nearby Ellis or Kaufman County looking for new friends.

The Kiddie Pool (Houston 18-35), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
TNG. Comfortable place for people ages 18-35 in the lifestyle in Houston. Not an age play group.

Kidnap/Interrogation roleplay in Houston area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to bringing together lovers of kidnap/interrogation scenes in and around the Houston area. Goal: To facilitate real-time meetings for members to indulge in safe, sane realization of their fantasies of this type.

Killeen BBW lovers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-21
To share the love for BBWs.

KinbakuHouston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
KinbakuHouston, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For folks on both sides of the rope who know what they like and why they like it. ACTIVE participation is crucial to our membership. Provides a warm forum for hands-on development of your rope skills and ideas.

Kink Friendly Businesses or Craftspeople in Houston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
People who are in professional trades in town that do not mind dealing with kink friendly people.

Kink Friendly Services ATX, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
For kink friendly service providers to promote themselves and meet customers in ATX.

Kinksters United of North Texas, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
KUNT. Social club of like-minded kinsters, primarily located in N.TX/DFW area.

Kinky Aggies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For adults in the Brazos Valley/College Station/Bryan who have fetish interests of all kinds. Pansexual, pan-fetish, and welcome anyone over the age of majority.

Kinky Aggies, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
= SPAM =

Kinky College Friends, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
To help like-minded, safe, fun students find each other, mainly those in Lubbock area, ages 18-25.

Kinky Folks at the Fed (Austin TX Swing Dancing Thursdays), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-07
Dinner and then Swing Dancing in a public non-kinky venue.

Kinky RenFest – Texas, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
Kinky RenFest – Texas, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
Kinky RenFest – Texas, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
Kinky RenFest – Texas, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
Adult only (21+) festival that will be held one weekend ONLY in April 2016. Will combine all the aspects of a renaissance festival (entertainment, shopping, food) with an open-minded atmosphere that is accepting of “alternative” lifestyles.

Ladies Only Porn Critique Night – Austin Chapter, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
Women who love to watch porn getting together to talk about it with other women.

The LAIR – San Antonio, verified 2015-Mar-30
The LAIR – San Antonio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Lifestyle Artistic Interactive Resource. Provides classrooms, play spaces, conference areas in support of alternative lifestyle artistic interpretations and education. Offers: Classroom training, demos, hands-on instruction in different play styles, training, mentoring, seminars.

.~♥Large, Lovely Texas Women and Admirers♥~, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Meet and make friends in the wonderful land of large and lovelies who happen to be interested in the kinky side of life.

Lazy Sunday, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Plot new fun things to do, coordinate schedules and giggle about the helicopter races.

Leather and latex, Ft. Worth Texas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
All who love the look, feel, smell of leather and latex.

Leather Knights, verified 2015-Mar-30
Non-profit membership organization, of gay Leather men, which exists to provide service and support for Greater Dallas Community. Lives out mission through: Chivalry, Compassion & Camaraderie

The less serious side of Amarillo BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Off-shoot of Amarillo BDSM — only less serious.

Let’s Go Shopping! (Austin TS/TV/CD), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
For cross dressers, Transgendered, and Transsexuals and their friends to go shopping together for a safe and fun experience.

The little Lifestyle in Dallas Tx, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
A simple way to meet and share ideas with others in the DD/lg lifestyle in the area or any who wish to learn, share and grow.

Little’s Playplace, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
Houston. Safe haven for all littles, middles, babies, tweens, and more. Bigs welcome too.

Lone Star Polys, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Meet, support and just get together on the subject of Polyamory.

L T’s Lair, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Lubbock. For learning and sharing knowledge. Friends working together for the advancement and positive growth of the kink – fetish -BDSM community in the Greater West TX Panhandle area.

Lubbock Cougars looking for Boy Toys, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-03
For lovely women interested in finding boy toys.

Lubbock hook up, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For people looking for friends with benefits, one night stands, couple swaps, and group sex in the Lubbock area.

Lubbock Kink Information Central, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Comprehensive list of groups, social and educational events, and kink resources in and around Lubbock.

Lubbock Kinksters: TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For ages 18-35 interested in the kink lifestyle-BDSM, fetishes, M/s or D/s, leather, LBGT, GQ, etc., to help educate, support, and enjoy the company of others.

Lubbock Littles, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-17
For littles in the Lubbock area but is open for anyone to join and have fun in.

Lubbock Sex Positive Youths, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: To foster growth of relationships in Lubbock’s kinky community, particularly among its younger members. Trying to create a comfortable place for younger community members, particularly those under 30 and their partners.

MAP Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
McKinney, Allen, Plano area. Ask questions, come out to events, send messages, and meet new people. Here to help if you are new to the scene, new to the area, or are tired of the same old stuff, need a makeover, or a new group hang out with.

MAsT – Alamo City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Concentrates on the daily living dynamic of the M/s and D/s. Exists as an education, support and resource group for individuals involved in, or interested in, the Master /slave lifestyle.

MAsT Austin, verified 2015-Mar-30
MAsT Austin, TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Opportunity and forum for like-minded individuals to come together for discussion of issues that concern Masters and slaves, to share ideas and gain and/or share knowledge of the Master/slave lifestyle.

MAsT (Masters And slaves Together): DFW, verified 2015-Mar-30
MAsT (Masters And slaves Together): DFW, verified 2015-Mar-30
Masters And slaves Together – MAsT DFW Chapter, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed to support and enhance the Master/Mistress and slave relationship, and to provide a forum for growth and development of these relationships.

MAsT (Masters And slaves Together): Houston, verified 2015-Mar-30
MAsT Houston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual support and discussion group for those interested in the Master-Mistress/slave or Dominant/submissive relationship. Persons of any gender or sexual orientation are welcome.

MAsT – San Antonio, verified 2015-Mar-30
MAsT – San Antonio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Education, support and resource group for individuals involved in, or interested in, the Master/slave lifestyle.

McAllen, TX And Upper-Mid Valley Hook-Ups, Fuck Buddies & Mutual Players, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
For all FetLife members, straight or gay, single or in relationships, looking for no strings attached, fast-tracked meetups in the mid- upper RGV area. Doesn’t exclude inexperienced people, newbies, or people not interested in the lifestyle looking for sexual fun. All kinds of play encouraged.

McKink Family of Event Planning, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Anyone wishing to come together to formulate events; local, social, play, etc.

Mesquite Tx. kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Talk, and get to know other people from their area.

Mid Cities KIK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For local kinksters in the area wanting to chat online, Kik message, Skype or possible meet up.

Midessa DFZ, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
Primarily based in Midland/Odessa. Open group committed to providing opportunities to learn and gain experience. Open to all kinds of adult relationships. Welcomes anyone seeking a friendly, non-judgmental group of adults to join and learn.

Misfits of Houston, TX, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social, not for profit, Levi/leather club. Established 1992. Formed to create a group that has fun, as well as raises funds for other charitable organizations in the community.

Mothers’ Day Out – Houston, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-04
Women who enjoy getting together, while our children hang out separately, in their peer groups with one another.

National Leather Association (NLA): Austin, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, INACTIVE
Serving Leather community in Austin and the surrounding Central Texas area teaching Safe, Sane, Consensual adult alternative lifestyle habits

National Leather Association (NLA): Dallas, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual Leather/SM/fetish group that promotes the tenets of safe, sane & consensual. Largest NLA chapter in North America. Educational focus. Workshops and seminars.

National Leather Association Houston, verified 2015-Mar-30
Established for the leather/BDSM/Fetish community to have an organization dedicated to service.

National Leather Association – San Antonio, see NLA-San Antonio

NEAAL, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
NEAAL, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
North East Alternative Adult Lifestyle. Dallas. Diverse group open to everyone regardless of kink or experience level.

NEWT Guild, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Nasty Evil Wicked Toymakers. Austin area. Everyone welcome. Come out and learn how to make something.

NLA-Dallas Fresh Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
NLA-Dallas Fresh Leather, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
= Currently inactive =

NLA-San Antonio, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
NLA-San Antonio, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
NLA-SA, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Pansexual organization dedicated to education and understanding of alternative sexual lifestyles. Primarily a Leather/BDSM/Fetish group; all interests welcome.

Non-affiliated Wichita falls kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Strong willed individuals who have decided to strike out on our own for whatever reason. Open to anyone, and everyone is invited to join, talk, and have fun

North Austin Kinky Pool Night, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Meets weekly in Round Rock. Quite a few people come out, and all are kink friendly.

North Texas Area – Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For any North Texas area kinksters who have something to sell, barter, trade, etc. Human and sex trading and selling forbidden.

North Texas Cosplayers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To get together, talk about various things, talk about cosplay projects as well as upcoming conventions.

North Texas Council of Clubs, verified 2015-Mar-30
Fosters spirit of inter-organizational fellowship among Member Organizations, Independents, and the community at large who share a common philosophy with each other and this council of clubs.

North Texas Models, Photographers, Videographers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Casting calls, photography discussions, gear and anything fetish photography and related.

Northwest Houston BBW’s and SSBBW’s Unite, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
NOT another lets lose weight support group, but loves and accepts our body size, shape for the way we are and not wanting to lose or change.

Odyssey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Workshop and education group in Bryan/College Station. Arranges, hosts workshops, demos, and discussion groups on a variety of topics, utilizing presenters both local and imported.

Official HPEP – Houston People Exchanging Power Club Page, see HPEP

OKB – Our KommonBond (San Antonio, Texas), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For everyone to come together to: bring up questions and topics to discuss, to announce in town group meetings, teaching meetings, events, and to introduce yourself and state your interests.

PBK Permian Basin Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
West Texas lifestyle group REBOOT. Midland, Odessa, Andrews, Big Spring, Stanton, Monahans.

Pearland Texas Adult Fun Group In Houston Tx Area, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-17
For personals ads and more.

Permian Basin Kink (PBK), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Replaced by PBK Permian Basin Kink, FetLife

Pink_n_Black, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all subbies…men or women, who live in TX, wanting to share a connection with other subbies.

The Playroom BDSM Play Party, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
El Paso/Las Cruces area. Playroom hosts believe the best way to help expand peoples’ knowledge and ideas is by continually talking, and showing different BDSM topics taught by different speakers.

Pragmatically Kinking, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Focused on practical issues in regards to lifestyle participation, and life/lifestyle balance. Serves North Dallas, Richardson, Plano, Addison, Garland areas (and more). Monthly. For anybody of any experience range.

The Project Pandora, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Mission: To assist all people in the community from supporters, cross-dressers, fetishists, intersexuals, androgenics, pre/post-op transsexuals, and everyone in between in every phase

Queer Playground Texas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To promote sex positive, transgender, and queer events including discussions, classes, workshops, and parties. Restricted to: LGBTQQI, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, questioning, intersexed, dyke, fag

The RACKiT Club, verified 2015-Mar-30
The RACKiTClub Austin, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin. Network of adults interested in enjoying the company of other kinky people. Seeks to provide opportunities for socializing. Casual gatherings at public places open to anyone. Also members-only activities such as dinner parties.

Ravish Austin, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
Provides next-level sex-positive social events and educational opportunities w/strong focus on serving kink, swing and poly communities, encouraging active participation, and embracing those new to the lifestyle. Welcomes new and experienced, regardless of orientation, gender or identification.

RAVISH~Crockett/Palestine TX BDSM Social Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
RAVISH~Crockett/Palestine TX BDSM Social Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: To educate, accept, socialize, and support people in the scene. Goal: Get together to socialize, educate, and play. Welcomes everyone regardless of size, ethnicity, religion, fetishes, kinks, or sexuality.

Red Bottoms Spanking Club of Houston, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
Promotes consensual adult spanking and an active local spanking club. Membership open to adults, 18+. Does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, gender, appearance, or spanking orientation.

RGV Spankos, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Rio Grande Valley spanking group.

RGV Gangbangs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
To organize and announce gangbangs in the Valley.

Rio Grande TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters and fetish enthusiasts ages 18-35, living in the Las Cruces, El Paso, and Ciudad Juarez tri-city area. For tons of demos, classes, coffees, parties and more!!!

SA Pool Enthusiasts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who enjoy the game, and want to come together to socialize in a vanilla setting and play! If you enjoy conversation, and want to learn how to play, just show up, and we’ll teach you!

SA SAMS, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For slaves, subs, bottoms and switches with top hat off only.

SAADE, verified 2015-Mar-30
SAADE (Austin, Texas), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
SAADE, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
School for Austin Area D/s Education. A teaching organization. Endeavors to offer a wide range of educational opportunities that appeal to a diverse group of learners. Presents a yearly schedule of presentations, discussion groups and workshops.

SACK – San Antonio Creative Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To provide those of us with a creative flair the chance to meet, share ideas, learn new techniques, and to help turn ideas into actualized works of art.

Sacred Karnival, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Anarchist group motivated to create queer space where spirituality, kink, and sex collide.

SACrossing, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
= Dungeon closed July 1, 2013 =

S.A.E.P( San Antonio Edge Play), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Educational side of Edge Play, for the new bloods as well as the seasoned vets. An extensive teaching group.

SAF, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Spring Adult Fun (SAF), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Spring Adult Fun. Munches, monthly BDSM parties. Great bunch of kinksters just having adult fun.

The Safari Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston. Alternative lifestyle group dedicated to playing and having fun with as little politics as possible.

SAF-Biggest Losers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For support and ideas on having a healthy fit life style. There will be help with online tools, moral support, exchange of ideas to achieve your weight goals. Sub group of SAF.

S.A.F.E.-Tx, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: To support the growth of a healthy lifestyle community by offering a safe environment for people to meet, receive education at social events, and practice skills at play parties. Operates on a precept of “educate and inform”.

S.A.F.E.-Tx Book Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Book club started by members of S.A.F.E.-Tx. To allow members to share what books they are reading and have open friendly dialogue

the SAINTs (Spankos Anonymous In North Texas), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Spanking (well, we do include flogging, caning, etc.) ONLY group that will get together every other month for a spanking party, and to generally have a good time.

SALAMBA! San Antonio Littles, Ageplayers, Middles And Bigs Association, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
ABDL, Littles, Middles, Bigs, DLs, ABs, Ageplay, Furries, Babyfurs, Diaperfurs, LG, Daddies, Mommies, Aunties, Uncles, Caretakers, Babysitters, etc. Monthly munches.

S.A.L.P. (San Antonio Little’s Play Date), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Safe place for Littles, Middles, Care Givers, Daddies, Mommies, Babysitters, and anyone who enjoys age play of any description. Welcomes anyone of any gender description/presentation who are interested in Dominant and submissive caregiver style relationships.

San Antonio Area Gamers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For gamers of all sorts in San Antonio and surrounding areas to meet, socialize, and game. Open to all sorts of games whether it be PC, console, tabletop, live action role playing, or those not mentioned.

San Antonio area Nudists/Naturists, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-21
Goal: Promote a clothes free lifestyle in the area.

San Antonio Area Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Got something for sale? Post it here. Wanna meet up with others? Put your personal here.

San Antonio-Austin Sissy Maids, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
Sissy maids and the Mistresses or Masters they serve welcome here.

San Antonio/Bexar County Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in Bexar County/San Antonio to meet, talk, and let others know about any get-togethers.

San Antonio BDSM Leadership Conference, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For local leaders to come together to build our community.

San Antonio Bi, Str8 , Gay , CD, TV , TS Party Pool, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-26
For single, married and attached interested in Anon group play.

San Antonio Edge Play, see S.A.E.P( San Antonio Edge Play)

San Antonio Fetish Exchange, see S.A.F.E.-Tx

San Antonio Kink Information Central, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Comprehensive list of real time groups, social and educational events, and kink resources in, around San Antonio

San Antonio Kinks Kaffe, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those of us who just want to meet up over coffee, tea, water, or whatever and relax and talk about life in general, life in a kinky aspect OR just sit and absorb the knowledge being exchanged.

San Antonio Kinksters Who Love The Outdoors, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters who love to camp, fish, hike or anything to do with nature, and of course anything kinky outdoors.

San Antonio Kinky Camping, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Kinky Camping groups to advertise and coordinate their events in the San Antonio and surrounding.

San Antonio Littles, Ageplayers, Middles And Bigs Association, see SALAMBA! San Antonio Littles, Ageplayers, Middles And Bigs Association
San Antonio Little’s Play Date, see S.A.L.P. (San Antonio Little’s Play Date)

San Antonio Mentors Program, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: To provide SA Community with resources needed to help newcomers, people with experience wanting more information, and experienced lifestylers, to grow and increase their knowledge in many different areas. Not affiliated with the San Antonio Mentorship Program.

San Antonio MentorShip, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: Allow the opportunity to get assistance, gain knowledge, and find resources in the lifestyle on a myriad of subjects. Will work in conjunction with the San Antonio Mentors Program to help facilitate learning.

San Antonio Pagan Study Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky folks with Pagan beliefs open to gathering once a month for quiet self study, or occasional classes given by other local Pagans.

San Antonio Poly kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
For kinksters who consider themselfs to be poly.

San Antonio Polyamory Hangout, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
For RL hangouts and networking of local poly people.

San Antonio Safe Call, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Specifically dedicated to finding ways to protect new and vulnerable people in the BDSM and kink community by offering a set of services to better enable people to protect themselves.

San Antonio Shades of Grey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those drawn to what we do because of their curiosity aroused through reading those books and in anticipation of the movie. We’ll help you get the information you need to be safe and successful in the lifestyle.

San Antonio Shooting/Archery/Martial Arts Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Here to do these things

San Antonio Social Munch, see SAS/M

San Antonio Up in Smoke, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
San Antonio Up in Smoke, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
Educational and social group for those who enjoy Cigars, Pipes, or admirers with a BDSM twist.

San Antonio Whip Group (SAWG), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
For Whip Enthusiasts from San Antonio and surrounding areas.

San Marcos Nudists, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
San Marcos Nudists, Meetup, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For people interested in nudist lifestyle, Nude Sun Bathing, Nude parties, pansexual, alternative lifestyles.

San Marcos TNG, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
For ages 18-35, to meet for coffee, munches, etc. Promote a safe place to find other kinksters with similar interests. Looking to have knowledgeable guests teach, future play parties, and other education.

The Sanctuary For Lifestyle Arts, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dallas Sanctuary Chat, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dallas’ oldest running Dungeon and Social Club. 7500 sq.ft. Offers variety of events for education, mentoring, as well as play time. “Home” to 15 local groups; each with a unique space in the BDSM Community offering Meet and greets (Munches), educational demos, or Special Performances.

S.A.R.G., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
San Antonio Riggers Group. For all Rope Enthusiasts. From the first time beginner to the most seasoned rope Top, and from the intimate rope bunny to the hardcore rope slut.

SA’s Kitchen Magic, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Anyone who loves to cook or learn how to cook. Uses heart, soul, and the magic of cooking.

SAS/M (San Antonio Social Munch), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
San Antonio Social Munch, verified 2015-Mar-30
San Antonio Social Munch, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual organization. Purpose: Provide Safe, Sane and Consensual meeting atmosphere for San Antonio BDSM community members.

SATEX Hypnosis Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where kinky hypnotists and subjects can exchange thoughts, hypnosis and ideas about erotic hypnosis.

SE Texas Swingers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Looking for couples who are into both swinging and BDSM.

SE Texas TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Comfortable place for people ages 18 – 35 in the lifestyle in SE Texas.

SETX Gaming, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-16
Gaming group for the SETX area. Meets up to play various games (pen and paper, board games, card games, etc.) a few times a month.

Sex PosiTx, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Evolving group designed for people who want to help create a sex positive community center in Austin (and possibly beyond to other areas of Texas). Ideally, a place for people to create, organize, and support socials, events, classes, workshops, groups geared towards promoting sex positivity.

S.I.L.K. (Sensual Invitations to Lifestyle Kink), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
Sensual Invitations to Lifestyle Kink. Emphasis: Exploring the sensual nature of BDSM experiences rather than the more hardcore pain play. Will be friendly experienced lifestylers here to help with questions about dungeon protocol and successful interaction within the community. Dallas.

SINGLE, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston. Purpose: To give people within the Houston community who are partner-less a place to gather and mingle

Single&Looking(Houston,TX), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all the single and looking out there

SLaCKers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
South Lake area Consensual Kinkst(ers). For good friends and folks, to gather around the south shore of Lake Travis

S.L.A.P Sugar Land Area Perverts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Munch. For people in, around Sugar Land. Anyone in and around the Houston area is welcome to join us.

Slave,submissive Support Group for Gulf Coast region, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Discuss relevant topics in regards to alternative sexuality, relationships, changing kink over time, general BDSM, events, health and safety within the active community. Welcomes all sexualities and gender identification. Provides safe environment for education and socialization.

SMACK (San Marcos Area Consensual Kinksters), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Formed to meet other like-minded people in San Marcos area. Will be hosting a monthly meet-n-greet and play party.

Socially Minded Kinksters DFW, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-09
Mission: Provide positive opportunities for D/FW area kinksters to enjoy social activities and form friendships.

Society for North Austin Round Rock Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
SNARRK. Founded on: Ethics matter, Confidentiality is the cornerstone of our community, and that no matter how you describe what it is that we do, it should always be fun. Open to everyone in the BDSM Lifestyle regardless of orientation, gender, or identification.

SOKU Protocol Dinners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For formal protocol dinners. Chapter of SOKU. Different from other groups is that we allow our subs/servers to join us and partake of the feast

SOKU Wine Social, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those that enjoy tasting variety. Will be arranging some classes to teach “tasting” and “etiquette”

South Texas Fetish Corner, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
South Texas Fetish Corner, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: To get a community of kinksters in the surrounding area of the Rio Grande Valley to come together, learn from each other and participate in future play parties.

South Texas Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For South Texas/Gulf Coast kinksters who want to be active in the community.

South Texas Swingers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
Only for couples and single females interested in swinging, partner swapping and sex parties.

South West Area Texas Spankos (SWATS), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
San Antonio. Focus: Spanking and its related issues. Dedicated to promoting and fostering adult spanking friendships

Southeast Area Ticklers and Ticklees, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
If you are currently in the southern part of the U.S., and love all there is about tickling or being tickled, and would love to meet others who feel the same way- AR-AL-FL-GA-MS-NC-SC-TN-TX-VA.

Southern Hospitality in Victoria Texas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For like-minded, respectful people of the community to get together.

Southern States Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all types of cuckolds, cuckqueans, Hotwives, Slutwives, Cuckoldresses, studs, and any others. All orientations. Straight, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender. And lifestyle choices. Master, slave, Dominant, submissive, switch. And all personalities. AL-AR-AZ-CA-FL-GA-KY-LA-MS-NC-NM-OK-PR-SC-TN-TX-VA

SouthWest Age Play League: Littles, Diapers and Dresses, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Any form of age and role play-infant to teenager, incl: Littles, Adult Babies, Diaper lovers, AB/DL, Sissy’s, Spanking, Crossdressing, Feminization, Bois, Gurls, Mommys, Daddys, Aunts, Uncles, Babysitters, Brothers, Sisters, Cheerleaders, Role Play, Gender Bending, etc AZ-CA-CO-KS-NM-NV-OK-TX-UT

Southwest Louisiana/Southeast Texas Sub Haven, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Safe, confidential haven where those identifying on the right side of the slash as well as switches who take off their “top hat” can come together for support, information and camaraderie. Lake Charles, Lafayette, Moss Bluff, Deridder, Dequincy, Beaumont, Orange, Port Arthur.

subHaven, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
DFW area. Submissives of all experience levels and lifestyles. To bond more closely with our sisters and brothers providing all submissives a safe place to learn and grow in their journey.

Subport, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Killeen area. Goal: Maintain a positive atmosphere for all members to feel welcomed, supported, and have good experiences connecting with others in similar roles and/or relationship dynamics (for any label of choice on the right side of the slash)

Subs Looking for Doms Male, Female, or Transgendered for Texas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
If you’re looking for a DOM and you’re a sub. Post here if you’re seeking or Seeking for Someone.

Sugar Rose, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-29
Sugarland Rosenberg & all areas in between. Open TG/CD group for all lovers of all feminine forms and all admirers.

Swirl Seekers Meet Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To connect black and white men and women in DFW area

Tarleton State Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-20
For kinksters at Tarleton State.

The Taste, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those with exquisite taste or seeking to develop a refined palate. Hosts various tasting events at our private space as well as opportunities to experience tasting gatherings at venues in Austin/Central TX Area.

Temple/Belton/Harker Heights/Killeen/Copperas Cove Blow Jobs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
For couples and women who love to give blow jobs and are serious about giving them and for men who love to get blow jobs.

Temple of Flesh, verified 2015-Mar-30
Longest running Fetish Production Company in TX. Continues to produce events and contribute to the BDSM/Fetish community at large. Also owns, runs monthly private members only club

Texagurians, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
For the Texas Imgurians.

Texarkana Area Mentoring & Education (TAME), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-06
Place to learn and grow in our Dominance and submission, through Educational roundtables or workshops, and also with Mentoring of those new in the Lifestyle. Goal: Where the exchange of information, thoughts, ideas and experiences on the dynamics involved in D/s or M/s relationships and play.

Texarkana Area Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
Bimonthly munch. Primary purpose: Networking with local kinky folks, to be a friendly introduction into BDSM/the kink community, to share collected experiences to continue expand horizons together.

Texarkana Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-06
Designed to meet people in the Texarkana and surrounding areas who are into kink. Public munches twice a month, everyone welcome to attend without any prerequisites. Private play parties after the Saturday munches for established members only.

Texas Ageplay, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For TX age players to keep up with each other.

Texas All State Spanking Party (TASSP), verified 2015-Mar-30
The Texas All-State Spanking Party!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Annual All-State Spanking Party held in June each year in Dallas.

Texas Area Goreans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Are Y/you a Gorean Man, Woman, kajira, or kajiru? Do Y/you live in the TX area? Houston area based.

Texas Asian women for non-Asian guys, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-26
Texas Asian women for non-Asian guys is a group for non-Asian guys to meet Asian women.

Texas BBW/SSBBW Event Planning, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Bbw/SSBBW women and the men and/or women they surround themselves with.

Texas BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Politics-free, snark-free group to let us keep easy tabs on our pervy neighborly neighbors.

Texas BDSM / Bondage Parties., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Information on Local Texas Parties.

Texas Conference of Clubs, verified 2015-Mar-30
Owns and operates a private 30-plus acre campground outside of Cameron. Composed of member clubs, independent members and commercial organizations.

Texas Connections, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For residents to connect and talk about anything with no judgement or regret, to make friends or to hook up, to be able to talk and be heard with respect.

Texas crossdressers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Crossdresser and CD lovers in TXs, to help each other and guide new people

Texas Fetish Models and Photographers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all TX-based Erotic models and photographers to come and congregate.

Texas Forced Bi Parties, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Organizing group events where there are at least 4 types of participants: Audiences, dominants, sissies, real men.

Texas Furry Fiesta, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
Texas Furry Fiesta, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
Yearly gathering of anthropomorphic art, science fiction, and fantasy fans.

Texas Garage Sale, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Texans to hopefully unload your stuff.

Texas Killeen area AB/DL and ageplayers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For AB and or DL’s and age players in the Killeen, Copperas Cove, Belton, Harker Heights, and Temple

Texas Kink Information Central, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Points to kink information for various Texas cities: groups, events, kink friendly businesses, presenters, calendars. Not expected to host many discussions or large membership for sake of announcements, and announcements about events are expected to occur predominantly in the local scenes.

Texas Latex Party, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston. Annual, private, INVITATION-ONLY celebration of all the fetishes that capture the eye, quicken the heart, and supercharge the imagination.

The Texas Renaissance Festival Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For everyone who enjoys going or is interested in the Renaissance Festival held in Plantersville.

Texas Spankos, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Focused on TX spankophiles (those into spanking) but everyone is welcome.

Texas Statewide TNG party, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-20
Any TNG group or 35 and under is welcome to come. Reaching out specifically to Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, College Station and the Killeen area.

Texas Sub/Dom Finder…Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Texas Peeps to find their matches.

Texas Transgender Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Friendly gathering place for submissives, Doms, tops, bottoms, masters, slaves and the rest of the kinksters in the Texas area who also happen to identify as transgendered in some fashion (TV, CD, TS, M2F, F2M, Sissy, shemale, etc.) or are interested in same (i.e. admirers).

Texas Twisted Tea Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Exclusive organization catering to the Victorian splendor of refined social tea consumption & conversation. For Ladies and service oriented subs/slaves to discuss the finer side of service, a place they can openly exchange ideas & build a knowledge of service demands and requirements of group individuals.

The Texoma Network, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: Provide a network of resources for anyone on or near the Texas-Oklahoma Border (AR-CO-KS-LA-NM-OK-TX). Focus mainly on supplying information about groups and events; To coordinate efforts, to post and use ideas to their best, and to allow for freer feedback from the general public.

That Sounds Like Fun — Austin Chapter, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-21
Support desire for social interaction with fun folks, such as: Dance Parties, tea parties, food orgies, trivia, brunch, bowling, RHPS, Alamo Drafthouse Sing-a-longs / dance parties / food and film events, cuddle puddles. Jack and Jill parties, TV watching parties, etc.

Third Friday, verified 2015-Mar-30
Houston. Safe, non-threatening environment for people to meet, exchange ideas, and enjoy some great company!

Threesome Texas, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Men, women and couples seeking threesomes in the DFW area.

TNG Dallas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dallas TNG (The Next Generation), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For ages 18-35. Dedicated to creating a safe, positive environment for young adults interested in D/s, S&M, and all other flavors of alternative or kinky lifestyles. Monthly meetings focus on educational activities and social opportunities.

TNG SA, verified 2015-Mar-30
TNG SA, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
TNG SA, Google, verified 2015-Mar-30
To build a caring, close-knit, fun-having community of young kinksters (under age 35). Ideas for group events: Demos, parties, casual/vanilla things (pool, trivia nights, etc), lectures, group trips to kink events.

Top Haven – Golden Triangle Top Support Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
For members of Beaumont, Texas Area Kinksters and anyone that identifies w/the LEFT side of the slash. Safe place to pose questions, offer constructive advice to others, share experience, give tips and post other information or links.

Touch of Leather: Central Texas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed to help keep adults aware of what is happening in the Central TX Adult Alternate Choice Community. Gateway organization. Welcomes folks from as: B/D, D/s, S/M, Fetish, Leather and so forth.

Touch of Leather Leaning Post, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
To discuss personal challenges, growth and opportunity. Those who remain here do so with the understanding that this is a safe space

Touch of Leather Submissives Guild, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed specifically for those of us who are on the “receiving” end of things: submissive, slave, masochist, bottom, boy, boi, girl, and those with a servant’s heart are all welcome to come in and make themselves at home.

Tyler BDSM-munches in the Tyler, TX area since 2005, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual group. Open to anyone over age 21 with an interest in BDSM. Sponsors a private party after our monthly munch as well as other events

Ultimate, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Austin. Meets at night for fun, frolicking, and socializing. Often we play Ultimate Frisbee

UnderGround TX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to the growth of positive energy in the alternative lifestyle community. Facilitates our goal by providing exciting and unique opportunities for education and exploration at our holistic outreach center.

UNT Kinksters on Campus, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-09
For people who attend University of North Texas, Texas Women’s University, NCTC, and surrounding colleges

W.A.C.O., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
W.A.C.O., Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
WACOTX: Whips and Chains of Texas, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Whips and Chains of Texas. Waco. Pansexual alternative lifestyle organization. Members from all walks of life and have a wide range of interests, involvement, and experience. Regardless of your kink or sexual identification, or if you are just plain curious, you are welcome.

WACORope, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those in Central Texas areas interested in rope bondage.

West Odessa Kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
Talk and get to know everyone that is Dom Sub or any Kink.

West Texas BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Primarily in Lubbock. Open group committed to providing opportunities to learn and gain experience. Open to all kinds of adult relationships. Welcomes anyone seeking a friendly, non-judgmental group of adults to join and learn.

West Texas Gang Bang, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Sep-08
For people to discuss, find, plan, and promote gang bangs.

West Texas Gor, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Welcomes people worldwide who adhere to a Gorean philosophy lifestyle based upon the Chronicles of Gor by John Norman.

*Westide* Houston 40+, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the more mature adults in the scene, a place to relax, kick back enjoy and discuss the events social and otherwise.

The WhatKnot, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Unique bondage bungalow, party pad, and host to classes and assorted kink-related gatherings in the Austin area

WICK’D (Women in Control of Kink and Domination – DFW Chapter), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
WICK’D (Women in Control of Kink and Domination – DFW Chapter), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to serving the needs of DFW FemDom community–Female Dominants and the male and female submissives/slaves/bottoms who serve them (or would like to!). To be a comfortable place to connect and make new friends, an educational forum, with demos and discussions at monthly meetings.

Wicked Wednesdays – Houston, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
BDSM Mixer / play party. Monthly. On the north side.

WIPSociety, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual leather Levi BDSM fetish legal adult entertainment & social club since 1998.

Wolfucking Texas, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
Rough, often primal/brutal sex that sometimes borders on non-consent, speckled with moments of tenderness. It tends to take place in meticulously planned situations designed to create intense experiences that tap into the deepest, darkest desires of sexually adventurous people.

Young Austinites, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For young people in Austin to meet one another. No one over age 30.

Last updated: March 25, 2017 at 12:52 pm

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Aug 192015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement.

TES Calendar
Long Island Leather and Roses events
The Metro Underground, DC to Philadephia corridor

All of the Above Munch CNJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
We are looking at the idea of starting a new munch/discussion group in the Central New Jersey area. We would like it to be all inclusive regarding gender, fetish, power exchange desire or position, age, race or size.

Asian Women in the Tri-state Area – , New York , New Jersey, Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Dedicated to Asian women living in the Tri-State area. About having fun and enjoying good times with beautiful Asian women.

Atlantic City Casino Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
An ongoing informal social club for casino kinksters. Just a group of like minded people to hang out with when not at the tables.

Atlantic City D/s, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24, inactive since 2009
This group website and member list is still active, but will only be used for special notices.

Available Lesbian Subs, Slaves, Sluts in the Northeast, U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For available lesbian subs, slaves and sluts and their dominant friends, supporters, and admirers in the northeastern states.

Barter for Kinksters – New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For kinksters in New Jersey to barter skills, objects and stuff for other skills, items and “stuff”. In this time of social and financial tough times – this group gives us the latitude to exchange skills.

BBW Orgy NJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Come on in and meet others into bbws and orgies. If you throw parties that are bbw friendly let us know.

BDSM in Central/South Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A group centered around the culture of BDSM in the Central and Southern portions of New Jersey. It is where people can discuss various aspects of thier desired lifestyle and potentialy interact and meet others in the area with compatible desires.

Bergen County (and surrounding areas) Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For everyone who lives in, or around, Bergen County. A way for people in the same general area to meet and greet and get to better know and feel one with their community.

Bergen County NJ Doms/Dommes seeking subs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A group dedicated to bringing together submissives with Dominants in the Bergen County NJ area.

Bi The Way, We’re In North Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
To cater to the desire to meet, and come together with both bisexual males and females in North Jersey and NYC. It is a place to discuss our common interests. This group will give us a place to plan, organize, schedule and advertise events that are open and welcoming to the bi men as well as women of the New York/New Jersey area.

Black BEAT NY/NJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Affiliate of the Black BEAT, Inc. organization. Real time group with quarterly munches and group events in the NY/NJ area. An inclusive group, not exclusive, those of all ethnicities are welcome and encouraged to participate.

BlackBEAT Philly Metro Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Official BlackBEAT munch group located in the SEPA/Southern NJ area. Monthly munches in Philadelphia. Multi-cultural group, open to anyone interested in M/s, D/s or BDSM.

Black Phoenix, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Black Phoenix, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
25,000 square foot play space featuring 45 play stations, 4 onsite vendors, a changing room, enclosed smoking room, very large social lounge, fully stocked concession stand, and three after care areas. Comfortable seating is provided throughout the space. There will be play parties, demo’s, gatherings, and more.

Black Women / White Men NY,NJ & CT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For Black Women and White men to meet chat and possibly help/discuss issues that are within our community in the tri-state NY,NJ & CT. Doesn’t matter if you are Dom,Domme or Sub.

Brimstone, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
BDSM/fetish community event held annually in Asbury Park.

Brimstone Connections, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
To make connections with fellow kinksters.

Burlington & Camden County Party Extravaganza, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
Serving greater S.Jersey area. Parties held in Camden County. Having fun and meeting new people. Members only.

C2C The Coast 2 Coast Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
To promote community and education while sharing an unsurpassed level of awesomeness. Hosted by The House of Awesome in conjunction with Asylum 13. DE-MD-NJ-NY-PA

Capitol City Munch, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Lifestyle Munch Group meeting in and around the Trenton area. Members get e-mail of dates and times, as well as location of munch.

Central New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
people interested in meeting, im personally from the central new jersey area. If anyone is interested im meeting me or anyone else who joins the group simply sen them a message.

Central New Jersey footlovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Would like to hookupp Single Females who would like single men to worship their lovely feet and shoes in any fashion she chooses and would enjoy and need guys at their feet to wash and lick they clean and her shoes and to trample on their mens body freely.

Central New Jersey Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A group for people from central NJ to meet up, discuss stuff, and have fun!

Central New Jersey Kinky/Poly Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For those who are interested in both lifestyles — poly and kinky. For information exchange, support and sharing of lifestyle(s) information.

Central NJ Foodies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Do you like fine food? I’m not neccessarily talking about fine restaurants. An amazing pizza/sub/hot dog shop will do. Great sushi, amazing Indian, kick ass Thai; they’re all wonderful. Let’s discuss food. Hopefully this will be a catalyst for food-based meetups.

Central NJ Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Particularly for kinksters in and around Central NJ. Home for the Daylight Munch Bunch, a free-form munch that meets at various places.

Central NJ Rope Share, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Goal: To give people a place and time to share knowledge about, and play with, rope. People can learn, teach, ask questions, and find someone to tie up (or, someone to tie them).

Central NJ Submissive Support, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Central NJ Submissive Support, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Where submissives and slaves can go for support, advice, or just to be themselves. We meet on the fourth Sunday of the month, for coffee and bagels/donuts and discussion. Quarterly, we have seminars or workshops geared toward the submissive or slave.

Connecticut and East Coast D/s or BDSM, Which is Better?, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Group for people on the east coast of the United States in the Tri-State area so to say, to exchange ideas, munch dates, and possibly meet for coffee or whatever may arise. Connecticut/ New York/ Mass/New Jersey. Keep it simple and straight about exchanging ideas, and chatting as well as possiblly meeting others.

The Crawlspace, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Closed, per Apr13 email.

Cuddles, Hugs & Kisses NJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For those who love to be cuddled, hugged and kissed. There is an art to all forms of touch. Body sensation can be expressed in many ways. Hopefully some of us closet cuddle freaks will come out of the closet and join this group. Lets get some real hugs back into our lives.

The cumberland COunty NJ Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
for those who Live in the Cumberland County NJ area to keep you up to date on what we will be doing also a place where you wonderful people can reach out and introduce yourself communicate and just have a good time

Delaware Valley Spanks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Delaware Valley Spanks, Yahoo, INACTIVE, verified 2015-Mar-24
For people who live in or visit the Delaware Valley area (SEPA, SJersey, DE, N MD). Goal: To create a non-threatening and supportive environment for like-minded spanking enthusiasts who are truly interested in all aspects of adult spanking.

Domina Society of Northern New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A Chapter of The Domina Society Internatinal. For like minded Women and men to communicate with one another, learn and grow in the lifestyle. We will gather for socials, munches, demos, parties, educational discussion meets as well as vanilla neutral gatherings.

The Dominant Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A lifestyle inclusive groups that welcome all genders, all sexual orientations and any relationship status. It is open to all Dominants, Masters, Daddies, Tops, Dommes, Mistresses, etc. The group is based in Central NJ, close to New Brunswick. Meets on a monthly basis

Dominants Seeking Service-Oriented Slaves NY NJ CT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For submissive service-oriented slaves who seek women and vise-versa for the NY and surrounding areas.

DomSubFriends, verified 2015-Mar-24
DomSubFriends, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
DomSubFriends, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
We are a Friendly NYC BDSM Society with weekly educational demos, presentations, workshops, munches, and terrific parties. We’ve been around since Nov 5th, 1999. We’re open to everyone regardless of age, kink desire, age, color, gender, kink and sexual orientation.

East Coast Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Created to give cuckolds and Hotwives a broader range, with specific areas of interest, for better connection and communication. AL-AR-CT-DC-DE-FL-GA-IL-IN-KY-LA-LAB-MA-MD-ME-MI-MS-NB-NC-NFLD-NH-NJ-NS-NY-OH-ONT-PA-PR-QB-RI-SC-TN-VA-VT-WV

East Coast Primal Den, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Get to know others that share the same interest. Come, talk and ask questions. For all who identify as a Primal and live in CT-DE-FL-GA-MA-MD-ME-NC-NH-NJ-NY-RI-SC-TN-VA.

East Coast Unemployed Networking, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For people on the East Coast to network for jobs and support one another. NY,NJ,DE,PA,MD,VA to start with. Anyone hear of anything good? Anyone need something?

Easton Munch/Discussion Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For kinksters in Easton, Pa-Phillipsburg, NJ area to come together once a month to greet, meet, and eat – in person.

Edison New Jersey Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-08
Meet, chat, share and trade information about local events.

Enemas in New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For all of us NJ enema lovers who would actually like to meet and exchange information in our Garden State.

E.R.O.S. of Salem County New Jersey, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-04
To provide a common ground for all kinksters, of all ages from all walks of life etc to come together and converse. All about fun, health, safety, consent and Sharing knowledge.

“FetCycle”–Jersey & Philadelphia, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Where you can post items you have that you no longer need and are willing to give away for free. Or perhaps you need something and want to know if anyone might have one to give.

Fetlife Southern New Jersey/Philadelphia Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Realtime social networking group for the Southern New Jersey/Phildelphia area.

The Floating World, verified 2015-Mar-24
The Floating World, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
3 full days of classes, workshops, panel discussions, marketplace. Playspace opens to full capacity, including special events hosted by our diverse participating groups. Assembles several of the finest organizations in alt-sex realm, encourages all comers to build bridges, create friendships and share knowledge

Friends of HellfireNJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
NOT an official site for HellfireNJ, a dungeon in the Trenton, NJ area. It IS a place for people to meet and greet and to discuss plans.

The Fringe & Kink Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For everyone in the NJ/NYC Metro area who wants to get together. We’re not really a society, and most of us can’t stand the name. Also, we hate drama. We munch, bowl, partake in mac-n-cheese nomming and do other things.

From The Top, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For Masters/Mistresses, Dominants and Tops. Open to all regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Monthly meetings in DE-NJ-PA area for discussing issues of importance to the top side of power exchange relationships.

G-Rope of NJ, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
Gay Men’s Rope bondage group. A munch, a peer-share learning space, a chance for men over 18 to meet, mingle, talk, have a nosh, practice, and learn rope in a social, sociable safe space. Open to all men, regardless of skill level, to learn and practice and have a little kinky fun.

Garden State Sadists and masochists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For all Sadists and masochists residing in New Jersey mainly. Overflow from NY and Pa allowed. Feel free to post a personal and lets have some good discussions. The more extreme the better.

The Gate (Your Gateway to BDSM), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
The Gate Munch/News, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Advertises, Promotes, and Educate People of Events. Chapters: Phila, Central Ma. Providing members and other community very relaxed, public and safe place for meeting others with an interest. Welcomes anyone, from novice to experienced. CT-DE-FL-GA-MA-MD-ME-NC-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-SC-VA-VT.

Gunnison Beach Club: a collection of nudists, naturists, and free spirits, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A famous nudist beach in New Jersey. As a spin off the group is dedicated to discussing all things pertanant to its members.

Haus of Bubble Tea, FetLife, added 2013-May-18
Purposes: To unite people under the love of kink and bubble tea; To inform the members about up coming bubble tea outings.

Hellfire, verified 2015-Mar-24
Hellfire, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Lifestyle B.D.S.M. and Fetish Dungeon located in Central New Jersey providing a play space for those in the New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia area. We host Dungeon Play Parties every Saturday night for those who are into the scene to have a place to mingle, socialize and play.

Hitchin’ Bitches South Eastern Pennsylvania, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For female rope riggers/rope tops/dominants in SEPA-NJ-DE-NY. Meet to learn, share and experience rope first hand, based upon the Peer to Peer and un-conference learning and sharing concepts. Women do the tying, the teaching, the demoing and the topping.

Hoboken Kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For those who are just outside of NYC.

Hudson County Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For kinksters in Hudson County and nearby areas.

TheInnerLimits NJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Lcated in Somerset County.

Jersey Amazons, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Women’s Leather group based in the Central Jersey Shore/Asbury Park area. Education and service-oriented group run by women with all levels of experience in the Leather, Kink and Fetish communities.

Jersey City Zeppelin Hall Munch Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
Occurs monthly. All-inclusive group for all ages and interests.

The Jersey Devil, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
You have to love Him and all he does; you have to love the NJ Pine Barrens and all they have to offer.

Jersey girls and their toys, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Chat about sex toys! Dildos, vibrators, handcuffs, floggers, lubes, etc.

Jersey Kinksters, Its ok, We hate you too. :), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For NJ residents who are tired of hearing from all the surrounding states how bad NJ is, how much they hate people from NJ, etc. So now we have our own little group to bitch about the others. lol

Jersey Rope Experiment, verified 2015-Mar-24
Jersey Rope Experiment, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Skill share intended to bring people with a common interest in rope bondage together to share and learn together. Topics are not decided upon beforehand, and what is shared is determined at the meeting by those who attend.

Jersey Whores, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Available new jersey sluts and whores. Restricted to: submissive women and slaves.

K. A. T. – Kinksters Adventuring Together, FetLife, verified 2015-Jul-06
For members of the Adult Alternative Lifestyle interested in getting together for outdoor adventures, canoeing, hiking, camping, picnics/bbqs, skiing, horseback riding. DE-MD-S.NJ

KFE – Knot 4 Every 1, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24 (See also Knot for Everyone)

Kinky Birders of the Northeastern U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Birders (and those interested in learning) in Northeastern U.S. of all skill levels and areas of interest welcome.

Kinky bookworm, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A (mostly) local group of like-minded kinksters who meet twice a month, bringing together book lovers who also happen to be in the lifestyle in a friendly, welcoming environment to discuss books.

Kinky Camping in the Northeastern U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Folks and camping events in Northeastern US

Kinky EMT’s in NJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Based on the EMS family for anyone who lives here in New Jersey. Anyone can join up in the group but if your an EMT your more inclined speak up and say hi. So for all you kinky EMT’s here in NJ speak up, make friends, host or even go to parties here in NJ.

KinkyJews NJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Restricted to: Jewish Kinksters in the New Jersey Area (and those who love them). Brings together thousands of Jewish kinksters from across the USA and around the world in a safe and supportive environment where we can embrace our unique forms of sexual self expression.

KinkyJews Philadelphia, verified 2015-Mar-24
KinkyJews Philadelphia, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Safe, supportive environment where we can embrace our many forms of religious practice and sensual expression. Eastern PA, northern DE, and greater Philadelphia areas (incl NJ)

Kinky Speed Dating – NYC & NJ, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-14
Held monthly, alternating by gender/identity.

Knot for Everyone, verified 2015-Mar-24
KFE – Knot 4 Every 1, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Serving Central NJ, KFE provides a friendly, safe environment focusing on education, support, and fun social activities for the sexual minority community (BDSM, fetishes, roleplay, CD/TV, bi, het or gay). Founded November 1997.

Le Bukkake Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Events dedicated to sexy and attractive couples and singles on who enjoy this niche fetish. NNJ-NYC.

Lehigh Valley PA AB/DL Center, FetLife, edited 2013-Aug-03
For kinksters around the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania (and NJ), including Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phillipsburg.

Lehigh Valley Youngsters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For the younger and newer members of the community. To discuss things the younger generation needs to worry about, to support involvement and education in kink and to organize meets and hang outs where we can get together with those of similar mindsets and comfort levels. Eastern PA/NJ.

Lesbian Sex Mafia, verified 2015-Mar-24
A support and information group for all women 18 years of age or older, including transexual and intersexed women who live their daily lives as women and all female-born transgender people who feel they have a connection with and respect for the women’s community.

LGBPQ New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Pansexuals, and Queers (and Asexuals), and our Heterosexual friends, family, supporters, and admirers, to come together and form a community, to provide support and perhaps to organize the community to action in the furtherance of civil rights for the BDSM and-or LGBPQ community.

Looking for lifestylers in MD, DE, PA, NJ, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A place to become friends on a local level. It dosen’t matter what your kink is or what your title is… Come on in and make some new friends.

MAsT Central New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For those interested in MAsT: Central New Jersey, a MAsT (Masters And slaves Together) Chapter in New Jersey that is open to all sexual orientations.

MAsT: Cherry Hill, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Avenue for people involved in or interested in power exchange relationships to meet together, learn together and support each other.

MAsT: Edgewater Park, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
MAsT: Edgewater Park, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Our pansexual group is open to ALL ORIENTATIONS (including switches) for those of legal age who are interested in, or engage in the M/s or D/s lifestyle. In the second half of our meeting, we break into Master/slave circles.

MAsT: Jersey City Gay Men, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Restricted to: Gay/Bi M/men involved in, or interested in, the Master/slave lifestyle and serves any/all M/men located in Jersey city and the rest of New Jersey.

MAsT (Masters And slaves Together): Philadelphia, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
An announcement only list for those interested in obtaining information regarding meetings for MAsT: Philadelphia, a pansexual MAsT (Masters And slaves Together) Chapter.

MAX Discussion Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A long running munch group that is morphing into a discussion and demo group. Our meetings are alternately held at a restaurant and private home. The meetings at the restaurant are strictly social and open to anyone. The meetings in the private home are for discussions and demos

Mercer County, NJ Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For those of us that live in Mercer County New Jersey. It might say trenton on our profiles but we live in Mercer county and surrounding towns.

Mid-atlantic oil wrestling fans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Fans of sensual and silly oil wrestling can talk about it here without criticism or hassle. Network with other baby oil wrestlers here and check for posted parties. NOTICE: This group is both swinger friendly and bi-male friendly.

“Minds in the Gutter”, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A group of adult kinksters meeting on the second Sunday of every month, at noon, to bowl at the Bradley Beach Bowl and Recreation Center. A fun alternative to the restaurant munch. Whether you have never picked up a bowling ball before or you’re a high-level bowler… everyone is welcome!!

Morris County NJ, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
For those in, and near Morris County.

M/s Munch (Central NJ), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
M/s Munch of NJ, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Community inclusive munch group that meets once a month, at a private home. Very welcoming, informal setting where we eat too much food, hang out with some old friends, potentially make some new, and have a lot of laughs.

Munch on the Jersey Shore, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
No longer meeting?

NDD/s: Northern Delaware D/s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Northern Delaware Ds, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Active munch group for like minded adults to meet and discuss the lifestyle in Wilmington and surrounding metro areas (PA & NJ) in the Dominant/submissive lifestyle. Monthly Munch.

New England/NY/NJ Male Pantyhose Lovers & Wearers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Pantyhose fetish group for men who love and wear pantyhose in the Northeast, specifically New England-NY-NJ.

New Jersey Area Lil Ones and Those Who Love Them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For littles and their admirers of any type or gender in New Jersey and the surrounding areas. As long as you you spend time in NJ or the surrounding areas part of the year you are welcome. Dominants (big or little), Daddys/Mommys, brothers/sisters, babygirls/babyboys and little girls/little boys are all welcome.

New Jersey Area Tickling, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
the place for people from new jersey and nearby to come chat about anything tickling and meet nearby like minded people. Come and introduce yourself and tell us about your tickle fetish! Foot fetishes approved too!

New Jersey bbw, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For men that enjoy and want to meet bbw’s and the bbw’s that like to get together and party

New Jersey BDSM!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Looking for others in the Garden State into all aspects of BDSM?? Then hopefully this is the place!

New Jersey BDSM Youth, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24, inactive since 2009

New Jersey Craft Beer – Microbreweries, Brewpubs, Tastings, Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Do you like beer? Do you like local craft beer? Do you like trying craft beers from around the Garden State, along with your kinky friends? Then join us each month…

New Jersey Crossdressers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Where CD/TV/TS and their admirers can find other local people with similar interests.

New Jersey Cuckold, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
All inclusive group for people in the NJ Metropolitan area, including NY, CT & PA and anyone visiting or interested and have the common fetish of cuckolding of all types and from all sides of participation.

New Jersey Daddy Doms/Babygirls, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Created to foster relationships between “Daddy Dominants” and “Babygirls” in New Jersey and surrounding areas. This is a place to discuss our mutual interests, thoughts and feelings

New Jersey: Daddy/little one, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
New Jersey group for little ones (not adult babies, although you are welcome here as well) or for Daddies with or seeking little ones.

New Jersey Electro-Play, FetLife, added 2013-May-18
For people in the NJ area to discuss Violet Wand/TENS/Etc. and share information

New Jersey FetLifers Who Live In Towns Not Listed, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A place where we can create a posting and state exactly where we hang our toys (if you wish to do so..), and hook up and shout out to others in our neighborhoods.

New Jersey Leather N Roses Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
We meet monthly in Bloomfield. Goal: To take the time to sit down and relax; yes relax with like-minded folks and have some good food, enjoy good company and even better conversations.

NJ Littles Munch, verified 2015-Mar-24
New Jersey Littles (NJL), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Democratically-organized Munch and Social Group for all Adult Diaper Lovers (DLs) and Adult Age-Playing “Littles” (including Adult Babies, etc…, up to the “Age-Play age” of older teen) and Bigs (Attached or Unattached Mommies, Daddies, Bigs Looking For Littles) based in New Jersey.

New Jersey – New York – Connecticut Black BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
A MALE discussion group for gay and bi black and latin subs, doms, and switchs in the New Jersey, New York, Connecticut areas and their admirers. Through the group, we hope to provide a tool for helping you meet new people, learn more, stay informed about local events, and provide a welcoming environment where you can feel free to express yourself.

New Jersey/New York daddies and adult little girls, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Peek a boo, i see you! hehe

New Jersey Piss Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For those in New Jersey who love being pissed on or pissing on someone.,drinking it, piss enemas, etc. If you’re into piss this is the group Doms, subs, Masters, slaves

New Jersey Second Saturday Club Events Discussion Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Hosting large off-premise dance parties since 2004. Events usually get between 150 – 200 people. Private party for swingers, fetish and alternate lifestyle people only. No outsiders allowed in, making this the safest venue in the area to meet other locals in person.

New Jersey Strap On Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-22
For women who love using their straps on women and men, and for the men who love to receive a good pegging.

New Jersey Strap-Ons Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For all people hailing from NJ that love strap ons. Whether it is receiving one or wearing one, strap ons are fun and this is a group to meet other people who share common interests.

New Jersey TNG 18-35, verified 2015-Mar-24
New Jersey TNG 18-35, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Established to facilitate interaction between 18-35 year olds, who are interested in BDSM, through online discussions as well as real live events. A statewide organization, and works to connect, unify, and support its members in North Jersey, Central Jersey, and South Jersey.

New Jersey Trans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For all Transgender people and those who admire them that reside in New Jersey and surrounding areas, friends of members are also encouraged to join.

New Jersey Voyeurs and Exhibitionists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For people to chat about when and where they like to watch or be watched in NJ.

New Jersey women who like bisexual men, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-19
For NJ-area women into, attracted to, would like to play with, have a relationship with, or just support bisexual men. Men who are bisexual, bicurious, hetroflexible, homoflexible, straight, or other who enjoy having sex with other men welcome.

New York & New Jersey Anal Fetishists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Ceated to bring together people in the New York and New Jersey area who are obsessed with ass. If you live in, work in, or travel to the area and love anal sex, ass-to-mouth, rimming, enemas, or miscellaneous anal shenanigans, this group is for you.

New York New Jersey New York! Everything BDSM!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Formed to serve as a network/discussion group for New York & New Jersey. If it’s about BDSM and If it’s going on in New York or in New Jersey, tell us about it

New York Panthers Leather Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Established in 1999. By and for men of color in the NY-NJ-CT area interested and involved in leather and leather-oriented fetish, BDSM, uniforms, and related activities.

NJ Alley Masters & The Lane Lappers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-11
Kinky folks coming together monthly for some bowling fun.

NJ Anal Slaves 4 Masters Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For New Jersey Anal subs/slaves looking for Anal Training to place their personal ads for the Masters/Doms and vice versa

NJ Femdom, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For NJ Dominant Women and male subs. Restricted to: All women, femdom couples, and male subs. NO MALE DOMS!

NJ Foot Fetishists Unite, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Bringing together those who appreciates feet!! Men, Women, TG folks, Dom/mes, subs, slaves, switches, fetishists, admirers, etc

NJ footlovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For the foot admirers and those who like to have their feet admired.

Nj Gay subs for Dom, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
where we can get to know one another and maybe find the Master/slave we are looking for.

NJ Golden Shower Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Looking to bring together Dominant Ladies from NJ who love giving and sub guys from NJ who love receiving golden showers.

NJ Hair Fetish, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For Barbers, Barberettes, Hairstylists, Doms, Dominatix, Subs and Kinksters who love everything to do with hair: long, short, colored, baldness, cutting hair, pulling hair, forced or punishment haircuts.

NJ Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For all “perverts” (we use that term affectionately!) in (and near) NJ.

NJ Kink Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For active members of the NJ Kink Munch.

NJ Littles Munch, see also New Jersey Littles (NJL)

NJ-NY-PA Masters & Slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For Master/Subs, Dom/Sub or beginners to set real meetings to fulfill their needs regarding: anal, spanking, bondage, medical exam, toys play, enemas, gang bang, threesome, suppositories, BDSM, age play, Master/Slave-Daddy/Daughter-Doctor/patient-rape roleplay, TS, TV or any other fetish or fantasy

NJ-NY-PA Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Tell what you are into and what yuo are looking for to get replies to match your desires and possibly make a new friend

NJ Personals & Classifieds for Kinky People, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A kink friendly Classified and Personals group for those in the lifestyle in NJ and the tristate area (NY, NJ, PA).

Nj, Philadelphia CBT/Ballbusting, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Open forum for both ladies and guys of the area to connect on the subject of CBT and Ballbusting. Other topics are allowed to include activities, munches, classes, etc

NJ Swingers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Restricted to: Anyone with an interest in either BDSM or Swing and preferrably both

NJ — TOG !! (The Older Generation), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For people age 35 and older. Time in the lifestyle is unimportant. Experience is unimportant. Purpose: To create an environment in which we can meet, socialize, play, learn from each other and have some fun.

NJ Veg*n Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For NJ people who are kinky as well as being vegetarian, vegan, veg-curious or who just don’t like meat. To discuss vegetarianism/veganism, to exchange recipes & ideas, to review & discuss local veg*n restaurants.

NNJLL – (Northern-y New Jersey Little Leauge), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For fun, silliness, and comfort. This is our place to get to make friends, talk about our newest plushie, find events we want to attend, and discuss anything else that we want.

North East Littles (NEL), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Serves social needs of the littles ageplay community in Northeast (CT-DE-MA-MD-ME-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-VT). Membership free, open to Adults over age 18 regardless of ethnicity, religion, sexual or gender orientation. For Littles By Littles.

North East Shooters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For kinky gun owners of New England and the rest of the North East to discuss all things that go bang

North Jersey Alternative…a Weekly Get-Together & Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Socialize, have cocktails, mingle, enjoy each other’s company, share stories about fetish or BDSM experiences, get or give advice and to let those who are curious about the lifestyle become more comfortable and informed as well as give the opportunity to meet others with similar interests.

North Jersey FemDoms, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
For Dominant Women & those who are submissive to Them.

NorthEast States or Montreal, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Event postings as well as BDSM/fetish-related discussions of interest. English & French are welcome. QC-NorthEast.

Northeastern Pennsylvania Kinks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Mainly from NEPA, with bits of NY-NJ-SEPA thrown in. All welcome.

Northeastern submissive women, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Dedicated to fostering supportive communication and relationships amongst submissive women in northeastern states. CT-DC-DE-MA-MD-ME-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-VT

Northeastern US Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For event listings for for Northeast Regional Events, not discussion topics, personal ads, etc.

Northern Delaware D/s, see NDD/s

Northern New Jersey Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Kinksters, Dom/mes, subs/slaves in the Essex County area of NJ

Northern New Jersey BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Dedicated to those who live the BDSM and fetish lifestyle in Northern New Jersey. The purpose is to hopefully organise a BDSM community in Northern New Jersey and eventually have get togethers for discussion and other events.

NW NJ Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
This group is associated to the monthly NW NJ Munch. We will be posting updates to current or future munches taking place in NorthWest New Jersey.

NYC and NJ Black Doms and white subs/slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
All African Americans will be given leader status and rights that enables. whites need to show respect to Doms.

nyc freaky meet up nyc, nj, li only, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
All areas filled with kinky, freaky, fun people who are looking to connect. This group is a place where everyone can meet. Feel free to post Events, Post Personal Ads, Post Exactly what you are looking for. Conversations are always welcomed

NYC Interracial Masters/Doms/Daddys – slaves/submissives/babygirls, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
ONLY for heterosexual interracial male-led connections in NYC that exist between: Doms/Masters/Daddys AND Subs/Slaves/Babygirls. Welcomes others categories, such as kinksters, vanillas, etc. on a one to one basis. Includes: Bergen County NJ, Westchester County NY, Fairfield Co. CT, LI

NYC Kinky Campers & Outdoor Enthusiasts, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
For kinksters in the NYC metro area (incl LI, Jersey, upstate) who share the love of the outdoors. Will be planning fishing, camping, hiking, hunting (maybe), skiing/snowboarding, and anything else

The NYC Liquid Fetish Meet’n’Greet, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Dedicated to the organization of a munch-style meeting of New Yorkers with a fetish for urine play. All are welcome! Men, women, couples, singles, gay, straight, genderqueer, m2f, f2m.

Ocean County, NJ Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Monthly gathering and social group for those involved in or curious about the BDSM lifestyle. Covers New Jersey shore towns in Ocean County and surrounding areas. Open to anyone who is interested in D/s, M/s, B&D and/or S&M. Meets monthly

Over 35 in New Jersey, and Loving It, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
In and around Clifton, Englewood, Denville, Fairfield, Mahwah, Montvale, Montville, Paramus, Parsippany, Passaic, Paterson, Ramsey, Ridgewood, Rockaway, Saddle River, Sussex, Wayne, Woodcliffe Lake… To chat or discuss possibilities for local gatherings.

PA, DE, NJ Area Kink Friendly Professional Services Directory, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Simple place to list, find and review kink friendly services and professionals in the Philadelphia-NJ-DE tri state area. List services/professionals you have found or your own website and information if you are a kink friendly professional.

PA/NJ Zombie Apocalypse Readiness Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
Discuss zombie lore and survival tactics, zombie genre movies, tv, books, comics, etc., what-if scenarios, and argue the finer points of apocalypse survival plans, meet up for fun activities.

Philadelphia Switch Cooperative, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
All inclusive group for people that switch between a dominant or submissive role/s, fully or in any part, shape or form. Primary purpose: to create an supportive and active ADULT BDSM and Fetish social network and community in the greater Philadelphia area

Philadelphia Tri-State BDSM D/s Couples ( DE, NJ, SEPA), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Locating other couples in the Philly tri state area for friendship, just became easier.

Philly Black Subs N Doms, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Proud Affiliate Of The Black Beat Munch Group. To bring together people of color and their admirers from the Greater Philadelphia area (Southeastern PA-S. Jersey-DE) who are a part of the D/S (dominance/submission) community.

Philly Service Subs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-17
For service-oriented subs in Philadelphia area to interact with those in need of their service. Doms and subs of all identities and relationship statuses welcome. For service-oriented relationship dynamics only. DE-PA-NJ

Philly/South Jersey/Delaware Personal Ads, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For people in the Delaware Vallley to post personal ads seeking others. Feel free to post a local munch, party, or personal ad. All kinks and all relations welcome.

Philadelphia Switch Cooperative, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
All inclusive group for people that switch between a dominant or submissive role/s(Dominant/Submissive), fully or in any part, shape or form. Purpose: To create a supportive and active adult BDSM and Fetish social network and community in the greater Philadelphia area DE-NJ-PA.

Phillipsburg Kinksters Meet N Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
Phillipsburg/Easton area group for kinksters of all paths; planning munches, play parties, and other events.

Philly TNG, verified 2015-Mar-10
Philly TNG (The Next Generation), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Philly TNG (The Next Generation), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
For ages 18-35 in Philadelphia and surrounding, incl S. NJ-DE. Mission: To provide a safe and welcoming environment for the younger members of the community. Sponsors several social and educational events throughout the metro area.

Pike County NEPA and Friends, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For those who reside in or regularly travel to cities and towns in Pike County. Bordering towns in other PA counties, NY, NJ are welcome.

Poly & kinky in philly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Focuses on gathering truly polyamorous singles, couples, triads, and pods in Philadelphia-NJ-DE-MD. Be you kinky, hedonistic, or fetishist YOU MUST BE POLY either practicing or just starting out. Community, events, education, and conversation

Private Catfights in the Northeast, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Arranges private catfights between women. Catfight challenge matches. Special challenges of hairpulling, wrestling only etc. Privacy a priority. Females from 19-50. Novices especially encouraged. Focus area is the northeast, DC-DE-MD-NY-NJ-PA.

Professional Development: NYC/Tri State, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Looking for classes? Teaching classes? Demo Bottoming in a class? Post about it here for the NYC and Tri State Areas!

Promethean Guard, verified 2015-Mar-24
Fraternal order of Gay men living the leather lifestyle in New Jersey.

Public, Car and Outdoor Sex in PA and NJ, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
Open for everybody who likes sex in outdoors and car sex or has to engage in outdoor or car sex out of necessity.

Puppy Play NY NJ CT PA, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
same as above

Rope School, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
New, innovative approach to learning the art of Japanese rope bondage. Classes take place in our home and playroom in Jersey City.

RUKS (Rutgers University Kink Society), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
TNG group, seeking to build community for kinky and kink-curious students and alumni ages 35 and under. Meetings range from kink-related discussions to workshops and presentations on how to navigate and preform different kinks and parts of the kink scene.

Scranton- Wilkes Barre, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Here to faciliate communication between people in the local area and the outlying regions. PA-NY-NJ

Second Saturday Club, verified 2015-Mar-24
Off-Premise Lifestyle Parties for Consenting Adults. A monthly “Meet and Greet” party club catering to the “Alternate Lifestyle”, also known as “Swinging” or “Swapping”.

SJ/Philly Sexy Sirens Social Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-13
Do you live in the area and consider yourself to be kinky, attractive, fit, sexy and adventurous ?

Skyland Munch – Northern New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A social group for kinky people in the Northern New Jersey Skylands region, north of Route 80 and West of Route 287.

South Jersey Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
South Jersey Munch Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Holds monthly meetings in Mays Landing, NJ, about 45 mins from Philly. Meetings include a kinky craft to make and take, a demo, dinner and beverages, and lots of socialization.

South Jersey Power Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
South Jersey Power Exchange, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-24
Kinky folks of legal age who like to share Good Fellowship, Education & Good Times, in a safe place. We are open to all lifestyle orientations. Offers Educational Demo’s, Discussions.

South Jersey Restaurant, Bar & Wine Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For locals to post information and events on fine dinning, beer and wine in the local Philadelphia area. Dining, Beer and Wine ONLY Topics.

South Jersey SpankNSwitch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
For spankos who feel like they are switches.

South Jersey’s Ageplay Round-up, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
We welcome both Bigs and littles of both genders, single or attached, and of any bio-age over 18. However, we ask that any little one that identifies themselves as only an AB (adult baby) look elsewhere for a group.

Southern New Jersey Fem Dom Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Will serve as a support network and resource for South Jersey Female Dominants regardless of experience level, both Pro and Lifestyle, supporting ALL parts of Us as Women, particularly placing emphasis on balancing Our vanilla and Lifestyle/ Professional existence.

Squirters of Upstate NY and Tri State Area’s, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-30
For woman, couples and men who appreciate a squirting and gushing woman, to discuss and meet like minded squirt worshippers

The Submissive S.C.E.N.E., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Delaware Valley: PA-NJ-DE. Real time group. Mission: Supporting, Communicating, Educating, Nurturing and Enriching our lives and service as submissives. Opportunity to come together to learn and share many aspects of our lives especially service oriented skills. Open to slaves, bottoms

SWAT New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Serving, Working, Achieving Together. Mission: Provide a Safe, Supporting, Nurturing gathering place for those who find highest fulfillment in service to community and/or other individuals. Topic driven discussions and use of workbooks and other study materials. Central NJ.

Threesome North Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For those who are new to experience enjoying being with 3 or 4!

TNG Tri-State, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
A group of individuals located in the tri-state area who are under 35. A sort of meet & greet getting to know are younger locales.

Toms River Munch, see Ocean County, NJ Munch

Tri State CFNM- New York-New Jersey-Connecticut, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
For Clothed Females who enjoy being in fun flirty atmosphere with Nude Males. Parties take place in Westchester & Rockland Counties.

Triad Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Monthly gathering and social group for those in Edison and the surrounding metro areas (NY-NJ-PA) in the Dominant/submissive lifestyle. Open to anyone, male, female, Dom, sub, hetero, gay, bi, CD/TV/TS) who is interested in D/s, B&D or S&M.

Tri-State Diapers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For area diaper peeps-straight, bi, gay, queer, questioning, FtM, Mtf, Trans, sissy, etc. All welcome! A nice AB/DL, Bigs/littles inclusive group, maybe start to have some fun community events specifically focused around diapers in addition to age play. CT-NJ-NY

Tri-State Financial Domination, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
For spoiled brats/princesses and their pay piggies. NJ-NY-PA

TriState Strap-On Divas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut area Dominas, Lifestyle or Professional. It’s an open group, to find a sub or Dom, in these areas. Regardless of your agenda, you’re more than welcome, to promote yourself here. Reviews are also welcome, plus Literotica.

Twisted Paradise, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
We hold monthly munches and play parties. We have 2 separate play areas located in a private home. Multiple play stations and a very wide selection of toys for your use. Munches are held in Woodbridge, and the parties are held in the Twisted Paradise Dungeon in Union Township.

Under 35 in New Jersey (NJ), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Where people between the ages of 18-35 can find and meet their New Jersey friends. Anyone and everyone is welcome.

Voyeur & Exhibitionist fetishists of New Jersey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Share your fantasies & experiences with us here.

Wet and Messy fetish NJ/NY, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
For all those in the Tri-state area interested in WAM. This includes foodplay, mud, etc. Discussion, roleplay, meetups, whatever. Newbies and curious more than welcome!

“Whisper Girls of NY NJ Ct Pa, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-24
Started as a “Safe Haven” for Sexy Classy and Alluring TGirls Admirers Genetic Women and select Males to talk with one another about anything. Would like to get people together in person and go out to a club for monthly mixers or meet and greets

Last updated: June 26, 2018 at 16:38 pm

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Aug 182015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

Day by day list of all UK events
London Fetish Scene
UK based groups listed by county and major cities

ABC – Adult Baby Club, reviewed 2015-Jun-28
ABC – Adult Baby Club, Twitter, reviewed 2015-Jun-28
ABC – Adult Baby Club – ABDL Night, Kings Cross, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-28
Monthly ABDL themed event in London’s Kings Cross.

A.B.Creche, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
Safe place for meeting & making new friends for mummy’s, daddies, adult babies along with admirers, T-girls & explorers. Non-discriminating friendly environment for like minded people. Events, photo shoots, shops and more.

AB/DL ageplayers East Mids, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-16
For ageplayers/nappy/diaper wearing etc in the East Midlands.

AB/DL Northeast England, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Not limited to ab/dl’s; for bigs, littles, brats, mammys and daddys, age players etc.

Adult Baby,Diaper Lovers,Mummys and Daddys Near Bournemouth UK South West Costal UK Welcome, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
For all the Adult Babys and Diaper Lovers living in Bournemouth and other South West Coastal Areas of the UK.

Adult babys Somerset, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
For adult consenting baby’s and dipper lovers.

Afterlife, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-30
= No longer operating =

Afternoon Perversions – Birmingham UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Play sessions at Exodus. Monthly.

Age Play South UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
Group/meeting place for all age players in the south of the UK, from Kent and London to the South West and Wales. All age players, adult babies, D/L’s, mummies, daddies, carers welcome.

Alternative Parties South Coast, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Hold a wide range of parties in Hampshire and Dorset for those of you who love to lead an alternative lifestyle.

-Alysium-Events-, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
-Alysium-Events-, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
Yorkshire-based event team of friendly kinksters. Range of BDSM play events–from specialist niche events to regular parties.

Anatomie Studio, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Anatomie Studio, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Anatomie Studio, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Anatomie Studio, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Anatomie Studio, Twitter, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Artistic space for creative photography, alternative arts and shibari-events. London. Aims: To be an inclusive community-focused project, providing clean and affordable venue for London’s artistic communities and beyond. Hosts regular events, includes rope practice sessions. Available for hire.

Andover Munch, UK, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-29
Monthly. Dress code, code of conduct: ‘nilla.

Ann’s Really Kinky Play Partys, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
= No longer happening =

Annie’s Place…, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18

anything goes in Portsmouth United Kingdom, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For people in the Portsmouth to get together and talk about whatever they want to talk about. Find a partner, advertise local events, or just generally chat about BDSM and fetish life in the South.

Aylesbury Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Monthly BDSM Munch.

Back to School, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Get together and talk about whatever. Find a partner, advertise local events, or just generally chat about BDSM and fetish life in the South.

Bare Bones Devon UK, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Monthly BDSM/fetish event.

Barking and Dagenham kinks, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-03
For those who live, work or generally around Barking and Dagenham. Meet local kinksters and get the community building up. Talk about local news, events, search for meets, organise events or lunches.

Barnet Social, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For people in the Barnet and surrounding areas (Whetstone, Finchley, Enfield etc.) to meet, chat and keep tabs on kinky socials happening in the area.

Barnsley Photo Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
= No longer Meeting =

Barnstaple Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Devon. Chat to people in and around North Devon.

Basingstoke Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Informal meet and greet in a casual and safe setting.

BBB ABDL Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
For those who have met at the BBB (Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar) ABDL meet.

BDSM Cheshire, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09
BDSM Essex, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09
BDSM Essex – 2, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09
= SPAM =

B_D_S_M Play Parties @ Exodus, Birmingham UK, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31

BDSM UK Midlands, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Chat about events etc. in the Midlands. List munches, parties, clubs, shops etc.

BDSM West Midlands UK Swingers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
For those on the Swing Scene and wish to meet other swingers.

Bedford Peer Rope, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
Discuss ideas, formats, arrange lifts and discuss all things related to Bedford Peer Rope.

Bedford PLInK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Peer Learning In Kink. To discuss the event.

Bedfordshire Group., FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For people in Bedfordshire and close by. Get to know what is going on. For new people to come say hello and make new friends.

Before Albius, FetLife, verified 2013-May-16
Primarily for those wanting to know about Before Albius’ upcoming event(s). Aims to provide BDSM/Fetish events as close to York as possible, and increasing social activities for the local and wider kink community.

Berkshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire Club meets, FetLife, verified 2013-Dec-19
Find a partner, advertise local events, or just generally chat about BDSM and fetish life in the South.

Berkshire pets, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-28
For pets and/or owners in Berkshire and surrounding. Doesn’t matter what animal, what gender.

Birmingham and surrounding area., FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Discussion group for those living in the Birmingham, West Midlands and surrounding areas (so Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Hereford and Worcester, etc.

The Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar (BBB), verified 2013-May-09
The Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar (BBB), FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Brings quality fetish suppliers together in Birmingham for an afternoon of pervy shopping and enjoyment! Come and socialise, browse, enjoy the demo/workshop. Held monthly.

Birmingham Karaoke, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Come along for a good meal, a good drink and a good sing! Events held in non-kinky locations around Birmingham City Centre that can either feed us or in a location very close to an all-you-can eat style restaurant and bars for after drinkies!

Birmingham Mid Week Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
All welcome — irrespective of age, gender, sexuality, orientation, or kink.

Birmingham (UK) Under 35, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For 18 to (around about) 35 year olds in the Birmingham and West Midlands area to discuss local events, kinks, and pretty much anything else!

Birmingham, West Midlands & Worcestershire Personal Ads, FetLife, verified 2013-May-19
West Midlands-based group open to subs, Dommes, Doms and switches of either gender to find their perfect partner or playmate.

Black Country Perversions, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Active group for all BDSM kinks and perversions open to all kinksters in and around the black country, Midlands or (anywhere) for discussions and active participation

Blackhorse Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-25
= No longer meeting =

Blackpool & North-west Pro-Dom/me, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For people looking for pro-Dom/mes in Blackpool and the northwest.

Bolton Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-19
Bolton Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-19
Monthly. Since 2009. Held at a small, friendly, gay pub.

Books on the Brink – Liverpool Book Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
Casual, relaxed monthly meet up for absolutely anyone who likes books and wants to read more of them – whether new to the scene, completely vanilla or a veteran of BDSM. Books to be chosen altogether by the group.

BoundRopeJam, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15
Show and social night for Shibari fans in Camberwell, S.London. Usually starts with a short intro to Japanese bondage, teaching of some basic ties and a demo. Shibari peer workshop where you can practice your skills. Expert advice always on hand.

Bournemouth Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For any discussions relating to the Bournemouth Munch

Bournemouth, New Forest and Local Area Under 30’s, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Ages 18-30. For people living or studying in the south to chat, get to know each other, keep in contact with friends and arrange social activities amongst themselves.

Bournemouth Rope Group (Tea Party), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15
For those interested in a monthly rope meet in Bournemouth.

Breast and nipple torture in Bedfordshire UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For anyone into giving or receiving breast and nipple torture

Bridgend Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Mar-17
Bridgend Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Mar-17
Excellent place to make like-minded friends and meet new friends for the first time in a safe setting; a gentle way to start to explore the scene.

Brighton & Hove, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Brighton & Hove

Brighton & Hove Play Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-03
Often includes demos, workshops and performances as well as play and active socialising.

Brighton Angelic Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
= Being replaced by Brighton Unified Munch =

Brighton and Hove Tea Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Cafe style, non-alcohol based, gathering for kinksters, oriented towards tea, coffee and plenty of cake.

Brighton Bi Girls & Boys Club Night, verified 2015-Apr-07
Brighton Bi Girls & Boys Club Night, Facebook, verified 2015-Apr-07
Brighton Bi Girls & Boys Club Night, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Private Bi Swingers Club Night to meet other Swingers.

Brighton – Club Naughtiness, verified 2015-Mar-15
Brighton – Club Naughtiness, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-15
Brighton – Club Naughtiness, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15
Private Swingers Club Night to meet other Swingers. Open to all into the Swinging Lifestyle over age 18.

Brighton – Club Wickedness, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15

Brighton Fetish Weekend, FetLife, verified 2013-Dec-19
Organised by the Twisted Market and Club Spank. Social munches, live demonstrations of skills from bondage to wax play, official Club Spank Fetish Weekend Ball, Sunday Twisted Market and after party, some surprise pop-up events organised and run by local trouble-makers in the kink scene.

Brighton – Rope Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15

Brighton Sacred Sexuality Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
Brighton-based group for all those interested in conscious kink, sacred sexuality, and the relationship between sexuality and spirituality.

Brighton Twisted Market, verified 2013-Dec-19
Brighton (UK) Twisted Market (BOTM), FetLife, verified 2013-Dec-19
Brighton’s regular fetish market! Every two months. Doors open at 12 and the market will be open until 6pm with lots of kinky traders eager to showcase their wares. After-party, full alcohol license after 2pm! Food, entertainment and play room.

Brighton U35 Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Ages 35> to meet, mingle and get to know fellow younger members of the Brighton Kinkdom. Welcoming group for newcomers and regulars alike.

Brighton, UK, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
For meeting locals, posting events, news related to Brighton & Hove and the East Sussex area

Brighton Unified Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Official Brighton Munch group. Meet and greet fellow munch members, give feedback on events.

Bristol & Southwest Poly Meet, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
Not a kink specific meet, but a poly one. For polyamorous people interested in attending events in Bristol.

Bristol and surrounding area UK, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For all kinksters from Bristol and surrounding area. slaves, subs, Doms, masters/mistress etc.

Bristol Gardens Spa. Brighton., FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
For fans & users of Brighton’s Bristol Gardens Health Spa.

Bristol Girls, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For girls (incl lifestyle, serious TVs) in Bristol and surrounding areas. For ideas, and general chit-chat. LBT-friendly, of course. Female-oriented discussions encouraged.

The Bristol Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Monthly social meet for consenting adults (18+) who have an interest in D/s and BDSM.

Bristol U35s BDSM, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Monthly. For socialising, and not intended as a ‘play meet’

British Human Pony & Pet Society (BHPPS), FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-28
Members’ society formed to promote pony and pet play events throughout the British Isles

Bromsgrove Late Brunch, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-09
Variety of like-minded kinky people

The Bromsgrove/Redditch and surrounding areas group, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-09
For all kinky folk in and around these areas and supporters of the Bromsgrove munch.

Buckinghamshire UK Kinks, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-15
For local people, to contact, talk about and search for people into BDSM and Fetishes in our local Area

Burton on Trent and surrounding area, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-08
For people from Burton and surrounding (Swadlincote, Newhall, Tutbury, Litchfield, Uttoxeter, Tamworth etc.) to find new friends from the community, talk to locals, or meet and have bit of fun.

The Burton upon Trent Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
Munch for Burton upon Trent and surrounding areas.

Bury St. Edmunds munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-17
For people living in Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambs, and Essex that want to get together and make new friends in the local fetish community. Open to everyone, from newcomers to the fetish world, through to experienced people all ages.

Cakes & Cruelty – FemDom Tea Parties, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Female Domination tea parties in Portsmouth, Hampshire. For subs who like the idea of having FemDom fun such as being served & serving, games with treats for winners & forfeits for losers

Camberley PlaySpace, verified 2013-Aug-31
Camberley PlaySpace, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
SSC and RACK Members only play club for BDSM’ers interested in harder aspects of S/m and D/s and less interested in the music/fashion aspects of the Fetish scene.

Cambridge D/s Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Welcoming, safe space for “D/s people” – whatever that means – for ideas and expressions of dominance and submission, however you find them.

Cambridge Kink, verified 2013-May-09
Cambridge Kink, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Organises events in the Cambridge city area. Run by members, for members. Purpose: To provide social and educational gatherings for adults of all genders and sexualities who have an interest or connection to BDSM (bondage, domination, sadism and masochism).

Cambridge kinky drinkies (under 35’s Munch), FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Ages 18-35. For like-minded people to meet and openly discuss BDSM interests, make new friends on the local scene and have a lot of fun!

Cambridge Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Aim: To provide a space for like-minded people to meet and openly discuss their BDSM interests, make new friends on the local scene and have a lot of fun!

Cambridgeshire (UK) friends meeting place, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For kinky people in Cambridgeshire to make kinky friends.

Canterbury, Kent, UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
For kinksters living in Canterbury Kent UK, or who visit it regularly.

Canterbury Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Cool, relaxed munch. Running for many years.

CBT @ Xtasia, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
Quarterly event exploring CBT/Cock and Ball Torture, Torment and Teasing. For those who love to give, and those who love to take. Safe space to swap notes, discuss safety, show off techniques, and share ideas.

CD/ns @ Xtasia, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
Clothed Dom/me, naked sub. For the evening, the Dom’s/Domme’s remain in their finery, their subs, be they male or female, strip naked.

Central Birmingham Play Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-10
Warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for those new and old to the scene.

Central UK Control, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Like-minded kinksters, mixed Doms and subs, m and f, who embrace all kinks and perversions. Meets monthly in or close to Birmingham to play, and also at other times to socialise. Mainly friends with a twist.

CFNM Hampshire, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
For those people who like the dynamics of Clothed Female Naked Male and to promote more events and parties in the area.

Chelmsford and Surrounding, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
To promote Munches, Events, Items for sale and Services offered in Chelmsford and the surrounding areas

Chelmsford Kinksters / Essex, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
Themed nights and parties in Chelmsford Essex.

Chelmsford Munch and Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
Chelmsford Munch and Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
Chelmsford’s Premier, award-winning Munch and Play Group.

Chesterfield Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-25

City of London-FemDom Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Pansexual group. Anyone interested in the dynamics of women/femmes lead D/S relationships, and related topics of discussion (i.e. FemDom Power Exchange interactions – contractual PE or TPE) welcome.

Clapham Common Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-24
Coolest munch in London, based only a stone’s throw from Clapham Common tube station. Emphasizes welcoming atmosphere and fun for everyone.

Classified/wanted South West UK, FetLife, verified 2014-Apr-08
For people from the south west including, Bristol, Yeovil, Bridgewater, Bath, Shepton Mallet, Street, Glastonbury, Wells, Minehead–Basically anywhere in Somerset.

Clothed Male naked female (CMnf) South West UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For those interested in a similar dynamic, mainly in the Devon/Cornwall areas. Open to the West Country counties as well those with connections to the south west.

Club Crimson, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
= No longer happening =

Club Dominion – UK, Midlands, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Club Dominion, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09
Reputation as a very relaxed, friendly club night, equally suitable for the new to the scene and those more experienced. Meet & greet facility is available, plus team guides & D/m’s are on hand.

Club Extremm, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18

ClubFEM UK Romford, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Social organisation composed of individuals who want to develop sincere Female Dominant / submissive male relationships. Dommes in charge of the activities at all times.

Club Kinx, verified 2015-Aug-22
Club Kinx, FetLife, verified 2015-Aug-22
Adult fetish club, midway between Bedford and St Neots. Welcomes everyone, regardless of age, gender and orientation, whether experienced players or newcomers making that first step into the fetish world.

Club o&I, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For those who like to play in public, make new contacts on the East London, Essex scene.

Club pedestal, verified 2013-May-09
Club pedestal ( London’s FemDom Fetish Club ), FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Catering to dominant Women and those who worship them. Attendance typically 400 – 500. Events are inclusive, friendly, joyful and diverse. Recognises the diversity of FemDom and caters for it. Described as “Female Heaven” by Scarlet Magazine.

Club Quinky, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
Mixed-gender, queer-specific play night in the West Midlands.

Club RUB, verified 2014-Jan-15
Club RUB, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Monthly fetish club. Fetish dress code applies.

Club Sanctum (UK), verified 2014-May-13
Club Sanctum (UK), FetLife, verified 2014-May-13
Members-only club. London. Welcomes all genders, orientations and titles whether Dom/Domme, submissive, slave, top/bottom, kinkster, fetishist or self-proclaimed pervert.

Club Spice – Off the A45, Coventry, UK. FetLife, verified 2013-May-09

Club Subversion, verified 2013-May-16
Run by a small team of dedicated fetishists who have been active on the London scene for a number of years. Dedicated to the pursuit of kinky pleasure in all its forms. Where play and players come together in a unique space.

Club Turpitude, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18

Club XS, Kent, UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Kent. Also for Mystic nights and special events there like NDPC and Sub Hunts. Not affiliated with DV8 leisure; just a way for people who go there to get to know each other.

CMunch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
CMunch, Yahoo, reviewed 2015-Jul-18

Colchester and surrounding, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
For in and around Colchester.

A Colchester Collective – Essex and some, FetLife, verified 2013-May-16
To post new events we are running in the region. Welcomes everyone. It is not all about sex.

The Colchester Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-30
Offering our same warm welcome to friends old and new.

Collared London, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-19
Men-only. For guys interested in getting together for kinky club events in London. Very sociable nights full of action with no attitude and no dress code. All kinks welcome.

Cookie Jar Games – Reading, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-21
For all like-minded game junkies to meet up and play games we love–Board games, Card games, Role Playing games and anything in between.

Cornwall & Devon Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
To promote all aspects of the fetish scene across Cornwall and Devon.

Cornwall Kink, verified 2013-May-09
Cornwall Kink, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Mainly for people who attended my CK parties and those from the Cornwall munch.

The_Cottage_Fetish_Parties, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-30
East Lancashire. One of the country’s longest established, private, invitation-only Fetish Parties, held in dedicated and well-equipped premises.

Coventry Rope, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
For rope enthusiasts who can get to Coventry.

Crewe Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-25
Monthly. Friendly and welcoming, like-minded kinky folk who meet up for good conversation (serious, fun or kinky whatever the preference) over a drink or two. Everyone welcome–young, old, experienced or inexperienced.

Crimson Crowbar, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15

Croydon Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-25
Croydon Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-25
Monthly. Really friendly bunch. Newcomers very, very welcome.

Cumbria BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09

Cumbria Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Allows anyone in Cumbria or surrounding areas to voice their opinion, suggest practical ideas on possible venues and dates, leave feedback and to discuss anything else relevant to the Cumbria Munch network.

Dartford Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Dartford Munch, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09
= On Hiatus =

_Delirium_, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
_Delirium_, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
Leeds. Unique, monthly exclusive play event. Engineered for freedom, for the exploration of all pleasures serene or intense, whether in spectation or participation. Choice of fully exposed, semi-private or fully private spaces to be used for the indulgence in and study of advanced perversity.

Derby kink UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-26
For local people and local events. Living and visiting.

The Derby Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Traditional BDSM munch for the area of Derby, Derbyshire and elsewhere.

The Derby Play Munch @ The Attic, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
The Derby Play Munch @ The Attic, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14

Deviants Club & Dungeon UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18

Devient Dining Days (D.D.D), FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Merry band of deviants in the East Anglia region of the U.K. We meet up once a month for good food and a good ‘ol chinwag.

Devon & Cornwall Adrenaline Club, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For Devon Deviants and Cornwall Kinksters (and neighbours and friends) who like to explore adrenaline pumping activities out in the vanilla world.

Devon and Cornwall Film Club, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For south-west kinksters to meet for cinema visits. Films don’t have to be kink-related and can be mainstream or ‘indie’; just have to be within Devon or Cornwall.

Devon and Cornwall under 35’s facthouse, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For people under age 35, in the Devon and Cornwall vicinity, to feel safe and secure within an unthreatening environment by meeting those of a similar interest and age.

Devon and Cornwall U35 Funhouse, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For people under age 35, in the Devon and Cornwall vicinity, who are perhaps more comfortable with people of their own age group. Deals with the lighter side of the U35 scene and links in with the U35 Facthouse.

Devon Deviants, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For kinky, deviant people in Devon or nearby (or anyone else with a genuine interest in what goes on here). To promote munches, clubs, parties and anything else that adds to the local BDSM scene, along with creating a safe atmosphere for people to get together in this area.

Devon Singles, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For local singles to arrange socialness and mingle.

Diaper / Nappy Lovers Sheffield and South Yorkshire, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For all diaper, age play, etc. lovers from Sheffield and surrounding regions, interested in meeting, chatting or just general diaper and age play related topics.

Discussion Board, South West England, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Serious discussions about all things related to the BDSM/Fetish way of life, for newbies and experienced.

DollCon Europe, verified 2015-Apr-23
DollCon Europe, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-23
Polite gathering of Living Dolls, Female Maskers, Mistresses, Maids, Trans, CD, Rubberdolls, friends and admirers.

Dominant Women in London, Yahoo, reviewed 2015-Jul-18 = SPAM =

Domina’s playground, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
= ON HIATUS = Birmingham.

Doms and Dommes of Devon and Cornwall!, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For Doms/FemDoms/mistresses/masters/switches to discuss ideas and share experiences.

The Doncaster Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Monthly. For kinksters in the Doncaster area to meet like-minded people.

Donkey & Lambs Swingers & Fetish Party Salisbury, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Fetish mixed party. Couples, single females, single guys, TVs, TSs, bisexuals.

Dorset BDSM, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Local group for local people

Dorset Deviance, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Open to pervies one-and-all, for Dorset or close by, to enable people in the area to make friends, network and meet up.

Drinkies In York, FetLife, verified 2013-May-16
Yorkshire. Friendly and relaxed social meet up for all kinksters and fetishists. New faces always welcome.

The D/s Munch @Norwich, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
For people within the Norwich/Norfolk area interested in or practice a D/s lifestyle. Meet old friends and make new ones in a more traditional, small, relaxed munch, vanilla environment.

Durham Munch – UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-23
Durham_Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-23
Held monthly.

Durham University Students, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
For all students (undergraduate and postgraduate), staff and alumnae of Durham University.

East Anglia BDSM, verified 2013-May-09
East Anglia BDSM, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
East Anglia BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09
For anyone in the East Anglia area to find out about local information, events, munches etc.

East Anglia bondage, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For all the men, women and TV’s interested in all forms of bondage and restraints living in and around East Anglia. Handcuffs, rope, tape, leather restraints, etc.

East Anglia fetish photographers and models seeking connections, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For fetish photographers, models, MUAs, hairdressers of the region to make connections.

East Anglia Hook-Up, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Find potential spanking or BDSM fetish related play partners in East Anglia. Advertise yourself and what you’re seeking.

East Anglia Kinky Swingers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For people seeking a place to be more sexual than is possible in most normal fetish clubs to give swingers a chance to walk on the wild side.

East Anglia Novices & Newbies, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For new people in East Anglia joining the scene looking for advice information events parties and contacts.

East Anglia Poly (UK), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Poly group for East Anglia UK. Discussions, personal adverts and events welcome.

East Anglia Private Spanking meet_ups, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For spankos of East Anglia looking to meet up for private spankings.

East Anglia Spanking Society, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
A pure spanking group for people in East Anglia. Emphasis will be on spanking, strapping and caning in a safe warm and friendly environment where fellow spankos can share information and fun together.

The EastAnglia-Spanko’s Play Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-08
The EastAnglia-Spanko’s Play Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-08
For people into Adult Spanking.

East Kent Peer Rope, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
To get people together regardless of experience to help each other learn and feel the joy of rope.

East London Munch @ Hornchurch, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09

East Midlands Poly Events Group, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-28
For social & discussion events in the East Midlands (Nottingham) for those involved in or curious about polyamory, open relationships and ethical non-monogamy. Friends and allies of the above are also welcome, as are non-kinky folk.

East Midlands Poly Group, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-28
For Poly, like-minded kinksters to chat, get to know people and meet up.

East Midlands Singles Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Jul-06
For singles in the Midlands to talk and meet.

East Midlands Students, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For students and young people to meet and chat in the East Midlands area.

East Mids Couples, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
For kinky couples who like to meet up over drinks to be open about their relationship, kinks and sex in general. Mixture of swingers and kinksters.

Eastbourne Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Very informal and friendly munch. Just a group of friends meeting at a pub for a drink and chat. New people always more than welcome.

Egham Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-14
For kinksters in Egham and surrounding.

The Ely Munch (Cambridgeshire), FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-17
Held monthly. Munch is in a pub, during the day.

Essex BDSM, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For all kinky Essex people.

Essex Bondage and Suspension, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
For discussions about bondage and suspension, events in Essex.

Essex Girls, FetLife, verified 2013-May-16
Females -You must either have been born in Essex or live there currently- be proud and admit it. Males – From or live in Essex or in a relationship with an Essex girl. A positive fun group, no insulting each other or worst of all Essex.

Essex kinkstars, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
Everyone in Essex welcome–Doms, subs, switches, or just Kinky.

Essex Munches & Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
Purely Essex-based munches and events, either kink related or not.

Essex Vanilla Events/Social Nights, FetLife, verified 2013-May-16
For anyone in Essex/Southend on Sea area looking to socialise and get about locally.

Exchains & Smart (South West), FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For folk in the South West.

Exeter and Devon Hookups, FetLife, verified 2015-Jul-05
For personal ads where kinksters in the Exeter and Devon region can look for some causal chatting and liasons.

Exeter Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Aim: To build the Exeter Scene, promote local activity, discuss local matters.

Exeter Under 35’s, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
For under 35’s who live, work or study in Exeter and socialise within the city’s kink community.

Exodus UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18

The Fabulous Forty and Overs of Southampton/Hampshire, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
Meet group ups, parties and events listed here. Ages 40+

The Facility, verified 2013-Aug-31
The Facility, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
West Midlands Premier Dungeon and SM Studios. Variety of sets to suit wide selection of fetish and adult scenarios. Managed by experienced fetish-friendly staff, welcoming to all alternative lifestyles. Generally on hand to give advice and guidance in equipment use or play techniques.

Farnborough Munch (Hampshire M3), FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Farnborough Munch, Yahoo, verified 2014-Jan-15
Longest consistently running munch in the South of England. Often arranges munch club trips, BBQs, picnics and other social scene get-togethers. Newbies most welcome!

Faye Sanders Fetish Nights / Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Aug-22
West Midlands. Plan and discuss future events.

FemDom Alliance – UK, FetLife, verified 2014-May-17
Encourages individuality and empowerment of Female Dominants and hopes to support them in their journey, along with supporting the growth of submissives following a Female led path. South of England based. Provides events, workshops and training and social opportunities.

Fenland Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Held monthly. Based around good company and good conversation rather than full on fetish/BDSM play. Perfect for a gentle introduction to munching.

Fetish Yorkshire, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-28
Discuss topics of interest, make people aware of what’s going on in the area, and generally discuss anything.

Fiendish Bristol (UK), FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Announce events and discuss ideas for the Fiendish event at Club O in Bristol.

Film Buddies: West Midlands, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-29
To organise cinema meet ups in the area.

Fix Up Look Sharp London – 18-30, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-14
London-based munch. Held in a nice bar somewhere with an excuse to dress up a bit smart and drink fancy cocktails. Aimed at ages 18-30 and their partners.

Freestyle Rope, Portsmouth UK., FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Aim: Encourage anyone, new, experienced or just curious, to get interested in rope work and to explore and learn.

Friends in Lincolnshire UK, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
To meet, make friends and meet up for fun, friendship or more.

Friends of The Fab Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
= Merged with Manchester Munch =

Fun loving pets (Hampshire UK), FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
For human pets, owners or anyone with interest in pet play.

Gape @ Xtasia, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
Gathering of lovers of anal training, stretching and all other types of bum fun, from the curious anal virgin to the hard-core anal sluts.

The Gatwick Play Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
An opportunity for fetishists of all persuasions to meet in a relaxed and friendly environment to socialise and play.

Geek Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
For London-based geeks, nerds and dorks of all creeds and denominations

Girls That Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
All-female munch for the bitches and sweeties of London!

Gloucestershire, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For those in Gloucestershire.

Gloucester 20s and 30s Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
20s and 30s Munch in Gloucester.

Gloucester BARE (Bondage and Rope Evenings), FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Regular bondage and rope evening peer workshop.

Gloucester Fetishists Film Club (GFF), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
For people who like to go to the cinema with friends. Intended to be a vanilla event.

Gloucestershire Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Monthly vanilla (plainclothes) social event, where people get together to meet and chat. Many are active participants in the kinky lifestyle, while others are merely curious or trying out the idea of kinky life.

Gravesend Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For people wishing to attend the Gravesend munch.

Great Yarmouth Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Mar-17
Monthly. To make our munch a lovely, happy, friendly meeting place for all local kinksters (and for those from further afield who fancy a seaside break).

Greenwich Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-27
= Currently on hiatus =

Grimsby Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-29
Grimsby Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-29
Fun and friendly group and always welcoming to fellow kinksters.

The group of crunch…, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
For and about the Camden crunch

Guildford Games Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-29
Munchy evening with the added bonus of games. Board games, card games, dice or any tabletop game for 2 or more players. Serious or light-hearted, all welcome.

Guildford kinks, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Very successful munch in Guildford. Welcoming people running it.

Halfway Betwixt Ipswich and Lowestoft Mini-Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
Not instead of but as well as the main munches in Ipswich, Lowestoft and Norwich as a mini-munch to socialise on The Eastern Front and spread the lurve.

Halton Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-26
Munch in Halton area of the north west fellow widnes, runcorn, Warrington St Helens and further.

Hampshire, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For local people to get together, find a partner, advertise local events, or just generally chat about BDSM and fetish life in the South.

Hampshire ABDLs, littles and ageplayers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-28
For Adult Babies, Diapers Lovers, littles, ageplayers and similar kinksters who live in or near Hampshire.

Hampshire Events for all, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For all Hampshire-based events to be advertised and discussed

Hampshire Foot Worship, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-13
Local group where like-minded people can chat, discuss and meet up for some foot worship fun.

Hampshire (UK) Kink Friendly Vanilla Services, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For kink friendly vanilla services. Please do not advertise kinky services (Pro Domme, Pro sub, etc.).

Hampshire UK – Nappy Lads – Gay ABDL, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
For lads in Hampshire interested in nappy wearing, ABDL or anything to do with it!

Harrow Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Monthly munch.

Heathens nights, verified 2014-Jan-15
Heathens nights, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
BDSM/fetish Events. West Midlands

hellcats events and reviews, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For discussions on forthcoming Hellcats Leeds events, and for reviewing previous events.

Hemel Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For those in Hemel Hempstead and local area to chat, meet, and imbibe.

Hertford, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For Hertford and surrounding areas not listed on FetLife.

Hexham Munch & other local events, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
Monthly munch. Camping.

High Wycombe Kinksters (and Friends), FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-15
Wycombe Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-15
For kinky people in the High Wycombe and Bucks area and further afield to meet, chat, and have fun.

Hitchin’ Bitches International, verified 2014-Jan-15
Hitchin’ Bitches International, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
For female rope riggers/rope tops/dominants in London. Meets monthly to learn, share and experience rope first hand, based upon the Peer to Peer and unconference learning and sharing concepts.

House of Deviance, Devon, UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
“Bare Bones” events in Plymouth and more

House of Diamonds, FetLife, verified 2015-May-23
House of Diamonds, Twitter, verified 2015-May-23
Organizes events. London. Connect with other kinksters. Safe place for newbies to ask advice and a support network for newbies, ethnic and swirl couple kinksters.

Hove Actually Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Spiffingly delightful collective in ‘Hove Actually’; welcomes all kinksters to our munchette.

Huddersfield & West Yorkshire, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Chatty, Fun Networking Group. All events, munches welcome to post. To help the unification of the whole area.

Huddersfield Play Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-26
For the Huddersfield Sunday Fling, Play Munch and “Sod It” Munch.

Hull!!!!!, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Everything to do with Hull – munches, events etc. Chat, meet, make friends closer to home!

Hull BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-09
For people based in, or visitors to, the Hull and East Yorkshire region, who share an interest in BDSM and fetish. Chat, make new friends, plan munches and parties, etc., or whatever else.

Hull Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-25
Hull Munch, Hull Lunch Munch, Hull Kinky Drinks.

Impulsion, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
Impulsion, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
Relaxed, friendly night for BDSM players. Emphasis on play, people, good vibes and great music. Attended by some of the friendliest and most enthusiastic players in the country. Great atmosphere, great music, and friendly people.

Iniquity : Dorset Fetish Club, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Fetish club in Poole Town centre with BDSM performances.

Ipswich Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
Open to anyone, from newbie to experienced player, to meet, keep in touch, and socialise with other kinksters. Monthly.

Ipswich Rubber & Pony Social, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-29
Friendly social group. Meets for a meal and chat or a weekend party with fun and friendly hosts. Main interests: Latex wear/rubber and pony/pet play. Incorporates these themes in events but not compulsory.

John’s Guide to London’s Leather, Bear & SM Scene, verified 2013-May-09

The Kage, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
The North of England’s busiest monthly Fetish/BDSM night.

Kaleidoscope, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-09
Specifically for TVs, TGs and CrossDressers, their wives, girlfriends & partners, and those that wish to support.

Keighley Play Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-24
Small, friendly atmosphere. A private venue away from vanillas gives everyone a chance to enjoy the more active side of the scene in a safe & friendly environment.

Kent Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
A community run by the people of Kent. Welcomes all, from novice to experienced, singles to groups. Moderators are true lifestylers, there to ask advice, organize regular meetings and keep the boards friendly.

Kent Kinksters:UK, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
For people in Kent to hook up and find out about events.

Kent Polyamorous, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
For poly people in Kent to talk and network with each other.

KFS Events – 2015, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
Midlands provincial events, previously Skin Two.

Kik Kinksters London, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-14
For kinksters in London to connect with each other via Kik messenger.

Killing Kittens North UK, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
Killing Kittens, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
Killing Kittens North UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
Killing Kittens, Twitter, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
In pursuit of female pleasure. Parties for couples and single ladies who have gone through our vetting process. Parties filled with hot, sexy and extremely naughty individuals. Manchester & Edinburgh.

Kings Lynn, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-08
Brings kinky people together who live in Kings Lynn to chat and get to know each other.

Kink in Kent Reboot, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For traders of quality kink wears, munch & club hosts and participants. Quest: Trying to find safe and kink friendly venues, to start demos, workshops and regular markets.

Kink in Watford and surrounding areas, FetLife, verified 2013-Sep-23
For those living in Watford, Hatfield, Amersham, Borehamwood, Bushey, South Oxhey, Abbots Langley, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans and anywhere else nearby to discuss: Kink, Munches & events, Car shares, Classifieds

Kinksters for real meets in London, UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09

Kinky Adventurers (London), FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Club for kinky (and queer and poly) people who like doing non-kinky things with other kinky people.

Kinky artist of the triangle, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For all kinky artists (body painters, photographers, crafts people etc.) who live in or around the Gloucester, Bristol and Swindon triangle, to set up events, teach each other, set up classes and get-togethers.

Kinky Dining, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
For kinksters in the Birmingham, West Midlands area, with a love of good food and formal dining.

Kinky Games London, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-07
A games evening. Starts with vanilla games like giant Jenga, but would progress to having some kink incorporated into the games.

Kinky Hampshire UK, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
To bring together all the events and goings on that are happening locally in the Hampshire area, also border areas of Hampshire with Dorset, Surrey, Wiltshire and West Sussex area.

Kinky In Bradford, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
For people from Bradford.

KinkyKent, verified 2015-Apr-07
Kent: KinkyKent, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
To help people come together in a safe manner, we hold munches (meetings) organised by local people around Kent.

Kinky Leeds GB, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Meeting place for all Kinksters in Leeds, to share events and meet new people

Kinky Life Drawing, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-08
Event held bi-monthly. North Nottinghamshire.

Kinky Photogroffee Lancashire Branch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-16
Photography and coffee. To get all the models and photographers together from the Lancashire area., see Camberley PlaySpace

Kinky Salon London, verified 2013-May-09
Kinky Salon London, FetLife, verified 2013-May-09
The playful, sexy space to get your creative juices flowing. Welcomes all–vanilla and kinky, people of all genders, queer, straight, gay, bi or try-sexual. The arty, sexy party. We do sexy things in the name of art…and arty things in the name of sex.

Kinky Singles in the West Midlands, FetLife, verified 2015-May-01
Dudley. Monthly event for singletons in the West Midlands.

Kinky Trade Off North West, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
For people who have a skill or talent or even a fetish they are willing to trade for something else.

Kinky Trans-Pennine Pub Crawl (by train), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-03
Who doesn’t like a good pub crawl when the suns out?

Kinx@Pinx, FetLife, verified 2015-Aug-22
No longer active. Became Club Kinx.

K.L.A.M.P.S, FetLife, verified 2015-Aug-22
Kings Lynn After Munch Party Scene. For those who can never get enough, join us for good fun conversation, a lovely reasonably priced meal, and drinks.

La Chambre Sheffield, verified 2013-May-09
Premier swinging club in Great Britain for Liberated Couples & Singles

Ladies Cocktail Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-08
Pop up occasional weekend gatherings in Central London to spend the afternoon relaxing, sipping cocktails and socialising.

Ladies’ Peer Rope – Manchester, FetLife, verified 2013-May-16
Discuss technique, resources, events and ideas.

Ladies that Brunch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
Ladies that Brunch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
For North East England / Newcastle Teesside area. Aim/purpose: Provide a safe place where any issues of etiquette, protocols, advice or information involving women’s safety within the BDSM and fetish world can be discussed. Intending to have the odd meeting (Sunday brunch).

Lambs Of Preston (Lancashire), FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To provide Prestonians, students or members of FetLife to maturely discuss problems, create enquires and broaden the growing Preston/NW BDSM community.

Lancashire Doms and Subs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-19
Regarding the Lancashire / Manchester area.

Lancashire Gangbangs and Sexual fetishes, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
For open minded people also interested in the sexual pleasure of BDSM. Group fun, gangbangs, bukakke, sex toys, forced orgasms, Sex slaves, Cuckold, Voyeurs and Exhibitionist etc.

The Last Stand., FetLife, verified 2015-Aug-22
The Last Stand., FetLife, verified 2015-Aug-22

Le Boudoir Club, London, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Le Boudoir Club, London, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Le Boudoir Club, London, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Private members club with events in the heart of London for the lifestyle and LGBT community who want to enjoy the freedom of their sexual expression in a safe and stylish environment.

The Leamington Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-May-14
For everyone.

Leeds Kinky Drinks, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
General idea to be able to relax, have a drink and chat to like-minded kinky folks and catch up with friends and make new ones.

Leeds Mini Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Held weekly.

Leicester Mid Month Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Held monthly.

Leicester Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Held monthly.

Leigh on Sea and surrounding areas, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-26
= On hiatus =

LibsFetishEvents, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
Events held at Liberty Elite, Lutterworth. Leicestershire.

Lincolnshire and the Surrounding Areas, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For people who live in or will visit Lincolnshire and surrounding areas.

Little Big Land, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
Little Big Land, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
Quarterly event aimed at providing a safe, supported space for littles, middles and the ADBL community to meet like-minded folk. Hosts a structured party day, with a team of Trusted Bigs who help out in making the day fantastic.

Liskeard Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Monthly. Friendly, social occasions where kinksters can get together in a safe public environment for chat, food and drink.

Liverpool and Merseyside Peer Rope Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15
For people who are interested in sharing their knowledge and learning new rope skills to gather in the Liverpool and Merseyside area.

Liverpool Board Game Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Monthly munch dedicated to playing board games.

Liverpool Curry Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-15
For mature-minded members of the wider BDSM and Fetish scene. Attendance by invitation only, to protect attendees and maintain a balanced and fun munch.

Liverpool D&D, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-20
Kink-friendly Dungeons & Dragons (and other RPGs) group who meet at a gaming (card game, RPG & war gaming) café.

Liverpool Geeks & Freaks, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Welcomes all geeks and freaks, nerds and furs, techies and Trekkies, Whovians and… um… groovians? Designed to bring all together, whatever nerdy interests and kinky tastes.

Liverpool Littles Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
Munch for littles, Bigs, ABDLs and brats too! All welcome, whether ageplayer, brat or just curious.

Liverpool Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For information about the Munch, exchanging local info, publicising local events and arranging to meet in real life.

Liverpool Spanking Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
Specifically for spanking enthusiasts. Main focus of conversation in this group will be spanking.

Loft PlayMunch, FetLife, verified 2013-Jul-04
West Yorkshire’s Boldest and Best Play Munch. Held at a private venue in Huddersfield, taken over in its entirety for the evening, completely private and especially reserved.

London Alternative Market & Afterparty, verified 2013-May-17
London Alternative Market & Afterparty, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
London’s first community-supporting market project. Held monthly. Great place to come and find out about alternative lifestyles, to meet and socialise with those with similar interests.

London BDSM, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For London-based people, whether you are new to the lifestyle or have years of experience. To exchange ideas and news on what’s coming up.

London Dinners, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To run real Dinners in London with food and wine for Dom/mes and subs. Intention: To hire venues to do formal dinners in the style.

London Femdom, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17 = SPAM =

London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15

London Fetish Scene, verified 2015-Apr-30
London Fetish Scene, Facebook, verified 2015-Apr-30
Inimitable guide to what’s on in London’s fetish scene with galleries of club nights, the definitive calendar to what’s on in London, and the world famous Wipipedia.

London Gaming Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
For board gamers, role play gamers, collectable card gamers, war gamers, dice gamers and for any other kind of interactive multiplayer game.

London Gangbangs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-16
For females and males to organise, arrange and discuss Gangbang meet ups.

London Kink Academy, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-03
Education and events for queer kinksters in London.

London Kinky Bakers (and Baking Kinksters), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
For kinky baking enthusiasts in London and the people who love them

London littles, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For all littles, Bigs, ageplayers and anyone with an interest in/ curiosity about age-related kinks and dynamics in and around London.

The London Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To get to know names so they can put faces to them.

London Peer Photography, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people improve their photography at all levels (not for those who just want to look at naked men and women).

London Porgies, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
Combining the word “Party” + “Orgy” (=porgy). Pansexual – all orientations welcome. Straight, bi, bi-curious, gay, TG/TS/CD.

London primals, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-01
For primals who live/work in London or Greater London.

London U25s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
Ages 25 and under, in or around London.

London U35, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For under 35’ers near enough to see who is out there, discuss things and generally say hello.

London UK Clubs, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For anything about the London fetish club scene.

London, UK Female Subs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
For female submissives, slaves or switches who submit, to find other female submissives, slaves or switches in London, to become friends with in real life, online, to ask for advice, to start a discussion

London, UK Personals, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Personal ads for London kinksters seeking play partners or like-minded friends

London UK Scene, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
To advertise, ask who’s going to, ask advice about, discuss having been to events in and around the London BDSM scene.

London Under 35 Party People, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
For all those people (couples and singles) under 35 into the London Party scene and are looking for like-minded people with whom to get to know (friends/playmates) and attend clubs/parties with and have before/after drinks.

London’s Kinky Clubs, Events, Parties & Munches, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Open to all sexualities and genders. Welcomes scene queens, party boys, wild girls, night owls, party swingers and lovers of the fetish clubs.

Maidstone and Surrounding Areas, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Sep-25
For anyone from the area to come and chat, play and share thoughts and experiences with like-minded people.

Maidstone Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
Held monthly.

MancGangBangGang, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
MancGangBangGang, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Group of genuine players from the north west of England who get together to form a gang bang group for willing women and MF/FF couples or groups.

Manchester and Liverpool BDSM, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Talk about and post information on events, munches, parties and things that interest people in and around Manchester, Liverpool, and Northwest UK.

Manchester BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17 = SPAM =

The Manchester Connection, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Anything and everything pertaining to Greater Manchester: munches, events, nilla things that are of interest. Post details of any events you are organising/attending so we can all join in.

Manchester Fetish, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-30
= No longer operating =

Manchester Life, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people in Manchester to chat and discuss daily topics or just find new friends.

The Manchester Munch, verified 2013-May-17
The Manchester Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Longest-running BDSM munch in the UK. All-inclusive – welcome whatever kink, age, gender or sexuality/orientation. Prides ourselves on providing a warm welcome and meeters and greeters if you are new out on scene or a little nervous.

Manchester Polyamory, reviewed 2015-May-14
Manchester Polyamory (UK), Facebook, reviewed 2015-May-14
Manchester Polyamory (UK), FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-14
Poly meet up in Manchester.

Manchester Rope Jam, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15
More commonly known as a Peer Rope Workshop. Chance to make use of a friendly, chilled out practice space to learn and try all the ropey things you want, in an ego-free environment.

Manchester Spanking UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To discuss anything to do with adult spanking and CP and chat with those who live in/around the Manchester area. Local spankos munch.

The Manchester Student Fetish Society, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Main aim: To educate and guide each other through the sharing of experiences and skills. Plans to organise events and workshops and group trips to various events.

Manchester, UK Nappy Wearers (& related fetish areas), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
If you are into Diapers/Nappies and want to get in touch with like minded people and you are in Greater Manchester.

Manchester UK Spanking Parties, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people interested in meeting and spanking. Arranges School role-play events and other spanking meetings.

Mansfield Pets and Ponies, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Kinky social in a secluded setting for friends to explore fantasies and fetishes in a nonpolitical setting.

Margate Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-22
Monthly gathering on the seafront.

Married people looking for play partners and friends in the UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For married people (and those who love married people) to get to know each other and to discuss our situations with like-minded people in London and elsewhere in the UK

M.A.R.S, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Manchester Alternative Rooms. Events.

Mawney Munch, Romford, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-08
Bi monthly munch in Romford to chat and socialise.

Medway Littles, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Sweet innocent littles, lovely girlies and those who love playing with them.

Medway Mates, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people in Medway in Kent to talk about fetishes and get to know locals.

Medway Munch – Strood, Rochester, Chatham, Gillingham, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
For those in or near Medway to meet, have fun and talk to like-minded people in a relaxed atmosphere.

Meet new subs and mistresses in Staffordshire and Cheshire, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
A place to meet new subs, mistresses, masters of Staffordshire and Cheshire.

Mental health Liverpool, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-17
Where people can talk about things in a safe place and receive support from people who understand.

Midlands Canine Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-26
For dog owners in the Midlands.

Midland Peer Rope, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-12
Midland Peer Rope, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-12
Like-minded, enthusiastic rope folk who meet to share ideas, knowledge and company, whilst roping. Skill level doesn’t matter – novice or professional, or if ropers, bunnies or like to experience both.

Midlands Poly, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Specifically for Poly people in the Birmingham, West Midlands and surrounding areas (Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Warwickshire etc.)

Midlands (UK) Event Car Sharing Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
For those going to events to advertise they are happy to offer lifts, they can then be contacted, agree who they are happy to have in their car and post publically the arrangements.

MidsSpankUK, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17, SPAM

Milton Keynes MKFN, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Milton Keynes Fetish Night. Monthly. Non-threatening atmosphere where we all can relax, enjoy ourselves and have fun.

Milton Keynes Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-17
Held monthly.

Monster Munch – Gloucester Play Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Friendly event in a private venue in the centre of Gloucester (with parking).

The Munch on the Edge, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For munch attendees, or those interested in meeting local people in the area on the edge of the counties of Northants/Leic(Rutland)/Cambs borders.

MwKd Hull Events, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Events, happenings and ideas to take Hull into the future, with kink open and accessible to kinksters, swingies, furries, Doms/Dommes, subs, tops and Uncle Tom Cobbly alike in a safe and fun environment.

NE Essex Munch, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17

The New Leeds Library, FetLife, verified 2013-Oct-01
Very well known as welcoming to newbies and regulars alike. Usually with a theme for each month’s event, with fun and prizes.

Newark Kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
For all things kink related in the Newark (Notts) area.

Newbie’s Birmingham Scene (uk), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
For all newbies in the Birmingham Scene, to chill, chat, mingle, and get to know each other.

Newcastle and North East UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people in and around the North East.

Nice to meet you, N/E, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
A place to vouch for those you’ve met in person.

The Norfolk and Suffolk Madhouse, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Friendly bunch of people in and around the Norfolk and Suffolk area.

North Devon Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
So kinky folk in this beautiful part of the country can meet up and have a little fun.

North East Domination and submission, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To talk about, ask questions be yourself all the while knowing there will probably not be anything you can say we have not heard before. All welcome–sub, Dom/me, switch. Post respectful views or questions.

North East England Fetish Models and Photographers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-23
For models and photographers to get together in the area to swap tips, get to know each other and maybe organise some photo shoots etc.

North-East Personals Group, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Where Mistresses, Dommes, Masters, Subs or anyone can advertise to look for a partner or play partner or whatever they are after.

North East UK Adult Baby Creche ” The Little Tykes Alternative Day Care Centre, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For little ones, ABs / age play and their mummy’s and daddy’s and others who have an interest in this area. A place to find out how to nurture and educate. Ideas about what you can do and where you can go with your little ones and what’s available locally.

North East UK Adult Baby Group, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For north east UK ABs and north east UK mommies/governesses/daddies/dominants to keep in touch.

North East UK Fetish & BDSM, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Launch pad into the fetish scene in the north east of England. Tension, Munches, or just the general kinky goings on.

North East UK Gay/Bisexuals, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For men and women of the north east who want to meet other Gay/bisexual men or women.

North East Uk Transportation Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
To advertise free space in cars to or from events and also to request transport if need be by any who are in need.

North London Bowling Social, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
A social for Kinksters with some added fun of bowling.

North London Kink (NLK), FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For anyone in the North of the London area.

north of England shiny! – latex/ rubber lovers, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For north of England (northeast/west UK) rubber lovers to talk about all things shiny–where to buy, who to buy from, events, clubs, sell/ exchange, promotions, experiences etc.

North West caning parties, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
For people in the area who like a good caning.

North West England!, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For anyone from North West England to join and discuss whatever.

North West Kink (UK), FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
For all Bolton Masters and Sluts and everything else, to join and meet like-minded people in the North West (Manchester, Liverpool, Lancashire, Bolton, Wigan etc.)

Northamptonshire Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Meeting point for munchers in Northamptonshire.

Northamptonshire Private Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
On hiatus?. A private venue which affords privacy, space. Invites experts to share knowledge.

Northeast spanking and caning parties., FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-08
For all interested in caning and spanking, slippering.

Northern Kink Collective, FetLife, verified 2014-Apr-02
For kink friendly services to advertise and network in the north of the U.K., Nottingham, Sheffield, Doncaster, Hull, Bridlington, Blackpool, Liverpool, Bury, Leeds, Harrogagte, Manchester, Newcastle.

Northumberland water sports, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-21
For people living in Northumberland and Tyne and Wear to meet and enjoy watersports, parties, meets, events, to have fun.

NorthWest Crackers Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-19
Whip cracking gatherings generally held in Bolton

Norwich Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
An open event. Welcomes any gender, sexuality, role and age (18+) with an interest in fetish, kink, BDSM, etc.

Norwich Munch – Under 35’s, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Welcomes anyone ages 18-35, of any gender, sexuality and role, with an interest in fetish, kink, BDSM etc.

Notorious Sutton Coldfield Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Sutton Coldfield’s premier munch.

Nottingham Derby Peer Rope, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-22
Community peer rope group. Meets around Nottingham, Derby and Leicester. Focused on sharing information around rope bondage. Believes people new to rope are as important as experienced riggers and that people sharing knowledge helps everyone. Primary purpose: Getting people together to learn.

The Nottingham Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For those who would like to keep in touch with Nottingham folk and up to date on what’s happening locally.

Notts Saturday Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-21
A social gathering of a more kinky drinks kind.

NWCP Judiciary, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
Role-play group, dedicated to the court-room trial and subsequent corporal punishment of male offenders in the North West of England.

NWUK Pony & Pet Play, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
NWUK Pony & Pet Play, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17
Not-for-profit venture, run for fun and enjoyment — of and by the members. For anybody interested in pony play, puppy play, farm play, pet play, etc. in the NW.

Ohhhhver 35s & The Under 35s Who Love Them !, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-15
Ohhhhver 35s & The Under 35s Who Love Them !, Twitter, verified 2015-Apr-15
For Ohhver 35s & the Under 35s who love them.

Old Guard Birmingham, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
For male masters and female slaves to learn new skills and develop old ones while passing on knowledge they already have.

Open Air BDSM, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-30
Outdoor BDSM play at Bridgewood and The Warehouse, and other Open Air BDSM (OAB) venues in the UK and further afield.

The Open Door Munch (serving Basildon and surrounding areas), FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-26
The Open Door Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-26
Monthly. Various venues around The Festival Park

The Original Worcester Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Worcester ‘Saucy Madras’ Munch! Held monthly. Worcester City Centre.

Over 35 Munch, Oxford, UK, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-26
For anyone over age 35. Vanilla event with no play, no demos and no showing of toys.

Over 50’s Midday Play Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
For people over 50 and have spare time on their hands during the day and attend or would like to attend.

Oxfordshire and Oxford, UK, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For open-minded people in and around Oxford to chat and organise events!

Pandemonia, verified 2013-Aug-31
Pandemonia, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Portsmouth newest Gothic / Fetish Club

Peer Kink London, verified 2015-Mar-27
Peer Kink London, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
All about you and the London community getting involved and learning from one another. Avoiding pre-planned demos and instead hope to have lots of little teaching sessions happening simultaneously.

Peer Photography @ Xtasia, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
Quarterly event. For all budding photographers to share knowledge, inspiration and ideas.

Peer Rope – Gatwick, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-12
Aim: To connect fellow rope addicts to support practice and sharing their skills in a relaxed environment. No specific format, turn up, do rope, share rope knowledge, have fun. For every skill level–from beginner to very experienced.

Peer Rope in Kent, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
Looking at putting together a peer rope event in Sittingbourne.

Peer Rope London, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-12
Peer Rope London, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-12
London-based monthly meet up for learning, practising and getting tied up with rope.

Peer Rope Manchester, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-03
Peer Rope Manchester, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-03
Monthly rope event bringing you a safe, relaxed environment where you can explore, learn and share.

Peer Rope Oxford, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15
For rope enthusiasts in the Oxfordshire area. An opportunity to share ideas and talk about everything from Japanese- to Western-style rope work and everything in between!

Peer Rope Surrey, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-12
Aim: Connect fellow rope addicts to support practice and sharing their skills in a relaxed environment.

people who live/work near central London, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To get to know each other, perhaps go to events together, and find other kinksters nearby. Restricted to: central London folk.

Perverts Picnics, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To organise, share details and say hi! South Yorkshire/Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire.

Perves in the Park (Unplugged), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-27
Outdoor munch. Kink-friendly event not located in a pub.

Peterborough UK Dogging Meets, Desperation, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For those who want to discuss dogging in the local area, sites and possible meetings.

Peterborough UK Munch Friends and Chat, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
For those interested in socialising with other kinksters. Informal monthly get together.

Pet Play (South West), FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For those in the South West with an interest in pet, pony, animal (dehumanisation and similar) play. Aim: To bring like-minded pets and owners together to natter, mrowf, bark, neigh and wiggle with each other.

PerverseCityNite, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-18
A private party night.

Play Club, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
Play Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
Play Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
Play Club, Twitter, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
BDSM play party. Manchester city centre. For players to indulge in BDSM scenes, share ideas, demo skills and enjoy each other’s company.

Playmates in Sheffield UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-21
For like-minded kinksters.

PlaySpace, see Camberley PlaySpace

Plymouth Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For munch and event announcements in or near Plymouth.

Plymouth University Kinky Community, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-12
For students at one of Plymouth’s higher education institutions to socialise and get to know each other.

Portsmouth, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
People who live in Portsmouth UK

Portsmouth / Southampton Forum, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For the area of Portsmouth and Southampton. To discuss anything and everything: Events, Fetish, Meets and club nights, Miscellaneous Discussions

Portsmouth/Southampton Mid Month Mini Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
Fareham Mini Munch / Pub Meet

Portsmouth & Southsea Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Friendly and welcoming group of like-minded people who enjoy the social side of meeting up, talking about what we like and don’t. Open to all seasoned munchers and first timers, all ages over 18, orientations and fetishes.

Preston Kinksters friends group, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Private group to get various events up and running in a safe, cozy environment, where mutual friends can be introduced and expand.

Queer munch East of England, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-22
For kinksters in the east of England. Meet ups happening in Cambridgeshire at the moment.

R3TRObution Play Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-22

Rampant Riders…South West UK Kinky Bikers Group, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For all those that ride and their Perverted Pillions

Reading Munch, verified 2014-Jan-15
Reading Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Reading Munch, Yahoo, verified 2014-Jan-15
Occurs in central Reading. For local BDSM and fetish enthusiasts. Welcomes everyone.

Reading U35 Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
Welcoming group for newcomers and regulars alike. Predominantly aimed at 18-35 year olds and their partners.

Real Meets in Birmingham, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To give people in Birmingham and surrounding area information on events and meet like-minded people.

Redcar Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-25
For the Redcar Munch.

Redditch Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-09
For anyone in Redditch or surrounding Worcestershire areas such as Studley, Alcester, Bromsgrove or anywhere close by.

Resonance13 Movement Studio, FetLife, verified 2014-Apr-07
North London. Aim: To provide a calm, safe and peaceful place for people to learn and practice a wide range of movement based skills and techniques, ranging from ballet to rope bondage.

Rips Ropey Workshop, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For like-minded individuals to meet and experiment with rope, suspension and associated kinks, across the South West.

Riverside Gathering, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To get to know people on line before you meet them in real life, as well as catch up and chat with friends

Rochester ME1 – Club Bi Girls & Boys, verified 2015-Apr-07
Rochester ME1 – Club Bi Girls & Boys, Facebook, verified 2015-Apr-07
Rochester ME1 – Club Bi Girls & Boys, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Kent’s largest Monthly Bi Swingers Event for like-minded adults. Couples, single ladies, single men, TV’s and bi-friendly to meet up in a safe and secure sauna environment.

Rochester ME1 – Club G Spot, verified 2015-Apr-07
Rochester ME1 – Club G Spot, Facebook, verified 2015-Apr-07
Rochester ME1 – Club G Spot, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Kent’s largest Monthly Swingers Event for like-minded adults. Couples, single ladies & single men welcome to meet up in a safe and secure sauna environment.

Rochester ME1 – Club Pandora, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07

Roma Sex Party London, verified 2015-Apr-15
Roma Sex Party London, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-15
For transsexuals/transvestites/xdressers/bisexuals/couples and admirers of a good private sex party.

Romford BDSM Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-08
For Dommes/Doms/Subs/Switches, BBWs and BHMs, Transgendered/Transexual /Genderfluid/ CDs, living in the Romford or Havering areas.

Romford Factory Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For those who attend, would like to attend or are curious about the event.

Rope Office Hours, FetLife, verified 2013-Nov-20
Events currently held in Leeds.

Rochester ME1 – Club Pandora, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15

Rubber Revolution, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Rubber Revolution, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Rubber dress code, invite-only, parties for discerning rubber fetishists.

Rugeley Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-23
Staffordshire. Friendly, monthly munch.

The Rusholme Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-17
Held monthly.

Salford Social, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Folks from across the alternative scenes in the northwest. For people to have a drink a chat and generally get to know each other.

Salisbury Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Where those living in and around Salisbury and interested in other than vanilla experiences and relationships can safely meet to discuss, share thoughts and make friends.

Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-25
For kinksters, fetishists et al in the Scunthorpe area who would like to get involved in/attend a Munch meet in Scunthorpe.

Secret Desires at the Facility, FetLife, verified 2015-May-01
A chilled night to meet some of the Midlands finest kinksters and relax amongst old friends.

The Sedgemoor Social, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
Monthly vanilla meet up for people living and working in Somerset.

Sex Parties in London, UK, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
Monthly parties: Gang bang, swingers, sex, Gentleman’s Evening, T-Girls Night, fetish, etc.

Sexy Snappers – Devon & Cornwall Fetish Photography, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Get together online and chat about our passions, perhaps organise some shoots and help each other out, post shots for critique.

Shamed @ Xtasia, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
Event for those who like to feel used and worthless during play.

Sheffield Peer Rope, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Relaxed and unstructured workshop focusing on rope bondage. Meets monthly.

— Listing removed at owner request —

Sheffield U35 Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Everyone 18-35 welcome (and older partners of people 35 and under) Friendly, welcoming atmosphere to chill out, meet new people, make new friends, catch up, and have a laugh.

Single Yorkshire, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For single people to meet up, have fun together, bitch/rant about being single, seek advise, and find potential new (local) partners themselves who are unattached and available.

Skill swap in Hampshire, UK, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
Post what you need and what you are offering to swap in return.

SM Dykes Manchester, verified 2013-May-17
SM Dykes Manchester, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Aim: to support lesbian and bisexual SM-ers through meetings and play parties. Welcomes all women who live full-time as women, and FTM, genderqueer and intersexed persons who feel they still have links to the women’s community.

South Downs Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
South Downs Munch, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17
Real life group and free BDSM munch for people living around the South Downs area.

South East England Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For those who live in South East England and want to talk, swap news, inform people of events.

South East London All Cummers, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To meet, organise parties and get to know people in the local area.

South East London and Borders Group, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people living and/or working in South East London and Kent.

South East Suited Gentlemen, FetLife, verified 2014-Mar-31
Bi monthly or Quarterly public “social” to discuss and appreciate the appeal of a sharp dressed man, a more formal meeting of kinky friendly individuals. Safe, friendly, fun environment in which to socialise and a place for Gentlemen and Ladies to dress to impress.

South Somerset chatterbolox, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For initiating chat/contact between like-minded folk here in deepest darkest Zummmerzet.

South UK Fetish and BDSM, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people in the Southern UK to get together and talk about whatever: To find a partner, advertise local events, or just generally chat about BDSM and fetish life in the South.

South West England Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For all kittens and Puppies (and other pets too!) in the South West of England. A chance to meet local pets, owners and stall owners. Discuss, play, meet, enjoy.

South West England Kitten Klub, FetLife, verified 2014-Mar-17
Monthly. Determined to make our munch a lovely, happy, friendly meeting place for ALL local Kinksters, and for those from further afield who fancy a seaside break!

South West Kinky Lovers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
For kinky single people and Kinky Poly people. Aim: To socialise as kinksters looking for partners and Poly people looking for additional partners.

South West Rubber Men, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
South West Rubber Men, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-05
For rubber loving men in the South West of England.

South Yorkshire ABDL’s, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
“Go to” place for ABDL needs. Welcoming and loving place that everyone can enjoy Aimed at organizing meets, making friends and all round general fun and discussions.

South Yorkshire Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Friendly, relaxed munch for everyone in South Yorkshire and surrounding area.

Southern UK spanking and BDSM (SUKSBDSM), Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17
For people from Southern UK to meet and talk, discuss our fetishes and arrange munches.

Southampton munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Monthly gathering for like-minded people in Southampton.

Southwest Discipline Club, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17

Spanking Manchester UK, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17 SPAM
Spanking UK, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17 SPAM

Spanking & Caning – Somerset (UK), FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-31
For local, like-minded kinksters with fetishes related to Spanking, Caning, associated consensual adult role play scenarios and Corporal Punishment.

The Square Knot Rope Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
Located in the North East of England is a relaxed and unstructured workshop where people can share knowledge with others.

St. Albans Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-24
Monthly. 100% inclusive. Welcomes all sexualities, gender, beliefs, cultures and backgrounds.

St. Helens Kink, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
For the people of St. Helens and surrounding area to meet and chat with others in the area.

St Helens Sinners Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
Takes place in a pub.

Stoke Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-14
Friendly kinksters, mostly from around the Stoke-on-Trent area. Monthly.

Studland Nudists, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-08
For people that frequent Studland Beach in Dorset, both singles and couples welcome.

sub girls wanted in London area, FetLife, verified 2013-Aug-28
Restricted to: submissive women Doms male and female. No CDs, TVs or male subs allowed.

Sub Sisters Surrey and Hants, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For submissive women in Surrey and Hampshire to come together to hang out, and make friends with women who share similar experiences. Arranges local munches/meet ups. Strong focus on supporting submissive women.

Submissive BBW’s in the UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For all BBW submissives and admirers who live in the UK.

submissives and slaves of Devon and Cornwall, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For submissives (subs) and slaves to put forward any their thoughts and ideas in relation to domination and submission and a chance to meet other subs and slaves. Only submissives and slaves can join the group, switches are welcome but they must be in a submissive role when posting.

Subspace BDSM Party, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
Restricted to: Members of Subspace BDSM Parties and those seeking membership. Blackpool.

Suffolk UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Posts about local events, carpooling, or anything of interest to folk in the area.

Surbiton Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Open group for all FetLifers in the surrounding areas.

Surrey fun club (UK), FetLife, verified 2013-Dec-19
For people in Surrey to get together and talk about whatever. Find a partner, advertise local events, or just generally chat about BDSM and fetish life in the South.

Surrey, Sussex and Berkshire, FetLife, verified 2013-Dec-19
For people in Surrey, Sussex and Berkshire to get together and talk about whatever. Find a partner, advertise local events, or just generally chat about BDSM and fetish life in the South.

Sussex U35s, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
For anyone, ages 18-35, within East and West Sussex. All welcome regardless of gender, gender preference, sexual preference, D/s position, anything. Tops, bottoms, subs, Doms, slaves, sluts, whores, deviants.

SWAMP (South West Alternative Market and Party), verified 2013-May-17
SWAMP In Bristol, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15
South West Alternative Market and Party (SWAMP), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-15
South West Alternative Market & Party. South West’s premier fetish event. Monthly. Fetish market open to everyone with alternative traders and bi-monthly demos/ workshops.

Southern Sharps, FetLife, verified 2014-Apr-10
For people into needle play, play piercings, staples and other related activities, to come together to make new friends, share knowledge, discuss ideas and find out about events running in the South including (but not restricted to) London, Brighton, Sussex, Surrey and Kent.

Students of Kent, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
For those of us who are studying -or have studied- in Kent providing us with a means to meet and chat to like minded folk from the area.

Swindon’s Friendly Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Vanilla (plainclothes) social event occurring monthly where people get together to meet and chat.

Taboo @ Mingles, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
Fetish event at a private members club for over 25’s. Located near Colchester, Essex.

Taboo Noir, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-21
For people interested a blend of interracial, cuckolding and D/s hard-core play and discussion.

Tamworth Pie and a Pint Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-25
Smallish, friendly monthly munch in Tamworth, Staffordshire.

Taunton Play Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-17
Combining the relaxed, vanilla atmosphere of a munch with the fun of a play party!

Taunton, Somerset Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-24
Uniting the BDSM fans, Doms, Dommes, subs, slaves and kinks from around Somerset and the local area.

Tawsingham Livestock: ponies, puppies, pigs, cows, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-28
For discussions about the use of the facilities at the West Wales Medieval Village Project, to realise their fantasy of being a pony, dog, pig or cow.

Team Whiplash, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-28
For local kinksters in Plymouth area, Devon. At a local pub quiz.

Teesside Munch – Middlesbrough, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For updates and to keep up to date with each other.

Telford Munch, verified 2013-May-17
Telford Fetish Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Chill out at our fetish Munch/social evening in a warm, friendly & relaxed atmosphere. Welcomes newbies; makes sure they are made to feel welcome and part of the group.

TFP projects in London, UK – photography, videography etc, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
For like-minded willing models, photographers, videographers, graphic designers, makeup artists, wardrobe, sound, lighting, set design, directors, producers etc. wishing to expand a portfolio showcasing talent in particular identified or unidentified, experienced or new areas and directions.

TG/TS, CD/TV’s in the northeast of England, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For like-minded people in the northeast of England, to come together to chat and find other like-minded people.

Ticklemania UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-11
Private party for tickle fetish community, run under the auspices of The Facility in Walsall.

TNG Kent, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
The Next Generation. More suitable for people who aren’t students.

Torbay South Devon munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-15
Friendly UK sociable munch for all ages, genders and kink orientations.

Townhouse International, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Townhouse ‘Radical Desire’ Group, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Northwest’s premier swinging club. Based in the Merseyside area (near Liverpool on the Wirral)

TPE NewForest UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
The Power Exchange – New Forest, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17
Kinksters from around the New Forest area (Hampshire and the south) and those who travel to the National Park are welcome. Holds ad hoc munches in the New Forest. Meets in very beautiful, but vanilla locations.

Truro Munch (Cornwall, UK), FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Supports the Truro munch.

Tunbridge Wells Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For kinksters to find, date, make friends with other like-minded people in the Tunbridge Wells area.

UEA Fet, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For those into Fet and study at the University of East Anglia.

UK Couple for single and married men, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
We love meeting men for fun sex and friendship we play on the UK south coast and love Nudist beaches dogging hotel meetings 121 and gangbangs.

UK Fetish Roller Disco, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-17
For participants and organisers of Roller Disco’s for the Fetish Community in the UK.

(UK) Kent Group Social, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people that live in Kent to actually meet in Vanilla and Non-Vanilla Situations! Munches, walking and dining groups, even parties from time to time.

UK:Kent Motorcycle munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Intention: Raise enough interest from the kinky bikers to hold a munch.

UK Kinky Anarchist Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-24
Welcomes all anarchists, partners and friends of anarchos, anti-authoritarians, horizontalists, the anarcho curious and grassroots activists.

UK London Jewish Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Munch held in London, usually in alternate months, specifically Jewish based. For Jews, those with Jewish ancestry, Jewish partners, an interest in Judaism and all who are friendly towards or curious about Judaism. Welcomes everyone except for anti-Semites.

Under 35’s PlayMunch @ Xtasia, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
Open to under 35’s and their partners. Encourages all genders/roles/dynamics to come along.

Under 35’s (TNG) Northants, UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Aimed at those who are under 35 or thereabout. Very welcoming, friendly group. For new (even if just curious) and veterans alike. Welcomes all gender identities.

UnderWorld Birmingham, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
Events and munches. To arrange car shares, meetings, and discussions.

Underworld Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-10
Birmingham. Largest alternative (BDSM) function venue/community centre in the UK. Wide range of uses and services.

UnderWorlds Munches, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
Spread knowledge, introduce yourself, and bring up fun munch ideas and possibilities for workshops, and other events.

University of Birmingham – Fetish Society, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
To promote safety and education in the areas of BDSM and Fetish activities. Aim: Provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in which people can discuss and talk about such subjects, participate in workshops, without ever feeling that they have to do anything they don’t want to.

Valhalla-Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-29
Valhalla-Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-29
Valhalla-Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-29
Leading Midlands Social Club & Venue Hire for LGBT and chilled out individuals to enjoy meeting others and participate in any interests that they have in common. Safe and friendly environment. Do not have to be a particular gender, faith, colour, creed or age.

The Velvet Rooms – Cornwall, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-04
Fun and exciting kink event in south east Cornwall.

Walking/Ambling/Strolling – SW England, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For kinksters that enjoy being out in the open air in our wonderful countryside. Short walks, 5-10 miles, ending up at Pub/Hotel/B&B. Kink might not be a part of the actual walk but we can talk as well as walk! Could be timed to end at munch or other event.

Walsall Fetish Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-17
For kinksters from Walsall and surrounding areas to meet up in a relaxed, vanilla atmosphere and have fun.

Warrington Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Warrington Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Friendly group. Welcomes everyone, new and experienced to be part of a growing group of mildly crazy people in and around Warrington area.

Watersports fun in London, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
For London-based pee lovers to talk and meet 24/7.

Watford Munch (listed in Kink in Watford and surrounding areas), FetLife, verified 2013-Sep-23
Monthly. Has full use of a pub in Watford. Dress is whatever you feel comfortable wearing, though fetish wear is actively encouraged jeans and tee shirts are just as welcome. Has a ‘Meeter and Greeter’ service

weekly meet ups in Preston, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Where would you all like to meet in Preston?

Wellingborough_UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For anyone from Northamptonshire, but specifically from the Wellingborough area.

West Cornwall Wandering Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-16
Monthly. Intended to be within easy travelling distance for people in West Cornwall.

West Country, England…Munches, Events, Clubs and information…, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Consolidated forum of all things pertaining to the West Country.

West London Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
News, workshops and munch details.

West Midlands BBWs/Squashing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-21
For those with an interest in BBWs and squashing.

The Westcliff Munch, FetLife, verified 2014-Jan-26
Sociable Munch for sociable people.

Weston Fetish Night., FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
Holds discussions about the event and make constructive comments and recommendations for future events.

Whipping it up in the Southwest, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For the unfettered mind (inconvenient laws aside). Debate, the odd thought and the complex questions of life. Try and bring some kink, humour and raw edges into it.

Wicked Retreats, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
Wicked, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
Delightfully deviant weekend retreats.

Wigan Kink, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For all those kinky boots from Wigan and surrounding towns and cities (Bolton, Manchester, Liverpool, Preston etc.) to get together.

Wigan Munch At Last, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
We have our own little area, with pool table and seating away from everyone else on the ground floor, so you can happily relax. Drop in for a chat, a laugh, and to share in a good selection of ales.

Wiltshire Somerset and Dorset, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For people in the Wiltshire Somerset and Dorset to get together and talk about whatever. To find a partner, advertise local events, or just generally chat about BDSM and fetish life in the South.

Wiltshire UK, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For kinksters in Wiltshire

Winchester UK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-13
For those in Winchester.

Winchester OFD (old fashion discipline) munch group, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Winchester OFD (old fashion discipline) munch group, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17
Great place to meet up with like-minded individuals in Hampshire / South and have an enjoyable night out.

Wirral/Chester D&D, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
For D&D enthusiasts in Wirral, Chester and surrounding areas.

The Wirral Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Wirral-based munch in New Brighton. For both new and old to the scene.

Wirral Poly Meet, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
Wirral Poly Meet, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
Aim: To raise the profile of polyamory in the Wirral and in time provide a safe and friendly environment for polyamorous people.

Wokey Ropey, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-15

Wolfucking – South East England Chapter, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Rough, often primal/brutal sex that sometimes borders on non-consent, speckled with moments of tenderness.

Wolverhampton Fetish Society, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
An establishing society aimed at students and other fetishists in the Wolverhampton area. Meets in Wolverhampton City area. Will also be going on various organised trips throughout the year.

Worcester Sauce, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Monthly. Munch in Worcester.

Worthing Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
All welcome.

Xtasia, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
Xtasia, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-18
West Midlands. UK’s leading Swingers and Fetish Club. Covers Swinging and Fetish events on a weekly basis.

Yeovil Munch, verified 2013-May-17, INACTIVE
Yeovil Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Discussions about or relating to the Yeovil Munch in Somerset.

York Kinky Car Pool, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Offers lifts to/from the York area to events that you are attending. Or ask if others might offer you a lift.

York Munch, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
Friendly forum for those interested in all aspects of the lifestyle in the York area

Yorkshire Chat Group, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
No Adverts for events or personals! And no stupid (fuck or Pass type) games. Just chatting & banter for us Yorkshire folks! 🙂

Yorkshire Fetish Forum, Yahoo, verified 2013-May-17
To bring Yorkshire erotic power exchange/DS/Fetish folks together; to know others and share information.

Yorkshire Kinky, FetLife, verified 2013-May-17
For like-minded kinky people of all sexual orientations in the wonderful county of Yorkshire. BDSM, fisting, vibrators, wands, spanking, rope work, role play, dressing up, PVC, leather, bondage and kinky chat about all things sensual and sexual.

Last updated: September 25, 2015 at 19:51 pm

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Aug 022015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement.

PDX Kink Events
Portland Leather Alliance: Calendar of Community Events
Catalyst Calendar of Events

RelateCon, verified 2018-Jun-06
RelateCon Fetlife Event, reviewed 2018-Jun-06
RelateCon post on Idaho Poly group, Fetlife, reviewed 2018-Jun-06
Empowering Relationship Diversity First event was March 31st through April 2nd, 2017, Boise, Idaho. 2nd was in April 2018. Classes and social opportunities for people interested in polyamory and open relationships. Keynote: Cunning Minx and Lusty Guy- Hosts of the Poly Weekly podcast.

50+ Women Seeking in Washington State, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Anyone who sees the beauty in the more mature woman is welcome to join as long as you are from WA or surrounding borders and looking to find someone near you

Albany Oregon Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Meets monthly. Provides information on the Albany BDSM Munch and other organized local BDSM activities that might be of interest to the munch attendees.

Albany Oregon Rope Circle, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
Small, social gathering of local people wanting to learn the basics of rope work and Shibari. Not intended to be a play party.

Astoria/Long Beach Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Purpose: To bring people together in the NW Oregon/SW Washington areas and to eventually create at least a monthly or more frequent munch to support kinksters in our area.

The Asylum Dungeon, FetLife
= CLOSED, as of July 2011 =

Bad Girls of Portland, verified 2018-Jun-06
BadGirls, FetLife, verified 2018-Jun-06
Social and educational group for women interested in BDSM with other women. Welcomes self-identified women over 18 of all sexual orientations who are interested in consensual BDSM with other women.

BDSM 101 Southern Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Focuses on educating kinksters in various areas of D/s and BDSM. Classes on safety, techniques and more!

BDSM Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Dedicated to the kinky activities in the great state of Oregon!

Beaverton 2nd sunday Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Poly friendly BDSM friendly munch in Beaverton.

Beaverton Walking Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Let’s get talking. Let’s get healthy. And most of all, let’s have fun!

Bi me a drink PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Under construction.

Blackout Leather Productions, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Non-profit organization comprised of volunteers from OR-WA leather community. Owns Leather titles; proud participant in organizing Oregon’s annual Leather Pride Week. Serves, supports sexual minorities communities through fund-raising and other events.

Body Bound, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland. Nawashi, Rope Tops, Rope Sluts, m-jo, Sensualists who enjoy being bound, Knot Fetishists, Shibari fanatics, Nawakesho students, Rope bottoms, Masters and slaves who enjoy the passion of being bound, Mummification aficionados, Rope/Binding/Sensuality Enthusiasts.

Boys/Bois in Leather Service – Rose City, verified 2015-Mar-20
BiLS Rose City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For self-identified leatherboys/bois, not based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, or appearance. Gathers in brotherhood and boy/boihood, provide fellowship and encouragement, and support our members and communities with respect and integrity.

The B.O.T.I. House, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Home of the fluffy dungeon, my home, a comfortable space to share with my fellow kinksters, rope enthusiasts, lovetribers and playmates for low-key gatherings and events.

Bridgetown Leathermen, verified 2015-Mar-20
Fraternal organization dedicated to mentoring, developing, and passing on the skill sets of safe, sane and consensual BDSM, in an environment of mature and classic practitioners from our Leather Community. Welcoming community. Network, socialize, learn and interact with others.

Buffalo Soldier Gang Bang Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-19
Portland. Swing & gangbang group. Seeking men that can perform sexual activities in front of others. Main Goal: To put women, wives & subs at the center of attention with nonstop pleasure with multiple partners.

Calendar Of Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For OR-WA area. Invites All munch groups and other groups etc. to post for their munches and events.

Central Oregon BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Sharing ground for information, and getting to know each other, while still maintaining a sense of personal privacy.

Central Oregon Trans Support, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
For anyone under the Transgendered label, from CD’s to post-op, to discuss anything from makeup tips to transitioning. Will have munches and other get-togethers. Post questions and/or advice. Admirers and supporters here for moral support only.

Classified! PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For Kinksters in the area to post their personal advertisements for anything lifestyle related…even themselves:)

Club H PDX, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
A group of people with honesty and awareness.

Club Sesso, see Ron Jeremy’s Club Sesso in Portland, OR

Collins Beach, Portland Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
One of the two PDX official clothing optional beaches in the Portland area. Take off your clothing and get some sun. Use this group to rendezvous with others interested in a day of fun and all-over sun, perhaps even a volleyball game.

Corvallis Oregon Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Meets monthly. Open to anyone over age 18 and who is not a registered sex offender.

Cottage Grove Munch Bunch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
No longer being held; FetLife group is still open.

Curvalicious, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
To promote size acceptance amongst the kinky folk of the Portland Metropolitan Area. Monthly munch and other social activities. All BBWs, BHMs, and their friends and lovers are welcome.

Darklady Productions, Inc. – Events & Happenings, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For those interested in Darklady Productions, Inc. happenings, including but not limited to the Portland Masturbate-a-thon, Naughty Karaoke, and Potluck & Porn, as well as Darklady writings, presentations, and travels.

Deacon X Fetish Night, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland’s longest running public Fetish Event. Monitored Play Area, Goth/Industrial DJ, Fetish Themed Performances, and Go-Go Dancers.

Deviant Gamers of the West Coast, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Are you a console player, computer, or just a typical player player? And do you live on the West Coast? Want to discuss or find local kinky friends to play video games or tabletop games with? Will be hosting Gamer Munches in Washington State when gaining enough membership to fill some seats.

Deviant Pleasure Parties, Portland, OR., FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
Members-only group that loves to play and have fun.

Dirty Playground: a queer sex and bdsm party, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Bi-monthly event in Portland. Queer identified people 18+ of ALL genders, bodies & presentations.

Dominants Roundtable (PNW), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Purpose: To establish a point of focus to discuss behavior, protocol and mutual respect. To bring together those of us who want to glean off one another sharing ideas, thoughts, etiquette boundaries and much more. Intended for open discussion

Emerald Area Rope Enthusiasts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For Eugene area rope people to get together and learn more about rope and bondage safety. After discussion, play is open! Open to everyone, Tops and bottoms.

Erotic Hypnosis – Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Restricted to people who live in, or visit Portland-Vancouver area. Purpose: Discussion of Erotic Hypnosis.

Ethical Non-monogamists of Central Oregon (ENCO), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Sep-08
Purpose: to build a diverse community of ethical non-monogamists in Central OR. Place to make new friends, to create community events, to learn & talk about non-monogamy related topics.

Eugene and Oregon blood play, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-11
Welcomes everyone into blood in any way, whether vampirism, cutting, medical play, etc.

Eugene classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Devoted to finding play partners, Stuff, Personal Playing equipment ect, in Eugene and surrounding. Please NO Business Posting their wares.

Eugene Fetish Fit, Fetlife, verified 2015-May-23
Fitness focused group for Eugene/Springfield area. For people to get together to improve their health and stamina. Activities may vary, but mostly running/jogging/walking, will include group bike rides, day hikes, team sports. All Levels Welcome – vanilla setting.

Eugene Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
= No longer meeting, per group owner. =

Eugene Oregon and surrounding areas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Events and whatnots and happenings around our area.

Eugene-Springfield Kink Friendly Vendors and Businesses, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-25
For vendors, businesses and individuals that either make, trade and/or sell kink items/services, or else are in support of the kink community in general, as well as anyone who might be a client of same.

The Far East Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For those in the PDX Metro area who live on the far eastern side, and want a munch close to home.

Fet Club Eugene, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Pansexual group of kinky people working to create a safe and private members only fetish club in Eugene.

Fetish Photography in the Pacific Northwest, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Support, education and practice oriented group where models, photographers and special talent artists of OR/WA/BC can exchange information, ideas and collaborate on shoots.

Filming in Salem and Portland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For anyone over age 18 who would like to show their stuff on camera

Five River Energy Exchange (FREE) Forum, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20
Pansexual organization. Encompasses areas around the Columbia, Yakima, Snake, Umatilla, and Walla Walla rivers in E.WA/N.OR. Monthly munches in Kennewick and other private group events.

GAY IN PDX…, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For all GLBTQ people in Portland and surrounding.

Grants Pass Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
To make friends in Grants Pass and surrounding areas.

Hawks PDX, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland’s new bathhouse, sex club & social venue for men. Monthly men’s fetish party, often with a live demo.

Hitchin’ Bitches PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For female rope tops and their bottoms in the PDX area. Meets to learn, share and experience rope first hand, based upon the Peer to Peer and un-conference learning and sharing concepts.

In Service, verified 2015-Mar-20
In Service, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Laid back group in Salem. Focus: Educating the public in the different realms of self exploration, service, sensuality, and sexuality. (was Submission in Motion)

It’s Always Rainy in Portland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Talk shenanigans! Sit down, get comfy, b*tch/complain or embrace the rain! All diversities are welcomed.

Kink friendly businesses in Portland, OR, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Please share a website, address or number with us. Tell us about your business.

Kinky and Classy on a budget (PDX), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For women (or woman identifiers) to share their tips, tricks, shops and brands they swear by to keep up a classy and or kinky life in the pacific northwest. Share your favorites, tell us what sucks (and why) or tell us your top secret tips for looking sexy, slutty, classy, or otherwise.

Kinky and Crafty, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-07
Purpose: To gather the kinky crafters.

Kinky in the Country: Brownsville, Oregon and Surrounding Areas, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
Kinky country people who like to get together and have fun. Will be hosting gatherings and events of all types.

Kinky People for Vanilla activities in Port/couver, verified 2015-Mar-20
For kinky people in Portland-Vancouver, to get together outside of kink functions for general activities.

kinky people for vanilla jobs in PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For Portland/Couve residents that are not currently working and offers a way for them to network with others that may have a job or know of a job/s available in the PDX area

Kinky people in a vanilla world, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For like minded people to plan activities together in the vanilla world.

Kinky Roommates PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For people seeking roommates in Portland and nearby cities.

Kinky Slow Food PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Open to all who live in the area of Portland and love home cooked meals.

Lane County Christian Kink Meet and Mingle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Kink friendly Christian members of the local BDSM community who also happen to believe or maintain a faith described as “Christian”.

Leatherwoods, verified 2015-Mar-20
Membership-only BDSM campout, held near Salem, open to all sexual persuasions, at a kink-friendly campground with opportunities for some delightful outdoor scenes. Once on site, the area is ALL clothing-optional.

Leopard’s Lair, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20

Male Edging/Milking- Portland, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
For straight, bi, and gay men who enjoy and/or are curious about being edged and/or milked.

Male Feet Portland, FetLife, verified 2015-Jul-06
For guys who live or visiting Portland who either: Enjoy their feet played with (massaged, touched, tickled etc), platonically, Enjoy playing with other guys’ feet, Are willing to meet in person.

Male Improvement in PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Talk about grooming, self confidence, skills, or anything else that will allow us to build ourselves on confidence, experience, and power. Anyone with a vested interest in male improvement can join. Doms, subs, full hetero to full gay, and women wishing to cultivating a better quality of man.

MAsT: Corvallis, verified 2015-Mar-20
MAsT: Corvallis, OR, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Association of individuals interested in engaging in personal relationships that are based upon the conscious exchange of power and authority.

MAsT: Eugene, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Open to any adult (over 18) who is actively involved in, or actively desiring, a Master/slave relationship as a lifestyle of choice, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or orientation. You do not have to be currently involved in an M/s dynamic to join

MAST: Pacific Northwest (Portland), verified 2015-Mar-20
MAsT: Portland, verified 2015-Mar-20
MAST: Pacific Northwest (Portland), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Support group for individuals involved in, or interested in, the Master/slave, Dominant/submissive lifestyle. An opportunity and forum for like-minded individuals to come together for discussion of issues of concern, to share ideas and gain/share knowledge of the M/s, D/s lifestyle.

MAsT: Salem, OR Chapter, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-11
Education, support and resource group for individuals involved in, or interested in, the Master/slave lifestyle.

Meet In The Middle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-29
Like minded people gathering for a 3 day weekend, camping, spanking and sharing their talents and skills with others. ID-OR-WA

Miss Minerva’s Pervy Salon, FetLife, verified 2015-May-01
Discuss the finer points of assorted interesting topics face to face. Monthly.

Monday Beaverton B-town Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Beaverton/Hillsboro/Portland area munchers have a place to eat, meet, and greet in B-town.

Munches local to Southern Washington and all of Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Listing all known munches in Southern Washington and all of Oregon.

Newbies in Southern Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Road Map to Southern OR Kink for Newbies.

Northeast Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Come, chat, meet and be kinky. Feel free to post munches, events and parties as well.

Northwest BBWs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Chat about what it is like locally to find fetish clothes that fit us here in the Great Northwest, as well as any other issues that come up in our lives. For those who enjoy the company of BBWs to come in and get to know local women.

Northwest Pan, Bi, Les BBWs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Restricted to women and those who feel they are female residing or planning to reside in PNW/OR-WA-BC

NW Kinky Geeks, FetLife, added 2013-May-19
For those of the northwest that have a geek to their kink. For events, friendship and the quest to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

ORBS: Oregon Rituals of Body and Spirit., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Community in Portland for the exploration of blood play and body modification that includes a ritual/ spiritual/ energy element as well as the sensuality of the rest of our larger community.

Oregon Ageplayers, Littles, ABs and DLs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For conversations with Adult Littles (AgePlayers), Bigs, Adult Babies, Adult Toddlers, Adult School Kidz, Adult Babyfurs, the curious, the Mommies & Daddies that take care of us and everyone in between.

Oregon and Washington Vendor Reviews, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Purpose: To give kudos (& possibly more business) to vendors whose work is top quality, to warn others of the vendors whose work is shoddy, unfairly priced, or deal in unscrupulous business practices by way of cheating customers through bait-and-switch, not delivering on goods ordered, etc.

Oregon BBC, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
For those wanting to give or receive big black cock in OR.

Oregon Bears, verified 2015-Mar-20
Fraternal and social organization committed to fun and fundraising. Inclusive and welcomes individuals of all colors, shapes and sizes and from all walks of life. Organizes events and activities to provide social enjoyment and camaraderie to our membership and members of the GLBTQ community.

Oregon Bukkake and Gang Bang, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Let’s get something together!

Oregon Circle Jerk Partys, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-22
Bunch of guys who get together then jerk off together

Oregon Coast Group (Newport Munch), FetLife, updated 2013-Aug-22
Meets monthly. Find a play partner, relationship, discussion, events and even some cool people to have coffee with. Most of us live on the Central coast in Newport, Lincoln City and Waldport, so most of our events will be happening in those areas.

Oregon Coastal Party Every 2nd Saturday, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Hopes to be a regular, home play party in Reedsport.

Oregon Dom/me’s and submissives, Yahoo, SPAM, verified 2015-Mar-20

Oregon Goreans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Goal: To create a state-wide community of Goreans, in addition to local city’s happenings.

Oregon Kinky Gamers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-13
To connect with Oregon-area gamers, to establish events where gamers can meet up, make some friends, followed by inviting such friends to an evening of gaming.

Oregon Kinky Power Exchange & Responsibility List (OKPERL), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20

Oregon Leather Pride (OLP), verified 2015-Mar-20
Oregon Leather Pride, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Committed to collaboration of Leather groups and individual efforts. Goal: to have a Leather Pride Week like no other. Hopes to bring the entire community together to celebrate our diversity; intends to continue to work together each year.

Oregon outdoor enthusiasts, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-14
For people interested in camping, fishing, hunting and other things done outdoors; to discuss favorite camping areas and great fishing spots.

Oregon Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Post personals for whatever you are searching for.

Oregon Queers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Because there needed to be a place for kinky queers on this site.

Oregon Workshop Presenters, Performers, Vendors, and More, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Post as a Presenter, Performer, Vendor, or as a organization or event planner seeking such.

Pacific and Inland Northwest FtMs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For FtMs, connecting with other FtMs and also those who like to play with, date or love them.

Pacific Coast Power Exchange Contest, verified 2015-Mar-20
Pacific Coast Power Exchange Contest, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
CA (both Northern and Southern)-NV-OR-WA. Feeder contest to the International Power Exchange Contest at Beyond Leather in Florida. Open to anyone with a power dynamic relationship; includes couples, triads, and families who have a power dynamic.

Pacific NorthWest BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For all PNW kinksters to post local events, discuss local issues, and generally just hang out

Pacific Northwest Bigs and Littles Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For all Bigs and littles/middles/ABDLs in PNW-Lower Mainland to place personals ads, be they Daddies, Mommies, little boys, little girls, middles or ABDLs of any gender or sexual preference.

Pacific Northwest Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
To help enhance and grow the community.

Pacific Northwest Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For everyone in/lover of PNW, to reach out and meet other area kinksarea.

PacificNorthWest Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For personal ads targeted to PNW region of US (N.CA-ID-OR-WA). For individuals looking for anything from a one-time play (or demo) partner to a full-time life mate.

Pacific Northwest Sex Club Review Board, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
BC-N CA-ID-MT-OR-WA. Discuss, opinions, reviews of places where open sexuality is practiced and people’s kinks are encouraged and respected. Adult Theaters, Bath Houses, Dungeons, Events, Fetish Night Clubs/Fetnights, Glory Holes/Porn Store Booths, House/Hotel Parties, Sex Clubs/Swinger’s Bars

The Pacific Northwest Sisterhood, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For area female identified Dominants and switches. Intention: Connecting Dominant women (both Pro and Lifestyle) for events and general networking- to inspire individual empowerment, get to know each other, and strengthen the larger local FemDom community.

Pacific Northwest Switches, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
To converse, mingle, set up munches and events for switches or for anyone who is curious about switching with another. Restricted to: Switches or Switch Curious.

Pacific Northwest – Toys and Furniture for Sale or Trade, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Fetlife garage sale.

Pacific North-West Whip Crackers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Anything and everything dealing with the use, care, history, interest, play and knowledge around Whips.

Paradise “Oregonians”, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Say hi as often as we need to, plan next year’s encampment arrangement and activities, and generally keep each other fresh and new in each others’ minds.

Party Favor Girls-PDX (That’s Portland, Oregon), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For women of any gender who like to be passed around at parties and social functions and the men who love them for it.

PDX BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Focus on education and resources for those in our community, whether brand new or well-tenured. To be a centralized resource for the community. To represent all sides and aspects of the community. Goal: to ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable and free to express themselves fully.

PDX BDSM w/a twist, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-20
SW Portland area. Providing 900 sq.ft. playing area and hosting Parties for the BDSM community.

PDX bellydancers, drummers, and fire spinners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For locals interested in belly-dancing, learning to belly-dance, or just enjoys watching, to meet, greet, and possibly gather together for some random mass show.

PDX CBT/BB Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For local CBT/BB enthusiasts who wish to get together, hang out, share stories and ideas, and have fun.

PDX CD Events and Outings, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
For CD/TG/GG and Admirers that are interested in meeting up and hanging out in the Portland area.

PDX Coffee Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Friendly, local chat group. Advertise your local events. Enjoy some friendly chit chat and make new friends.

PDX Event Rideshare, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Arrange rideshares and other transportational swaps.

PDX Goreans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
To facilitate and enhance the “real time” community experience in our area.

PDX Guerilla Bondage, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For those interested in doing rope bombs and other outdoor shibari work!

PDX Help Wanted, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Feel free to list any kink related businesses or businesses run by kinky people in the community.

PDX Kink Events, verified 2015-Mar-20alendar updated weekly. Local and national resources.

PDX Kinky and Geeky, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Get together, share information (such as about local anime or comic conventions), compare stories and ideas, get advice, etc.

PDX Kinky Cinephiles, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
Watch films rather than porn. Safe space for everyone.

PDX Kinky Crafters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Come craft with other kinky people! Bring whatever project you’re working on, or ask questions about one you haven’t started yet. Meant to be very free form and open to whatever people want to do. Crafts don’t have to be kinky themed

PDX Kinky Introverts Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For the organization and discussion of local munches geared toward introverts, loners, hermits, and people who don’t love (being around) people.

PDX Kinky Next Adventure Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For organizing events that are NOT Munches or anything that means sitting on our asses and eating (unless it is some kind of foody adventure?). Think fun and outdoorsy, post your idea and lets make it happen.

PDX Kinky Queers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For queers in Portland to connect, meet, and socialize.

PDX Kinky Scouts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For PDX Kinksters to learn and discuss BDSM techniques.

PDX Kinky singles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Anyone welcome who self identifies as single in some regard, including Poly folks looking for other partners.

PDX Last Minute Meet Ups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
To provide a venue for last minute meet-ups for kinky people. Events can be vanilla or kinky.

PDX League of Gentlemen, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For anyone local who would describe themselves as a Gentleman, or has Gentlemanly interests and pursuits, and those who wish to keep the company of gentlemen.

PDX Littles Meet Up, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For littles, babygirls, babyboys, ageplayers, AB/DL etc. and the people who love them in PDX. Fairly vanilla meet up, no sexual play, no creeping. Daddies, Mommies, Parentals, stuffed animals and other “Big” figures are welcome to come along as well.

PDX Lolitas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Talk about the Lolita lifestyle, Lolita and Age play, DIY Fashion and plan meet ups (picnics, tea parties etc), not a place to troll for dates. For Women and Men who love the Lolita lifestyle or look and are at least 18 yrs old.

PDX_Magic_Pervy_Bus, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland kinkster group transportation to events, near and far, using properly licensed pervert drivers.

PDX Midnight Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For the Night Owls. Where like minded kinksters and those curious can get together, enjoy a warm meal and engage in friendly conversations about life in and out of the lifestyle.

PDX Monogamy Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
You are not alone! Not specifically a singles group, those who are successfully partnered and monogamous are encouraged to join us too.

PDX Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Goal: Provide a safe and welcoming place for all to come and interact with like minded individuals.

PDX Nerd Collective, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
A place to store and share all the wonderfully geeky and nerdy bits and pieces, odds and ends, that take up our time when we should be productive and bring on jittery nergasms whenever we see them.

PDX Newbie Safe Space Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
Designed for those brand new to the scene, and/or those looking to get involved, but who have been burned before.

PDX Newbies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Intended to help: Folks new to the PDX Kink scene, folks experienced in the Kink scene but new to Portland, people who visit Portland but do not really know anybody, people who are thinking of moving to Portland.

PDX Newcomers Welcoming Committee, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
New to the Portland BDSM scene? Looking for advice, help, etc? Feel free to ask any questions, and have fun. Also, people listed as group leaders are well-known members of the local scene who would be great for getting advice from.

PDX Outdoor Adventures, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For those interested in kinky or vanilla outdoor adventures such as hikes, biking trips, camping trips, and any other type of outdoor adventure you may think of in the Portland area.

PDX-PAH (Portland Oregon Pups and Handlers), verified 2015-Mar-20
PDX-PAH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
PDX-PAH, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland Oregon Pups and Handlers. Mission: To unite local pups to pups, Handlers to Handlers, and Handlers to pups, and those curious about the pup lifestyle/scene. Kitties too

PDX_PHOTO, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For photographers, models, makeup artists and photoshop wizards in the Portland general area.

PDX Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Open to all poly, poly-kinky and poly-curious people. Come meet like-minded people in a welcoming environment. Discuss what poly means to us, how it works (or doesn’t), what our relationship goals are, etc.

PDX Pony Players, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Where Ponies and their admirers can get together and discuss our common love of Ponies and Pony Play. NW group but are open to all ponies from all over.

PDX pumping, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For those that like to perform the act of pumping.

PDX Rope Arts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Promotes education and exchange of knowledge about rope bondage. Regular meetings always involve questions, answers, demonstrations, and discussions about various aspects of rope bondage, allow ample time for people of all experience levels to practice in a safe, respectful environment.

PDX Rough Body Players, Fetlife, verified 2015-Apr-08
Strives to provide a safe, fun, and educational space for all participants. Everyone welcome; no experience necessary. Will be practicing BDSM style rough body play including grappling, takedowns, pressure points, punching, kicking, grabbing, biting, slapping, etc.

PDX Submissive Men, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Strives to create a supportive, safe environment where submissive-minded men can openly discuss their submissive struggles, learn from each others experiences, form brotherly bonds with each other, converse, and encourage one another

PDX Submissive Women, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
From switches interested in their bottoming side to service submissives to slaves. To foster conversation and socialization among local women. Greater Portland-Vancouver, WA.

PDX Trans* Meetup, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Local trans-inclusive group focused on meeting and discussing the intersection of gender, sexuality, and kink in our everyday lives. Open to all members of the trans and gender-exploring rainbow and their partners.

PDX Venues and Meeting Spaces, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Member-compiled (and updated) directory of venues for events, meetings, munches, and ‘play’ that are available in the area.

PDX wrestling, grappling, & rough body play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Restricted to: People who are interested in wrestling and/or organizing a wrestling event. You must either live in, or be willing to travel to Portland.

Penumbra Studio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Home of the fluffy dungeon, my home, a comfortable space to share with my fellow kinksters, rope enthusiasts, lovetribers and playmates for low-key gatherings and events.

PNW Crossdresser Gang Bang Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Arrange parties, swap stories, and meet others for sexy hook-ups. Seattle, Portland, Northern CA and more, let’s meet up and get banging!

PNW Gor, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For OR-WA Gorean discussion and events. Announce new events and let us know about new and existing real life groups in the area.

PNW Hypnosis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Live in or visit ID-OR-WA-BC-N.CA? Interested in erotic hypnosis, NLP, mind control, conditioning, trance, or related subjects?

PNW Kink Friendly services/professionals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
List, find and review PNW kink friendly services and professionals.

PNW Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Open for anything under the scope of FetLife. BC-ID-OR-WA

PNW Kinksters-Talking Dirt, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Live in the Portland/Vancouver area? Do you garden? If you grow stuff, edible or not, and are interested in trade, exchange or bartering your home grown stuffs, come join us. Fruit, veggies, nuts or whatever crop you want to share!

PNW; lifestyle members with rooms to rent, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For those who live or endorse this lifestyle; who have a room to rent out, or are seeking a room/place to rent (place to live; long or short term) who are kink friendly. BC-ID-OR-WA

PNW Older and Younger, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For local people that enjoy relations with others either older or younger than themselves. Any combination will do. Gay, straight, anyone can participate.

PNW-POC, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-03
For anyone that identifies as POC, mixed blood, or multi-racial of any gender, orientation, identity, Top/bottom/switch/etc. To create a safe environment for POCs to discuss issues important to them.

pnw pups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For pups, handlers & people interested in puppy play in the OR-WA area.

PNW Rubber, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
To meet individuals from the area into rubber/latex and BDSM.

Poly in Salem, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-13
Dedicated to the poly lifestyle.

Polyamory PDX, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20
For the polyamourous community in Portland to communicate and create commmunity. Welcomes poly-friendly and poly curious folks. Ask questions, get support, post announcements, etc.

Polys in Portland, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20
Meeting Place and Clearing House for Individuals that are seeking to ‘Love More Than Just One’… and do so in an ‘Open, Candid and Forthright’ manner. Members seek to grow beyond Coupling… and live in a Relationship FORM referred to as ‘Intimate Friendships – PolyAmory’.

Portland Alt.Sex.Bondage — pdx-asb, verified 2015-Mar-20
Inactive? Email discussion list for persons interested in the leather/fetish/BDSM/*-sexuality community in and around Portland.

Portland Area/Oregon Adventurers!, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
For kinky friends to plan hiking, swimming, camping, and picnic trips.

Portland Area Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Geographically localized venue in which individuals seeking play/relationships/anything legal and kinky may advertise themselves. Adverts should be explicit and to the point. Postings of parties, meetings, and groups is allowed.

Portland Black Doms and white subs/slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20

Portland Fitness, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Local resource for: Agility, Balance, Body composition, Cardiovascular fitness, Coordination, Flexibility, Individual sport training, Muscular endurance, Muscle strength, Nutrition, Reaction time, Team sport training

Portland girls of Leather, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland girls of Leather, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland girls of Leather, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland girls of Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland girls of Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Mission: To provide camaraderie, and a safe space to any individual who identifies as a Leathergirl, To provide community service within and outside of the Portland area Leather Community at large.

Portland Leather Alliance, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland Leather Alliance, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Volunteer run 501(c)(3) Oregon non-profit. Supports sex-positive and BDSM education, as well as creating a safe place for exploration. Welcomes new members as well as old friends to our pansexual events. All genders and identities welcome.

Portland Masturbation Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For locals interested in masturbation, by themselves or with others; to share fantasies, experiences, and meet new friends.

Portland Oregon Glory holes, Adult theaters, and bath houses, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Hoping glory hole, adult theater, and bath house attendees will come and share experiences.

Portland Oregon Kinky Classifieds., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For all sorts of people who are into just about anything kinky. Whether it be Bondage, sensual play, or just tagging along for the show

portland oregon slave market, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For the submissive minded to meet potential Dominants.

Portland, Oregon: The Next Generation, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20
For discriminating kinksters ages 18-40. Purpose: To be a gateway to the community for those new to the scene.

Portland Polyamory, Meetup, verified 2015-Mar-20
Looking to further your acquaintance with polyamory and the Portland-area folks who practice it? We’re hoping to help. Meets monthly.

Portland Ropesters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
To foster a safe space for people of all genders, orientations, identities, relationship status, interests and abilities to explore shared interest in rope bondage. Primary goals: Socialization and education.

Portland State Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Meant as a social ground for exchanging ideas and for discussing stuff about being kinky on campus Restricted to: Current and Past Portland State University students

Portland Sticks (Oregon), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For those who use/grow/work with, canes made of natural materials

Portland Strap-on Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For locals who enjoy wielding or taking a strap-on or would like to learn more about it.

Portland’s Leather Community, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20
Serves and connects the Leather, SM, Dom/sub, fetish, and kink communities around Portland

P-town Switch hitters!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Get together and meet up with locals in portland.

Public sex in Portland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Do you love public sex? The thrill of getting caught and being watched by others? Then here is your group.

Queer Ravishment, verified 2015-Mar-20
Open to all queer people of any permutation of sexuality and gender who are interested in kink, BDSM, leather, power play, fetishism and having a raunchy queer time! Hosts of monthly Queer Munch.

RACK Riders RC, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
Motorcycle riding club for members of the kink community who share a love of motorcycles and a passion for riding. Seeks to strengthen friendships and encourage brotherhood. Works to promote education, loyalty, and service in the kink community.

Rape and Abduction Play – Pac NW, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For discussions about consensual rape and abduction play in the PNW.

Red Cheeks Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Hillsboro. Regular monthly play parties. Fun group dedicated to Spanking & Bondage, open to new people.

Red Cheeks Too, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Party with your Red Cheeks friends on a week night.

Ron Jeremy’s Club Sesso in Portland, OR, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Private members-only club for those whom enjoy a seductive twist in their lives…those desiring to share more than a conversation. Subtlety located in Portland’s downtown business district, offers members discreet access to an upscale nightclub where sensuality and intimacy are inexhaustible.

Rope Bite – Eugene, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-21
To help all people interested in leaning rope, discuss and connect with rope. Open to all forms of rope, we consider all equal in rope. Anyone interested in rope welcome to attend.

Rose City Discussion Club, verified 2015-Mar-20
Rose City Discussion Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
= No longer meeting =

Rose City Dommes and the subs who adore them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For Dominant Women and all genders of submissives, slaves, or switches who adore Dominant Women. Members live in or travel frequently to Oregon and/or the greater Portland region.

Rose City Ponies, *Portland, OR.*, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For local Portland and outlying area ponies, trainers, grooms, and those interested in pony play.

Rose City Sisterhood, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For Portland-area female dominants.

Roseburg Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Provides info on Roseburg BDSM Munch and other organized local BDSM activities

Roseburg Munch and Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For ideas for events, munch topics, possible seminars

Sadists And The Ones Who Love Them In Oregon!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For OR sadists and those who love them.

Salem BBW Gang Bangs, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-21
Caters to bigger, curvy or just any-shaped naughty girl.

The Salem Kink Library, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Restricted to: Signatory Members ONLY

Salem Oregon Kink Forum, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-11
All-inclusive group for Salem and surrounding. Posts including: personals, wanted, selling, events, stories, jokes, recommendations, reviews, ideas, etc.

Salem Oregon Kinky Geeks/Nerds/Gamers, FetLife, verified 2015-May-01
Place to share our passions and plan geeky meetups/ outings.

Salem Oregon Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Salem Oregon Munch, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20
For alternative lifestyle practitioners who live and work in/around Salem.

Salem Oregon Subs and Slaves, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-11
For the Salem Oregon for subs and slaves that are looking for Doms and Masters.

The Salem ROPE Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Designed to further the interest of and in bondage, especially rope, in Salem/Keizer area.

Salem submissive Family, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-11
Pansexual group for submissives, slaves and bottoms in and around Salem. Comfortable and safe place to share and learn from each other, to discuss topics specific to the submissive side of life.

Salem Swing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Salem Swing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Social club, run by the members, for the members. Here to bring like minded people together in a safe, respectful, tolerant way for open expression of non-traditional encounters. To socialize, educate and generally enjoy life.

SE PDX Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Ages 21+.

SE Portland Sudden Heat, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For people in SE/clackamas areas who enjoy being spontaneous, for those “now, i want it right now” moments, chances are someone else out there is feeling the same.

Seattle to Portland Poly Partners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Where poly peeps of all orientations can reach out to find one another. Talk about things bothering us, that we need others who know what we’re talking about. Hopefully, a way to discuss and plan local events, and easily post a personal ad to find that special someone(s).

Sensual Sensation Play Party, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For kinky and curious people to gather and explore the softer, quieter and more sensual side of BDSM (Sensation Play) as well as enjoy the freedom of a Sex Positive event.

Sex in the Rose City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Supportive, nonthreatening, zero pressure group, void of judgement, conflict, and play at the munches, to connect with women with similar interests, support, and best of all, time with the girls!

Sex Positive PDX, Meetup, verified 2015-Mar-20
Sponsors events related to sacred sexuality, swinging, fetishes, BDSM, good old vanilla sexuality, and more. Invites straights, gays, bi’s, monos, polys, free dancers, and lovers of every ilk to come together and learn, share, play, and even take on complex issues related to sexuality.

Shasta Area Kink Enthusiasts – ShAKE, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Kinksters of the forgotten Northern California region: Siskiyou County and Mount Shasta Area

The Close-in Munch, Fetlife, reviewed 2018-Jun-06, =NEW=
21+, vanilla dress only, Monday evenings from 6-9 pm in SE Portland. The first hour involves a class or workshop focused on a subject or skill under the kink, bdsm, or sex positive genre. No play and no sex.

The Shop, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Small, private dungeon and photography studio near Estacada. Will be holding parties regularly. Space also available for private functions & group functions, as well as photo shoots.

SinergyPDX, verified 2015-Mar-20
Dedicated to the betterment of the BDSM lifestyle through promoting open communication and the sharing of resources, and by encouraging the ideals of communication, consensuality, education, safety, responsibility, negotiation, honesty, trust, mentoring, and community.

SMAKS, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
S-type Meetup And Kinky Support. Portland. Discussion group for bottoms, s-types, & bottom-inclined Switches of all genders and sexual orientations, for the support of new and experienced Community members, discussion meetings, hands on skill oriented experiences, service opportunities.

Snap chat kinksters in Oregon, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
For those in OR who like using snap chat in a kinky way.

S.O. Nerdy & Kinky, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Where nerdy, geeky, kinky and just plain awesome local people can gather and do what is natural to them–nerd out like the true freaks that we are!

SOREMARC, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
SOREMARC, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Southern Oregon, Medford, Ashland Resource Center. Mission: To provide alternative lifestyle local community a community play space and educational resource center. To provide Kinksters a space for special events, parties, and place to play in a safe, comfortable way.

Southern Oregon Coastal Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Resource for connecting with others in our lifestyle, posing questions for discussion, making event announcements, planning events, and discovering new friends. Southern coastline OR-N CA.

Southern Oregon Dom/sub, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Safe place to find those in our area of like minds and be able to talk comfortably about anything.

Southern Oregon Poly Support Network, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Goal: To be a supportive network for individuals who are actively in, or are curious about polyamorous relationships.

Southern Oregon/Rogue Valley Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Haven for local kinky folk, to keep track of local munches and other get-togethers, to start getting to know one another

Southern Oregon Submissives, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Submissives or switches in sub role to discuss problems, questions, or anything else they wish without Dom interference.

Southern Oregon TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For ages 18-35

Southern Oregon Whip Enthusiasts, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
Share, teach, try and learn basic to advanced whip throwing, whip cracking techniques. Bulls, Snakes, Stocks, Signal whips – all kinds of single-tailed whips welcome.

Southern Oregon’s Littles and Kitties and Puppies (oh my), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Purpose: To organize little/puppy/kitten play parties and get to know each other a little better. All inclusive. LGBTQ friendly.

SPEEC, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
SPEEC, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
SPEEC, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
SPEECpdx, Twitter, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Sex-Positive Education & Event Center. Portland. Inclusive non-profit organization. Provides educational resources to promote growth, foster communication, and increase cohesiveness among and between local sex-positive communities.

Springfield Oregon Munch and Stuff, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Share information of interest to the group, continue discussions that were started at the munch, and post other events of interest to other members.

STEEP: Society for Tea Enjoyment and Entertainment in Portland (OR)- a Ladies’ Tea for Dommes, verified 2015-Mar-20
Focus: Afternoon Tea and accompanying rituals for the refined pleasure of Dominant Women. Genteel time for Dominant Women to relax, refresh, and engage in positive and friendly social intercourse, served, pampered, entertained and pleasured by service-oriented subs and slaves of all genders.

Submission in Motion, see In Service

SW PDX Munch!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Friendly happy hour group. Promotes being social through all age ranges and interests, a social atmosphere to talk and learn from each other and provide a safe environment in the area to meet other like-minded folks, both single and involved in a committed relationship.

Talking Kink, verified 2015-Mar-20
Forum for open discussion led by a panel of people who are particularly experienced in whatever topic has been chosen for the evening. Because these are discussion based, will focus more on dynamics, identities, and the like instead of how-to/hands-on topics

Threesomes In The Pacific North West, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Anyone looking for or interested in threesomes in the pacific North West. AK-CA-OR-WA

Transgendered Support in Portland Oregon area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Combination support group and constructive discussion center for Lifestyle Transgendered people and those who are Trans friendly in the area.

Tri-Cities Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Personals group for folks living in Richland, Kennewick, Pasco and surrounding areas.

TV Highway Gloryholes in Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For people to hook up, meet, suck and fuck at MR Peeps in Aloha Oregon and DK Wilds in Beaverton

Twisted Party PDX, verified 2015-Mar-20
Twisted Party PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Portland’s most sexual kinky fetish night “The Twisted Party” at Club Sesso. Both public and private play spaces for sexual and kinky explorations. Everyone welcome regardless of their sexual desires, gender or orientation. Blends people from the kinky, poly, swinger and fetish communities.

The Unofficial Club Sesso Kinksters and Fetishists Wednesdays, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Growing group of kinksters, fetishists and BDSM players meet at Club Sesso for socializing, relaxing, and to play.

Valhalla Educational Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Classes/workshops designed for new people, or people who need to learn BDSM 101 and BDSM 201 skills. Starts with a workshop/demonstration on topic followed by practical hands on, one on one training. Mentors will be roaming, helping, playing and encouraging your interactions and questions.

Valhalla House Dungeon (Portland, Oregon), verified 2015-Mar-20
Private D/s parties

Vampires Masquerade Ball PDX, verified 2015-Mar-20
Vampires Masquerade Ball PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Dedicated to bringing together people, ideas and resources of the entire valley area. Resource for various recreational pursuits.

Vancouver (USA) BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Many possible play areas, a good munch populated by many from the Portland area, including summer picnics and kite flying.

Vanilla Goings on in Portland Oregon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For Vanilla happenings in Portland.. VANILLA ONLY PERIOD! If you have a plan, idea, or get together post and let’s get busy

Washington, Oregon, and BC Ponyplay, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Ponyplay in OR-WA-BC. Come out and play with us!

Watershed PDX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Kink-friendly industrial arts warehouse in inner SE Portland.

Wayward House, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Springfield. Membership in this group is open to anyone, but not all events are open invitation.

West Coast Babby Mafia, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For fancy ABDLs who live in CA-OR-WA.

West Coast Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For better connection and communication, includes all types of cuckolds, cuckqueans, Hotwives, Slutwives, Cuckoldresses, studs, & any others. For all orientations-Straight, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender; lifestyle choices-Master, slave, Dominant, submissive, switch; all personalities. AK-AZ-CA-Guam-HI-ID-NV-OR-WA

Western States Veteran Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
For Vets, Disabled Vets and Active Duty men and women, that need help with various issues that concern us. Be it legal help due to BDSM concerns, job search help, website links and many items of interest. AZ-CA-CO-ID-MT-ND-NM-NV-OR-SD-UT-WA-WY

Whipper-Snappers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
TNG group. Dedicated to welcoming kinky people 18-35ish into the Portland/Vancouver BDSM community and scene. Focus on education, safe exploration, and fun.

Willamette Bound, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
Mission: To advance education and cohesiveness within experienced power dynamic enthusiasts that live within Williamette Valley. Plans to host munches, play parties, or any other event that they can think of, where there can be dedicated safe space to experienced and familiar friends.

Willamette Kinksters Association, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Dedicated to bringing together the people, ideas and resources of the entire valley area so that kinksters from Springfield to Portland have a resource to turn to for their various recreational pursuits.

Willamette Valley Gangbangs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
Group owned and managed by a group of women. For gangbang enthusiasts, curious observers. Ensures women are the highest priority. Emphasizes safe, sane, and respectful play. Here to fulfill fantasies, and to ask and answer questions.

WTFH Oregon!?!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-20
Whatever That’s Fitness & Healthy. We live in a beautiful state where there are many opportunities to do things to get healthy and fit. Walk, hike, bike, swim and the list goes on. We also promote discussions about healthy recipes, drinks, vitamins and more.

Yamhill Valley Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-13
For lifestyle discussions, new & noteworthy, tips, hookups, events, missed connections.

Young and Poly Portland, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-20
Intention: To connect young people in Portland who are polyamorous, swingers, nonmonogamous, or curious about open relationships. Ages 35-and-under or have partners who are 35-and-under.

Last updated: July 13, 2018 at 20:18 pm

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Jul 272015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

Cleveland Calendar of Events, Fetlife

AAAPEER, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Restricted to: People over the age of 36.

AB/DL tri state Indiana area, MI , IL , OH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For the adult babies and sissies, and mommies and daddys. so we can host parties in are area. Open to indiana and the states that boarder indiana

Adventures In Sexuality, verified 2015-Mar-17
Adventures In Sexuality, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Adventures in Sexuality (AIS), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Columbus. Growing Pansexual, Polyamorous BDSM/Kinky Fun Group, Focused on Education, Outreach, Safer Play, Fun and toward building greater Kink Awareness and Acceptance. Local and regional events, many sub-groups where people can find their niche

AgePlay Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Coming soon…

AIS-TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
AIS TNG (Adventures in Sexuality – The Next Generation), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Columbus. Educational and support group for younger adults ages 19-35 of any gender or sexual orientation. Safe, comfortable setting to meet like-minded people, expand your knowledge about kink, and have fun! All experience levels are welcome.

The Akron Area Master/Slave Market and Forum, Fetlife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Where Masters and Slaves in Akron and surrounding can come to a central place to meet and connect and see who is available and for what.

Akron Comfort Zone, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Kinksters and lifestylers getting together in a comfortable and laid back atmosphere. Exchanging information, experiences, and making lasting friendships.

Athens Ohio Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Intended to facilitate interactions for the SE OH area.

Athens Ohio TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
BDSM, fetish & kink group for those 18-35 and their partners.

Ballbusting Cincinnati, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For all lovers of ballbusting in the Cincinnati, Dayton and Northern KY Area.

BBW-BDSM Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For BBWs and the admirers of BBWs in ohio to meet, greet, and discuss.

BBW Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For the BBW and the SSBBW of Ohio and the surrounding states.

BDSM Cincinnati, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Established by PEER Group of Cincinnati, Inc. to list the lifestyle activities offered by our group as well as those of all other groups in the Cincinnati, SW OH, SE IN and No.KY area.

BDSM Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Listing of lifestyle opportunities for the SW Ohio-Northern KY-SE IN area. Feel free to post your events with permission from the group owner

BDSM Education and Training (BEAT) Productions, verified 2015-Mar-17, INACTIVE

The BDSM Group ., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Toledo area (NW OH-SW MI). Discussion group to start with for those who are looking for a daytime BDSM life.

BDSM in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Kentucky, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
IN-OH-MI-IL-KY. Where W/we can talk, learn, and grow, for “Active Participation” By Members In the Group.

BDSM Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For fellow kinksters who live or visit Michigan to network, learn, grow and share. Please feel free to post info on munches, parties or events or just enjoy a discussion. MI-IL-OH-IN-WI

BDSM Michigan Part Deux, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Open to Michigan residents and the surrounding areas/states! Open forum to have discussions, post questions, announce events and to just get along. MI-IL-OH-IN-WI

BDSM Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Place to make some friends and share information about munches and other events taking place in and around Ohio.

BDSM Ohio Ghost Hunters and Paranormal Investigators, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For paranormal investigators, occultists, Wicca practitioners, pagans, psychics and people of science and technology who have experienced the supernatural side of life. Report member explorations in real time, discuss philosophy, facts, physics, investigation methods, new technology etc.

BDSM PEER Daytime Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
SIG (Special Interest Group) of PEER Group of Cincinnati, offering daytime play opportunities in a spacious, safe, private, no smoking environment.

CAT’s Me Ow!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Purrfect place for Consensual Adults of Toledo (NW OH-SE MI) to gather for introductions, socializing, community building, education, frolic, fun, connecting and building new relationships. Welcomes positive participation by all.

Central OH Rope Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Central Ohio Rope Group (CORG), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Covers many erotic, sensual and down-right dirty ways to use rope from basic ties to beautiful Shibari, predicament, simple to complex knots, partial, full and self suspension and much much more. Tops, bottoms, all-arounds. Beginners, very experienced riggers and bottoms in every class.

Central OH Tea Time, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-17
For anyone who likes to drink tea, talk about tea, go to tea houses, serve tea, be served tea, buy tea, grow your own tea, tea parties, English style tea, Asian style tea, tea in general, etc.

Central Ohio 20-Somethings, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For those of us 20-somethings in the Central Ohio community who want to get together with folks in our own age-range for social & kinky events, as well as discuss local and current events.

Central Ohio Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
ONLY for those in Central Ohio who are actively seeking.

The Central Ohio Community, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For anyone living in, originally from or migrating to Central Ohio.

Central Ohio Dining Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Welcoming group of individuals who like to get out and meet up for breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, tea, dinner swaps, potluck nights, or whatever social you have that involves good friends, food and fun!

Central ohio Kinky Gamers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-08
For kinky gamers who want to find other kinky gamers in Central OH and surrounding to game with or whatever.

Central Ohio Lifestyle Singles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Columbus area. Aimed at unattached folks hoping to meet others similarly inclined.

Central Ohio Swingers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Columbus area. For swingers, people curious about swinging, and those supportive of the swing lifestyle. Discussion regarding real time events, parties, and swing clubs is encouraged.

The Chamber Columbus Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Fetish & bondage novelty, adult toy, clothing, accessory…you name it, we’ve got it close by or can get it for you – shop.

Cincinnati and Southwestern Ohio Groups and Munches, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Repository of informational trivia for, events, munches, meetings, presentations, and happenings, on all things groups for SW OH-N KY-SE IN.

Cincinnati BDSM, reviewed 2015-May-18
Offers BDSM and kink classes, private rental space for small events and education for anyone in the local community to get in touch with their kinkier side.

Cincinnati BDSM CommUNITY Out-Reach Program!, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
Goals: Provide newcomers to local BDSM scene with information, links and support; Put out an area weekly “Calendar of Events”; Set up “Mentoring Programs” for both Doms and subs. Not affiliated with ANY Cincinnati group.

Cincinnati/Dayton/Northern Kentucky male subs & slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For sub males and dommes in the ciny area to chat and share.

Cincinnati Healthy Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-10
For those looking for support and friends to hold them accountable to help better themselves, to talk about workout plans they have tried as well as diets and maybe find someone to help push you to reach your goals.

Cincinnati Kink Tank, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Discussion group for substantive BDSM relationship and community issues. Threads are started by the moderators and a facilitated discussion follows.

Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Southwestern Ohio TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Dedicated to those who are between the ages of 18 and 35 who would like an area to explore the BDSM and Leather Lifestyle.

Cincinnati Rope, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-18
Cincy Rope Group, Yahoo, reviewed 2015-Mar-18
Monthly. Cover many ways to use rope from basic ties to beautiful shibari, predicament, simple to complex knots, partial, full and self suspension and much much more. Tops, bottoms, all-arounds welcome.

Cincinnati Transgendered, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For TG people in the Cincinnati Area. Open discussion on any TG issues.

Cincy Munch, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Monthly. Casual dinner for new and experienced people age 18 and over who are interested in BDSM to meet and enjoy a meal and some good conversation in a safe social setting.

Cincy/NKY Party Gurls, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For Tgurls and those of all genders that love us, to provide a nice place for gurls and those that love us to meet, greet and see what happens.

CinDay Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Cin-N.KY. Can’t get out to munches and play parties on evenings and weekends? Looking, wishing, hoping, or praying for friends and lovers whose hours of availability are M-F, NOON-4pm- ish?

CLAW (Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend) Goers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-07
Non-official social group for folks who have (or plan to) had fun at CLAW.

Cleveland Black Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Focus: POC. Inclusive group; welcomes everyone regardless of race, gender-identity, sexual orientation, or kink.

Cleveland crossdressers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Girls who want to learn more about their own feminity, makeup, clothing, and just being a sweet woman.

Cleveland Dungeon Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Cleveland Dungeons Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
“PLAY” Group for N.E. Ohio.

Cleveland Femdom 101, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For beginners, novices, and even experts in the arts of FEMDOM. Women and Men are welcome.

Clevelands Little Toy Box, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Organized by littles for littles! Yo connect with littles, babygirls, babyboys, ageplayers, adult babies, middles, Daddies, Mommies and those who support them of all genders and persuasions in the NE Ohio area.

Cleveland Pet Play, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-07
For anyone that identifies as a non-human pet (kitties, puppies, ponies, bunnies, etc..) and/or animal role play. To help Handlers/Owners and pets in the area become aware of each other.

ClubFem Columbus Ohio Chapter, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
ClubFem Columbus Ohio Chapter, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Social organization composed of individuals who want to develop sincere Female Dominant/male submissive relationships. Dominas are in charge of activities at all times.

Club Masquerade, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-26
Private dungeon located in North Central OH.

Columbus Cuddle Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Safe place to give and receive hugs, cuddles, and snuggles. Focus: The benefits of the physical and mental benefit of non sexual touching.

Columbus Kinky Improv, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Improv games + Kink = Fun for All!

Columbus Ohio fetish parties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Purpose: To promote and discuss parties, events, and other community related activities in and around Central OH.

Columbus Ohio Kinky Hiking and Camping group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
If you are interested in hiking or camping with like minded people then this is a group for you.

Columbus Ohio wrestling, rough body play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For wrestlers, lovers of wrestlers, those who want to watch others wrestle, or just those interested in learning more, to get together, promote events, find matches, or just general discussion based on wrestling and how it might fit into your BDSM activities or as a stand alone activity.

The Columbus Space, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-01
Central Ohio Center for Community, Education, and Creative Sexuality Expression.

Columbus Submissive Support 35+, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For submissives, slaves, bottoms and switches ages 35+. Welcomes all sexualities, gender identifications. No D-types joining or posting. Provides safe environment for education and for socialization of submissives which is specific to the more mature crowd.

Columbus Toy Makers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For people who like to make their own toys. Hopefully we will be meeting.

Columbus Ursine Brotherhood (CUB), verified 2015-Mar-17
Fun-loving Bears, strive to build a positive image of the Bear community. Host various events each month such as potluck meals, picnics, camp outs, pool parties, hiking trips, and canoe trips

Covington Munch, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17, ON HIATUS

Cuckold_Hotwife_Swingers (Ohio), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-21
Cuckolds searching for Hotwives. Hotwives searching for Cuckolds. Swingers searching for Swingers.

D.A.P. – Dayton Area Poly, verified 2015-Mar-17
Support or social opportunities in the poly community

Dayton BDSM Support Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Dayton Ohio BD/SM Support Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Holds munches and get togethers to meet and introduce new people to the area events and other groups as well.

Dayton Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Plan meetups, and carpooling to Columbus events. May even plan kink parties.

Denison University, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
For current students and alumni to talk kink or start events.

East Coast Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Created to give cuckolds and Hotwives a broader range, with specific areas of interest, for better connection and communication. AL-AR-CT-DC-DE-FL-GA-IL-IN-KY-LA-LAB-MA-MD-ME-MI-MS-NB-NC-NFLD-NH-NJ-NS-NY-OH-ONT-PA-PR-QB-RI-SC-TN-VA-VT-WV

Erotic Photography Workshop, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
A workshop platform to participate by either offering their skills or coming to learn a new one. IN-KY-OH-WV

F.E.M. Femdom Education and Mentoring, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Fosters environment of caring, respect and tolerance of all aspects of the Female Dominant perspective of BDSM. Objectives: Socializing, education and mentoring within a warm Sisterhood environment. Regular munches and special events (special presentations, demos, dinners, teas and parties).

Femdom-centralOH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For Dominant Women and those that adore and respect all things Femdom, regardless of gender.

Fetish in Paradise, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
Fetish night at a members only club dedicated to providing a safe place for swingers to meet and mingle. Open to couples, single females, and select single males respectfully active in the alternate lifestyle of swinging, and now the BDSM family.

Fightclub Ohio: A Cincinnati, Dayton, and Northern Kentucky BDSM Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
We host our monthly Food Club meetings, as well as several play parties and other outings and workshops throughout the year to bring together kinksters with like-minded others for fellowship, learning, and socialization.

Findlay Cinema Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For all of us kinky people in the Findlay area who also enjoy going to the movies to come together with friends and enjoy the cinema together.

Findlay Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Adults (18+) of all ages, races, orientations, and genders are more than welcome!

FLCS – FetLife Columbus Submissives (Ohio), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For FLCS events which mostly include the munches.

Free Gear in the Tristate (KY-OH-WV), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Designed for people with either want to receive something or want to give something away without any monetary exchange required.

Gay & Bi Enema Men in Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Devoted to meeting and the exchange of enemas and gay male erotic pleasures. Men only

GLEE-Great Lakes Energy Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Students learning and sharing hands-on how to identify and utilize energy, both personally during daily interactions and in BDSM play. Welcomes members of all spirituality or lack there of, with any amount of experience (novice to advanced).

GLLA Ohio, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Information about GLLA Ohio and its contests: Ohio Leather Sir, Ohio Leather boy, Ohio Miss Leather Pride, Ohio Bootblack and Ohio Master/slave.

Great Lakes Anime Conventions, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Any convention that would relate to anime/manga, gaming, comics, sci-fi, renaissance, etc. can and will be labeled and discussed here

Greater Cincinnati Personal Ads, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-06
For low-moderated, personal ads in N.KY-SW OH.

Guilty Pleasures Stage Show, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-17
Guilty Pleasures Stage Show, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Often referred to as just the “Stage Show”. Live and interactive BDSM performance. Patrons can volunteer to be active participants in sadomasochistic activities.

H.A.C.K.S. (Horny/Happy Ashtabula County Kinksters Society), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Local Kinksters getting together for good times. All fetishes welcome. Starting place for people into or curious about alternative lifestyles and wanting to develop new friendships.

Handgrenade, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Honorable And Noble Diversionary Group Really Enjoying Noms And Discussion Enticingly. For geeky intellectual literati types; people who enjoy discussing topics such as: reading, gaming, watching movies/tv, documentaries, philosophy and psychology, science, biology, etc

Heartland Crossing, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Heartland Crossing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
For crossdressers, transvestites, sissies, genderplayers, transpersons, and their admirers and/or lovers; or those who are respectfully curious about the same. CO-IA-IL-IN-KS-MI-MN-MO-MT-ND-NE-NM-OH-OK-SD-TX-WI-WY.

Hitchin’ Bitches Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For female identifying rope riggers/rope tops/dominants in Ohio. Welcomes rope bottoms of all identities and genders.

Hosiery Fetish: Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For hosiery fetishists, male and female like, who live in the Buckeye State!

Hung Bulls in KY, IND, OH,, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Bulls regardless of color that are 8 inches minimum interested in talking, meeting and playing with Hot wives and Cuckold couples. KY-IN-OH area.

Hypnosis in the Pittsburgh/tri-state area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For discussing erotic and sensory hypnosis in OH-WV-W.PA

IN, OH, MI, KY, IL BDSM Lifestyle Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
BDSM Lifestylers that are looking for others whether it be for scenes, play, LTR, Training, Mentoring, etc.

IN, OH, MI, KY, IL Sub/Slave/Bottom etc. Seeking, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
sub/slave/bottom m&f to place an “ad” anyone can respond

Iron Eagles, verified 2015-Mar-17
Canton. Gay Leather/Levi Club. Purpose: To maintain an organization to further the ideals of leather brotherhood and friendship, and to promote social and charitable functions.

Kent State University Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-27
To see who all on here is at Kent State. Possibly meet people.

Kent/Stow Ohio Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-27
For kinksters in and around Kent

Knotty Knowledge: Rope bondage peer study group., FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-18
Toledo area. Rope bondage peer study group. Open and accepting of all experience levels, lifestyles, gender identities, gender presentations, and sexual orientations.

Lancaster Locals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Locals from the area. Any type of legal kink is welcome to join.

LGBPQ Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Pansexuals, and Queers (and Asexuals), and our Heterosexual friends, family, supporters, and admirers, to come together and form a community, to provide support and perhaps a place to organize the community to action.

LGBTQ Central/Southern Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Comfortable place for gay, straight, bisexual, lesbian, tansgender, and basically anyone to come meet other people of a like mind.

LGBTQ Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
People from Ohio who are in the LGBTQ or GLBT community and interested in BDSM. Let’s network and share local events.

The Littles Table, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
Columbus. Mission: Provide a safe munch/meetup, in a public “vanilla” establishment once a month. For people who are interested or involved in AB, DL, LG, littles and AgePlay to know each other, while sharing a meal, telling stories and sharing experiences.

!*!* L.O.C.O. (Littles of Central Ohio) *!*!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Local, social group for littles (with or without their Bigs). A safe place where you can stuff your face with things that normally are bad for you, color a pretty picture, make a craft, or learn something new about this lifestyle and how others do it.

Lonely in Dayton, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-04
A personals area, a venting area, and whatever else

Lorain County, Ohio Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Monthly. Accepts both new and experienced people who are interested in BDSM and meeting like minded people. (Elyria, Lorain, Avon, Avon Lake, Oberlin, Wellington, Amherst, Vermillion)

M4M Spanking in Indiana, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17, SPAM?
For men in and around Indiana who participate in all kinds of corporal punishment, including SPANKING and PADDLING!

MAsT:Columbus, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Opportunity and forum for like-minded individuals to come together for discussion of issues that concern Masters and slaves, to share ideas and gain and/or share knowledge of the Master/slave lifestyle.

MAsT: Great Lakes Region, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For members of MAsT (Masters and slaves Together) who reside in the Great Lakes Region to exchange information with other chapters in the region and post announcements regarding your chapters activities.

MAsT: Greater Cleveland, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-17
MAsT: Greater Cleveland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Pansexual organization. Mission: To support, directly and indirectly, those of all genders and all sexual orientations living, or seeking to live, in a Power Exchange relationship.

MAsT: Greater Dayton, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Exists to serve those individuals involved in, or interested in, consensual, hierarchically structured relationships.

MAsT ORV Cincinnati Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For those who are interested in the Master/slave dynamic in the Ohio River Valley. Hosted by PEER Group of Cincinnati. Meets monthly.

Medina Ohio Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Pansexual place to meet other local kinky folks, make some friends and share information about munches and other events.

MI BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For kinky, lifestyle, leather, BDSM, M/s, and D/s folks. Participate in conversations, find a special friend to share your kink, or simply expand your horizons and enjoy yourself. Post about parties, munches, education, or regional events. MI-IL-OH-IN-ONT

Michiana Singles Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
To establish a meeting place for local singles to find others to participate in lifestyle events and activities. N.IN – S.MI – N.OH- IL

Michigan Area Daddys, Mommys, and lils, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Where Daddys, Mommys, and lils from the michigan area (MI-IN-IL-OH-WI) can talk about stuff near them.

Michigan Kinksters – and surrounding areas.., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
About nothing, or just about everything in Michigan and surrounding areas (OH-IN-ONT).

Michigan Whip Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Focused on art of whip throwing and education. Bulls, Snakes, Western, Stocks, Signal, and all kinds of single tailed whips are welcome. Experts, intermediates, advanced, beginners, or first timers are all welcome. MI-IL-OH-IN-ONT.

Mid Ohio Rose and Leather D/s Lifestyles, See MORAL

Midwest BDSM’ers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For all those local to the Great Lakes region seeking to connect with fellow kinksters and like minded individuals. All are welcome to join and participate regardless of orientation, fetish preference or gender identity. IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI.

Midwestern Kinky Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Welcome to all post and come and make friends from the Midwestern and who know what you might get into. IL-IN-IA-KS-MI-MN-MO-NE-ND-OH-SD-WI

The Monkey Puzzle Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Intention: Meet weekly to hone skills, learn, teach, and generally improve ourselves and our community. Welcomes anyone who wants to learn with an open mind and heart, and can leave their negativity at the door. Created to do something positive for the community.

M.O.R.A.L. – Mid-Ohio Rose and Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
MORAL (Mid Ohio Rose and Leather) D/s Lifestyles, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Mid Ohio Rose and Leather D/s Lifestyles Social networking provider for those interested in or currently living an alternative lifestyle. Welcoming to any and all alternative lifestyles. Strives to bring together friends and family in a safe and non-judgmental, casual atmosphere.

Ms chats in Columbus Oh, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
To both announce when Masters and slaves will gather to have real time chats, as well as to possibly further discuss topics that were brought up in those chats. Based in central Ohio and held once a month at various places.

[NAN] NeoAlterNights, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-27
Social group for Northern OH area. Goals: To unite a group of the community. Talk about anything kink, or anything not. Looks to bond friendships and focus on a safe environment for everyone involved.

National Leather Association Columbus Ohio, see NLA-Columbus

N.C.O.K, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
North Central Ohio Kinksters. For anyone in Bellevue, Bucyrus, Clyde, Crestline, Fremont, Findlay, Galion, Huron, Mansfield, Marion, Norwalk, Ontario, Port Clinton, Sandusky, Shelby, Tiffin, Upper Sandusky, Willard. All genders, orientations, ages, relationship dynamics welcome.

NW Ohio Bukkake Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-16
For anyone wishing to participate in bukkake parties in NWOH region and surrounding areas.

NE Ohio Kinky Gamers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Like minded individuals meeting to gather for fun, discussion, and gaming without discrimination, filled with open minds, in a good-natured atmosphere.

NE Ohio group, gang and cuck, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Resource and meeting place for those that embrace group sex, gang bangs and the cuckold lifestyle. Get reviews of motels, best places to meet, ect. Open to anybody along Lake Erie. OH-PA-NY

Ne ohio squirters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-27
For those who can, want to, or love to squirt

Needleplay & Hookers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Supported by The Prestige Group. For kinky crafters to get together and geek out over our respective crafts. Crocheters, knitter’s, quilter’s, cross-stitcher’s, etc all are welcome. OH-KY-IN

NEO Burlesque Beauties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For gals interested in burlesque in and around Northeast Ohio, including but not limited to Akron, Ashtabula, Canton, Cleveland, Lake & Geauga Counties, Youngstown, etc. to gather, share ideas & skills, learning the art of burlesque together and having a lot of fun!

NEO Crossovers for NE Ohio REAL TIME meetings of the kinky, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Serves as a focus for our real time activities in Poly, Swinger, BDSM, Tran-girls and those that love, are curious, or just want to meet and explore in a open, accepting, safe environment.

NEO Kinky Motorcycle Riders, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Conversations about group rides, weekend biker events, bike nights, road trips, riding tips, bike pics, shop/repair help, leather…

NEO threesome, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-27
For people looking for threesomes and coming up short on finding that third person.

NLA (National Leather Association) Columbus Ohio, verified 2015-Mar-17
NLA-Columbus OH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
National Leather Association of Columbus, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Pansexual organization dedicated to education and understanding of alternative sexual lifestyles. Primarily a BDSM/Leather group, all interests welcome. Bisexual, Gay, Heterosexual, Lesbian and Transsexual, male, female, couples and leather families, all creeds, professions, income brackets.

North East Ohio Kinks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For all kinky people in NE Ohio area, from Lorain county to Ashtabula down to Akron/Canton areas.

Northeast Ohio, Kinky geocachers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
For people in Northeast Ohio to geocache with, or at least discuss this fun activity.

NorthEast Ohio Personals, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-27
Place to look for others.

Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati Monthly Munches, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Caters to the local community of NKY and Cincinnati.

Northern Ohio BDSM Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
List BDSM and Lifestyle type events that are to take place in Northern Ohio.

Northern Ohio M/s chats & socials, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Peer group of like minded people who are interested in and/or living in M/s D/s relationships.

NW Ohio Bukkake Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-16
For anyone wishing to participate in bukkake parties in NWOH region and surrounding areas.

NWOhio Littles (etc) Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
Comfort zone for new or experienced Adult Littles (AgePlayers), Bigs, Adult Babies, Adult Toddlers, Adult School Kidz, Adult Babyfurs, curious, caregivers, etc. Announcements of munches, parties and special events. All ages, genders, and orientations. Share stories, beliefs, experiences.

Ohioabdl, verified 2015-Mar-17, INACTIVE?

Ohio black women for white males -preference not a fetish, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
For black women in Ohio physically attracted to white men, yet understand that skin color does not make the man.

Ohio Fetish Freaks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Come meet other people interested in your fetishes from Ohio and come here to plan local Ohio parties and meet ups

Ohio Flings, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Where people in Ohio-N.KY can have a good time with little hassle!

Ohio Hypnosis Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Folks in or around Ohio with an interest in hypnosis. Goal: Meeting monthly to present and discuss a new trick or topic, and then practice together. Dayton.

Ohio Kinky Gamers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Gamer group local to Dayton, cinci, columbus, N.KY-E.IN. Mission: Bring together kinky gamers for fun, discussion, and gaming in an environment void of discrimination, and filled with open minds and a atmosphere of camaraderie.

The Ohio Kinky Girl’s Club, copyrighted Jan 2010, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Open to all females, sub or domme, no matter what groups you belong to, kinky or not. No Men Please!

Ohio lifestylers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Columbus area. Join us as we set up munches and events. Get to know your local kinksters.

Ohio (Non Kink) Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For announcements about events that are not specifically kinky, but events that kinky people may enjoy.

Ohio Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For all those who live in Ohio, and surrounding states PA-WV-KY-IN-MI to post personals. Please state age, gender, location, status (sub, Dom, daddy, daughter, kinkster, ect), in your initial post.

Ohio Personals *No Face Pic Required*, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-14
To assist others in meeting new people and having new adventures.

Ohio Pony Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For people in ohio that are into pony play

Ohio Rough Trade – Classified Ads, Buy/Sell & Barter, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For Ohioans (or those near-by) to buy, sell, trade your fetish gear: leather, clothing, furniture, toys, etc. Barters of service for service/gear are also appropriate and encouraged.

Ohio Sadists and Masochists, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Where Sadists and Masochists can discuss experiences and the do’s and don’ts of S&M.

Ohio Sissies, Sissy Maids, Crossdressers, Transgender, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For Ohio sissies, sissy maids , crossdressers, transgender men ftm, transgender women mtf and their owners or spouses and Admirers. Asking questions on the how too’s and the what if’s of living this lifestyle, and or becoming the man or woman that you are trying to become.

Ohio slave chat, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
An informal gathering, in a round table open discussion format.

Ohio SMART (Sadomasochist Alliance Real Time), verified 2015-Mar-17
Ohio SMART, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Clevelands oldest and largest BDSM Social and Educational Organization. Holds Dungeon Play Parties, an Educational Meeting with Play Party afterwards, and special interest subgroups for Poly, Energy, Dominants, submissives, KOBRAS at various locations in the Cleveland/Akron Area.

OhioSMART-TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
A young people’s special interest group, part of OhioSMART. Meet and greet with fellow kinksters, ages 19-35, in the Cleveland area.

Ohio Swing Scene (OSS) Cincy Chapter, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Unmoderated and up to date info on the swinger scene in S.W. Ohio. Published reviews of clubs and party’s, connect with other couples and singles.

Ohio Tea Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Will sponsor and/or host a variety of formal events such as Ladies Teas, Gentlemen’s Smokers and Formal Dinners. Will provide training to submissives and slaves for tea and other formal service events.

Ohio Tickle Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For people who like to be or to Tickle folks in or around Ohio.

Ohio Valley Alternative Life-Stylers (OVALS), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Discussion list for adults (18+) interested in the wonderful world of B D S M – D/s, M/s, B/d, S/m, dominance, submission and fetishism.

Ohio Valley Poly, see OVPN

OPEN, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Ohio Pansexual Ethical Non-monogamy. Goal: To provide a place where anyone who is interested in polyamory and non-monogamy in its various forms can get information, discuss experiences, and share knowledge regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, kink, or relationship status.

Outland Nightclub Columbus, Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17, CLOSED

Ohio Valley Alternative Life-Stylers (OVALS), Yahoo
Discussion list for adults (18+) interested in the wonderful world of B D S M – D/s, M/s, B/d, S/m, dominance, submission and fetishism.

OVPN – Ohio Valley Polyamory Network, verified 2015-Mar-17
OVPN – Ohio Valley Polyamory Network, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Cincinnati. A place where those sincerely interested in polyamory can network with one another and cultivate community wherever they may be. OH-KY-IN.

Parkersburg/MOV Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17

PEER (Power Exchange & Erotic Roleplaying) Group, verified 2015-Mar-17
PEER Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
PEER (Power Exchange & Erotic Roleplaying) Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Very active educational group hosts 3 munches, 5 partys, a day long presentation, group mtgs, 13 SIGS including Dominant, Submissive, SwItCh, MAsT, Rope, Hi Protocol, Electrical, Day Play, Animal Kingdom, Impact Play Medical, & TNG each month. Hosts 4 major hotel educational parties per year.

PEER Medical School 2015, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-04
Regional Event open to Friends, Members and new people.

PEER TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
SIG of PEER Group of Cincinnati. Dedicated toward the 18-35 year old segment of society who are interested in learning and participating in the BDSM and alternative lifestyle community. Has it’s own leadership separate from that of PEER Group and hosts its own parties, demos, and social outings

People of the Great Lakes Alternative Lifestyle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Please feel free to share information about yourselves, your events, start up discussions about your location, your club to stir up interest, ask any questions you wish about anything in the Great Lakes area.

Power Exchange Summit, verified 2015-Mar-17
Power Exchange Summit, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Columbus. Multi-day event. Classes and workshops; social spaces and fun; for people who are engaged or interested in all kinds of power exchange relationships to come and explore our lifestyle. Focus: Power exchange relationships of any form, instead of play or kink.

The Prestige Group Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
The Prestige Group Ohio, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17 -INACTIVE-
Pro-BDSM educational organization, advocacy group and social networking provider, dedicated to ensuring all consenting adults can express their sexuality freely and openly, without fear. OH-N.KY

PRSCO, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Purple Rose Society Central Ohio. Pansexual, realtime and online group of people in BDSM Community located in the Columbus/Central Ohio area. Welcomes all with an interest or desire in alternative lifestyles. Focus: Education, community services, fellowship, and real life interaction.

Purple Rose Society, verified 2015-Mar-17
Purple Rose Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Purple Rose Society, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
aka PRS. Akron. BDSM Social and Educational organization. Educational Meeting with a Play Party afterwards, and a Social/Play Party monthly. Prior to these events, we meet for dinner at various restaurants.

River Valley BDSM Leadership Council, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Restricted to: Members of the Tri-state area KY-OH-WV BDSM community who are presently or have been in leadership positions within their groups.

Rope Bite Cincinnati, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-18
Current class format is very structured. One of the other core ideas I have been teaching is that since it is a class room environment D/s is not a factor.

Ropebite_Columbus, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Restricted to: Anyone interested in getting together with like minded rope bondage enthusiasts.

Rope Bite: Tied Up in the Tri-State, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-19
Headquarters: Charleston. Riggers and rope bunnies from everywhere welcome, esp Tri-State area (WV-OH-KY). Goal: To teach and learn from each other about rope, rigging, rope topping, and rope bottoming.

RopeLab, reviewed 2015-Mar-20
RopeLab, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-20
Columbus. For lovers of Rope Bondage of all styles, including but not limited to Sharbi/Kinbaku and Western and fusion styles. Provides education, practice and play opportunities, social events and meetings, group travel events, and resources.

Rubber City Playhouse, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Rainbowsexual group of fiesty RACK players who are all about having fun educating the community, and giving back to it as well. Embrace all genders, races, religions and walks of life.

Rubber City Rope Bite, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-18
Akron. Meets in a very kink friendly atmosphere with the freedom to be who you are and to share what you know. Come learn, share, enjoy, and tie. Purpose: To give people the opportunity to experience rope in a safe and friendly atmosphere.

Safe Call Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For Ohio Kinksters willing to be used as a Safe Call for other people in the community, whether you know them or not.

Sensually Kinky in Central/Southwest Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Designed for anyone in the Central/Southwest Ohio region who enjoys the more Erotic, Sensual side of the BDSM/Fetish lifestyle. Open forum where we can learn from one another and make great new friends.

SeoBDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Oh-WV. Merged with the AllPlayWV Group,

Shakespeare in the Park: Columbus and Cincinnati, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
Dedicated to the free Shakespeare in the park outdoor theaters in Columbus and Cincinnati.

The Shoot, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
SIG hosted by PEER Group of Cincinnati. For learning more about how to photograph fetish and lifestyle scene photography. Open to both Pro’s and Non-Pro’s alike on either side of the lens or those who are in technical support of them.

Silk Nights, reviewed 2015-May-29
Silk Nights, Facebook, reviewed 2015-May-29
Silk Nights, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-29
Silk Nights, Twitter, reviewed 2015-May-29
Cincinnati area. Social group. For lifestyle adults to meet people and have fun in and outside of the bedroom. Holds weekly social events, eg trivia, karaoke, sporting events, etc. Will have meet and greets, party bus trips, hotel parties, and a new lifestyle club coming soon.

SORE, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Southern Ohio Resource and Educational Group. Educational group formed to increase the knowledge of those interested in the lifestyle. Providing the ability to meet people with similar interests and expand knowledge all in a safe environment.

The Soulfire Society Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Functions solely as a SIG group supported by The Prestige Group Ohio. For those who want to explore the connection between spirituality, sexuality and BDSM. Guided discussions, guest speakers or even possibly active participation.

Southeast Ohio Community of Alternative Relationships, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Safe and welcoming social community and resource for non-monogamous people in Athens, Nelsonville, Logan, Marietta, Portsmouth, Jackson, Chillicothe, and surrounding areas.

Southern Ohio Resource and Educational Group, see SORE

Southwest Ohio Poly Discussion, Meetup, verified 2015-Mar-17
Live monthly forum for an exchange of ideas, friendship, support community for the poly community. Focus of discussion is polyamory and poly-related topics. Not a swingers group.

Southwest Ohio Young and Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Southwest Ohio Young and Poly, Meetup, verified 2015-Mar-17
To help “young” people who are interested in polyamory, or are currently living in any of the possible poly dynamics, to find friends who can relate to the unique problems faced by this lifestyle. Dayton and Cincinnati areas.

SteamPunk of Ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Devoted to Steampunk, costuming and Kink. We need newbies to mentor and mentors to mentor. Idea makers and photographers. And Kinksters to make life fun!

Sterling Shadow, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17

Sterling Shadow Continuum, verified 2015-Mar-17
Sterling Shadow Continuum, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Dayton. From Education to Actuality. Providing a place and time for education to be put into practice whether it be hands-on demonstrations, and/or the opportunity to experience actual play in a smaller dungeon setting.

Suburban Kink- Real meetings of the Cleveland suburbs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Open group. Accepts all kinksters no matter where you come from in the various lifestyles. Core values: Education, Community, Acceptance and Tolerance, Awesomeness.

SW Ohio Fetish Content Producers, Models and Photographers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For fetish content producers, models and photographers who work in SWOH area to make connections for work. Network, list availability, and look for models who cater to the fetish genre only.

SW Ohio Medical Fetish, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For South Western Ohio Medical Fetishists.

TAPE – Tristate Area Power Exchange (WV-OH-KY), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Tri-state Area Power Exchange (TAPE), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
Active BDSM lifestyle group in the WV-OH-KY tristate area

This Generation: Columbus, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Focused on needs of people in the kink/leather/bdsm community ages 35+ and partners in Greater Columbus/Mid Ohio area. Welcomes all sexualities, gender identifications, and any D/s or M/s or any variant power exchange dynamic.

Toledo Area Mentors, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-17
Group is meant to work as a “group mentor”, think of it as a tech line for kink. Group leaders will serve as the “tech team” and have volunteered their time to answer questions give opinions.

Toledo Area Red Flags, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
NW OH/SE MI area. Share details of scenes, relationships, or interactions that have been abusive, have involved assault that was either not negotiated in a scene or relationship, safewords or hard limits were violated, boundaries pushed to disturbing/alarming degrees, or cyberstalking.

TriState Area Kinksters: WV-KY-OH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Meet like minds of a common and practical ground. Real people with REAL lives, REAL Professions, REAL expectations, and REAL kinks with a need of leather family and CONFIDENTIALITY.

Tristate Area Makers Guild, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
OH-WV-KY. To build, make and craft things. We can get together and help each other and share ideas. Maybe we can have some learning sessions where we can hang out and learn new skills.

Tri-state Area Power Exchange, see TAPE – Tristate Area Power Exchange (WV-OH-KY)

Tri-State Ky-Oh-In (Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana), reviewed 2015-May-01
Promote Your Group. Place Personal Ads. Advertise Your Business. Start A Conversation.

Tri State Play Partners/ Indiana-michigan-ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Welcomes those looking for a play partner only, not looking for a 24/7 relationship.

TriState Chat (KY-OH-WV), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Main discussion threads are the “rooms” in which a general topic is brought up. Online and bored? Friends not online? Want to learn something new but don’t know where to start? Just want to talk?

TriState Threesomes, Swinging, And Gangbangs (KY-OH-WV), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For those into or curious about sex with multiple partners. Share experiences, fantasies, ideas, and questions with mature adults with the same mindsets.

TriState (WV/OH/KY) Transgenders & Friends, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Social support network and an information source

Watersports fans in Columbus, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Name pretty much says it all. Ohioans only.

Weirton Kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
For kinky people in and around Weirton, WV. (Follansbee, Wellsburg, Chester, and Hooverson Heights, East Liverpool, Martins Ferry, Toronto, Mingo Junction, Steubenville, OH; Burgettstown, McDonald, Imperial, PA)

Youngstown (Ohio) Crossdressers, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-17
= SPAM =

Youngstown Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
Exchange information about the happenings around us. Please feel free to post any events you know about, either local or not, and talk almongst yourselves!

Youngstown TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For anyone in the Youngstown area, ages of 18-35 (Soft number)

Youngstown Youth, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-17
For people 18-35, from Youngstown and surrounding areas to come together and speak about their thoughts, ideas and plans to convene

Last updated: August 23, 2015 at 21:34 pm

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Jul 212015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement.

New Hampshire (and surrounding areas) Munch Calendar

420 Friendly in CT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Share your favorite 420 activities whether it be baking, playing N64, or watching funny movies.

Ageplayes An AB/DL Of New England Looking For A Daddy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For Ageplayers Or an Adult Baby Girl of the New England area looking for a Daddy.

AlaCon Bisexual Players, reviewed 2015-May-16
AlaCon Bisexual Players, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
For all Bi fun people based in New England. Holds events throughout New England and beyond. Play Parties. Meet and Greets (munches). Weekend Getaways. Clothing optional vacations. Party Bus Road Trips to fun open minded locations.

Asian Women in the Tri-state Area – , New York , New Jersey, Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
About having fun and enjoying good times with beautiful Asian women.

Available Lesbian Subs, Slaves, Sluts in the Northeast, U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For available lesbian subs, slaves and sluts and their dominant friends, supporters, and admirers in the northeastern states.

BBC For BBW’S in Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
BBW’s seeking BBC in CT

BBC For White Women in Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Real meeting for black men and white women

BBC of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Comprised of elite black men and the white women in the Boston area who wish milk, ride, gag and ride.

BBW New Hampshire, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all BBW (submissive, Domme, kinksters, primal, straight, bi, heteroflexible) and the people who love us, in NH/New England area.

BBW Submissive Women of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For submissive BBW Women in New England and the local men who love them. Chat, get advice, make friends, and feel free to completely be themselves.

BDSM Classics Reading Group, verified 2015-Mar-21
BDSM Classics Reading Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Meets every month in New Haven, alternating our discussions between fiction and non-fiction. Feel free to join in and discuss the books here even if you can’t be with us in person.

bi guys and gals in Meriden area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all bisexuals in Meriden area to meet

Bight Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
All about bringing rope bondage to unusual places. Everyone who wants to tie or be tied is welcome.

Black Women / White Men NY,NJ & CT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For Black Women and White men in NY-NJ-CT to meet chat and possibly help/discuss issues. Doesn’t matter if you are Dom, Domme or Sub.

Bootblacks of New England (NELA SIG), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Where we can learn from each other, skill share, and form more of a cohesive community in New England area for those interested in the skills and art of bootblacking.

Boston and New England Exposed, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Goal: To arrange a situation where we appear in public and show ourselves naked for brief periods of time.

Boston MA Phisting Society / Fisting New England area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
All gender kinksters having an interest in this fetish are welcum to join. Ask questions, post events, post links, and network.

Boston Strap-On Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all Boston-Greater New England strap-on fetishists. Whether you’re a deviant Devotee or just sincerely curious; place to begin looking for a play-partner, dom, sub, or lifetime partner

Bostonian Wanderlust, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For Boston/New England Kinksters planning, executing and traveling.

Burlesque in Northern New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Love gorgeous women, wearing fantastic costumes, performing all manner of creative dances and skits that will have you laughing, hooting and hollering, and most of all just having a great time?

the CCC (Ct Couples Connection), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For couples in Ct to connect with other couples for vanilla or kink purposes – whether its to arrange playtime @ the local bdsm club, to arrange a carpool to the next munch, or to double-up going to the movies.

CFNM Western MA and CT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For the express purpose of discussing and possibly organizing CFNM events. All Women are encouraged to post and make their wishes known.

Classified!!! (For the New England area), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Specifically for New England states to post what they are looking for.

Connecticut & N.E. amateur photography ( Non Pro ), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Created for CT/New England kinksters who love to take erotic pictures for fun.

Connecticut ABDL’s, verified 2015-Mar-21
Connecticut ABDL’s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For any CT ABDL’s who wish to establish some connections or social networking.

Connecticut Age Play Society, verified 2015-Mar-21
Connecticut Age Play Society, verified 2015-Mar-21
Have a good time amongst a nonjudgmental crowd of folks who are just like you

Connecticut and East Coast D/s or BDSM, Which is Better?, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To say, to exchange ideas, munch dates, and possibly meet for coffee or whatever may arise. Keep it simple and straight about exchanging ideas, and chatting as well as possibly meeting others.CT-MA-NJ-NY

Connecticut BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Dedicated to the Alt Lifestyle people of CT; all welcome to join. Topics of discussion will cover but, are not restricted to masters, mistresses, slaves, sub, switches, tops, bottoms, sadomasochists, fetishists, meetings, events in Connecticut, and any other aspect of the lifestyle.

The Connecticut Chick Clique, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For the Ladies only from CT-MA-RI. Trans gurls are welcome. Mostly designed for the ladies of the Society because we are all friends in real life but others are very welcome to come and chit chat with us.

Connecticut Crossdressers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For Crossdressers, Transgendered, transvestite, and sissy’s to meet others who like men who crossdress.

Connecticut Ct Gang Bang and Bukkake, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Open to anyone interested in the kink of gang bangs and bukkake in CT or Northeast. For straight or bi women and men, to learn about upcoming parties and events.

Connecticut DTF ts/cd/tv/sissy and admirers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
For trans type folks and admirers.

Connecticut Dungeon-Residents of CT ONLY, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-10
For anyone who resides in CT full time.

Connecticut Education, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Not directly affiliated with any organization. Advertise any educational classes scheduled in CT or surrounding. Also, an opportunity to find out what ideas the community would like to see as future topics for classes, demos, workshops.

Connecticut Female Business Owners Who Would Appreciate an on-the-job sissy to transform, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For men that would not only want to be under the rule of a female but who would love to work full time for a female employer that would impose special work contract rules for her special new employee.

Connecticut Foot Fetish, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all CT people to gather and discuss all things feet. Share contacts, resources and info for those who like to indulge in foot fetish activity.

Connecticut Gamers & Geeks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
It’s kinda self-explanatory…

Connecticut Geeks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For geeks in Connecticut.

Connecticut Glory Holes, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Try to list addresses if known, for those who may not be familiar with certain cities. Also, please list if said hole is serviced by males, females, or both, and what days are good to frequent them.

Connecticut Hypnokink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
For sharing events, links and discussions related to hypnosis in CT. New hypnotists and subjects always welcome.

Connecticut Kinksters for Fitness and Health, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Share triumphs and frustrations related to health and fitness from pilates, to diets to fuckercise and support each other’s personal goals.

Connecticut Kinksters Writers Circle (CKWC), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Like-minded CT kinksters who want to improve their craft of writing, and are willing to offer services of proofreading and constructive criticism. Any styles and genres of writing welcome.

Connecticut Kinky Builders, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
The wonderful world of do-it-yourselfers welcomes you.

Connecticut Kinky Renn. Faire Fans, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
For meeting other kinksters that would like to meet and discuss the opinions on which Renn. Faires one shouldn’t miss, news of them close by, for discussion of costumes and different methods to make them within a budget, different roles people take on and advise on playing them.

Connecticut Munches, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all the munch leaders to have a central location to advertise their upcoming munches, and to find out what is coming up and the details of the local munches.

Connecticut Pagans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those in all various walks of life. Time to come out of the proverbial broom closet and make some new friends!

Connecticut People Swingers Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Connecticut People Swingers Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Parties hosted on a weekly basis within the CT area. Open to all couples, single ladies and a selected group of single males.

Connecticut Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
CT residents only. Where people in CT can search for others in CT for relationships, play, ownership-whatever you are seeking BDSM wise whether it be a Dominant, submissive, a date for a munch or anything in between. This should be for REAL TIME meetings.

Connecticut Personals No kidding, for real., FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Real Personals ads with no agenda. Have fun, play nice. For people willing to put in the time to have a relationship with people in Ct welcome.

~ Connecticut Poly ~ (yes we do exist!), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Providing a meeting point for all the closet poly people throughout CT. No more hiding! Come out and play, say hello and possibly meet your future addition?

Connecticut Polyamory, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Talk about Polyamory, Alternative Family Structure, and any issues pertaining to lifestyles that involve multiple partners. Please share your stories, rules, and anything that has helped you in perusing this complicated lifestyle

Connecticut Spanking, verified 2015-Mar-21
For CT spanking fetishists.

Connecticut Spanking Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people looking to meet other spankophiles in CT.

Connecticut subs and slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Discussion group for submissives and slaves local to CT area; NOT a personals group. Primary focus: Giving CT subs and slaves a safe and judgement free place to explore ourselves among the comfort of our kin.

Connecticut Swingers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Allowing like-minded people to meet & greet. Let’s all get together and make new friends but most importantly have fun.

Connecticut threesomes, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Dedicated to connecting people interested in threesomes of any combination ffm, mfm, fmf etc couple and individuals alike

Connecticut’s Under 30, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Restricted to: People in CT or close by, under 30.

Connecticut Unicorn Association, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-29
Share hot stories, real or imagined; discuss how to make things go well for all concerned, especially oneself; cruise each other. For: Unicorns, Friends of Unicorns, Host Couples, Unicorn Hunters, Unicurious.

Connecticut’s Young and Kinky, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Working on holding monthly classes, as well as hopefully starting a munch sometime soon and other special events. Open invitation to those under 35 who can be respectful of everyone around them. Ages 18-35.

Conn-GRUE, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21

The (C)ooperative (U)nified (M)obile Munch of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Many munch hosts alternate running this munch in a location of their choice! Held quarterly

CT Area Poker, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Specific to poker players who are also kinky. If you are in CT, plan to be in CT or just want to join a really cool group of people in CT for a good time – join us!

CT BBW’s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For BBW’s and their admirers living in CT, and NY-MA-RI.

CT BDSM Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Where CT peeps (and surrounding border states) can connect and discuss the latest topics, ask questions, help with their knowledge and insight, or just get to know one another.

CT Bisexuals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Anyone bisexual or into bisexuals can join. Men, women, couples, trans, etc

CT Domestic Discipline, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For CT residents (and/or people who live very near CT) who rather than the hardcore, whips & chains style of bdsm are more fond of domestic discipline. In this case, domestic discipline refers to spankings, corner time, paddlings, mouth soapings, enforced nudity and the like.

CT Events List, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For any and all CT events. If it’s being held in CT, you can list it here and let everyone know about it.

CT/F – Connecticut Fetishists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people into fetish play that does not fall within the normal BDSM realm.

CT Foodies and Pub Nights, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Foodies and pub nights focus more on just some damn good food or beer or what have you. Newbies welcome as well, but expect less discussion about technique and more “MMM, damn this is good, here try this!”

CT Gender Rebels, Trans People and their Supporters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For trans persons, gender queers and their supporters, to come together, share ideas, thoughts, find information, etc.

CT kinkfriendly businesses and professionals, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-12
An easy place to list, find and review kink friendly services and professionals in CT.

CT/MA strap-on lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those interested in strap-on play. Open to all ( male, female, transgender, Top, bottom switch).

CT People for Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those of us looking to play with others we meet online if things go well when chatting.

Ct. Personals “Say whatever the FUCK you want”, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Are you looking for something or someone different ?

CT Steam Punk House, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Open to all craftsmen/women, actively involved, and have an interest or curiosity about this. Serious topical discussion group.

CT Wine Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Love wine? Do you enjoy finding new and exciting wines and sharing with friends? Have you explored the CT Wine Trail?

Curvy in Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all CT ladies with full curves and for those who love them.

Damned New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For horror freaks in New England. Discuss strange legends, paranormal happenings, horror movies and more.

Danbury CT BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those in the Danbury area in the lifestyle no matter what form.

Discreet Encounters Swingers Group For Couples/Singles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Everything to do with swinging in New England and Discreet Encounters parties for couples and singles

Dominants Seeking Service-Oriented Slaves NY NJ CT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For submissive service-oriented slaves who seek women and vise-versa for the NY and surrounding areas.

DomSubFriends, verified 2015-Mar-21
DomSubFriends, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
DomSubFriends, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Friendly NYC BDSM Society with weekly educational demos, presentations, workshops, munches, and terrific parties. Around since 1999. Open to everyone regardless of age, kink desire, age, color, gender, kink and sexual orientation.

D.O.N.E. [Dominants Of New England], FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
Discussions limited to issues related to being in a dominant role in a power exchange relationship.

The Dungeon: New England Kink Radio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Fetish and kink talk radio show, featuring hot special guests, performers, Dominas, and more.

East Coast Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Created to give cuckolds and Hotwives a broader range, with specific areas of interest, for better connection and communication. AL-AR-CT-DC-DE-FL-GA-IL-IN-KY-LA-LAB-MA-MD-ME-MI-MS-NB-NC-NFLD-NH-NJ-NS-NY-OH-ONT-PA-PR-QB-RI-SC-TN-VA-VT-WV

East Coast/New England (USA) Domestic Discipline, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For anyone practicing/interested in Domestic Discipline on the east coast of the US.

East Coast Primal Den, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Get to know others that share the same interest. Come, talk and ask questions. For all who identify as a Primal and live in CT-DE-FL-GA-MA-MD-ME-NC-NH-NJ-NY-RI-SC-TN-VA.

Elmbari, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Rope-specific group for New Haven.

Enfield, Somers, Stafford (CT), Longmeadow, Hampden(MA), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
To advertise for locals.

The Epic Photo Shoot, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those interested in being part of vanilla and kinky photo shoots of groups. Based in New England.

Fairfield County Female sub/slave Forum, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
Real-life support group that is dedicated to providing a safe space for confidential discussion. Attendance is limited to women who identify as submissive, slave, or switch.

Fairfield/New Haven County D/s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all kinksters living in Fairfield County/New Haven County, CT

The Fem Dom Circle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To mentor train and educate any woman straight–, bi– or gay– in the life. Idea: For the group to be– non-judgmental– and accept people at all levels

FemDomme-New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Low key Dominant women’s group for education, information and fun. Place to share events and private activities.

Fetish Alliance of New England (FANE), verified 2015-Mar-21
Fetish Alliance of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Fetish Alliance of New England (FANE), see also Enchanted Boston (new name) in Massachusetts

Fisting in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Fisters from MA-ME-NH-RI-VT

Friends of Triangles – monthly TG parties open to all!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
An amazing T-Girls Night Out in Danbury. Most months include suggested themes and dress codes or fetishes. Parties are open (i.e. public) to all: the TG community (CD/TV/TS etc.) as well as friends, SO’s, admirers, fans, FetLifers and the entire GBLT spectrum!

Footnight New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Foot fetish events. Restricted to: Footnight attendees, models, and prospective attendees and models.

Gambling Friendly in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To get together whenever the mood hits for fun (vanilla) times at either Foxwoods/MGM Grand or Mohegan Sun.

GAMER (Groton Area Munch for Education and Roundtable), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For the Groton / New London area.

The Gate (Your Gateway to BDSM), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
The Gate Munch/News, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Advertises, Promotes, and Educate People of Events. Chapters: Phila, Central Ma. Providing members and other community very relaxed, public and safe place for meeting others with an interest. Welcomes anyone, from novice to experienced. CT-DE-FL-GA-MA-MD-ME-NC-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-SC-VA-VT.

The Gay Bi & Curious Search for Boys, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For New England Gay, Bisexual, Curious, Fluctuating/Evolving, Men, Boys

Gay/Bi Male Enema Doms, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For men into role playing and making the bottom submit to very kinky acts of submission such as forced stripping, bondage enmas, ass play, anal sex. etc.

Gay Single Men Of New England, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
For gay/bi single men to get together and chat. Looking for love? Fun? Friends?

Geeky Kink New England, verified 2015-Mar-21
Geeky Kink New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Where geeky/nerdy/brainy kinksters of every stripe could have fun–all kinds of fun. Credo: To be super friendly, ultra accepting, and to try to show everyone a good time.

H.A.R.P. (Hartford Area Rope Pack), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Monthly free-form rope gathering. Goal: To get together and discuss and share rope knowledge and opportunity to practice in a great environment. Any skill level welcome.

Hartford Area Munchers – TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Ages 18-35. Promotes meetings of kinksters in the area.

The Hartford, CT s/s/b Pussy Posse, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For female (any orientation) sub/slave/bottom types in the Hartford area (or any surrounding suburbia thereof) who want to get together once in a while for drinks, or lunch, or coffee, or whatever

Hartford CT Suburbia, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Where those living in the suburbs surrounding Hartford (for example Glastonbury, East Hartford, West Hartford etc.) can discuss life, BDSM, and anything worthwhile in the area in a relaxed manner.

Hartford Private Gloryhole, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Private Glory Hole in Hartford. Located in a very discreet apartment house near the West Hartford and Upper Albany town line.

Jewish in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Restricted to: Jews and those interested in Judaism who live or spend significant time in New England. Not affiliated with “Kinky Jews”.

Kinkology, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For anyone interested or attending Kinkology, a discussion forum for anything and everything.

Kinky Birders of the Northeastern U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Birders (and those interested in learning) in Northeastern U.S. of all skill levels and areas of interest welcome.

Kinky Camping in the Northeastern U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Folks and camping events in Northeastern US

Kinky Connecticut Couples, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Goal: To gather kinky couples to have some get togethers in the form of pub nights, munches, dates, etc, about once a month. Meet, greet and make merry and go from there

Kinky Native Americans in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For kinky Native Americans in New England to hang out and chat about all things Native.

Kinky New England Furs, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-22
Fun and safe place for kinksters in and around the New England area who also consider themselves furs, or members of the Furry Fandom, to connect and socialize. Post your events, links to your artwork, and talk about your Fetishes, furry or otherwise.

Kinky Roleplayers in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For anyone in New England who enjoys some form of roleplay with their kink. Feel free to share your past experiences, erotica, ideas for future scenes, and general thoughts about roleplaying.

Kinky Single Parents of Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For single parents. Learn about BDSM as well as ask questions about just life in general, even parenting. Open forum (within reason, of course) to be able to talk to other single parents and share stories, questions or just bs about life.

LGBPQ Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Pansexuals, and Queers (and Asexuals), and our Heterosexual friends, family, supporters, and admirers, to come together and form a community, to provide support and perhaps a place to organize the community to action.

The Littles Invasion, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Reoccurring ABDL event held at The Society in Hartford. Occurs every 2 to 3 months with a different theme each time. Great place to meet new people and a safe place to be yourself.

LOVE in New England (NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, ME) Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Only for people looking for serious relationships in the New England area. All welcome who are looking for serious only: Love/romance/long term companion/long term kink partner. Not for people looking for just sex, playmates, pets, etc.

Lower Fairfield County Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For anyone near the CT shore?

MA/CT/RI Littles Playground, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For littles to get together and get to know one another, have play dates and Lunch times at fun Little’s places. For littles and their caretakers

Maine/New England cds,tvs,ts and couples and singles interested in them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For everyone curious or interested in all of us either if your single or a couple

Masters And slaves Together: Central Connecticut/Hartford, verified 2015-Mar-21
MAST Hartford, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Education, support and resource group for individuals involved in, or interested in, the Master/slave lifestyle. Opportunity, forum for like-minded individuals to come together for discussing issues, to share ideas and gain and/or share knowledge of the Master/slave lifestyle.

Middletown Martini Night, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-21
For attendees of past, present and future Middletown Martini Nights.

Middletown-Meriden area kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To bring together the kinky/poly/friendly folk in the Middletown/Meriden area

Mob New England, verified 2015-Mar-21
Mob New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all women, including transsexual/transgender/intersex women who live daily lives as women, and all female-born transgender/genderqueer persons age 21+ with interest in BDSM. Social & play events, educational demos, and informal opportunities to socialize, have fun & build community.

Ms. Raven’s Craft Corner (New England, US) sewing & more, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To help exchange ideas and info with others from New England area and possibly set up other get togethers.

NE Monogamous Kinkster Couples and Singles., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Restricted to: Monogamous Couples or those that seek monogamy for themselves.

NEK Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Northeast Kingdom Munch. Meets monthly in the St Johnsbury area. Open to anyone age 18+. Encourages a friendly and accepting atmosphere for all participants.

NEKO (New England Kat Organisation), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
NekoLife, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Network for organising social events in the Greater Boston and New England Area: munches, meetups at cons, play parties, demo’s and workshops, etc. for any aspect of neko or any other related kinky cosplay with a fetish flavour.

NELA TSK: Trans* Spectrum Kinksters, verified 2015-Mar-21
NELA TSK: Trans* Spectrum Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Provides space for education and community building for trans* and gender non-conforming kinksters, a platform specifically for trans* and gender non-conforming kinksters to educate on topics that are often overlooked or underrepresented at mainstream events; Increase visibility and voice

NEPups, verified 2015-Mar-21
NEPups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
NEPups, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Pup ground based in New England. Open and accepts everyone.

NERA – New England Rope Academy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
= Postponed =

#NewEngland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Chatroom for the refugees of alt, who can no longer deal with the stupidity and frustration of the New England chatroom.

New England 40 and Over Kinksters (You gotta love them), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For kinksters 40 and over (and those who love us), from all over New England and NY

New England AB/DL and ageplayers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Post events and meet new people

New England AgePlay AN Babygirls, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
= Inactive =

New England ANR/ABR/ Breastfeeding and Lactation, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For like minded kinksters to share and meet others interested in Breastfeeding, ANR/ABF

New England BBW Kinks and Gang Bangs!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Welcomes all sizes of large women. All sizes of men welcome as well. Must either be a big woman or PREFER big women. New England-update NY

New England Bi / Heteroflexible Guys, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Networking for guys who are either bi curious, bi or “hetero-flexible”

New England Bulls/Hotwife Forum, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Get to know a Bull or a Hotwife.

New England Catfighting/Wrestling Couples, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Where couples into fighting can chat and meet with others.

New England Chastity Wearers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For Wearers and those that like people that wear Chastity Devices whether it be a full belt, trapped ball device or other type.

New England Couples and the men that love to join them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Open to all couples looking for a fwb situation, a poly situation, a cuckold situation or any other situation that suits them, with another guy. Open to guys of all persuasions that want to play with a couple, married or single, bi, gay or straight, dom bull or submissive.

New England Cuckolds and the Women that love them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To help Cuckoldresses, Bulls and Cucks by giving information and help for those that need it and to be able to find local people for this fetish/lifestyle.

The New England Domme Social Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Not meeting. For Dominant Women in the New England area to meet for conversation, laughs, experiences and overall good times.

New England Daddydom and Little Girl, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those who wish to share, or are curious about DaddyDom and BabyGirl relationships based in New England area.

New England D/s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
New England D/s, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
On-topic discussions, support, and more. For those who live in New England and NY who are interested in, involved with, or live the BDSM, D/s, M/s, and/or S & M lifestyle.

New England Dungeon Society, verified 2015-Mar-21
New England Dungeon Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Pansexual educational, support, and social group. Holds socials, regular BDSM seminars, workshops and demonstrations, as well as many and varied special events. Providing a comfortable environment for people to explore bondage, dominance & submission, and their kinkier side since 1992.

New England Encounters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those who want to fuck. Anonymous encounters, hook-ups, play dates, 3somes, affairs or more.

New England High Protocol Society, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-29
Designed to promote high protocol in our lives, relationships and community. For discussion, meetup organization and education.

New England Erotic Hypnosis Unconference (NEEHU), verified 2015-Mar-21
New England Erotic Hypnosis Unconference (NEEHU), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For official info about the event, hotel rooms, ride shares, hotel room shares, non-hotel housing for the conference (hosting), presentations, etc

New England Feet (NE Feet), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For support, information and connection for kinky folks in New England region with foot/shoe/footwear fetishes, partialism, interests, curiosities and/or other kinds of pedular enthusiasm. Organizing munches, events, classes and supporting other local organizations and foot events.

New England FemDom Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
See yourself as a Female Dominant? Are you seeking to meet others like yourself? Submissives and slaves welcome to join.

New England Financial domme/dom & fin Slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Need a fin slave? Are you a fin slave looking to worship & spend your $$ on or to earn $$ for the fin dom/domme? In the New England area?

New England Fishing Holes, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For beginners to pros to share their tips and tricks, fishing hot spots, and to plan kinky fishing trips.

New England Foot Group…we need more women!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For women in the area who adore us foot worshipers, to join and post, discuss and show off their lovely feet, toes and soles

New England Foot Worship, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people who love to have their feet worshipped, or to worship feet.

New England Gamers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all board and video game enthusiasts of the area.

New England Gay Humiliation, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Guys who are into humiliation, degradation by/to other guys

New England Girls who want MFM’s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For women who are interested in MFM’s. Must live in New England-NY areas.

New England Hypnosis Group, verified 2015-Mar-21
New England Hypnosis Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
New England Hypnosis Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Promotes safer, ethical, and consensual use of hypnosis for erotic and recreational purposes and life enhancement. All welcome who are curious about the positive uses of hypnosis. NELA SIG. Chapters in Boston, CT and RI. Strives to make this an LGBTQI safe space.

New England Kidnap Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For kinky New Englanders to share their kidnap fantasies!

New England Kink Models and Photographers (a NELA sig), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To create discourse for people that love mixing photography with kink. Free discussion, networking and collaboration!

New England Kinky Hikers and Campers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Get together and build car pools to get to different areas to hike, offer advice on hot spots to camp and Hike, find large lots at local state parks and share tents and have a great time in the great outdoors, plan picnics and trips to different swimming holes.

New England Kinky Swingers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For New England swingers that enjoy kink and swinging. Any person of any sexuality, any gender (fluid or otherwise), any race, any creed or nationality welcome. Single, Married or Poly all welcome.

New England Leather Alliance (NELA), verified 2015-Mar-21
New England Leather Alliance (NELA), Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-21
New England Leather Alliance (NELA), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
NELAweb, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Dedicated to making a safe place for all leather/fetish/sm people through education, advocacy, and charitable giving. Host events, classes and outings; produces Fetish Fair Fleamarket®. Dedicated to the support, education, and political organizing of the leather/fetish/bdsm communities

New England Mini Gang Bang, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For women, couples and dependable, respectful men who want to help women fulfill their multi-male fantasies

New England Model Mayhemers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Intent: To facilitate members of Fetlife and Model Mayhem in contacting each other to share advice and experiences, aid members in developing collaborations for modeling, photography and art.

New England Models & Photographers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For models & photographers to connect for shoots, or just talk with each other about creative ideas. For BOTH discussions and classifieds searches.

New England Munch Calendar, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Calendar for New England Munches

New England Needle Players, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those people in New England looking to learn, practice, or attend needle-centric events.

New England (non ab/dl) Ageplay, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Do you identify with some aspects of being a little or a Big, but feel out of place in the AB/DL community?

New England Nude Oil Wrestling, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people who like to get together, git a little dirrty, have fun and get physical while naked.

New England Nudists & Naturists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Meet like-minded people and discuss issues related to a clothes-free lifestyle. Family-friendly, non-sexual group.

New England/NY/NJ Male Pantyhose Lovers & Wearers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Pantyhose fetish group for men who love and wear pantyhose in the Northeast, specifically New England-NY-NJ.

New England Petplay, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all pet types and owners living in the area.

New England Pony Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For New Englanders interesting in pony play, participate in pony play, or are looking to participate

New England Private Play Parties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Information regarding local BDSM events and private parties in New England.

New England Punk, Ska and Hardcore, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Find out when shows are happening, talk about music and make new friends

New England Pussy Eaters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those who LOVE to eat pussy and those that love to have their pussy eaten. Cunnilingus lovers!

New England Rainbow Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For members of New England LGBTIQA community to talk and post announcements of upcoming events and news pertaining to the LGBTIQA leather folk! Restricted to: New England-NY Residents

New England Sacred Kink ( NESK ), FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-07
Regional group with an online forum for the Community of Kinky NE Sacred BDSM practitioners to connect, network, Post Events and explore. Munches, Rituals, meetings and events will be held. Welcomes those experienced in spirituality and BDSM, new or curious.

New England Self Portrait, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For models and photographers who take self portraits, want to trade tips and experiences, and are looking for constructive feedback beyond “nice body parts!”

New England Slave Brigade, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For slaves looking to help people out. So if you are into yard work, go ahead, post, into housework, post away, into dog grooming, post, into cooking, post. If you are Top or a Dom/me in need of a slave, post your request.

New England Stoners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Talk about events, consumption preferences, favorite things to watch when stoned, and really anything that has to do with marijuana.

New England Strapon Gang Bangs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For the ladies. Time to turn the tables.

New England Student Kink Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For students to come and meet and talk.

New England Swing-Curious, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To help foster conversation and exposure to the swinging lifestyle for non-swingers or newbies.

New England “Switches”, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people who identify as “switch”.

New England toilet slavery, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people who live in, work in or travel to New Enlgand only, and if you are into or curious about toilet slavery in all it’s forms

New England Transgender Dating, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people who enjoy having transgender people as lovers. NOT for random sex; for people wanting a relationship/dating.

New England Tumblr Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-07
For people to share their tumblrs, post cool tumblrs that they find, and in general enjoy tumblr culture.

New England TV/TS/CD Gang Bangs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Regional group to discuss transexuals, transvestites and cross dressors being gangbanged.

New England WAM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For New England area fans of sploshing/wet and messy play.

New England Watersports, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For pee enthusiasts into giving and receiving, and also for pants wetters. All types of pee play welcome. Share experiences, fantasies, and advertise any personal ads and play parties.

New England Wolf Pack, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Relocated to Sanguine Pack New England

New Jersey Cuckold, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
All inclusive group for people in the New Jersey, Metropolitan area, and all surrounding areas including CT-NY-PA visiting or interested and have the common fetish of cuckolding of all types and from all sides of participation.

New Jersey – New York – Connecticut Black BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21 = SPAM =

New York Panthers Leather Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Established 1999. By and for men of color in CT-NJ-NY area interested and involved in leather and leather-oriented fetish, BDSM, uniforms, and related activities.

Non-Monogamy in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Communicate and ask questions, look for a potential partner, plan an outing or date night, and most importantly, get to know others who practice non-monogamy in New England.

Northeast Connecticut Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-21
For kinksters in the Putnam/Thompson/Woodstock (and nearby area) to meet and chat and organize events closer to home.

North East Littles (NEL), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Serves social needs of the littles ageplay community in Northeast (CT-DE-MA-MD-ME-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-VT). Membership free, open to Adults over age 18 regardless of ethnicity, religion, sexual or gender orientation. For Littles By Littles.

North East Shooters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For kinky gun owners of New England and the rest of the North East to discuss all things that go bang

Northeast Native American Pathways, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
We keep the Old Ways alive by living them every day. We remember those who came before us, respect the elders and Mother Earth as we walk in the pathway of honor, honesty and community and listen to the Great Spirit. New England-Upstate NY-QC

NorthEast States or Montreal, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Designed to cover event postings as well as BDSM/fetish-related discussions of interest to those residing in the Montreal/Northeastern States area. Postings in both English & French welcome.

Northeastern submissive women, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Dedicated to fostering supportive communication and relationships amongst submissive women in northeastern states. CT-DC-DE-MA-MD-ME-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-VT

Northeastern US Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For event listings for for Northeast Regional Events, not discussion topics, personal ads, etc.

Northern Primal Tribe, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-19
Purpose: Group effort to create music and feel completely free, to allow senses to be stimulated by the elements, by each other, the music we create together, and letting basic human needs and wants be explored freely and without judgement. CT-MA-ME-NH-VT.

Norwalk Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all Norwalk area kinksters.

The Northwest Corner of Connecticut: The Un-collared, Un-owned D/s BDSM submissive, slaves, bottoms and switches., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For any submissive, who desire a 24/7, live-in, D/s-BDSM life style for LTR. Only service oriented submissive and those actively desiring and seeking such a dynamic should join.

Norwich CT Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To hang out and talk, get to know each other, and that kind of thing.

NWCT Brunch Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Individuals who decide to descend upon the quiet NW corner of CT monthly, eat Chinese food, win cool prizes in the special raffle and discuss politics & other topics.

NYC Interracial Masters/Doms/Daddys – slaves/submissives/babygirls, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
ONLY for heterosexual interracial male-led connections in NYC that exist between: Doms/Masters/Daddys AND Subs/Slaves/Babygirls. Welcoming other “categories”, such as kinksters, vanillas, etc. on a one to one basis. Includes: Bergen Co. NJ, Westchester Co. NY, Fairfield County CT, Long Island

The NYC Liquid Fetish Meet’n’Greet, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Munch-style meeting of New Yorkers with a fetish for urine play. All welcome! Men, women, couples, singles, gay, straight, genderqueer, m2f, f2m.

Pirate Events of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Events, gatherings, communities happening in or around New England that have a piratical theme.

Play Party 101 New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To support and augment the event

The Playpen…Connecticut’s very own Diaper lover and ageplayer personals page., FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-25
Open to diaper fetishists, age players, mommies, daddies, littles, bigs, doms, subs, switches and all else who fit somewhere on the spectrum.

Puppy Play NY NJ CT PA, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21

Puppy Play Of North Eastern NY and Western New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For anyone and Everyone into Puppy Play, even if you’re just curious about it and want to learn more. Everyone from pups, handlers, the experienced to the novice welcome.

Queer Invasion!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For discussing anything and everything related to Queer Invasion: a gathering of kinky queers of all genders in Hartford. Plan play dates, figure out ride or hotel room shares, debate which toys to bring, what to wear or who that hottie was at the last invasion.

Real people in New England who actually want to meet people on Fetlife, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
No rules.

REConn – Rope Enthusiasts of Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Hartford. For any experience level, interested in using rope in their BDSM activities.

Redheads and redophiles of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For redheads, and people who love them, to meet and chat.

Rhode Island Gay And Bisexual Men, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-26
For all gay and bisexual males in RI-CT-MA. Those who identify as TS/TG/TV/CD and attracted to men welcome. Also welcome are females into gay male sex.

Rhode Island Personals (RI, MA, CT), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Open to any and all folks for (legal and consensual) solicitations for play, romance, relationships, kinky meet-ups, dating, and encounters.

Rhode Island Social, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Unique array of local Meetups and other lifestyle related Events designed to give kinky, like-minded people from RI-MA-nearby CT the
opportunity to enjoy the company of others in different Social settings and venues.

Rope Arts New England (Boston Rope Bite, Northampton RG, Worcester RG, Maine RG ), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Monthly free form rope gathering. Goal: to get together and discuss and share rope knowledge and opportunity to practice in a great environment. Any skill level welcome.

Sacred Sexuality and Spirituality New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For like minded individuals to explore the many facets of sacred energy exchange, including, but not limited to, sex magick, Tantric practices, and various forms of energy exchange.

Sanguine Pack ~ New England Chapter, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For conversation for like minded people interested in becoming part of our clan. Centered in Boston for like minded players and fetters interested in real meets and greets, get togethers, and such.

Sapiosexuals of New England ( a.k.a. “Brains are Hot!” ), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Online gathering place for those that often find themselves yearning for kindred intellectual spirits.

The Saturday Night Gurls Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
For area CD/TVs. Events for girls to attend in safe place, clubs and bars that are trans friendly, home get togethers at my home for trans lesbian meetings and play. All under the trans umbrella and Cis-Women will be allowed. CT-MA-RI

Single in Connecticut, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For all the single people on Fet looking for other singles in our state for fun.

Single Parents of New England with a Kinky Streak, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Discuss the difficulties of being a single parent and trying to date, set up playdates with other single parents so you can have a chance for some adult interaction, maybe find a babysitter, and just have people who understand what you are going through. Open to single moms and single dads.

The Society, verified 2015-Mar-21
The Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
The Society: Announcements, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
The Society: Official Communication Committee, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
The Official Society CT: Events and Education, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
The Society: Operations Committee/Society Service Program, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
The Society Outreach, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
The Society, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Like-minded individuals who share an interest in Alternate Lifestyle. Dedicated to pride in ourselves and in others like us throughout the world. Committed to maintaining our individual integrity and, in all our encounters with people of our community, acting in a way to accent our integrity.

South Eastern CT Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-21
Monthly munch for any and all kinksters in and around Groton/New London/Waterford/Norwich and surrounding towns.

Southern Connecticut Munch, verified 2015-Mar-21
Southern Connecticut Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Southern CT BDSM Munch, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
For announcements of our monthly munches and various discussions that those who attended would like to continue.

Spanking Around New England (SANE), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For those in New England who enjoy “just spanking” with no sexual overtones or other kinks mixed in. Face-to-face and hand-to-bottom gatherings will be around greater Portland. Tops, bottoms, switches, singles, and couples welcome.

Squirters of Upstate NY and Tri State Area’s, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Mar-30
For woman, couples and men who appreciate a squirting and gushing woman, to discuss and meet like minded squirt worshippers

Springfield, MA / Enfield, CT area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people in the area. Let’s get to know each other.

Tickle New England!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Tickle New England!, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-21
Regional organization of people who love tickling, created to provide informational, educational and moral support and safe, sane and consensual social connections.

TNG Tri-State, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Group of individuals located in the tri-state area who are under 35. A sort of meet & greet getting to know are younger locales.

Toppy Ladies of New England, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
For female-identifying people who are tops, dommes, mistresses, etc etc. Will generally meet up in the Manchester area.

Tri State CFNM- New York-New Jersey-Connecticut, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
For Clothed Females who enjoy being in fun flirty atmosphere with Nude Males. Parties take place in Westchester & Rockland Counties.

Tri-State Diapers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
NY-NJ-CT. For straight, bi, gay, queer, questioning, FtM, Mtf, Trans, sissy, etc. All welcome!

TriState Strap-On Divas, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For NY-NJ-CT area Dominas, Lifestyle or Professional. Regardless of your agenda, you’re more than welcome, to promote yourself here. Reviews are also welcome, plus Literotica.

United Leatherfolk of Connecticut, verified 2015-Mar-21
= Inactive since 2009 =

Upstate NY and New England Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For kinky people in Upstate New York and New England to seek play partners, lovers, Dominants, submissives, or whomever you are searching for.

Urban Ropeology, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Combining Rope with Photography in the urban settings around Hartford. Meets periodically for clandestine rope adventures. For Rope enthusiasts and kink photographers.

The Victorian, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
An early 1900’s home of fetish interest located in northeastern CT. Hosting of fine dining evenings with a small guest list. Also, quiet, personal, low key “hands on” demo gatherings.

WAKO – WestConn Area Kink Organization, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Monthly presentation munch, and have a lending library of great resource books.

Waterbury Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For kinksters in Waterbury and surrounding areas. Discuss ideas, post events, and be awesome.

Western Connecticut 18-35, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Connect with other TNG Kinksters in Western CT

Western CT Kinky Camping, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For people who want to attend, stay informed of, and help with the outdoor events that will run on this farm.

“Whisper Girls of NY NJ Ct Pa, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
Started as a “Safe Haven” for Sexy Classy and Alluring TGirls Admirers Genetic Women and select Males to talk with one another about anything. Would like to get people together in person and go out to a club for monthly mixers or meet and greets

WMass Fetish Talent & Producers Network, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
For everyone and anyone (of any sex, gender, genre, talent, expertise) who is in, around, or near the Western Mass / Northern-central CT area to network … Share Talent .. co-produce projects .. share resources or contacts .. for Talent to find local artists, producers, photographers.

Wolfucking Connecticut/Rhode Island, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-07
For those who enjoy the primal aspect of fucking to meet and greet.

Yankee Swap, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-21
To advertise services (legal services.. think Kink Aware Professionals such as kink friendly therapists, doctors, plumbers); look for a roommate; post an ad for that St. Andrew’s Cross (or sofa) you’ve been trying to sell; any other trading and bartering you need to do.

Last updated: June 26, 2018 at 16:42 pm

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Jul 202015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

Shameless Grounds Events Calendar, St. Louis
SEX+STL Calendar

417Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Leaderless group of like minded individuals who come together from time to time to share interest and passion for kink related activities. Whether your interest is rope, High Protocol, caning, flogging, or service, you’ll want to attend meetings, parties, or lurk around on message boards.

ADULT_SEMO_group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
We have welcomed many, no matter what your kink. We have a number of parties each year as well as at least two pool parties with food and dungeon open all weekend. Getting involved in having education and SIGs as well as getting involved in charities.

Alternative Hedonistic Source, verified 2015-Mar-30
AHS Kansas City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Educational and social resource for those interested in BDSM and Fetish activities and lifestyles. Offers educational discussions, demonstrations and presentations exploring topics of interest

Arkansas Oklahoma Missouri Poly Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Brings together both people that are living the polyamorous lifestyle and those that are interested in it.

Bad Boys of Saint Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bad Boys of Saint Louis, Yahoo, INACTIVE, verified 2015-Mar-30
Announcements for BDSM, bondage, and kink-related events for men in the St. Louis community, includes a monthly Bondage Night at a local bar and a monthly Men Only Open Play Party in a local dungeon space.

B.E.A.T.S – Bondage Education And Training of Springfield, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Springfield area rope bondage event (Springfield, Nixa, ozark, Branson, Rogersville, Republic, Willard, Fairgrove).

BlackBEAT St. Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Independent, social organization founded by African American members of the D/s, BDSM and Leather community nationwide. Strives to cultivate safe, sane, consenting adults (21+) with alternative lifestyle and sexuality interests via culture, education, development, support, and event planning.

Blue Springs and kinky area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the Blue Springs and surrounding to meet local kinksters. Looking into setting up an area for meet and greet socials for all to connect.

Bowling and Billiards – St Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Going bowling or shooting some pool, and want others to join you? Post it here!

Camdenton Missouri Lifestylers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
People who wish to help make it a nice BDSM mecca for all those who follow the life style to enjoy.

Cape Girardeau BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Real-time social and educational group. Hub for information regarding our monthly Munches and SIGs. All consenting adults, regardless of gender, orientation, dynamic, or experience level, are welcome here.

Censored in St. Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
A place to post topics for discussion that are likely to, or have been, “ferme” or deleted in any other St. Louis Group, with little or no discussion.

Central Darkside, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who live in or travel to OK, TX, AR, KS, NM & MO. Serves as a meeting place for those who wish learn from the experienced, find someone special, share your tales, or announce local happenings pertaining to fetishes, power-exchange and all affiliated groups, activities and munches.

CEPE – Columbia Erotic Power Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Founded in 1996. Among longest-lived and most inclusive bdsm/fetish groups in the Midwest. Provides a social, supportive and educational forum for its members for the safe, sane and consensual exploration of the practices and variations in alternative lifestyles in a safe and socially fun atmosphere.

Charenton Social Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30, CLOSED
Charenton Social Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, CLOSED

Christian BDSMers in Springfield, MO, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those who are religious but still engage in kink.

CLASP Circle, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Consensual Love and Sex Positivity. Discussion group for individuals passionate or curious about sex and everything to do with it. A forum for sex positive discussion.

ClubFEM (Females Enslaving Males): St Louis, verified 2015-Mar-30
ClubFEM – St Louis Missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social organization composed of individuals who want to develop sincere Female dominant/male submissive relationships. Dommes are in charge of the activities at all times. Restricted to: Dominant Females and submissive men ONLY

Columbia Missouri BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
BDSM scene in Columbia Missouri has changed significantly.

Columbia Missouri TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters 18-40. Will be holding monthly munches and hopfully demos, events, and workshops

Consent Kansas City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
KC’s friendliest, most fun-loving group of kinksters. Dedicated to bringing kinky fun back to the local lifestyle community. For open-minded discussion by adults, for adults. To educate those interested in the safe practice of the BDSM Lifestyle. Here to learn from each other.

Deviant Gamers of The Ozarks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For gamers of any type, console, pc, tabletop, card, and board, etc.

The Dominant Dialog comes to FetLife, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
Metro St. Louis. Monthly discussion group. No group affiliation and group affiliation is not a requirement to attend and participate.

Dominant Women of Kansas City (DWKC), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Women’s only group for support, friendship, education and discussions.

Elite Gangbang and Orgy Squad of Kansas City, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-11
All women welcome, and a group of 25-45 year old white, black, and all ethnicities.

Etch-a-sketch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
For people that care to meet for drinks and unique places downtown once an month.

The Facility, St. Louis, Missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open and legal education, support and play space for people who share an interest in BDSM, Ms, Ds, or fetish choices in the Greater St. Louis area. Provides a forum for conversation and social interaction along with munches, play parties and educational events. Active, real time group.

Fall=Farmington Area Leather Legions, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open to all

Farmington Fetish and Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For lifestyle and like-minded individuals, where you won’t be judged, you will be accepted, and can express yourself openly.

Fetish Lifestyle Open Group (FLOG), verified 2015-Mar-30
Fetish Lifestyle Open Group (FLOG), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to providing an open, friendly, safe, and educational atmosphere all under one roof. All FLOG asks in return is that you come with a willingness to learn as well as educate, and to come with an open mind to diversity and an open heart to acceptance.

FLOG Lunch Munch (St. Louis), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
FLOG Lunch Munch (St. Louis), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Casual. Day after FLOG each month. All attendees welcome (D-types, s-types, and everything in between). Talk about your play scenes, receive and/or offer support to those experiencing ‘Drop’, ask questions about what you experienced the night before, share stories and enjoy friendship.

Fort Kickass STL, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Private play party in the St. Louis area.

Gateway Femdom, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
A group of female dominants (and switches) and those subs who serve us. To exchange/discuss/debate ideas, ask questions, seek/offer advice, and have a little fun with like minded people.

Gateway Submissive Forum, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Submissive/slave women, men, and switches here to exchange/discuss/debate ideas, ask questions, seek/offer advice, and have a little fun with like minded people.

Gateway Switches and Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Sponsored by The Clan of the Barbarian. Switches and kinksters still exploring both dominant and submissive roles, here to exchange/discuss/debate ideas, ask questions, seek/offer advice, and have a little fun with like minded people.

GBKC- Gang Bang Kansas City, FetLife, verified 2015-May-01
A group of guys and gals who have been in the lifestyle and party planning for many years. A more private intimate discrete group.

Generation Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Saint Louis. Mission: To provide an opportunity for the internet generation of kinksters to get out of their bedrooms, off the computers and into the real world community in a safe and educated way.

GroupDate SGF – Springfield, Missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Group Interaction for kink friendly Locals looking to date and socialize in order to get some facetime with others. Promote Events for Newbies to meet those in the local scene in a SAFE and public environment.

Heartland Crossing, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Heartland Crossing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
For crossdressers, transvestites, sissies, genderplayers, transpersons, and their admirers and/or lovers; or those who are respectfully curious about the same. CO-IA-IL-IN-KS-MI-MN-MO-MT-ND-NE-NM-OH-OK-SD-TX-WI-WY.

Hitchin’ Bitches Midwest, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For female identified rope riggers/rope tops/dominants in KS-MO-NE. Meets to learn, share, and experience rope first hand based upon the Peer to Peer and un-conference learning and sharing concepts.

Hitchin’ Bitches Saint Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For female identified rope riggers/rope tops/dominants. Organized to meet to learn, share, and experience rope first-hand based upon Peer-to-Peer and un-conference learning and sharing concepts.

Jeff city D/s play group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those that are into or interested in D/s play in the Jefferson city area.

Jefferson County munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-08
For those in and around Jefferson County. Here to bring friends together and make new ones. Welcomes everyone.

Joplin Non-Vanilla Fetlife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Monthly munch and party. Mainly for AR-KS-MO-OK With any Kind of Kink.

The Kansas City Ageplay Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Open to Ageplayers, Adult Babies, Diaper Lovers, Bigs, Littles, Middles, and anyone interested in same regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or lack thereof.

Kansas City Boys of Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kansas City Boys of Leather, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: To gather in brotherhood and boyhood, supporting our members and the Kansas City community through Honor, Service, Respect, and Integrity.

Kansas City Cunnilinguists, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
For those who enjoy giving or receiving cunnilingus, for discussion, looking for partners, sharing fantasies and potential event planning.

Kansas City Fetich Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For EVERYONE of all fetishes to come from Kansas city and the places around it.

Kansas City Massage Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-08
Exchange experiences and skills, organize events, workshops, and to educate those in the KC area about massage, bodywork, and energy exchange.

Kansas City! Personals!, FetLife, verified 2015-May-01
Looking for a partner in crime, a random tip dipping? Here’s the place to find it!

Kansas City Submissives and Slaves, see KC Sass (submissives and slaves)

Kansas/Missouri Paddlers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-17
For Spanking Paddle enthusiasts (makers, users, and recipients).

KCFG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Overland Park lunch munch. Laid back group of kinksters who want to have a good time, share positive information and meet new and interesting people. Our adult (ages 18 and up) group is pansexual, welcomes those who are Dominant, submissive, poly, straight, bi, gay, trans, AB, kinky, etc.

KC Sass (submissives and slaves), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kansas City Submissives and Slaves, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Local group for submissives and slaves (and switches so long as they focus on the group’s focus of the sub side here) to talk, ask questions, voice concerns, learn and socialize together.

KC Spanks Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual club dedicated to adults living in or near the Kansas City area, who are interested in all aspects of spanking. Tops, bottoms, switches or just the curious are all welcome.

KC Kinky Trading Post, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Advertise, sell, trade, barter or buy fetish gear to or from local kinksters.

Kinbaku_KCMO, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where people in Kansas City, MO and surrounding areas can discuss issues about rope and rope art in its various forms, a resource guide where you can share information about rope art in its various forms.

Kinksters in Sedalia, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
For kinksters in Sedalia.

Kinksters in the Burg, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
For kinky people of Warrensburg.

Kinky Concert Calendar/Meetup – Missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Specifically for people to find other people who enjoy live music of sorts no matters how horrible YOU may thing it is. Why not find other kinksters who enjoy music to meet up with as well?

Kinky Couples South of St. Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-30
Couples in the St. Louis Metro and beyond who want to have some kinky fun with other like-minded couples!

The Kinky Health and Fitness Spa of Kansas City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For KC’s kinky people to share successes, give/receive support, find workout buddies and be held accountable to reach their health, fitness and kinkable goals.

Kinky in Saint Charles, MO, see Saint Charles Munch

Kinky in Springfield MO, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those who like to play “outside the norm” in springfield

Kinky in St. Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Moderated Discussion Group. Allows members to interact on-line and discuss relevant topics of interest as well as to notify the local community about local Lifestyle related activities.

Kinky Kansas City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Centralized point for kinksters in the Kansas City metro and surrounding areas. Information about events hosted by the various kink groups in Kansas City as well as nearby groups in Kansas, Missouri and other parts of the Midwest.

Kinky Kansasy City Singles (KKCS), FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-26
For kinky singles, by kinky singles.

Kinky Parents in KC and surrounding area, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-08
For kinky people who happen to be parents or just love children (and not in that sicko way). Networking, socializing, advice, funny stories, and maybe family friendly gatherings.

K.U.F.F. Kinky Under Forty Fetishists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Saint Louis. Providing a safe and fun environment including play parties and other events for the 18 – 40ish crowd.

Leather and Silk of Joplin/Neosho, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those who are interested in real time BD/SM practice, to meet sincere like-minded individuals. Online support group for the real life Leather and Silk based in the Joplin/Neosho area.

Lees Summit Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For BDSM lovers around the area.

Lots of Tots, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kansas City. Established by Age Players for Age Players and their Mommies/Daddies. Centered around group activities that promote the goals of the group as whole, include but are not limited to munches, playtime, educational opportunities and potentially public outings.

MAsT (Masters And slaves Together): Saint Louis, verified 2015-Mar-30
MAsT Arch City, verified 2015-Mar-30
MAsT Arch City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Education, support and resource group for individuals involved in, or interested in, the Master/slave lifestyle. Fo like-minded individuals to come together for discussion of issues that concern Masters and slaves, to share ideas and to gain and/or share knowledge of the Master/slave lifestyle.

MAsT: Arnold, verified 2015-Mar-30
= INACTIVE = Chapter that covers Jefferson County and beyond. We support all power exchange relationships.

MAsT: Cape Girardeau, verified 2015-Mar-30
MAsT: Cape Girardeau, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Education, support and resource group for individuals in, or have an interest in, power and authority exchange relationships

MAsT: Kansas City, verified 2015-Mar-30
MAsT: Kansas City, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual support and discussion group for those interested in Master-Mistress/slave or Dominant/submissive relationships. Persons of any gender or sexual orientation are welcome.

MAsT: Springfield MO, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Education, support and resource group for individuals in, or have an interest in, power and authority exchange relationships. For anyone whether part of a couple, a poly household, or single. Pansexual group; all orientations and genders warmly welcomed and encouraged to come.

Master Chiefs Parties, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
KC. For gangbangs, meet and greets, bi parties, Sunday Fundays, Get Your Freak On Fridays, etc.

Midwest BDSM’ers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all those local to the Great Lakes region seeking to connect with fellow kinksters and like minded individuals. All are welcome to join and participate regardless of orientation,fetish preference or gender identity.

Midwest Gang Bang Parties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky folks interested in attending Gang Bangs in the Midwest. If you are planning a Gang Bang in IL-IN-MI-WI-IA-MO-MN, please post it hear.

MidWest Pony Herd, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Ponies, Handlers, Grooms, Owners and anyone interested in the pony play life. You can live any where but this group is to bring together the Equines of the MidWest. AR-IA-IL-KS-MO-NE-OK.

Midwestern Kinky Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Wwelcome to all post and come and make friends from the Midwestern and who know what you might get into. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

Mineral Area Kink and Fetish of Missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Meet new people, make friends, and maybe have some naughty fun 🙂 For kinksters in and around Farmington, Desloge, Ironton, Irondale, Potosi, Belgrade, Caledonia, Park Hills, Saint Louis, Desoto, Festus, Arnold, Cape Girardeau, Pilot Knob, and alot more!

Missouri & Kansas Daddy’s and Littles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Daddy’s, Mommy’s, Littles, Baby girls, Baby Boys. Talk chat, meet and greet.. maybe putting togther a group for munches and outings.

Missouri and Illinois Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Home for all those in MO-IL curious or involved in the Poly lifestyle. Post your experiences, questions, thoughts anything!

Missouri BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Encourages discussion, announcements of get togethers in which every member of this group would be welcome (if this does not fit the group DO NOT mention or post it), and the sharing of information.

Missouri Daddy’s and little girls, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To connect and interact Daddy Dominants and little girls who live in, or visit Missouri. Mommy’s and little boys welcome also.

Missouri Diaper Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For local missouri people…but we are liberal with that rule. Restricted to: Anyone into Diapers or Age Play

Missouri Dominants Forum (group), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Sponsored by Clan of the Barbarians. Group of Dominant Men here to exchange/discuss/debate ideas, ask questions, seek/offer advice, and have a little fun with like minded people.

Missouri Erotic Photography, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For photographers, models and enthusiast to meet and discuss anything relevant to erotic photography.

Missouri/Illinois Foot Fetish, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-26
Connects foot fetishists in IL/MO, generally centered near STL, but involving all major cities of both states.

Missouri Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Encourages discussion, announcements of get togethers in which every member of this group would be welcome (if this does not fit the group DO NOT mention or post it), and the sharing of information.

Missouri Women who like strapon play with Men, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
For women who enjoy strapon play with men and the men, crossdressers, and transgender who enjoy strapon play.

Mistresses seeking toilet slaves in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois and Minnesota, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
For mistresses into toilet slavery in the Midwest region.

Mo-Kan Invasives, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to learning and practicing safe techniques for needles, branding, cautery, sharps, and other forms of skin-invasive play. Provides resources, education, learning opportunities, and open discussion for those who wish to explore invasive techniques.

Mountain Home Arkansas kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
MHAK. To bring together consenting adults that practice alternative lifestyle and sexual expression as members of the BDSM &Kink community. Individually or as a group we will not discriminate based on age, sexual preference, gender, race, religion or any other diversity. AR-MO

My Master in Missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those in the lifestyle here in MISSOURI. Not just St Louis or Kansas City. But all the little towns and villages all over our state. Mainly for Masters and Mistresses, Dom/Dommes Subs/slaves To meet, To find each other and to discuss those topics important to us

Northlanders, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-28
Keeping this side of the river active! Get to know like-minded kinksters closer to home.

Pain Sluts United! the Masochists Forum, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Join us in discussing various aspects of pain vs. pleasure, and other topics of interest to Masochists.

Pandora’s Rose, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pandora’s Rose, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pandora’s Rose, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pandora’s Rose, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Columbia. Dedicated to the education, development and growth of the BDSM lifestyle.

PEP St. Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
PEP (People Exchanging Power), Saint Louis, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Educationally based group. Restarting in St. Louis after a several year hiatus. Meeting monthly on a variety of topics to offer education in our local community, a variety of topics, demonstrations and hands on events.

PINK *Pretty In Kindness*, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: Empower individuals to experience life changing growth through kindness, through community service, fundraising and empowering social events.

Pinky and The Brain “Hypnosis World Domination One Mind at a Time”, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kansas City area group for the practice of hypnosis. Bringing hypnotists or would-be hypnotists and subjects together.

Poplar Bluff Lifestylers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual group that is looking to grow and expand.

Poplar Bluff Lifestylers, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Portia’s Red Bottom Parties, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
To share good spanking fun with good spanko people in a relaxed house party setting. A private party group for those interested in consensual adult spanking (not a sex party).

Potential “encounters” near Kansas City, Missouri!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Directed towards those who are in or around KCMO area and are open to the possibility of meeting someone for mutual fetish play.

P.U.P STL (Pick Up Play), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-09
To encourage thinking outside of the box play as well as non-committal play fun.

QCSCBDSM Queen city social club Springfield,MO., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
QCSCBDSM Queen city social club Springfield,MO., Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Attempting to locate a venue for a play space in or near Springfield Mo.

QPEX (Quincy Power Exchange), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Home for Kinksters in MO-IL-IA Since 2011; educational and support group for those who are in or curious about the BDSM lifestyle.

Queen City T.N.G., FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
Springfield. Ages 19-35.

Rolla Lifestyle Learning Facility, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to teaching the many different aspects of kink in an open minded setting.

Rolla Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open BDSM/kink group. Provides a safe environment for people to meet, learn, and experience the world of BDSM and beyond. Meets for a munch and for a play party.

Rope Bite Saint Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual social event centered around rope-based bondage, open to anyone over age 18. Dedicated to promoting interest in and sharing knowledge about all aspects of rope bondage.

Rope School Saint Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Independently organized educational group dedicated to the art and practice of rope bondage. Monthly Workshops. Topics vary every month, with regular Introduction to Rope Bondage sessions interspersed.

Rope Social Saint Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open-access, unstructured, peer-share environment for those interested in or curious about rope bondage to share, practice, teach, and learn.

Rope Study Group of KC, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people that are into rope, top or bottom, new or experienced.

Saint Charles Munch, reviewed 2015-Aug-23
Kinky in Saint Charles, MO, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-23
Casual social gathering, held monthly at a local tavern/restaurant. Popular get-together, attended by 100+ people. Unique opportunity for newcomers to meet and make new friends, enjoy conversation, learn about the local BDSM lifestyle community in a safe, public, no-pressure atmosphere.

For additional Saint Louis links, see St. Louis

Saint Louis Artists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all forms of artists (musicians, dancers, photographers, painters, MUA, models, writers, etc) and those who appreciate art in the Saint Louis (and surrounding) area to discuss that which we love, ART.

Saint Louis Forum, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open to everyone from The Greater Saint Louis area.

Saint Louis Kinky Book Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who love to read and live in and around the Saint Louis area.

Saint Louis Leather and Lace, see STL3

SEMO Masters & slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all those involved or interested in this BDSM lifestyle, of particular interest to those living in SE.MO-S.IL to find others that are lifestyle friendly. Encourages you to join regardless of race, religion, or sexual preference.

Sex Positive St. Louis (SEX+STL), verified 2015-Mar-30
Community resource, safe environment for sexuality questions or concerns, no matter your gender, race, age or orientation. Hosts a program of events and nurtures a culture that accommodates sex positive communities in the St. Louis region.

Shameless Grounds, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
Shameless Grounds, Facebook, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
Shameless Grounds, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
Shameless Grounds, Twitter, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
STL. Provides diverse populations access to non-judgmental, sex-positive, radically-inclusive gathering place. Food drink, warm friendly atmosphere, expansive lending library w/wide variety of media related to human sexuality, classes, workshops, social gatherings, entertainment, and education.

Shibari Association of Springfield missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Home grown group dedicated to improving the rope community in the area. Share tips and tricks for tying great rope.

Show Me Leather, reviewed 2015-Aug-07
Show Me Leather, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-07
MO’s Master/slave and Ms. Leather title competition.

Singles Night Out- STL, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
Events for single people in the metro area. Munches, movies, dinners, plays, etc.

SLUM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Announcement and discussion group for the Saint Louis Unclassified Munch, held monthly.

S.M.A.C.K, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
Springfield Missouri Area Consensual Kinksters. Private club/group having private play parties.

SMs Reflections, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Springfield MASTERS AND slaves. Largest, Most knowledgable group in Springfield. Presenters in almost any topic imaginable that do demos. Parties, dinners.

SmsSpringfieldMo, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky people to share ideas, hold discussions, or even plan get togethers. A wonderful way to meet others in the BD&SM lifestyle. All are welcome. Panasexual — meaning we welcome all.

S.O.C.K. (Socially Open Community of Kinksters), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kansas City. All about fun and friends, learning and growing and bringing the community together regardless of who you are, not to take anything away from the groups that are in the community now it serves only as a open group that has no boundaries.

Soco Munch Saint Louis, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Great group of “like-minded” people (fetishists, kinksters, lifestylers, etc.). Each month, we get together at a local and popular “vanilla” establishment to have a bite to eat, enjoy some adult beverages all the while mixing/mingling with old/new friends.

South West Missouri BDSM Forum, see SWBDSMofMO

South West Missouri BDSM Meeting Hall, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For People In South West Missouri to Meet Like Minded Individuals.

Southwest Missouri Hangout and Fun, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Springfield BDSM – Missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Lifestylers and Kinksters in Springfield, Missouri. We encourage discussion, announcements of get togethers in which every member of this group would be welcome (if this does not fit the group DO NOT mention or post it), and the sharing of information.

Springfield Masters and Slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Discussion group about the everyday experiences in a Master/ slave relationship.

Springfield, Mo Female Supremacy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to the Mistress’s and those that serve them. For anyone who believe that females are the dominant gender. If you are looking for a submissive, slave or friend. If you are looking for a Mistress, or friend.

Springfield Party Girls’ Association, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the party girls of Springfield, and we know who we are!

St. Joe BDSM Discussion Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Will meet once a month to discuss various aspects of BDSM. Geared to couples and select singles who wish to broaden their BDSM knowledge. Invite only.

St. Louis area newbies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Provides new-to-the-lifestyle submissives with helpful advice and educational information regarding the BDSM lifestyle as it pertains to the St. Louis region. Restricted to submissives, slaves, switches who identify primarily as submissives and those too new to know what they are.

St Louis area Whip enthusiasts “The WhipNic”., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
All welcome to come out and attend. Whip picnics will be in a public place with UM’s in attendance so appropriate dress and behavior will be expected. May also be attended by non lifestylers

St. Louis BDSM – Missouri, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
A different kind of open-minded pansexual group, in conjunction with DaDungeon. DaDungeon has events, lectures, presentations, seminars, workshops, and social get togethers.

St. Louis Belly Dance, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For everyone in the St. Louis Area who loves doing it or just watching it. Post information about classes or new videos you found helpful!

St. Louis D/s Dating, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people to meet one another in St. Louis and surrounding.

St. Louis FemDom /submissive, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
Open and hospitable to all F/s applicable area residents, regardless of affiliations with other groups, people or communities. FemDoms and submissives who want to serve them can discuss topics, post ads and give and receive support and advice in a respectful and convivial atmosphere.

St Louis Fetish – Leather, Latex, PVC and Rubber, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-15
For those who appreciate leather, latex, PVC and rubber.

St. Louis Kinky Over 40, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters in the St. Louis area that are over the chronological age of 40 or have similar life experiences necessary to socialize and discuss issues of interest of a mature audience in an informal manner. No set meetings, munches, membership dues, by-laws, etc.

St. Louis, MO Shibari/Japanese Rope Bondage Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Anyone that shares a passion with Shibari/Kinbaku/Japanese Rope Bondage that resides in and around the St. Louis area.

St. Louis Movie and Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Monthly event where those who enjoy movies and the company of like-minded individuals can get together in a more vanilla environment.

St Louis Pony Herd, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
Open to anyone interested in pony play, training of, grooming of, and the handling of ponies. Goal: To make this group a resource for everything related to pony play in St Louis and surrounding area.

ST Louis Sadists Discussion Forum, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
A place that Sadists may relax and comment of wicked new ideas and old ideas that work extremely well.

St Louis TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For 18-35 year olds interested in BDSM from the St Louis and surrounding areas. Join us to chat about the lifestyle and being a younger member of the community.

St. Louis Wrestling, Submission, Fighting and MMA, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bringing together those of us who enjoy wrestling, submission wrestling, erotic wrestling, boxing and the like.

The St. Louis Zoological Society, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
Welcomes all types of animals, pets, Owners, Primals, and those interested in learning more about the pet play lifestyle.

STL3, Inc., verified 2015-Mar-30
STL3, Inc., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Private social and educational group. Member based organization founded on the principle of a pansexual educational group. Functions with emphasis on continuing education in the form of social events open to members, as well as larger events open to anyone.

STL Daytime Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
For kinksters that are free during weekdays to play or munch.

STL Foodies, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
For anything and everything food related within St. Louis. Fun group of people who enjoy going to eat once a month. Great way to make new friends in a vanilla atmosphere.

StlLittles and Age Play, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
For those interested in or curious about ageplay and all its forms. For “parents”, “relatives”, caregivers, authority figures, and littles of all ages.

STL Nights Out (Kink and Vanilla), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Post about local bdsm and non bdsm related events in the Saint Louis Area, to give us ALL a chance to strengthen current friendships in this lifestyle and make new ones. Whether a house party or bbq, spanks giving or a club night, bdsm or not.

Studio Kinbaku, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
Studio Kinbaku, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
St. Louis. Community space. Serves as a Nawa Dojo or Shibari Studio, workshop, play space, photography studio, practice space, art gallery, classroom, community center, and even dungeon.

submissives of the Ozarks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Support network. Share experiences, both good and bad, in order to educate and learn from one another without fear of retribution or repercussion. Place to vent, share ideas, and receive guidance. Avenue to empower and inform submissives to make effective consensual decisions. SW MO-NW AR

SWBDSMofMO, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
SWBDSMofMO, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Springfield. Real Time Group. Have our own Free Standing Dungeon and have munches / parties when we choose. Open membership.

SW Missouri Bisexuals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people to find other like minded people no mater wether your bisexual or have questions and are curious. SE KS-NE OK-NW AR

SW Missouri seek and find (classifieds), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people to find other like minded people no mater your fetish or orientation. People from SE Kansas, NE Oklahoma, NW Arkansas are welcome to post.

SWMO Littles, Daddy Doms, and Mommy Dommes., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To bring together all littles, babyboys, babygirls, Daddy Doms, Mommy Dommes, and anyone interested in this part of the lifestyle living within the SWMO/fourstate area.

SWMO Stitch & Bitch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
For kink-friendly peeps to talk about love for yarn, teach others about crafts, and to share current works in progress. Open to all, regardless of skill or gender identity.

SWMODs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kink-friendly lifestyle group in the SW MO-NW AR. Diverse range of members with a wide variety of interests. Focus: Education and friendship with other like-minded people in the lifestyle.

The Thorn Bush, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Relaxed, friendly group of people in the Greater Kansas City area that meets weekly for discussion of various topics related to the BDSM lifestyle.

T.O.G.A., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
The Other Generation Association. Saint Louis. For 30+ kinky people that want to have fun.

TW TNG, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-24
Two Wolves The Next Generation. St. Louis area. Dedicated to teaching the newer and younger members of the local lifestyle community in a safe and sane play environment.

Western Kentucky, Southern Illinois, and Southeast Missouri Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Users in Paducah, Carbondale, Cape Girardeau, and all around Southern Illinois are encouraged to drop in and join in the discussions. Chatting, socializing, discussions and keeping everyone updated on upcoming events and munches.

WIITWD of the Ozarks region, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who take leadership roles in the dark side communities to help communicate and share ideas and resources; to work together on common issues but remain separate for any adult-related activities as well as education and outreach aimed at specific communities. AR-KS-MO-OK

YESS Kansas City (TNG), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Your Educational and Social Source. Catered to the younger crowd, the up and coming kinkster, ages 18-35 (and their partners).

Zeal of Springfield TNG: 18-35, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-21
For kinksters 18-35 and their partners.

Last updated: August 26, 2015 at 23:27 pm

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Jul 202015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

RopeFest Baltia, verified 2017-May-31
RopeFest Baltia, Fetlife, verified 2017-May-31
International shibari festival. Riga, Latvia. July 1-2, 2017
The first day of festival will bring various shibari performances. Educational seminars will be organized the second day of festival (number of participants will be limited). Seminars will allow attenders to acquire or improve the skills necessary for safe tying, as experiences riggers, having significant practical shibari experience, will deliver seminars.

Castle of Kinksburg, verified 2017-May-31
Kinksburg – Baltic BDSM online community.
Over 2000 members from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia share their experience and find new partners in this BDSM community.

Estonian Furries, FetLife, reviewed 2017-May-31
For furries living in Estonia.

Welcome to ESTONIA, Fetlife, verified 2017-May-31
Everybody living in Estonia, visiting Estonia, thinking about coming to Estonia, a fan of Estonia, or simply wanting to know more about Estonia — come and join!

Last updated: May 31, 2017 at 16:00 pm

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Jul 012015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

Ann Arbor Calendar
Lansing Calendar

A2 Reformatory, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
A2 Reformatory, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31

AB/DL tri state Indiana area, MI , IL , OH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For the adult babies and sissies, and mommies and daddys, so we can host parties in area.

Adrian Michigan’s On Line Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For the areas surrounding Adrian.

Alternative Lifestyle Learning Exchange, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
Pansexual, alternative adult lifestyle, educational co-operative in SE MI, designed for those who want to learn and teach. Friendly place to ask questions, get answers and benefit from the experience of others. Provides an open, collaborative learning environment.

A.S.S.C.K. Alpena Safe Sane Consensual Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For like minded kinksters in/around Alpena to feel accepted, safe, unjudged, valued and respected; place to build friendships, knowledge, understanding and personal growth.

Alternative Lifestyles of Michiana (ALM) Announcements, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Announcements only list for Alternative Lifestyles of Michiana. Persons need not be a member to attend the munch or coffee’s.

Ann Arbor Kinksters’, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Designed for those wishing to discuss area-specific topics, meet, make new friends and catch up with old ones. Feel free to pimp your local event(s). All genders, orientations, ages, experience levels, etc. welcome.

Ann Arbor MI Area, Kinky Meet-ups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people who want to meet up and make new friends as well as reconnect with old friends near and around the Ann Arbor area.

Ann Arbor Polyamory Network (A2Polynet), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Ann Arbor Polyamory Network (A2Polynet), Google calendar, verified 2015-Mar-31
Ann Arbor Polyamory Network (A2Polynet), Twitter, verified 2015-Mar-31
Ann Arbor Polyamory Network (A2Polynet), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Inclusive community for fostering discussion, support, and friendship for those leading, interested in, or supportive of a polyamorous lifestyle. Dedicated to providing a safe and friendly environment where polyamorous people can meet, discuss, and learn.

Ann Arbor TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Ann Arbor TNG (The Next Generation), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Kink and fetish oriented group welcoming younger kinksters ages 18-35. Safe and secure place for support, the sharing of information in the form of demonstrations or discussion groups, and socializing. All gender identification, role identification, and sexual orientation are heartily welcome.

Battle Creek , Michigan meet and greet, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
Meet new friends and like-minded people from Battle Creek.

BBC of Detroit, FetLife, verified 2015-Jul-06
For anybody seeking BBCs for anything or fetish.

The BDSM Group ., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Toledo area (NW OH-SW MI). Discussion group to start with for those who are looking for a daytime BDSM life.

BDSM in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Kentucky, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
IN-OH-MI-IL-KY. Where W/we can talk, learn, and grow, for “Active Participation” By Members In the Group.

BDSM Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For fellow kinksters who live or visit MI to network, learn, grow and share. Please post info on munches, parties or events or just enjoy a discussion. MI-IL-OH-IN-WI

BDSM Michigan Part Deux, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open to Michigan residents and the surrounding areas/states! Open forum to have discussions, post questions, announce events and to just get along. MI-IL-OH-IN-WI

BDSSM • Down River Michigan BD SM Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Down River Michigan BD SM Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
For both active lifestylers and kinksters to meet, discuss, share, learn and get together without ridicule, judgment, spam or flame. Hosts monthly munches, Regular, private play parties, Discussions and classes on M/s & D/s relationships, BD/SM techniques, rope, leather and BD/SM play, etc

Beer City Foodie’s Munch, Kinky Meet-ups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Meets every two months, at various locations to indulge in gastronomic wonders, drink fine libations, and share in good company.

Bisexual Peer Group, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-31
For folks who attend meetings of the Bisexual Peer Group in Ann Arbor

Board of Education, verified 2015-Mar-31
Board of Education, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Not-for-profit organization. Support, educational, and social group for adults who share similar interests. Diverse, open to any orientation. Goal: To provide a comfortable, safe, and discreet environment where one can meet others of like mind. Not a swingers group or a sex club.

Bondage Club Ann Arbor, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Educational experience based on structured class sessions and guided practice, aimed at helping you learn techniques for safe and fun rope bondage. Not a social club/play party. Educational environment for those curious about starting a journey in rope bondage, or want to advance their skills.

CAT’s Me Ow!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Purrfect place for Consensual Adults of Toledo (NW OH-SE MI) to gather for introductions, socializing, community building, education, frolic, fun, connecting and building new relationships. Welcomes positive participation by all.

Detroit Area Bootblacks’ Laboratory, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
aka DABL (“dabble”). Open workshop and munch for all skill and experience levels, interested in the art and craft of bootblacking.

Detroit Black Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Provides safe, friendly and respectful REAL LIFE event for POCs to come together to connect, network, and share. NOT exclusive; inclusive of ALL people, regardless of race, gender-identity, sexuality, fetish, or kink. Does not matter how long you have been in the lifestyle. Everyone welcome.

Detroit Bondage Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Monthly meet and greet.

Detroit Metro Munch-N-Bowl, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Kinksters that get together to socialize, have fun, and bowl.

Detroit Metro Private Parties, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
For Fet members ages 30-45 to get together either at other Metro Detroit events or at private parties. Open to couples and singles.

Detroit Space, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Although Detroit Space is closed, the Fetlife group carries posts about numerous events in SE Michigan.

Deviations, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Dungeon party featuring some of the best dungeon equipment in the state! Whether you are beginning to explore the scene or have been around BDSM for years this is for you. Open to everyone ages 18-91 (or more), male, female, gay, bi, lesbian, transgender, cross dresser, those in between.

Dinner and a conversation, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
People who come together once a month by invitation only to have a meal and a good conversation about lifestyle issues and problems.

Dominant Viewpoints, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
On hiatus? Discussion/education group based in Northern Oakland County that offers support and mentor-ship exclusively for Dominants through peer to peer interaction.

The Dominants Table, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
For anyone who identifies as a Dominant, of all gender identities and switches if they are wearing their D-hat. Trying to encourage open discussions on the Dominant side of the slash. A place to learn, grow, and discuss new ideas.

The Downriver Meeting Place, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinksters in SE MI, specifically the downriver area.

Down River Michigan BDSM Club, see BDSSM

Dynamically Adorable in Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For the dynamically adorable, the brats, the sassy, and the spirited. Also for the supporters, friends, and voyeurs of the DA. Discuss how we bring laughter and fun to our lives. Trade tips and tactics. Talk about challenges and responsibilities or just plain hang out and goof off.

East Coast Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Created to give cuckolds and Hotwives a broader range, with specific areas of interest, for better connection and communication. AL-AR-CT-DC-DE-FL-GA-IL-IN-KY-LA-LAB-MA-MD-ME-MI-MS-NB-NC-NFLD-NH-NJ-NS-NY-OH-ONT-PA-PR-QB-RI-SC-TN-VA-VT-WV

East End Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Whether you are a first- or a long-timer, into one thing or a variety, younger, older, straight or not, coupled, in a leather family or unattached, Dom/me/top, submissive/bottom, switch, kink friendly, just not sure or anything else, you are welcomed equally as enthusiastically.

East End Sunday Brunch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Roundtable discussion the first Sunday every month, to exchange ideas and information; to ask and answer questions. Goal: To provide a warm and friendly environment conducive to exploring, learning and personal enrichment.

East End Workshops, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Topics vary greatly, provide attendees ample opportunity to try new things, hear from experts in their fields, learn safe way to do things, ask questions and find answers. Programs to be of interest to a wide spectrum of participants.

Elkhart Lifestyle & Kink (E.L.K.), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
For those in Elkhart, Michiana, and outlying areas that live the Lifestyle full-time, have a fondness for Kink, and everything in between.

FEMDOM Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Dominant Women and those who love worshiping, pleasing, and praising them :), specifically for MI residents.

The Fetish Playroom, verified 2015-Mar-31
The Fetish Playroom, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
The Fetish Playroom, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Lifestyle Community Center in Kalamazoo. Friendly and cozy atmosphere where you can socialize and play.

Flint Alt-BDSM Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31

Flint BDSM, FetLIfe, verified 2015-Mar-31
Munch. People come and enjoy each others company without being pressured into anything they do not want to do. Intended to be a pan-sexual BD/SM group for those of legal age.

The FOG of West Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Fuckin Older Generation. Specifically for people of the ages 36 +1 day through Infinitely geezer. Meant to be humorous and not in any way intended to reflect poorly on any other members of the kink community at large.

The Fur Mitten, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Warm and fuzzy place for the seriously sensual player (touching, petting, slow deliberate caressing – silk, spandex, nylon – blindfolds, soft whispers – nibbles, licking and much, much more). Based in Oakland County.

Genesee County Munch, FetLife, updated 2013-Aug-27
Flint. Smaller group that meets monthly for dinner/drinks at a local sports bar. Not an education class type setting, but may have topics for discussion.

Girls’ Night In, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Biological females who identify as bottoms/subs/slaves and enjoy an evening together to socialize at a vanilla private home-based location.

GGRM (Greater Grand Rapids Munch), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Munches are restricted to people over the age of 18 due to the sexual nature of the group.

GLEE-Great Lakes Energy Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Students learning and sharing hands-on how to identify and utilize energy, both personally during daily interactions and in BDSM play. Welcomes members of all spirituality or lack there of, with any amount of experience (novice to advanced).

GRALE, see Grand Rapids, GRALE (Grand Rapids Alternative Lifestyle Enrichment)

Grand Rapids BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For folks in the Western Michigan area, especially in or around Grand Rapids. Not connected with the great Yahoo Grand Rapids BDSM group, though we’ll keep up with events as posted there.

Grand Rapids BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
For adult men and women who have an interest or curiosity in alternative lifestyles in Central and Western Michigan.

Grand Rapids Educational Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Free educational event for all ages. Roundtable format allows us to learn from each others experiences in this lifestyle and provides new information and insights to both new and veteran members of the community.

Grand Rapids, GRALE (Grand Rapids Alternative Lifestyle Enrichment), verified 2015-Mar-31
Grand Rapids, GRALE, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Vision: To educate and enlighten individuals to the lifestyle guided by the principles of Safe, Sane, Consensual, Respect, Honesty, and Confidentiality for members and non-members alike. Respectful of different lifestyles no matter their race, gender, or sexual preference.

Grand Rapids Kinky Night Out, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To provide information on upcoming Kinky Night Out Events as well as other events taking place in Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids Poly Munch FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To discuss the formation of a regular poly munch in Grand Rapids

Great Lakes Anime Conventions, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Any convention that would relate to anime/manga, gaming, comics, sci-fi, renaissance, etc. can and will be labeled and discussed here

Great Lakes Bay Region Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Meeting local, like-minded people and participating in many future events, most likely include: Munches, bonfires, play parties, casual outings, and possibly group trips to larger expos taking place outside Tri-county area. Events will be held in Midland-Bay City-Gladwin areas.

Greater Lansing BDSM, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
For kinksters in the Greater Lansing area, if open-minded, honest, and want to connect with others in the area.

Gutter Minds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Where like minded people along all fetishes and lifestyle choices can get together and have good time, meet others and bowl. Grand Rapids area.

Hamtramck, Heart of the City Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-07
For “anyone” interested in a city munch, and also for those with an interest in the FemDom dynamic.

Healthy Lifestylers Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Designed for those who would like to form local walking/biking/exercise mini groups and who would like to share healthy eating habits and recipes to encourage positive changes in our lives.

Heartland Crossing, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Heartland Crossing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
For crossdressers, transvestites, sissies, genderplayers, transpersons, and their admirers and/or lovers; or those who are respectfully curious about the same. CO-IA-IL-IN-KS-MI-MN-MO-MT-ND-NE-NM-OH-OK-SD-TX-WI-WY.

Hitchin’ Bitches Southwest Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Goal: To teach women to tie men and women. Open space format to share ideas, concepts, and skills peer-to-peer.

HouseofDark_Desires, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
HouseofDark_Desires, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
Private D/s social club for members and their invited guest, located in Northern Oakland Co. Dedicated to safety, education and promoting a D/s structured lifestyle. Membership consists of Dominants, switches, submissive and slaves. Everyone welcome.

ICON Detroit, verified 2015-Mar-31
Dedicated to presenting a positive image of the leather community

IN, OH, MI, KY, IL BDSM Lifestyle Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
BDSM Lifestylers that are looking for others whether it be for scenes, play, LTR, Training, Mentoring, etc.

IN, OH, MI, KY, IL Sub/Slave/Bottom etc. Seeking, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
sub/slave/bottom m&f to place an “ad” anyone can respond

Ionia Munch Bunch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
For munches, get togethers, and any other activities that all kinky lifestyle people wish to experience.

Kalamazoo Area Kreatures of the Night, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Casual non-threatening conversation/munch group for Kalamazoo and surrounding areas kinky folks that work off shifts or any other crazy combination of hours.

Keweenaw Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all from the Keweenaw and Michigan Tech students to get to know each other.

Kink Furniture of Lansing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
Meeting to plan and build furniture.

The Kinkdom, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Detroit’s newest BDSM and Kink venue! Community space, run by members of this community, working on becoming a not for profit organization, focused on education, networking, and building community well-being and wholeness.

KinkTalks, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
Includes food and drink, round table discussion, led discussion on a particular topic, show and tell, as well as being a safe place to express yourself.

Kinky Buy/Sell/Trade in Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Virtual flea market. Stuff to buy? Stuff to sell? New or gently used stuff is fine, from toys to furniture to fetish wear and beyond. Vanilla wares are fine as well, but let’s keep the focus on the fun stuff.

Kinky Individuals Near Kalamazoo, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Kinky Individuals Near Kalamazoo (KINK), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Munches and gatherings to allow people to get to know each other better and to meet others in the lifestyle. For members and moderators to post upcoming events in or near Kalamazoo area.

Kinky Jews of Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Jews and supporters of Jews in Michigan and we are here to bitch and kavetch about every aspect of our world usually over a good bagel and a schmear.

Kinky Craft Time in Kzoo, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those of you who love making things; for those of you who love perverting things.

Lake Superior’s Big Water Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To unite those of us who live near or visit the areas along the southern shores of Lake Superior. MN-WI-UP of MI.

Lansing Area 20-Something Females, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
If you are close to Lansing, 20something(ish) and living your life as female, join us for friends and kinky discussions.

Lansing Area Polyamorists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Welcomes polys of all religions, racial/ethnic groups, sexual orientations, relationship configurations, kinks, etc. Anyone with an open mind, who wishes to learn more about the dynamics of open/poly relationships, shall be welcomed and encouraged to participate.

Lansing Educational Organization, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
About bringing educational kink classes to the greater Lansing Area.

Lansing Kinky and Geeky, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For lovers of all things geeky. Feel free to share an interesting link, start a discussion, join us at an event, and make some new, like-minded friends.

Lansing Littles and Ageplayers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people in Lansing, East Lansing, and surrounding areas, who are looking to meet others into ageplay. Mommys, daddys, littles, and anyone else with interest in the subject.

Lansing, MI… Living the Lifestyle., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those who are living an alternative lifestyle in the Lansing Area.

Lansing Munches, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For the Lansing BDSM Munches.

Lansing Night Owls, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
For those who have been shunned by the Sandman and have a love/hate relationship with the bed.

Lansing Pagan and Kinky, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-05
Looking for a group to celebrate Sabbats and Esbats? Perhaps you would enjoy learning more about how to incorporate kink with your earth based religion. What does “harm none” mean in a bdsm context?

Lansing Personals & Playpartners Ads, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
Personal Ads, Playpartner Ads, Friend Ads, Anything that involves finding another person for Love, Romance, Sex, or Friendship

Lansing RACK, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
Friendly and accepting of all orientations, whether are Lesbian, Gay, Straight, Bi, or Curious, a Cross-dresser or Trans*. Hosting munches for socializing and educational purposes and play parties.

Lansing Rope, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
Education-focused rope group. Meets monthly. Welcomes anyone interested in rope bondage to join us, no matter level of skill. Intended to be a safe place for people to share ideas and learn about rope bondage in all its forms.

Lansing TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Lansing kinky people of all kinds, ages 18-35. Goal: To be a safe spot for the younger kinksters of the community to learn and grow with peers.

Lansing Walk and Fitness, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
Great munch for newbies or people with social anxiety because it is usually not more than 10 people at a time and very casual. Talks about a range of things while walking.

Lansing Whip Society, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
People from the Greater Lansing area who like to play with whips, single tails in particular.

LIFE Detroit, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
LIFE (Leather Institute for Education), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Leather Institute for Education. Discussion and presentation group that meets twice a month for the purpose of sharing knowledge with the Leather, BDSM and D/s community.

L.I.F.E. Lifestyle Information for Everyone, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Grand Rapids/West Michigan. Primary goal: to focus on the what many call the 100 and/or 200 area of the bdsm/lifestyle community

Ludington/Baldwin Lifestylers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people that live in Mason, Oceana, Lake counties.

M24 Kinksters Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those of us who live in the Lapeer, Oxford, Lake Orion area

M4M Spanking in Indiana, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan or Illinois. For men in and around Indiana who participate in all kinds of corporal punishment, including spanking and paddling. For men who like to be spanked by other men and the men who like to spank, and maybe guys who want to trade some swats.

Macomb County Kink Collective, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Pansexual, broad interest, alternative lifestyle, social group. Diverse collection of kinksters, other Fetlife groups, events and more. Great place to link up with your friends and meet new ones.

MAK – Michiana Area Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
No longer meeting.

MAsT: Grand Rapids (MI), verified 2015-Mar-31
MAsT: Grand Rapids (MI), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Association of individuals interested in engaging in personal relationships based upon the conscious exchange of power and authority. Provides social and support opportunities for its members and fosters the beneficial exchange of lifestyle knowledge and experience.

MAsT: Great Lakes Region, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For members of MAsT (Masters and slaves Together) who reside in the Great Lakes Region to exchange information with other chapters in the region and post announcements regarding your chapters activities.

Mephisto’s Playground, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31

MI BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinky, lifestyle, leather, BDSM, M/s, and D/s folks. Participate in conversations, find a special friend to share your kink, or simply expand your horizons and enjoy yourself. Post about parties, munches, education, or regional events. MI-IL-OH-IN-ONT

MI RACK, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those in the greater Flint area and beyond to come together and practice their RACK, vanilla things too (in real life!) Educational group.

MI TnC MeetnGreet, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-21
Open to all who are lovers of Thick n Curvy.

Michiana Area Community Kinkster Bulletin Board, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Post area happenings, pimp your event, whether it be a party, munch, slosh, or road trip.

Michiana Area Kinksters, see MAK – Michiana Area Kinksters

Michiana News, Views, and Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-21
Open to anyone in Michiana and the surrounding communities. Announcements, writings, personals, things for sale, questions, rants (no flaming), links to your favorite photos

Michiana Singles Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To establish a meeting place for local singles to find others to participate in lifestyle events and activities. N.IN – S.MI – N.OH- IL

Michiana Spankers, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31 = INACTIVE =
For adults 18 and older who live in Northern IN/SW MI area and share a passion for adult consensual spanking. M/F and F/M spanking only, no M/M or other fetishes.

Michigan Ageplay, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For ageplayers in/around MI.

Michigan Announce Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people who run groups to announce their events, for people who want to find groups, or for people who want to start up new groups in Michigan and the nearby areas. Open to all sorts of groups

Michigan Area Daddys, Mommys, and lils, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Where Daddys, Mommys, and lils from the michigan area (MI-IN-IL-OH-WI) can talk about stuff near them.

Michigan BBC, FetLife, verified 2015-May-01
For MI BBC and those who want and love them, to connect and meet.

Michigan BDSM History, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
With a little help from everyone we will all have a better knowledge of our lineage.

Michigan Bisexuals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all bisexuals living in Michigan and those interested.

Michigan Classifides!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Michigan.

Michigan Cosplay, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-30
For MI cosplayers to find each other easier and link up for meetups, advice and fetish discussions.

Michigan couples seeking…., FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-21
Goal: Provide a resource where couples can seek out playmates that will fit their lifestyle. Open to all walks of kink in MI.

Michigan Dominant Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all Dominants to have discussions online strictly for Dominants, without comments from the Submissives. Open to all Dominants (D Types) in the region. All genders and experience levels will be invited and welcomed.

Michigan Edge Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Sharing discussions about various play considered “closer to the edge”.

Michigan Fetish Community as a Lifestyle (MIFCL), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Reveals the secrets of the fetish lifestyle. The experienced practitioner will discover new advanced refinements while the novice beginner will learn the ropes from the ground up. So, learn what to look for, where to find it, and how to do it when you’ve found it!

Michigan Happy Knots, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
On hiatus, as of March 2015. Rope education group in eastern MI.

Michigan High Protocol Society, FetLife, verified 2015-May-06
For High Protocol Dinners and Parties.

MIchigan Hotwife/Bulls/Cuckolds group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those with an affinity for married women, women that crave sex outside of their marriage, and men married to them.

Michigan Individuals for Community Improvement, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For any individual who would like to help contribute to improving our community.

Michigan kik messenger, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-20
To help others in MI contact via kik.

Michigan Kinksters – and surrounding areas.., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
About nothing, or just about everything in Michigan and surrounding areas. IN-OH-ONT.

Michigan Kinky Preppers, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-19
For kinky preppers who live in MI.

Michigan Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people who consider themselves Leather, are curious about stepping into the Leather Lifestyle, or just have something to share regarding the Leather Lifestyle. For promoting of events, sharing of stories, asking of questions, and networking with other Leather people in/around MI area.

Michigan Lifestyle Announcement Board, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Having an event? Selling a car? Offering a legitimate service? Looking for some help? Cleaning out your fetish closet or toy bag? Need a Lifestyle friendly roommate? Looking for a ride to a munch? Want to go to the show with like-minded folks?

Michigan Massage Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For individuals who are good at massages and/or want to receive massages, but don’t want to pay the high price that it costs. Discussion about massage is also welcome. Massages can be therapeutic, sensual or kinky. Exchange is not mandatory.

Michigan Mistress Finder, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Purpose: To help novices (and those experienced) in the scene to find a mistress in primarily in MI or other states, who will mentor and guide them through the process of becoming more confident and comfortable in the BDSM and or FetLife community.

Michigan Mistresses, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For the ‘D” Day munch group. (Short for Domina Day). Geared towards planning munches and events for Michigan Mistresses to socialize and learn from each other. Restricted to: Dominant Women, Switch Women, owned and invited submissives

Michigan Nerditorium, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-29
For nerds geeks and gamers.

Michigan Networking, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To advertise your services, services needed, employment needs, or merchandise wanted or for sale.

Michigan Nudists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: Nudists in Michigan

Michigan pantyhose/stocking/nylon lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open group for couples/singles/cd/bi/gay/str. into those wearing hose or admire those who wear

Michigan playmates, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people that are looking for casual play.

Michigan Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Michigan welcomes all to an open Poly lifestyle!

Michigan Ponies and Trainers!!!!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Michigan ponies and trainers only or those wanting to join in the pony lifestyle in MI.

Michigan Renaissance Festival, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
For anyone who goes, participates, on cast or not, or interested.

MichiganRope, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Michigan Rope, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people who are interested in rope bondage. SE Michigan based; anyone welcome to join. Holds “Rope Drills”; which are monthly meetings to learn and practice rope bondage. Discuss techniques, safety, events of interest, and the psychology of using rope.

Michigan Rough Bodyplay and Rasslin, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those Michiganders into resistance, struggling, rasslin, or the physical equivalents to get together and talk about their experiences.

Michigan SAMites, DOMites, FETites, and FUNites, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those seeking a friendly place for a no drama sanctuary where you can kick back, relax, and just be yourself.

Michigan Senior Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For mature adults to discuss, meet, greet and enjoy!

Michigan Sensuous BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31, SPAM

Michigan Sex, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Anything and everything to do with personal ads involving that dirty three-letter word in Michigan. Casual sex, swingers, cuckolds, gangbangs, orgies, etc. Whatever gets you off.

Michigan “Sick Fucks” Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
I think the title says it all…

Michigan Sissy Maids and Mistresses, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For sissy maids and mistresses in michigan can meet others close by and find other sissy maids to train. You may post an ad in here and it wont be delited. For MI-WI

Michigan Sluts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Feel free to start a conversation about whatever you’d like; a meeting place for sluts that would like to be used

Michigan Spankers/spankees/BDSM Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those in Michigan into the spanking scene and other interests.

Michigan Spanking and Pleasures (MSP), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-30
Celebrates spanking and spanking related play; encourages most other forms of safe kink and fetish play. Primary goal: Throw events at times when there’s not much going on and to fill fetish void.

Michigan STING, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Supporting, Teaching, Informing, and Networking for the Greater Good. Committed to keeping out habitual offenders, providing mitigation of community issues, offering mentoring, education, a safety network, a safer place to play. No gender, sexual preference, age, lifestyle barriers.

Michigan Submissive’s Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: submissives /bottoms/slaves/switches with sub hat on in SE Michigan

Michigan Switches, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open to all Michigan residents who identify as a switch, are involved with a switch (or would like to be), or would simply like to discuss switch dynamics and activities.

Michigan Thick-N-Curvy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Where BBW Can Learn..Grow And Share Their Experiences & The People Who Love And Adore Them…Feel Free To Post Events Around Michigan. For People Living In Or Visiting Michigan Or Surrounding Area MI-N.IL-OH-IN-WI

Michigan threesomes, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
if your a couple looking for a third person this is a spot to advertise. if your someone that would like to join in with a couple, or would like to be used by a couple, or what ever it is you’d like to do with a couple here is the place to advertise as well.

Michigan Thumb Area BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For like minded individuals to come and chat about stuff.

Michigan Vegan, Vegetarian (Lacto, Ovo, Ovo-Lacto), Pescetarian, Pollotarian, Fruitarian, Raw foodist, Macrobiotic, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
To discuss vegetarianism and kink, to exchange recipes and ideas, to review and discuss local vegetarian/vegan restaurants and perhaps if there is enough interest to meet at some of the best of those restaurants on a regular basis.

Michigan Whip Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Focused on art of whip throwing and education. Bulls, Snakes, Western, Stocks, Signal, and all kinds of single tailed whips are welcome. Experts, intermediates, advanced, beginners, or first timers are all welcome. MI-IL-OH-IN-ONT.

Mid Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open to almost any and all topic chatted about

Mid Michigan I.M.P.A.C.T., updated 2013-Aug-27
*No longer meeting*, perthis post

Mid-Michigan Newbies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people in the mid-Michigan area that are new to BDSM and are wanting to get to know and meet other people new to BDSM and other fetishes. Anyone is welcome and is free to talk about anything.

Mid-Michigan Rock Climbers and outdoors people, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinky-folk who share a love for Rock climbing, bouldering, spelunking, camping, hiking, and rustic survival skills.

(Mid)Michigan: “SLUT” Walks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For organizing walks such as: “Take Back the Night” (Ann Arbor, among other places apparently), SlutWalk Toronto

Midnight Rope, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all kinksters who love rope or are curious.

Midwest BDSM’ers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all those local to the Great Lakes region seeking to connect with fellow kinksters and like minded individuals. All are welcome to join and participate regardless of orientation, fetish preference or gender identity. IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI

Midwest Gang Bang Parties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinky folks interested in attending Gang Bangs in the Midwest. If you are planning a Gang Bang in IL-IN-MI-WI-IA-MO-MN, please post it hear.

Midwestern Kinky Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Welcome to all post and come and make friends from the Midwestern and who know what you might get into. IL-IN-IA-KS-MI-MN-MO-NE-ND-OH-SD-WI

MiWoman2Woman, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For MI women who love women to meet, socialize and maybe even find a partner… or at least just some good friends who understand the need for that female only connection! Lesbian, Bisexual, Straight, Queer, Trans-female identified females! All are welcome!

(MMKG) Mid-Michigan Kinksters Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For the mid Michigan area to get together, get in touch and be able to post local events Like munches. We also invite questions from everyone if you have any questions in your kink lifestyle.

Motor City Moonshiners, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Spanko party group! Holds parties about every three months.

Muskegon Area Bd-Ds-SMers, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31, DEFUNCT

Muskegon Kinkesters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people in this town to chat and maybe we can all meet and make friends.

Muskegon Munch and Local Lifestyle Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Muskegon BDSMers Munch Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Pansexual discussion group open to all in the Muskegon and surrounding greater West Michigan areas. We hold a monthly munch where you can meet others of similar interests in a safe and social environment.

Newaygo County, MI FetLifers, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-15
Make new friends, find partners, meet up with playmates, discuss similar interests, etc.

Northern Indiana Kink, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Inactive. Established 2000. In addition to the socail gatherings we also offer the community educational opportunities having sponsored lectures and demos in the past as well as an occasional outside party. N.IN – S.MI

North Macomb Co., Port Huron, Flint area residents, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those living in the surrounding areas to come together and post info. on munch’s or events going on in said areas, in the attempt to better coordenate said activities and make it easier to find out whats going on near you.

NorthernMich-BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Michigan kinksters in the northern area of Michigan including the upper and lower peninsulas. Intended for discussion and entertainment.

rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Northwest Michigan Kinky Educational Forum, Fetlife, reviewed 2017-Jun-16
For new and experienced people in the Northwest corner of Michigan who are willing to learn and grow as a community. Educational meetings hosted every month on different topics, everything from basic protocols & etiquette to safety and how-to-do specific fetishes.

Oakland County Kink Collective, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Oakland County Munch, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Pansexual, broad interest, alternative lifestyle, social group. Diverse collection of kinksters, other Fetlife groups, events and more. Great place to link up with your friends or meet new ones. Home of Oakland County Munch.

Ohio Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all those who live in Ohio, and surrounding states PA-WV-KY-IN-MI to post personals. Please state age, gender, location, status (sub, Dom, daddy, daughter, kinkster, ect), in your initial post.

Opening Gateways, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Focus: What it means to members of the community, how to get involved comfortably, and what BDSM means to those involved. Classes to be tailored to offer seasoned D/s persons and newcomers an educational look inside developing friendship, relationships, respect, and knowledge to all involved.

Our Sanctuary, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Private Dungeon in West Michigan dedicated to education and providing a sex positive environment.

People looking for People for Play Partners in Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-29
For people looking for People for Play Partners at homes, hotels and events in Michigan.

People of the Great Lakes Alternative Lifestyle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Please feel free to share information about yourselves, your events, start up discussions about your location, your club to stir up interest, ask any questions you wish about anything in the Great Lakes area.

Port Huron Area Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Like minded people who enjoy gathering to have some laughs, talk about the lifestyle, meet new people and have some fun. Meets monthly.

Queer Kalamazoo, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-30
LGBTQIAP+ group for kinksters living in Kalamazoo and surrounding areas.

RebelsRealm, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For keeping people informed of whats happening at Rebels Realm. In regards to private parties being thrown, specials on the rental of our dungeon, BDSM workshops and special interest/charity groups we are involved in.

Red Moon Rising in SW Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
= No longer meeting =

Rope Bite A2, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
= On hiatus =

Rope Bite Kalamazoo, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Meeting like minded people and sharing knowledge about different skills and practices in rope bondage.

Ropetastic (Grand Rapids, MI), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Folks who love bondage of all forms and gather together once a month to learn new tricks of restraining people/being restrained. Main focus is rope. Focal point: Education and building the rope community.

SBK – South Bend Kink (Indiana), verified 2015-Mar-31
SBK – South Bend Kink (Indiana), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinksters in the South Bend-greater Michiana surrounding areas to meet and socialize with like-minded people. Focus: acceptance of people, in all walks of life, and welcomes all individuals to post and meet at the monthly munches.

S.E. MI Tactical Rope Unit, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Purpose: Explore the creation of art and the expression of self throughout their home territory. Restricted to: Roper Lovers, Kink Photographers and anyone curious about either.

Seeking in Kalamazoo, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
Find friends, play partners, really anything, specifically for those seeking in the Kalamazoo area.

SEMich BDSM for Beginners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Where all of your questions that you were too afraid to ask in person can not only be asked, but answered.

SE Michigan Age Play Munch, verified 2015-Mar-31
SE Michigan Age Play aka Red Robot Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Bigs, littles, mediums, diaper lovers, babyfurs, school age players, and those just curious – anyone into age play (and their partners) welcome! All gender identities and sexual orientations welcome.

S.E. Michigan Munch News, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Announcement group for all the munches in the SE Michigan / Detroit Metro area.

Seeking in Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all MI BDSM people seeking a partner or play partner, friendship or connection. Dominant, submissive, top, bottom, male, female, transgender, gay, straight, bi, and poly, and any other kind are all welcome. “Vanilla” posts looking for roommates, gaming pals, models, whatever are welcome too!

Seeking Safe Play Partners in Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Not a group for those seeking sex only. Serious attempt to match and hook up tops and bottoms who are not currently in a relationship but would like the opportunity to meet others who would like to play or attend an event with another top or bottom.

Seeking Without Judgment In Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Mission: To provide an arena attracting a wide range of and diversity of individuals interested in D/s BDSM; bring together those seeking their counterparts; opinions may be exchanged free of judgments, for the purpose of exploration, learning and interaction with others

Sensual Soles of Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open to all of those who love having their feet pampered and worshipped, as well as, those whom love to worship feet

sex in outdoors michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
people who like having sex out doors, in anyway shape or form.

SINergy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Weekend of kink, fun, and education in W.MI, where all those who identify as kinky can gather in fellowship, learn and grow. Goal: To bring the very best in education, presenters, festivities, and of course play.

SKOSH Rope Night, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31

Slave Home, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Offers hierarchical structure that creates an ideal environment for growth and success as we consistently develop, recruit, train and retain the best servants and slaves, providing them with a safe, loving, and healthy environment including ongoing training and support.

S.M.A.C.K.munches (Southern Michigan Area Casual Kink), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
SMACK (Southern Michigan Area Casual Kink) Munches, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Jackson. Monthly munch. We enjoy getting together in real life. Low protocol, casual, friendly social group

South Bend Kink, see SBK – South Bend Kink (Indiana)

Southeast Michigan Ebony/Black Dommes and white subs/slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Intended for Black Female Dominants and subs and slaves who adore Black Women and love to be dominated by Black Women.

Southeast Michigan Hypnosis Fetish, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
About erotic hypnosis and education. Time with like-minded hypnokinky people learning, practicing, and playing with all aspects of hypnosis in a space where you can fearlessly let your hair down.

South East MICHIGAN Sadists and Masochists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For MICHIGAN sadists and masochists to enjoy some intelligent, and hopefully thought-provoking conversation with topics of sadism and masochism as the main focus.

Spank You Very Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Based out of Lexington/Port Huron area. For those whom enjoy spanking and/or being spanked.

spanking in michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Looking for females in mich who are single and looking for OTK spanking. Restricted to: submissive women

St. Clair County Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those in Saint Clair County

Submissive Women of the Saginaw Bay area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For submissives, slaves, switches, bottoms, babygirls (etc) in the Saginaw Bay area (Saginaw/ Bay City/ Midland/ Gladwin/ Pinconning/ Tawas/ West Branch) to meet other submissive women, to rant about the things that are bothering us and to share ideas.

The Summit, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-24
Lansing. Public play space. Goal: To provide a safe venue, centrally located in Michigan, for kink groups to meet similar groups.

To Hoe or not to Hoe, the Greater Lansing Kinky Gardeners, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-25
For people in the local community interested in having a home or a community garden or already have a home garden. Will be sharing information and resources.

Toledo Area Red Flags, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
NW OH/SE MI area. Share details of scenes, relationships, or interactions that have been abusive, have involved assault that was either not negotiated in a scene or relationship, safewords or hard limits were violated, boundaries pushed to disturbing/alarming degrees, or cyberstalking.

Traverse City Area Kinkies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To get to know other kinksters in the northwestern Michigan area, develop relationships, and to organize a public community including public munches.

Tri-City Power, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To start discussions, maintain posts about events and general activity. Saginaw, Midland, Bay City, possibly Flint and any surrounding areas.

Tricounty Kinkster’s Book Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
For book-loving kinksters in the Tricounty area for open (and kinky!) discussion of books.

Tri-County TNG, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-01
Kink and fetish group, primarily targeting Oakland, Wayne and Macomb Co-area kinksters. Ages 18-35 (and their partners) of any sexual orientation. Purpose: Create safe, secure environment to aid in socialization within the BDSM community while further educating about alternative lifestyles.

Tri State Play Partners/ Indiana-michigan-ohio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Welcomes those looking for a play partner only, not looking for a 24/7 relationship.

U.P. BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
UP BDSM, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
“Yooper” group. For people in, around, and from the Upper Peninsula, for anyone with an interest in any aspect of Ds who resides in or visits MI’s Upper Peninsula, NW WI, or Sault Ste. Marie. Monthly munch.

U.P. Book Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
Collective of book lovers, getting together and discussing life literature and just a wee bit of gossip 😛

Upper Michigan Roleplayers and Gamers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For discussion of roleplaying and wargaming in the Upper Peninsula; to discuss ongoing games, schedule meetings and events related to roleplaying.

The Warehouse (Grand Rapids, MI), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Facility closed, Dec. 2013.

Waterford Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Kinksters of all varieties living in or around Waterford. (Hosts Euchre Munch)

West Michigan BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Dedicated to the people of the West Mi. area, such as places like Greenville, Lakeview, Cedar Springs, Belding, and the Grand Rapids area as well plus all points in between.

West Michigan Bigs and Littles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Bigs and Littles (Daddies, Mommies, Aunties, Uncles, babygirls, baby boys, and all other bigs and littles) in the West MI area to meet, discuss, and share the lifestyle with one another.

West Michigan Bootblack Laboratory, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
People of all skill level to come together to work on, discuss, and practice the care of not just boots, but leather of all types.

West Michigan Leather, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For anyone on in West Michigan who identifies as Leather to share about their Leather Journey. We also want to welcome those interested in Leather to check out our list of resources to learn more about the lifestyle.

West Michigan Rope, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
West Michigan Rope, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Rope tops, bottoms, new people, experienced people and we are certainly open and accepting of all lifestyles, genders, and sexual orientations. About education and fun.

West MIchigan TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people between ages 18-35 but we are NOT affiliated with any group or chapter of national TNG

Wishes and Desires, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Post personals, links, iso’s, pics, letters, info, intros, questions, suggestions, events, stories, anything relating to the lifestyle(or not)

Wicked Detroit, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Changing name and moving group to Deviations Detroit

Wolfucking – Southeast Michigan Chapter, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
Men and women into giving and receiving a primal yet tender kind of experience. For all dynamics, hetrosexual, homosexual, and everything in between orientations.

Women 2 Women, FetLife, verified 2015-Jul-06
For females or a gender identifying females including fluid individuals, to be a good foundation for friendship and support system. Grand Rapids.

Last updated: June 19, 2017 at 19:50 pm

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Jun 292015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

IL Suburban Events Calendar (Fetlife)
Chicago-Metro Fet Events Calendar (by RealWickedness)
Galleria Domain Calendar of Events

217 Area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For anyone in the 217 code area, or anyone that has been to a munch in the area.

38+ & Kinky; Chicago Area Mature Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: To provide members of the Chicago and surrounding communities a place where they can exchange thoughts, information, and meet other members in the 38+ age group.

50 and under chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
it is what it says

618 area, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-21
For those in and around the 618 area code over age 18

AB/DL tri state Indiana area, MI , IL , OH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the adult babies and sissies, and mommies and daddys. so we can host parties in are area. Open to indiana and the states that boarder indiana

Alton Area Kink Squad, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people and community living in and around Alton

Aurora Illinois Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky, poly, sex-positive people in and around the area to meet, talk and and mingle.

AWMClub, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Always Wanting More. All inclusive Swinger/Lifestyle group, located in the IL western suburbs, for sharing common interests, and being able to play in a safe and clean environment.

BAD~ Bradley Area Diners…, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social BDSM group centered around the Bradley-Bourbonnais-Kankakee area. Mission: To bring together people intrested in the BDSM lifestyle. Will educate and promote safe play with in the community.

BCI Pearls of Wisdom, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual discussion group for people 21 years and older to discuss the realtime lifestyle of D/s and b/d/s/m living in central illinois and the surrounding areas.

BDSM in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Kentucky, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
IN-OH-MI-IL-KY. Where W/we can talk, learn, and grow, for “Active Participation” By Members In the Group.

BDSM Michigan, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For fellow kinksters who live or visit Michigan to network, learn, grow and share. Please feel free to post info on munches, parties or events or just enjoy a discussion. MI-IL-OH-IN-WI

BDSM Michigan Part Deux, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open to Michigan residents and the surrounding areas/states! Open forum to have discussions, post questions, announce events and to just get along. MI-IL-OH-IN-WI

BDSM Personals Chicago, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Belleville Illinois Area Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For southern IL kinksters to chat and possibly even have munches and such.

Big Girls Big Boobies Big Booties and the admirers Munch Group of Southwest Chicago land, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Fun safe group for people to share with others who are BBW or admire BBW’s.

Bight Club (Hitchin’ Bitches Chicago), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For female-identified rope riggers, rope tops, and dominants in the Greater Chicago Area. Gather to learn, share, and experience rope first hand using primarily passionate, peer-to-peer skillsharing and “Unconference” learning formats.

Black and Tan Society, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Aim: To teach Social Skills and Safe, Sane, Consensual play, and help novices to learn about the leather community as a whole. Will help provide our membership with educational programs that will teach the safety aspect of all leather related activities

Black BEAT Chicago Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Gathering of like minded folks who embrace the family feel that’s fostered by the larger Black BEAT Family. Place to share, learn and grow in a trusting and friendly environment, where respect is expected and good times are mandatory! Pan-sexual, non-exclusive group.

Bloomington IL – Meet n Greet (Monthly Public Gathering), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: Be a safe place to meet other kinksters and get questions answered for people who are new to kink, new to a kinky lifestyle, new to kinky gatherings, and/or new to Central IL; Be a fun, public, social gathering for kinky people.

Bondage Night Chicago, verified 2015-Mar-30
BondageNightChicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
BondageNightChicago, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Monthly Dungeon Party in Chicago. For individuals in the BDSM / Fetish / Leather / Kink Community. Newbies ARE welcome, too.

BAD~ Bradley Area Diners…, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social BDSM group centered around the Bradley-Bourbonnais-Kankakee area. Mission: To bring together people interested in the BDSM lifestyle. Will educate and promote safe play with in the community.

Brunch Munch – Chicago Burbs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Daytime munch on the weekend with a delicious brunch!

Capitol City Rustic Bindings, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Springfield. Safe way for someone to socialize with others in the lifestyle without the risk of getting “outed” just by association.

Carbondale Fetish Society, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open-membership club formed to allow local lifestylers and Fetish enthusiasts to interact with each other in a safe, relaxed environment.

Carnal Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Twice monthly 21+ event for kinksters like us to get together and socialize. All about getting together, getting to know each other, and having fun with each other.

Cave Junction/Illinois Valley Meet and Greet, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-08
Locals can fraternize and plan local get togethers and parties in a fun, safe environment.

Central IL Educational Clearing House, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: To serve as a central location to announce, discuss, and keep track of all the great educational classes and discussions in the Central IL area.

Central IL Kinksters in Recovery, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Share our experience, strength, and hope, not just about recovery in and of itself, but also how it can relate to our lives and loves in what some of us call “The Lifestyle. If you’re in recovery yourself (from anything), have someone in your life who is or just curious and have questions

Central IL Social Calendar, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Calendar of upcoming events from the area South of I-80 and North of I-70 and within the state border.

The Central Illinois Asylum, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to the exploration and experience Medical bondage such as straitjackets, medical restraints, and Padded cells. As well as the Roles and fantasies that go along with it.

Central Illinois BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Feel free to post information about upcoming events, or ask questions.

Central Illinois Beginners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all ages, sexes, orientations, and kink minded people. Geared towards sharing education, knowledge, experiences, and as a safe place for anyone to come and pose questions, begin discussions, and express concerns regarding kinks, fetishes, play, protocol and safety.

Central Illinois Business Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Share your skills within the community for real money and warm fuzzies.

Central Illinois GLBT/LGBT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, questioning, queer, asexual, intersex, and pan and everyone that loves them! 🙂 to come together and talk about issues that are happening within Central IL area and beyond. Discuss and share events, news, and personal stories of triumph.

Central Illinois Gor, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those that follow the ways and philosophies of Gor in real life as lifestylers that live in the Central IL area.

Central Illinois Master/slave, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those interested in exploring and discussing the Master/slave relationship dynamic.

Central Illinois Medical Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Asylum bondage, Doctor, Nurse, patient, Inmate, and all Institutional bondage. Straitjackets and medical Restraints and Padded cells. For those who would like to find play partners of same kinks and those who wish to discuss the kinky side of Medical Bondage.

Central Illinois Pet Play!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Wolf, Puppy, pony, kitty, Kitsune, and Critters all welcome! Dedicated to helping those who have the desires and needs that fall into the realm of pet play in all HUMAN forms with in the Central IL area, learn, understand, and make like minded friends.

Central Illinois Photographers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Devoted to those who wish to develop or increase their photography skills. We are primarily kinky people and love kinky photography, aim: towards photography in general and not specific. To focus on learning about our cameras functions, lighting, creative ideas, etc.

Central Illinois Queers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Because not every kinkster is straight…

Central Illinois Taboo, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-26
For those who dare to open the real Pandora’s Box and let themselves be drawn into its darkest corners.

Central Illinois Younger Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the under 35 crowd. Affiliated with the CIYK TNG Bowling Night in Springfield.

Centralia, Salem, Mt. Vernon IL area BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinky meet-up/discussion group for the Centralia, Salem, and Mt. Vernon areas.

Chain-O-Lakes Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Support and facilitates three munches serving northern IL/southern WI area. Friendly discussion in a relaxed safe environment.

Champaign-Urbana BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Safe haven for folks both experienced and not, old and young and whatever category you want to put yourself in. Or none at all. A safe zone where questions can be asked, discussions held and friends found. Monthly munch.

Champaign – Urbana hangout or more, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who live near or in Champaign Urbana can meet up, hang out, or announce party’s meet up etc.

Champaign-Urbana Pet Players, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pets, owners, primals and curious people all welcome.

The Charleston Area Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-31
Providing a safe venue to come out and meet fellow kinky folks. Wants to provide a fun atmosphere to come out meet, eat and have a good time without drama or fear of being outed.

Chastity Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those in chastity, keyholders, those interested in chastity, male or female who reside in the Chicago. Particpate in on-line discussions and watch for announcements concerning periodic meetings or munches for those in the area involved in chastity.

Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those living in Chicago, near Chicago, those who want to move to or visit Chicago, and those who enjoy talking with people who live in or near Chicago. A friendly, comfortable conversation pit.

Chicago Age Players, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For “parents”, “relatives”, caregivers, authority figures, and littles of all ages. Especially for ageplay related event announcements. Munches, events and play parties are all venues for you to get to know other age players and work to create your own relationships and scenes.

Chicago and Midwest Area Kink-Aware Professionals, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago and Midwest Area Kink-Aware Professionals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To discuss and help each other in finding and talking about our experiences in seeking Kink aware professionals.

Chicago and Suburbs MEN ONLY Gang Bang, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-23
For men in the Joliet area into Male on Male Play. All Male Orgy/Sex Party that is Kink/Fetish Friendly.

Chicago area bi couples looking for a 3rd or 4th, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For bisexual couples to look for other bisexuals to join them for a fun kinky time. All welcome provided you are bi/pan/queer, and enjoy group sex.

Chicago area Cock Suckers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to those who love to **suck & OR BE sucked

Chicago Area Crossdresers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Crossdressers across the Chicago area.

Chicago Area Daytime Connections, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to people in the Chicago and surrounding areas that would like to meet during the day.

Chicago Area Dungeon & Fetish Connection, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Chicago Area Hook-ups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For anyone in the entire extended Chicago area that is looking for friendship, a date, a partner, someone just to hang out with or FWB. Singles, Poly Couples and Families, Dom’s sub’s, Male’s, Females, Gay’s Lesbian’s and everyone else…

Chicago Area Kinky Boardgamer’s Meetup, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
If you are a Boardgamer, game designer, collector who happens to be kinky as all hell, please introduce yourself. Purpose: To get playdates of the OTHER kind (the ones we CAN talk about to the vanillas) together for fun and conquest!

Chicago area kinky motorcycle riders, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To get all the kinky bikers in the area together.

Chicago Area Men Seeking Play Partners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To help men who live in the Chicago area find play partners.

Chicago Area Nightlife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Bars, clubs, pubs, or taverns in the Chicago metro area; reviews, kink-friendly drinking establishments, private parties, and invitations for others to join you are all fair game

Chicago Area Play Links, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed to provide links to other Chicago area groups that help people find local play partners. For people seeking play partners and/or relationships

Chicago Area Watersports, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in the Chicago area who are into or curious about watersports.

Chicago Area Women Seeking Play Partners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To help women who live in the Chicago area find play partners.

Chicago – The Audacity of Rope, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Discuss a wide range of topics including: Rope in Chicago, where to get it? What to do with it? …

Chicago BBW/BHM and those who admire them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the Chicago area BBW/BHM and the men and women who admire them.

Chicago BBW Subs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Chicago BBW subs looking for fun

Chicago BDSM Singles, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Chicago Bondage Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Chicago Book and Brunch Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
A brunching book club of people who met in the lifestyle.

Chicago City Lights, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To help folks find out about HOT nights in the city. Suggestions for posts: Reviews Movies and Plays, Reviews Bars, Restaurants and Weekly Specials, Kink-Friendly Bars & Night Clubs, Invitations

Chicago Classified! (subs and dom(me)s Seeking – a place to advertise!), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those who are presently seeking playmates IN THE CHICAGO AREA ONLY to have the opportunity to say what it is they are looking for! Also, a place to advertise your club, your event, or your kink gear.

Chicago ClubFEM – Females enslaving Males, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago branch of ClubFEM, an international female dominant and male submissive organization.

Chicago Crimson Moon Spanking Group, see Crimson Moon Spanking Group

Chicago Deviant Damsels, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social group for kinky women in the Chicago area.

Chicago Dom/Sub Chat Room, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Remember the good old days when you were on AOL and went to this chat room to see what everyone was doing? If you were from or near Chicago, you will remember this group. Where you will find friends from that era.

Chicago Dominant and Submissve, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Dominant and Submissive, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: To bring together Dominants and Submissives from Chicago and surrounding areas. Welcomes experienced people as well as novices.

Chicago Erotic Arts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Community to share ideas, collaborate, discuss, meet up, critique, etc! While primarily focused on the visual arts, all artists in the Chicago area are welcome…writers, performers, painters, sculptors, photographers, sketch artists- just to name a few!

Chicago Erotic Book Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Though this group may focus more on D/S books, any erotica is open to discussion.

Chicago Event Calendar, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-11
Organized list of events in Chicago.

Chicago FEMUNCH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the womyn’s community, trans and cis, queer and straight. Also, trans-masculine/GQ kinksters who feel connected the women’s community welcome.

chicago foot fetish, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those in chicago with a fetish for feet to inteoduce themselves, discuss, and meet with the likeminded. Doesn’t matter if your dom-sub-switch-kinkster-fetishist-ect… If you love feet, looking at them, massaging them, worshipping them

Chicago Gang Bang, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in the Chicago area to discuss and participate in local Gang Bangs and/or Bukake events.

Chicago Gangbangs for TS/CD/Sissies, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
For men that are into or curious about using TS/CD/Sissies. Restricted to men, BBC, TS, CD, sissies, etc. Cis women who wanna watch also welcome.

Chicago Hellfire Club, verified 2015-Mar-30
Brotherhood of men who share interests in Gay S/m safe sex. Purpose: To provide education and opportunities for participation in safe, sane, and consensual S/m sex among consenting adult men and to foster communication among such individuals. (P.O. Box 577618, Chicago, IL 60657-7618)

Chicago House Of Ill Repute (aka The C.H.O.I.R.), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Originally created to organize a party, currently open to member’s suggestions

Chicago Hypnosis Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For, but not limited to, people in the Chicago area and its surrounding suburbs. Inductions, deepening techniques, and after thoughts. Any discussions on erotic hypnosis, hypnotic domination, or pretty much anything that hypnosis can be used in relation to kink is up for discussion.

Chicago Kinky Activities, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To inform kinky folks in the Chicago area of Kinky events, club activities, private dungeon activities, play parties and other upcoming functions of interest to all persons involved in the Chicago BDSM & Leather Lifestyles.

Chicago Kinky Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Place For Chicago Kinksters (or anyone else that is willing to pay for shipping) To Buy, Sell, Trade or Give Away Any Fetish Gear, Clothing, Furniture, Toys, Corsettes, Bondage Gear Or Any Other Related Items.

Chicago Kinky Conversations, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For open dialogue about any topic.

Chicago Kinky Crafting Circle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open to people with all levels of kink and community involvement and of all ages/orientations/genders/etc. all crafts and all experience levels welcomed.

Chicago Latex and Rubber Admirers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Devoted to expanding the fetish community in wider Chicago area and to organize meetings and events at locations around the area; exchange of places to go in rubber, where to shop and getting to know each other.

Chicago Leather Alliance of Women, see CLAW

Chicago Logan Square Rope Bite International, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-25
For everyone interested in rope bondage. Pansexual event centered around a love for rope. Open to all experience levels. Everyone over age 18 is welcome!

Chicago LRA/GD2 Roundtable For Submissive/Bottoms/Slaves topic forum and meet up, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Submissive/Bottoms/Slaves only. Meets once a month

Chicago Red Flags, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-17
Resource for local Chicago BDSM & Midwest Kink Community. Function: Educate the community about safety.

Chicago Rope Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
FFor rope bondage lovers in Chicago to keep track of all the rope related events in or around chicago land.

Chicago Rough Body Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For anyone in, around, thinking of traveling to, or who once heard about Chicago, and is into rough body play. Or likes it. Or is curious about it.

Chicago Rubber Party, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
For people in rubber or those interested in rubber.

Chicago slut Sharing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-29
Post ads to share your slut with others.

Chicago South Side, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open to any and all

Chicago Southside Suburban Munch (CSSM), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Kinksters, LGBTQ, and folks in the BDSM community who live in the Chicago Southside Suburbs

Chicago Spandex / Lycra, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Chicagoans who enjoy to playing in spandex and lycra.

Chicago Spanking Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Chicago Spanking Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Spanking Society, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For local Chicago area people to organize parties in the home of our members.

Chicago Steampunk, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the discussions and events involving the Steampunk kink and genre in the city of Chicago.

Chicago Switches, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those of us in the Chicago area (or nearby, or travel to the area, or just like the people in the group…) that enjoy being on both ends of play, that can not only dish it out but can take it as well. Feel free to comment, complain, rave, rant or generally just discuss any appropriate topics.

Chicago TGirlHotSpot, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
TGirls and admirers in the Chicago area. Parties twice a month at a BDSM studio in the West Loop-one during the week and one on the weekend.

Chicago TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
TNGC (The Next Generation of Chicago), verified 2015-Mar-30
Exists to provide a place for those who are 18-35 to learn about BDSM and the Chicago area community, connect to the larger community as a whole, and to provide a place for those to explore safely within a peer group.

Chicago Trampling and Ballbusting, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Chicago people to meet and discuss Trampling and Ballbusting.

Chicago Twists and Ties, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-29
Aimed at exploring Kinbaku/Shibari and the beauty, fun and sensuality that can come with it. For asking question on “how-to”, when, why, where and more.

Chicago WHAP, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
= SPAM =

Chicagoland Kink Supply & Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For local toy makers and for anyone wanting to get rid of their used/unused implements,clothing,furniture & anything kink related.

Chicagoland cougar search, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Mature woman who think they have what it takes to be a phenomenal cougar! Cougars looking for cubs and willing to post what they want and when they want it along with other kinks and fetishes.

Chicagoland Kinksters, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicagoland Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Parties, Munches Sloshs and Events. Hangouts for Chicagoland kinky people. Post your party’s events or any topic related to the Chicago BDSM scene.

Chicagoland Limits and Temptations, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Focused on the discussion and education aspect of the BDSM lifestyle.

Chicagoland W.T.F ( Whiskey Tasters of Fet ), FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-29
Dedicated to exploring the world of wonderful whiskies and other fine spirits.

Chicago’s Kinky & Queer, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Exclusively for people people who identify as gender variant or have found the binary constricting, confusing or both.

CLASS – West/Southwest Chicago Suburbs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Land Area Southwest Suburban (CLASS) D/s, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
= On Hiatus =

CLAW-Chicago Leather Alliance of Women, Facebook, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Leather Alliance of Women, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Leather Alliance of Women (CLAW), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Offers all those living their lives as women a safe supportive environment to explore BDSM, Kink and the Lifestyle; monthly meetings and demos no matter your experience level or orientation or how you identify or the dynamic , BDSM, S/M, Kink, Leather, Gorean, etc

Collinsville Area Kinkster’s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open group for all the kinky people, of all legal ages, in and near Collinsville

CommEd, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
CommUNITY Education. Designed to educate the North, South & Western Suburban Community of Chicago with discussions & classes for the better of the community.

Continuum Chicago, verified 2015-Mar-30
The Continuum Dungeon Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
The Continuum Dungeon, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Hosting monthly fetish parties since 2005. BDSM & Fetish Play Party; Foot Fetish Party; Intro To BDSM Class and Networking for Kinky People Meet Up alternating months, 2nd Wednesdays. Chicago Loop Location.

CRAPSHOOT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Riggers and Photographers Shoot. “Education, followed by art making of play.” Or is it the other way around? Nationally recognized presenter every month. Restricted to: riggers, rope bunnies, photographers, anyone interested in participating

C.R.A.S.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Riggers, Artists and Shibari Sluts
Meet monthly. Discuss products, safety, techniques or any number of topics. We try to keep it on a multi-level format

Crimson Moon Spanking Group, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Crimson Moon Spanking Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago Crimson Moon, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all lovers of spanking (ALL kind and varieties), especially members & friends of the Chicago-based social club that’s been holding weekend spanking parties in hotels throughout Chicago for the past 19 years.

C.U.F.F.s (Champaign-Urbana Freaks and Fetishists), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those in the lifestyle living in Champaign-Urbana or the surrounding area. Goal: To create a stronger community and BDSM scene in Champaign-Urbana. Monthly meetings to discuss any ideas/events/etc., as well as to just hang out and meet like-minded people.

Cum out n Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters in and around the near western suburbs of Chicago, incl. Berwyn, Cicero, Elmhurst, Maywood, Melrose Park

(DBG) Dungeon Builders Guild, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-13
Open to kinksters of all types, genders, orientations, and experience levels. Focus: To learn, design, and create, as well as build connections and relationships with our peers, not necessarily to find someone to act out a scene with.

Decatur,Illinois BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For questions, discussions,and events happening in the area.

Desired Sins – Chicago, verified 2015-Mar-30
Swinger/bdsm club that hosts monthly play parties in downtown Chicago.

Dinner & Drinks with Deviants, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-26
For making arrangements for get-togethers at Cool Cat’s Casa in the Chicago area.

Dubuque / Platteville / Galena Kinky Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-29
For announcements/scheduling of monthly meetings/discussion groups; informal connection between group members to talk and organize casual get-togethers, parties, and munches; resource for kinky people in IA-IL-WI to connect with one another.

Dubuque-Platteville-Galena D/s, M/s, & Power Exchange Discussion, FetLife, verified 2015-Apr-29
To talk about all things kinky or just find someone local to meet.

Duck Munch – Age Play just north of Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Meetup in the near north suburbs of Chicago for adults interested in age play.

DuPage Co. Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters in or around DuPage Co. to connect with one another.

DuPage County Hook-ups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky folks in the Dupage County or west burbs of Chicago to hook-up.

DuPage Slosh, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open minded and friendly group, welcoming people from all walks of life; a meetup of kinky people who meet in a vanilla setting.

East Coast Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Created to give cuckolds and Hotwives a broader range, with specific areas of interest, for better connection and communication. AL-AR-CT-DC-DE-FL-GA-IL-IN-KY-LA-LAB-MA-MD-ME-MI-MS-NB-NC-NFLD-NH-NJ-NS-NY-OH-ONT-PA-PR-QB-RI-SC-TN-VA-VT-WV

Edwardsville, Illinois area Doms, subs, and switches!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For local area folks that are into the lifestyle and getting to know each other

Elgin Munchers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed to help kinky folks in Elgin and the surrounding areas network and get to know one another.

Face Sitting Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who like to get smothered or smother peoples faces.

Fetish in Oak Brook, Illinois (Chicago Suburb), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pan sexual non exclusive group, intended to foster growth in our local community, to share knowledge, to keep informed about activities going on in our local scene. A welcoming group of kinksters and lifestylers focused on sharing and caring about what’s going on in our community.

Fetishes and Bi in Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Must be bisexual – men or women. Have at least one other fetish. Have a desire to partake in your fetish with a bisexual wanting to have sex with the bi – perhaps not having sex but wanting sex. Willing to meet to meet once in a while.

Final Fridays, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-05
Held at a spa, just outside Chicago. Come get naked and soak in the saunas.

The $30 gets you in the door, a locker for your shoes, a locker for your clothes, two small towels and a uniform to wear in the common areas. (If you wear above a size 24, you want to bring your own shirt and sleep pants.)

You get the single gender locker rooms, steam sauna, all 3 wet saunas(naked=single gender), and most of the coed dry saunas with admission. You get the coed clothed common area, the chill out room full of recliners for watching movies, and you get free wifi. Everything else has a charge.

For Sale – Central Illinois, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: To provide a means for the people of Central Illinois to offer or ask for items or services for sale.

FREE in Central Illinois, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: To provide a means for the people of Central Illinois to offer or ask for FREE items or services.

Fun in the QC- Ageplayers Playground, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For ageplayers of all types. Bigs, Littles, Mommies, Daddies, Adult babies, diaper lovers, all of the above. For local age players to discuss their desires in a non judgmental settings, share ideas, form friendships, plan fun outings and share event info

Fun in the QC – Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: Provide a safe, fun space for poly people in and around the QCA to discuss, connect, and socialize.

Fun in the Quad Cities, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Hanging out and having fun with like minded people. Goal / Mission Statement: To Have Fun, be Safe, and encourage Personal Growth.

Galleria Domain 2, verified 2015-Mar-30
Galleria Domain 2 Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
GD2. Non-profit membership club. Place to explore your fetish, kink, leather, and BDSM fantasies; members have the opportunity to meet others, learn, play, and socialize in a safe, world class environment.

Gay Bi Men Sex Cabin southern wisconsin -N.Illinois, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-04
Post Outdoor/Indoor Cruise Spots, Stories, GangBangs, Glory holes, Parties, and upcoming events

GLBTGQQ Chicago Kink (Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender, Gender Queer, and Queer), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed to create a space where the kinky Chicago GLBTGQQ community can communicate, to share events, ideas, questions, stories, with the possibility of planning future events tailored to our community.

Gor of Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To get to know others who follow the same philosophies within our area.

Great Lakes Anime Conventions, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Any convention that would relate to anime/manga, gaming, comics, sci-fi, renaissance, etc. can and will be labeled and discussed here

Great Lakes Bears, verified 2015-Mar-30
Mission: Create an open, inviting atmosphere for all members of the Bear Community at large, and to promote a healthy image of Great Lakes Bears – Chicago both inside and outside of the Bear Community. Celebrates diversity, allows everyone to express their masculinity without fear of judgement.

Greater Chicago Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For the people of the Greater Chicago area to exchange information.

Heartland Crossing, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
Heartland Crossing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-01
For crossdressers, transvestites, sissies, genderplayers, transpersons, and their admirers and/or lovers; or those who are respectfully curious about the same. CO-IA-IL-IN-KS-MI-MN-MO-MT-ND-NE-NM-OH-OK-SD-TX-WI-WY.

Hellfire Club, see Chicago Hellfire Club

Hyde Park, Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
If there’s enough interest, I’ll start a new monthly munch. I also have parties a few times a year that kinky Hyde Parkers may find interesting.

Illinois Diaper Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people that either like to wear diapers for one reason or another, or are curious about trying them. If you’re an Adult Baby, Diaper Lover, Mommy or Daddy, Bedwetter, or somebody that wants to know more in a friendly and safe enviroment.

Illinois Fetish Community as a Lifestyle (ILFCL), Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Reveals the secrets of the fetish lifestyle.

Illinois Furs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-08
For furs within IL to post meetups etc.

Illinois Glory Holes, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Try to list addresses if known, for those who may not be familiar with certain cities. Also, please list if said hole is serviced by males, females, or both, and what days are good to frequent them.

Illinois Personals!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For anyone in IL or nearby to meet their match!

Illinois Southland Suburbs for lovers of BDSM…, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For lovers Of BDSM who Live in the Southland Suburbs.

Illinois Valley Kink – IVK, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Diverse group of kinksters in the Illinois Valley area, meeting primarily in Ottawa for munches and sloshes.

Illinois Vampyres, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For vampyres and donors (and anyone interested in the fetish) in IL-IN. You don’t have to be a Vampyre to join anyone that is curious is welcome.

IL/WI Border BBW’s & BHM’s and Those That Love Them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Big Beautiful Women and Big Handsome Men and those that find them attractive. Geared towards those from Kenosha Co., Racine Co., Lake Co., McHenry Co., Walworth Co., Boone Co., Rock Co.

IN, OH, MI, KY, IL BDSM Lifestyle Exchange, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
BDSM Lifestylers that are looking for others whether it be for scenes, play, LTR, Training, Mentoring, etc.

IN, OH, MI, KY, IL Sub/Slave/Bottom etc. Seeking, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
sub/slave/bottom m&f to place an “ad” anyone can respond.

In person cum tributes/Chicago,Suburbs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
Women, Couples, TVs, TGs, CDs who would like to be Cum Tributed in person as Horny Bastards/Cuckolds group masturbate watching either perform or cock tease. Femdoms welcome to humiliate.

Jewish Kinksters in Illinois, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
A place to congregate.

Joliet IL submissives looking for Dommes, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Designed for submissives in-and-around the Joliet area who are actively seeking a Domme, Dom or Dom couple. Why stop there? Why not try to make Joliet the biggest, friendliest and safest fetish group around.

Joliet Male on male Kinksters, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Sep-25
First and foremost a social group. All male orgy/sex party. Kink/fetish friendly.

Joliet Munch (Far South – west Chicago Area), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Monthly. Informal; does not require nor observe any form of high protocol.

Joliet Sex Personals…, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-14
For people looking for NSA, FBW, one night stands, or any other kind of sexual hook up, from LTR, Gang bangs three domes and all other kinds of sexual fun.

Just Girl Talk, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For girls of all orientations in the Greater Chicago and NW Indiana Area to chat, to meet, and – do brunch

Kankakee Area Bondage Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
An active participation group. Holds a vanilla munch (that’s a meeting with lunch) every month, designed to encourage new members to come out to find the fetish and kinky experience.

Kinbaku Salon Chicago, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-30
Monthly private social/play event. Logan Square area. Enthusiasts of all levels welcome to attend. Not an educational event.

Kink Scouts Troop 773, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Purpose: Spreading knowledge and experience in a fun way through workshops, demonstrations, potential field trips, play parties and merit badges. Kinksters in Chicago area and surrounding suburbs who’d like to learn from each other and experience new things.

Kinksters Of The State Line Area – IL/WI, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in the Rockford IL / IL-WI area

Kinky and in DeKalb, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in DeKalb county, any and all towns in and close too.

Kinky Bikers of North/Northwest Suburban IL, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinky Bikers getting together for munches, dinners, bar, clubs, play parties, hanging out, making new friends, bike runs, bike rallies, etc.

Kinky by Association – Chicago, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: To provide our members with fellowship, friendship, and support in the BDSM way of things by focusing on the play while excluding the politics.

Kinky Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Group of foodies located in the Chicago Suburbs who simply enjoy good food in unique places. Give us a place that serves awesome food that is a tasty diner or a wonderful drive-in or a scrumptious dive and we are THERE!

Kinky Diners in Chicagoland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinky people that like to get together on a monthly basis to have a meal together and socialize out side the dungeon.

Kinky Dinner and a Movie – Chicago Burbs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Goal: To gather individuals who desire to have that dinner and a movie evening out with some kinky pals.

Kinky Illini, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
For students, alumni, and other people associated with the University of Illinois.

Kinky In Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To inform kinky folks in the Chicago area of Kinky events, clubs, dungeons and play parties in the Chicago BDSM & Leather Lifestyles.

Kinky Kollege, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinky Kollege, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Join us, two times a year, for our Kinky Kollege events. In the spring, we feature Kinky Kollege Spring Break. In the fall, we feature Kinky Kollege Homecoming.

Kinky Kuisine Connoisseurs in the Chicagoland Burbs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-22
For people who appreciate good food, and are willing to spend more then cheap eats at unique experiences that aren’t typical frozen, pre-made, processed and over franchised locations. Seeks out locations in the suburban-Chicagoland area close to major expressways and tollways.

Kinky Motorcycle Riders – Chicagoland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Chicagoland Riders that are kinky and live to ride, to be used for hooking up and riding together.

Kinky Roommates Chicago, the rest of Illinois, and Indiana, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Post here if you’re looking for a kink-minded rental or roommate in Chicago, the rest of Illinois, and Indiana.

Lactation in Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Those interested in lactation, inducing lactation and general health benefits of lactation are encouraged to join.

LaGrange Point Therapy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30

Lake/Cook Munch and Crunch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Welcomes all from Chicago, the surrounding suburbs and anyplace else you are from.

Lake County Munch and Crunch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Will be meeting at different area restaurants monthly.

Lakeview Munch – Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Hopefully more centrally located and CTA friendly than some of the others in Chicago; open to all ages over 18, genders, orientations and kinkyness.

Lasalle County Illinois hook-ups, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-20
For people living in the area who is interested in meeting someone.

Late Night Illinois, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
For Fetlifers that are up late at night with no one to talk to.

Leather Rose Association, see LRA
Leather SINS Center, see SINS Center

Leather SINS Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kink friendly Social Dinner Club made up of like minded individuals. People from all facets of the BDSM Lifestyle are encouraged to join. Welcomes all persons involved in any Leather, Fetish, or BDSM lifestyle regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual preference.

LGBPQ Illinois, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where admirers and Tgirls can get to know one another!

LGBTQ Munch – Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Safe space for lesbian, gay, bi, trans*, queer/genderqueer and pansexual people. NOT a space for “allies”, but partners (who don’t identify) of people (who do identify) are welcome. Restricted to: LGBTQAI+ people and their partners who live in the Chicagoland area.

LICK’D – Lemont Illinois Culinary Diners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Welcomes everyone.

Littles Of Rockford IL, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-18
Daddys Looking for Daughters. Daughters Looking for Daddys.

LRA-Leather Rose Association, verified 2015-Mar-30
LRA Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Leather Rose Association (LRA): Chicago, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Support, educational, social organization, providing a safe place and forum for the many different expressions of alternative lifestyles, including (but not limited to) dominance & submission (D/s), bondage and discipline, sadism/masochism (BDSM), spanking, fetishism, leather, cross-dressing etc

LRA PET (Pet,Education and Training) Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-01
Dedicated to the interest, education, and fun of “Pet Play.” Open to all interested pet players such as a Puppy, Kitty, Pony, their handlers or admirers.

M4M Spanking in Indiana, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30

Macomb Area Kinkster Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Seeks to bring together kinksters of the greater Macomb area.

MAFIA – Mid America Fists In Action, verified 2015-Mar-30
Based in Chigago. Dedicated to promotion of and instruction in the art of Handball or Fisting. Private membership club, open to Gay men 21 years of age or older.

MAsT:Buffalo Grove, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual group dedicated to education and sharing of information for those who identify as being in an M/s or D/s dynamic or for those who would like to find out more about the subject and if they belong in this type of dynamic.

MAsT: Great Lakes Region, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For members of MAsT (Masters and slaves Together) who reside in the Great Lakes Region to exchange information with other chapters in the region and post announcements regarding your chapters activities.

MAsT: Greater Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual group, dedicated to helping those who identify as being involved with M/s relationships (past or present) or those who are interested in establishing a M/s dynamic. Welcomes anyone who seeks to enrich their D/s or M/s dynamic and serving as a source of support for those.

Masturbation Club Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For individuals who like to watch or be watched.

Mchenry/Kane Co. IL Workout Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
For people interested in getting out of the house and into the great outdoors for walking, jogging and other outdoor activities.

McHenry Karaoke Slosh, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
Come out and join us for Singing, Drinks and great food.

MI BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky, lifestyle, leather, BDSM, M/s, and D/s folks. Participate in conversations, find a special friend to share your kink, or simply expand your horizons and enjoy yourself. Post about parties, munches, education, or regional events. MI-IL-OH-IN-ONT

Michiana Singles Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To establish a meeting place for local singles to find others to participate in lifestyle events and activities. N.IN – S.MI – N.OH- IL

Michigan Area Daddys, Mommys, and lils, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where Daddys, Mommys, and lils from the michigan area (MI-IN-IL-OH-WI) can talk about stuff near them.

Michigan Thick-N-Curvy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Where BBW Can Learn..Grow And Share Their Experiences & The People Who Love And Adore Them…Feel Free To Post Events Around Michigan. For People Living In Or Visiting Michigan Or Surrounding Area MI-N.IL-OH-IN-WI

Michigan Whip Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Focused on art of whip throwing and education. Bulls, Snakes, Western, Stocks, Signal, and all kinds of single tailed whips are welcome. Experts, intermediates, advanced, beginners, or first timers are all welcome. MI-IL-OH-IN-ONT.

Mid America Fists In Action, see MAFIA – Mid America Fists In Action

Midway Kink Dinner Group, verified 2015-Mar-30
Midway Kink Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Midway Kink, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
As of Apr 2013, group is going on hiatus. Gathering of Kinky People on Chicago’s South Side. Successor to The Midway Munch – Chicago.

The Midway Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Group is on hiatus, as of 8/28/2011. Replaced by Midway Kink Dinner Group.

Midwest BDSM’ers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all those local to the Great Lakes region seeking to connect with fellow kinksters and like minded individuals. All are welcome to join and participate regardless of orientation, fetish preference or gender identity. IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI

Midwest Crowd, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters from the midwestern United States who wish to discuss any topics (kinky or otherwise) in a moderated and intelligent environment.

Midwest FurFest, reviewed 2015-Aug-29
Midwest FurFest, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-29
Suburban Chicago. Annual convention. Come together to celebrate the furry fandom, which includes art, literature and performances based around anthropomorphic animals.

Midwest Gang Bang Parties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinky folks interested in attending Gang Bangs in the Midwest. If you are planning a Gang Bang in IL-IN-MI-WI-IA-MO-MN, please post it hear.

MidWest Pony Herd, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For Ponies, Handlers, Grooms, Owners and anyone interested in the pony play life. You can live any where but this group is to bring together the Equines of the MidWest. AR-IA-IL-KS-MO-NE-OK.

Midwestern Kinky Classifieds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Welcome to all post and come and make friends from the Midwestern and who know what you might get into. IL-IN-IA-KS-MI-MN-MO-NE-ND-OH-SD-WI

Missouri and Illinois Poly, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Home for all those in MO-IL curious or involved in the Poly lifestyle. Post your experiences, questions, thoughts anything!

Missouri/Illinois Foot Fetish, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-26
Connects foot fetishists in IL/MO, generally centered near STL, but involving all major cities of both states.

Mistresses seeking toilet slaves in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois and Minnesota, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
For mistresses into toilet slavery in the Midwest region.

Mommy & Me: A Chicago Play Space, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-07
Primarily intended for newbies, subs, bottoms, littles, baby boys, baby girls, and kinksters seeking a mentor, mommy, teacher, trainer, etc.

Naperville Suburban munch enthusiasts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
– Inactive – Originally the Naperville Munch.

NawaShibari Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
NawaShibari Chicago, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Adult rope bondage group that serves as the primary outlet and educational resource for local riggers, captives, rope/bondage lovers, tops, bottoms, individuals and couples of all genders and sexual orientations, from the highly experienced to the novice.

Normal Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kink minded people coming together to learn and share while being respectful and tolerant of others in the Normal/Bloomington area

North Side Chicago Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all you kinksters who live or work on the north side of Chicago or one of the many northern suburbs and everyone else who isn’t afraid to travel up to these parts.

Northern and Northwest Illinois, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For anyone who would like to get to know people in this area as well as creating new munches and informing each other of upcoming munches; open to general bdsm discussion and any other sexual discussion.

Northern Illinois “soicials”, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in Northern Illinois to meet and greet with others.

N.U.K.E.S: Northwestern University Kink Education Society, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-27
Social and educational group for current Northwestern students. Seeks to provide a safe, fun, and platonic environment to meet others interested in the wonderful world of kink. Welcomes all orientations, experience levels, and roles.

NWCSS – Northwest Chicago Suburbs Slosh, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Social gathering held monthly in a semi private room of a vanilla bar and restaurant. A place to mingle, chat, interact and just generally have a good time with like minded individuals.

NWI Exhibitionists and Voyeurs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For those in NW IN/Chicago areas into watching or being watched or seen.

Orland Park Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters in the south suburbs of Chicago (Palos, Orland, Tinley, Frankfort and surrounding suburbs)

Our Need and Desire Spanking Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Our Need and Desire Spanking Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Anyone into spanking or being spanked is more than welcome. Very diverse group, invites anyone from the most experienced spanker/spankee to those that are total newbies. Welcomes those exploring a deeper edge to their needs and desires.

People of the Great Lakes Alternative Lifestyle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Please feel free to share information about yourselves, your events, start up discussions about your location, your club to stir up interest, ask any questions you wish about anything in the Great Lakes area.

Peoria D/S, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Peoria Ds Forum, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Local pansexual group of people interested in the bd/sm/ds lifestyle, which allows the consensual exchange of power in a “safe, sane, and consensual” fashion. Mission: To further the members’ opportunities to involve themselves in this lifestyle through social contact and education in the Peoria area.

Peoria, Illinois Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people in the Peoria area (but, all are welcome) to come together, and have some fun! Personal ads are welcome.

Peoria Spanking, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For people who live in and around the Greater Peoria area (Peoria Heights, West Peoria, Pekin, Morton, Creve Ceour, East Peoria, etc.) to discuss their love of consensual adult spanking.

Peoria Young Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For kinksters between 18-35 in the Peoria and Bloomington/Normal area to socialize.

Poly in Rockford, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-02
For poly people in the area.

Poplar Bluff Lifestylers, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

QPEX (Quincy Power Exchange), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Home for Kinksters in the Tristate areas of MO-IL-IA Since 2011; educational and support group for those who are in or curious about the BDSM lifestyle.

Quad Cities Kinks, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
People who live in the Quad Cities, (East Moline, Moline, Rock Island, Davenport, Bettendorf, and other out lying areas.)

Quad Cities One On One Meetings, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-26
For QC kinksters who prefer one on one meetings over group get togethers. Meet for coffee, a drink, dinner, a walk along the river…whatever you’re in the mood for.

RAGE, Fetlife, verified 2015-May-22
Rockford Area Grappling Enthusiasts.

Recovery In the Lifestyle Illinois, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Fellowship of BDSM lifestyle people who are in recovery, or would like to be, and their guests. Holds both meetings which are closed to those who are not in recovery of some sort and those that are open to support people as well as those recovering.

Riverbound, verified 2015-Mar-30
Riverbound, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Pansexual BDSM group located in the Quad City area of IA-IL. (Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa, and Rock Island and Moline in Illinois.) Open to any 21 years of age or over interested in BDSM and D/s including lifestylers, casual players, or simply those with interest.

Rockford Area Kinksters (RAK), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Friendly pan-sexual group in the Rockford area. Supports free and open exploration of safe, sane, consensual, and non-exploitative BDSM as practiced by consenting adults.

Rockford Illinois Area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Rockford’s original group for discussions and announcements in the Rock Valley and surrounding areas.

Rockford TNG, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Are you kinky and under 40? Well, if so, come join The Next Generation of Kinky Rockfordians and their Suburban friends. YAY! for no old creepers.

Rope Bite Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Based on sharing skills in a localized environment wherein all participants consider themselves active learners and students of rope. Endeavors to be personal and friendly, helpful and positive contributors to the commUNITY, by engaging with one another on many levels, focus being on rope.

Rope Bite – Chicago Suburbs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open to all people above age 18 who are open minded and looking to learn about all aspects of Rope Art in a non threatening environment with like minded people and great food. Hybrid of a munch and a play party and a tad of education.

Rope Bottom Social, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For rope bottoms to chat with other rope bottoms, discuss and answer questions about problems you might deal with or your fun experiences with rope.

Rough Crowd, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago. Different topic monthly that revolves around rough body play. Body-on-body hard play.

Rustic Bindings Learning Center, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Education discussion board.

Second City Smackdown Crew, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Like minded kinksters wrestling/slapping and beating down each other. Incorporates RBP / Struggle Play / Wrestling / Grappling and just plain old physical contact.

SEMO Masters & slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For all those involved or interested in this BDSM lifestyle, of particular interest to those living in SE.MO-S.IL to find others that are lifestyle friendly. Encourages you to join regardless of race, religion, or sexual preference.

Sex on Wheels – Chicago Kinky Bicyclists, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Sex positive “Bike Gang” in Chicago. Please join us for updates on occasional rides. All you need to join is a bicycle and a dirty mind

Shibaricon, verified 2015-Mar-30
Shibaricon, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
World’s premier international pansexual annual and conference, focuses on education and information exchange for lovers of rope bondage, by lovers of rope bondage; offers international team of instructors, including some of the best rope educators from around the world.

SINS Center, verified 2015-Mar-30
The SINS Center – Chicago, IL, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Leather SINS, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago’s Destinations For Fetish Exploration, warm, friendly and welcoming play space. Social & Educational Center – Fetish Art Gallery – Play Space

SKILL munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30, ON HIATUS

Southeastern Wisconsin Fetish Photographers and Models Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For photographers and models to exchange ideas and collaborate on upcoming projects. Open to photographers, models, or people interested in modeling for the first time, and also people who are just interested in the subject of fetish photography. SE WI/N.IL

Southern Illinois BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Real-time social and educational group targeted to those living in Carbondale and Far Southern IL. Monthly Munches and educational offerings. All consenting adults, regardless of gender, orientation, dynamic, or experience level, are welcome here.

Spanking in Illinois, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30, SPAM

Springfield Illinois BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
To organize, post, and meet other people in Springfield

The Studio Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Chicago’s premiere private BDSM playspace. Extremely well equipped, we host visiting dommes, local community groups and many wonderfully talented local Ladies.

Submission Slave MASTERS, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
slave/ Master group only! The slave(s) who luv the Lifestyle & Beliefs.

Suburban Bukakke, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
For people who love to paint a facial canvas.

S. Wisconsin / N. Illinois Area Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Friendly pan-sexual group. Supports free and open exploration of safe, sane, consensual, and non-exploitative BDSM as practiced by consenting adults. S.WI-N.IL.

TBC ( The Bondage Club of Urbana – Champaign ), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
C-U’s oldest kink/BDSM munch

Third Tuesday Tea Time (or Kinky Koffee Klutch), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Daytime munch. Bring along a dice game or card game or simple board game.

Tied in Knots – Freeport IL, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
For kinky folks interested in teaching and learning the art of Shibari in the N.IL/S.WI area.

TLGC: The Lost Generation of Kink, Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
The Lost Generation Munch Very informal, everybody sits around and talks all night, all ages 18+ munch. Attendees are ‘leather flavored’, and/or poly, and/or just interested in alternative friends. Not sponsored by any particular group – just a kink-friendly informal gathering of folks.

TNGC, see Chicago TNG

The Top Shoppe of Central Illinois, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Open to all those who want to tap into, understand, and exercise their dominant side. We will learn, grow, and share our experiences.

Trans Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
For support, discussion, advice, orginizing, and kink. Hormones questions, sex work questions, and societal.

Tri-state Lifestyles, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-20
Adult lifestylers (swingers). Has monthly meet and greets and hotel takeover parties. Welcomes all sexual fetishes and all types of kink. IA-IL-WI

Unnamed Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30, ON HIATUS
Unnamed Munch, Google, verified 2015-Mar-30

Urban Fetishists – Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to people with fetishes. No matter your fetish – Nylons, pantyhose, corsets, leather, rope, boots, shoes, you name it! We can discuss fetishes and what they do for us and how to go about meeting others that share our fetishes.

We Have Intriguing People Society (WHIPS) of Galesburg, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Founded at a local college. Most of us are young and fairly new to the scene, so please be patient. Trying to organize munches and other delightful things. LGBTQ and everything else friendly, poly-friendly, and obviously, kink friendly.

West Suburban Chicago Hook ups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Drop ads here looking for a partner.

West Suburban Munch Group/ Chicago, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
West Suburban (Chicago) Munch Group, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-30
To provide education, support, and a safe social venue for people currently living or interested in learning more about the D/s, or Total Power Exchange lifestyles. Community inclusive and not specific to any sexual orientation or gender bias. All philosophies welcome

Western Kentucky, Southern Illinois, and Southeast Missouri Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Users in Paducah, Carbondale, Cape Girardeau, and all around Southern Illinois are encouraged to drop in and join in the discussions. Chatting, socializing, discussions and keeping everyone updated on upcoming events and munches.

WICKEDx BINGO, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Kinky Bingo in the Chicago Northwest Suburbs

W.I.L. – Women In the Lifestyle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Dedicated to education, discussion, issues, support, knowledge sharing for women and those who identify as women of all roles. To meet monthly with an educational or discussion topic being the focus. Chicago Suburbs

Windy City Bondage Club, verified 2015-Mar-30
Members (men only) and guests meet regularly to explore their interests in safe, sane and consensual bondage and BDSM. Hosts monthly parties at our playspace for members and guests to partake of their bondage and BDSM interests.

Windy City Tanners/Windy City Bun Warmers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Very informal social group in the Chicago area. Aim: to have periodic, non play meets, gatherings, lunches, munches etc.

wisconsin bbw/ssbbw pics, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-30
Restricted to: BBWs and SSBBWs in S.WI-N.IL, and those who love and admire them… and are LOCAL. Not all about pics, introduce yourselves, post topics that interest you, in general have fun and hopefully make some new local friends & possible play partners.

WolfFucking ~ Chicago Il., FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-02
Rough, often primal/brutal sex that sometimes borders on non-consent, speckled with moments of tenderness. Tends to take place in meticulously planned situations designed to create intense experiences that tap into the deepest, darkest desires of sexually adventurous people.

Last updated: June 12, 2019 at 17:49 pm

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Jun 212015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (via link at bottom of each page) and/or reviewing the list regularly is recommended.

Santiago Chile, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-21
Genetes de Santiago de Chile, o la area serca de.

Last updated: August 23, 2015 at 21:34 pm

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Jun 172015

CLICK HERE to add, update, delete a group's listing.NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement.

New Hampshire (and surrounding areas) Munch Calendar

200+ In Barnstable, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Hope to help build our Local community. but keep in touch with those from the Boston and other surrounding areas. this is not to Isolate us. but to help us grow and expand.

413, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-20
Western Massachusetts. For community announcements, topics, introductions, and polite classifieds.

420 high times in Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Those who enjoy 420 inside and outside of bdsm!

5-College Kinksters, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open to any and all students of the 5 College Consortium in the Pioneer Valley (Smith College, Mount Holyoke College, UMASS Amherst, Amherst and Hampshire College)

Ageplayers An AB/DL Of New England Looking For A Daddy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Ageplayers Or an Adult Baby Girl of the New England area looking for a Daddy.

AlaCon Bisexual Players, reviewed 2015-May-16
AlaCon Bisexual Players, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
For all Bi fun people based in New England. Holds events throughout New England and beyond. Play Parties. Meet and Greets (munches). Weekend Getaways. Clothing optional vacations. Party Bus Road Trips to fun open minded locations.

Attleboro Munch, verified 2015-Mar-31
Friendly and welcoming, pressure-free social gathering. By, for, and about kinky people of all ages who are interested in, involved with, or live the BDSM, D/s, M/s, and/or S & M lifestyle.

Available Lesbian Subs, Slaves, Sluts in the Northeast, U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For available lesbian subs, slaves and sluts and their dominant friends, supporters, and admirers in northeastern states.

Badass Demos MA, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Hosts monthly demos on various BDSM related topics. The demos are open to friends and those with excellent recommendations from friends. We’re a small, safe group looking to learn from knowledgeable people in the scene.

Barter Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
In this shaky economy bartering is a great way to share skills, trade for things or services, and pass on things you no longer need. No money need exchange hands, it’s all about the art of a good trade.

BBC of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Elite black men and the white women in the Boston area who wish milk, ride, gag and ride.

BBW Munch of Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Social group for BBWs in Boston area.

BBW New Hampshire, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all BBW (submissive, Domme, kinksters, primal, straight, bi, heteroflexible) and the people who love us, in NH/New England area.

BBW Submissive Women of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For submissive BBW Women in New England and the local men who love them. Chat, get advice, make friends, and feel free to completely be themselves.

Bootblacks of New England (NELA SIG), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Learn from each other, skill share, and form more of a cohesive area community for those interested in the skills and art of bootblacking.

BOS*PAH, verified 2015-Mar-31
BOS*PAH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Boston Ponies and Handlers Association. Dedicated to those who enjoy ponyplay, a human-animal roleplay with ties to the BDSM and kink communities.

Boston and New England Exposed, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Goal: To arrange a situation where we appear in public and show ourselves naked for brief periods of time.

Boston area 420 friendly events!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Find out about stoner friendly things happening around the city! Feel free to post events you’re hosting, outdoor concerts, picnics and cookouts, legalization rallies, sales at head shops… you get the idea. Anything thats going on in Boston and is marijuana related belongs here!

Boston Area Age-Players Munch, verified 2015-Mar-31
Boston Area Age-Players Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Cambridge. Monthly munch. Please be sure to RSVP via EMAIL so we may procure enough chairs at the restaurant.

Boston Area Alphabet Soup (GLBTQQAA+) Munch/Social Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For GLBTQQA folks and their allies in Boston area who love to meet like-minded folks and eat yummy food with them!

Boston Area High Protocol, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Dedicated to education of both Dominants and submissives to the art of high protocol service and lifestyle. Channels resources and creates events.

Boston Area Jobs etc., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For: If you are looking for a job, if you are looking for someone to hire for a job, little itty bitty job, big full blown job, whatever, maybe you’re looking for a room/apartment to rent, maybe you have a room/apartment to rent.

Boston Area Kinky Motorcycle Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Like-minded motorcycle riders looking to get out and enjoy the all-too-short New England riding season with our fellow kinky friends. Open to all types of bikes and all types of people.

Boston Area Pagans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Kinky pagans from all around the Boston area, looking to organize munches, circles, and other events.

Boston-Area Polyamory, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For polyamorous people in the metro-Boston area, including people in poly relationships, poly-identified folks, friends, allies, and the curious. Also for those outside the area involved with Boston-area polyamorists

Boston Area Watersports, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Watersports in eastern Massachusetts: Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, etc. Into or curious about pee fetish? Want to piss or be pissed on? Urine drinking sound hot? Say hello.

Boston Ballbusting, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
All genders and D/s roles combined, that are aroused by ballbusting, and happen to reside in or near Boston.

Boston BBW Fetish Parties/Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Female domme focused group. However we do also select male dom’s who fit certain criteria but again we are primarily female focused. Like many groups in the greater Boston area, but with the added twist of a Bbw influence.

Boston BBWs Available, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Personals group for: if you’re in the greater Boston area and ARE or ARE looking for: bbw, ssbbw AND any sexual identity, any sexual orientation AND any role (domme/sub/switch, top/bottom, master/slave, kinkster, etc)

Boston BDSM News & Events, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Our goal here is to create a sense of community that enlightens you with the most up-to-date information on what’s going on in the world of kink – in the New England area.

Boston big cocks 4 bbw/ssbbw, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Place to find each other and have some fun.

Boston Board Games, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open for all discussions pertaining to board games and related gatherings. Non-threatening way to meet other kinksters in person and get connected with the local scene.

Boston/Cambridge College Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all kinky (grad) Students in the Boston/Cambridge area.

Boston Climbing, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-29
For Greater Boston/New England area, interested in climbing: indoor, outdoor, top rope, lead etc.

Boston Dancing, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Love to dance? Here’s where to find dances, lessons, partners, and new moves!

Boston Fall Festivities, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Created to help organize all fall-related events in Boston area. Feel free to post an event link to any fall festivity you would like to have kinksters attend!

Boston FemDom Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Designed to showcase and honor all the wonderful dominant women in our area. a place for the subs of all genders to worship the lovely ladies in a great setting. Only for the most obedient and dedicated of subs and slaves who wish to worship and serve

Boston FetFoodies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Sounding board for good restaurants, want ads for restaurant buddies, or simply a call for someone to meet for appetizers and drinks.

Boston-Fetish-Nites, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
NEFFU. Rocks Boston scene every weekend whether its an all out fetish party of our own. or with one of our affiliates they are great fun. Restricted to: Active fetish people from the greater Boston, RI-NH areas

Boston Fetish Poker, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people in the New England area that like to play poker. To discuss Poker and share wisdom! We have a very private list and if you want on it you need to come out and be part of the community by going to Pub Nights and Munches so we can get to know you.

Boston – Fitness, Health, and Weight Loss, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Support and discussion group for people who want to lose weight, get into shape or talk about fitness and health.

Boston FootClub, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For foot fetish enthusiasts who would like to partake in activities together such as but not limited to: Lunch/Brunch/Coffee/Drinks, Movies, Parties/Get togethers/Soirees, Photography/Modeling sessions.

Boston Forced Bi Parties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For both Dommes and males interesting in local forced bi parties. All are welcome to join.

Boston GLBT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Discussion group for people in or around the Greater Boston area who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, questioning, heteroflexible, transgender, transsexual, etc.

Boston Goreans, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Aims to bring our resources and vastly dispersed community together more regularly for “munches,” casual meetings, group entertainment ventures, formal gatherings and more.

Boston Haven, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: Boston Haven Community

Boston Kink 101 Newbie Safe Zone, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Comfortable space for Bostonians (or those near enough) to chat and ask questions about BDSM and kink.

Boston Kink Activism, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all interested in change to organize for outreach, education, and discussion. Central location to discuss current law, BSDM history here in Greater Boston, and a place to find movements to support or to find volunteers to support your own movement.

Boston Kink-Friendly Healthcare Providers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinksters within the Boston area to share their resources and knowledge about kink-friendly doctors, therapists, physical therapists, dentists, and other healthcare professionals.

Boston Kink Map, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: Members of Greater Boston Community

Boston Kink Life Drawing, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For organizing and scheduling of kinky life drawing sessions in the Boston area. All artists, models, and riggers are welcome to attend. To allow artists to get experience with life drawing while embracing the subject matter of bound and naked men and women.

Boston Kinksters with a Disability, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those of us who has a disability of some sort and want to meet like minded kinksters in the Boston area. Not restricted to those who has a disability. If you are a partner or married, dating, etc to someone with a disability can join too.

Boston Kinky Christians, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Online home for Boston area people who identify as kinky and Christian. Open to all regardless of denominational, theological or other labels.

Boston Ladies for Open TG Girl Lesbians, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Born women (Cis, GG ) straight ,bi, or lesbian. to meet and chat with m2f tg and CD.

Boston MA BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For localized Doms, subs, Masters, slaves and all around kinksters in and around the Boston area.

Boston MA BDSM-Ads, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Friendly, kinky, and/or profitable fun! Any kind of ad is okay to post here as long as it is local and related to kink. For posting ads, not for discussion.

Boston MA BDSM Education, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
For those in the Boston area who wish to learn more about BDSM, themselves, or their interests from people with knowledge and experience.

Boston MA Erotic Wrestling and Boxing, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Looking to start a regular group for matches m vs m f vs f and m vs f. Erotic and more competitive matches if wanted.

Boston MA Phisting Society / Fisting New England area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
All gender kinksters having an interest in this fetish are welcum to join. Ask questions, post events, post links, and network.

Boston Metrowest TNG, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
Waltham. Monthly munches. Pansexual BDSM group for motivated kinky individuals ages 18-35, dedicated to education, outreach, and an enriching social environment within the kink community.

Boston Old-Young and Kinky (BOYnK), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Not for older kinksters who are into younger women, even if that’s what it looks like. To join BOYnK you must meet at least one of the following requirements: -Over 35 any gender, -Between 18 and 27 and female

Boston Pansexual Kink Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: Boston’s Pansexual Kinky Folks

Boston Pets and Owners, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For human pets and their owners. To work together to find places where we are welcome to congregate whether unowned or owned pets. For sad little pets with no homes to post their adoption notices.

Boston Ponies and Handlers Association, see BOS*PAH

Boston Pretty Feet Parties, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Greater Boston ladies who love to have our pretty feet, soles, toes,and ankles…worshipped by area foot serving males & females.

Boston Pub Nights, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Casual low key night in a Pub to meet existing and new friends. Members are encouraged to take turns hosting Pub Nights and choosing the locations. Pub Nights can be planned and organized in advance or can be impromptu.

Boston Puppy Play, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For any one into puppy play or curious about puppyplay.

Boston Rope Artists Guild (BRAG), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Loosely organized free flowing group of Boston based rope artists that get together to do things like pub crawls, strip club trips, etc… Along with being active and supporting members of the Boston rope community. Restricted to: Boston Rope Artists and their lovely victims.

Boston snowBunnies, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Boston (and surrounding area) kinksters who love snow sports, especially skiing and snowboarding.

Boston South Shore, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people from the SOUTH SHORE of Massachusetts.

Boston Spanking Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Social group dedicated to promoting and fostering adult spanking friendships – and hopefully some casual get-togethers–in the Boston-area with other spanking enthusiasts, in a safe, friendly, comfortable environment. It doesn’t matter if you are a spankee, a spanker or both

Boston Strap-On Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all Boston-Greater New England strap-on fetishists. Whether you’re a deviant Devotee or just sincerely curious; place to begin looking for a play-partner, dom, sub, or lifetime partner

Boston Thirty Somethings (30-50), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: Kinksters in the Boston area, 30-50 years old and their partners.

Boston TNG (The Next Generation), verified 2015-Mar-31
New England-area pansexual BDSM group for motivated kinky individuals age 18-35. Dedicated to education, outreach, and an enriching social environment within the leather community.

The Boston Toy Party, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
New England Leather Alliance special interest group that offers monthly classes and other events, all with a focus on the wide array of available (and pervertable) BDSM toys.

Boston TS Personals, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Aug-07
Post personal ads seeking someone who is transgender, or vice-versa. Limited to TS, MtF and men and women seeking to date.

Boston Vanilla, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-07
For those who would just like to ideally make like minded friends without it having to be about sex all the time. Make outings to meet and hang out.

Boston WaterSports (BoWS) Munch, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
For people 18+ into or interested/curious about WaterSports and who would like to attend a monthly munch.

Boston Whip Practice, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
If you have your own whips bring them and get some pointers or share your expertise. If you are eager to learn, but don’t have a whip yet, we have a few that you can borrow.

Boston Wrestling Fetish, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Boston Fetishists who like to grapple, wrestle and pin

Bostonian Wanderlust, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Boston/New England Kinksters planning, executing and traveling.

boston’s kinky and monogamous, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinky and monogamous people in Boston and thereabouts.

Boston’s Uncollared slaves, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For uncollared slaves. If you are a Master or Mistress looking for a slave or slave looking for a Master or Mistress, If you are a Dominant Power looking for a submissive or submissive looking for a Dominant Power.

Boston’s Women Supporting Women, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Post your experiences, both good and bad, to find support and hopefully help others learn valuable tips, tricks, and (sometimes profoundly important) advice. Resource for learning how to evaluate safe, unsafe, and ambiguously safe situations.

Bound in Boston, verified 2015-Mar-31
Bound in Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For rope bondage enthusiasts in the Boston area. Events provide opportunities to learn new techniques and make friends with fellow twisted kinksters. Please only post topics that relate to rope bondage and rope-specific events.

Bristol County Domination, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Locals binding together, talking, having and meeting up for munches, sharing stories, Hanging out together and playing together.

BTNG | Boston’s Young & Kinky, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Provides both a more controlled exposure to Boston events for young newcomers who choose to take part in it and a comfortable, safe environment for all TNG-aged individuals. (not the same as Boston TNG)

Burlesque in Northern New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Love gorgeous women, wearing fantastic costumes, performing all manner of creative dances and skits that will have you laughing, hooting and hollering, and most of all just having a great time?

Camberville TNG: Boston TNG North of the River, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Primarily in Somerville/Cambridge/Arlington area. Monthly munches (socials)

Cape Cod & Islands Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all Cape Codders. Young and Old. Please be from the Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, or Nantucket.

Cape Cod Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To try and bring the Cape Cod kinksters together, meeting of new peoples and build a strong network of friends. Restricted to: Barnstable County “locals” or visitors

Cape Cod Kink, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31, SPAM

Central MA Hu_Cow And Lactation, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Dedicated to helping likeminded people define, explore, and document their interest in Lactation and its role in BDSM lifestyle. To aggregate and disseminate information related to inducing, re-lactating, protocol, and the various types of play associated with lactation and bondage.

Central Worcester Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Replaced by The Central Worcester Munch

The Central Worcester Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Meets monthly in order to eat, socialize and have fun!

CFNM Western MA and CT, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For the express purpose of discussing and possibly organizing CFNM events. All Women are encouraged to post and make their wishes known.

Classified!!! (For the New England area), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Specifically for New England states to post what they are looking for.

Club FemDom Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Social organization composed of individuals who participate in or want to develop sincere Female dominant/male submissive relationships. Dommes are in charge of the activities at all times.

Connecticut & N.E. amateur photography ( Non Pro ), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Created for CT and New England kinksters who love to take erotic pictures for fun.

Connecticut and East Coast D/s or BDSM, Which is Better?, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people in the Tri-State area so to say, to exchange ideas, munch dates, and possibly meet for coffee or whatever may arise.

The Connecticut Chick Clique, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Ladies only, from CT-MA-RI. Trans gurls welome. Mostly designed for the ladies of the Society because we are all friends in real life but others are very welcome to come and chit chat with us.

The (C)ooperative (U)nified (M)obile Munch of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Many munch hosts who can alternate running this munch in a location of their choice! Held quarterly

CT BBW’s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For BBW’s and their admirers living in CT, and NY-MA-RI.

CT BDSM Connection, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Central place where CT (and surrounding border states) peeps can connect and discuss the latest topics, ask questions, help with their knowledge and insight, or just get to know one another.

CT/MA strap-on lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those closer to my home interested in strap-on play. Open to all ( male, female, transgender, Top, bottom switch).

Cunillingus Personals of Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For men and woman who are cunillingus lovers and want to connect for cuniilingus in the Boston area. Straight and lesbian females are invited to join who seek pussy worshipers and men and women are invited to join that enjoy worshiping pussy.

Damned New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For horror freaks in New England. Discuss strange legends, paranormal happenings, horror movies and more.

DESIRE: Boston Members, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Private party with members! Open minded and friendly folks who only wish to be able to express our DESIRES without judgment or prejudice. Safe haven for Adults, who share similar interests related to Fetish or Alternative lifestyles.

Diapers in MA/RI, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Looking to make new friends? Talk to people here. Share your favorite diapers, binkies, bottles and more. Looking for a mommy or play partner maybe find one here.

Discreet Encounters Swingers Group For Couples/Singles, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Everything to do with swinging in New England and Discreet Encounters parties for couples and singles

Dominant Woman and the men who serve them Worcester, Massachusetts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For dominant women and the men who serve them in Worcester.

D.O.N.E. [Dominants Of New England], FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jun-17
Discussions limited to issues related to being in a dominant role in a power exchange relationship.

The Dungeon: New England Kink Radio, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Fetish and kink talk radio show, featuring hot special guests, performers, Dominas, and more.

East Coast Cuckold and Hotwife, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Created to give cuckolds and Hotwives a broader range, with specific areas of interest, for better connection and communication. AL-AR-CT-DC-DE-FL-GA-IL-IN-KY-LA-LAB-MA-MD-ME-MI-MS-NB-NC-NFLD-NH-NJ-NS-NY-OH-ONT-PA-PR-QB-RI-SC-TN-VA-VT-WV

East Coast/New England (USA) Domestic Discipline, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For anyone practicing/interested in Domestic Discipline on US east coast.

East Coast Primal Den, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-13
Get to know others that share the same interest. Come, talk and ask questions. For all who identify as a Primal and live in CT-DE-FL-GA-MA-MD-ME-NC-NH-NJ-NY-RI-SC-TN-VA.

Eastern Mass. Hedonist Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Membership open to all. Private parties with a theme.

Enchanted Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Enchanted Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Only for people looking for serious relationships in New England area. All welcome who are looking for serious only: Love-romance-long term companion-long term kink partner. Not for people looking for just sex, playmates, pets, etc.

Enfield, Somers, Stafford (CT), Longmeadow, Hampden(MA), FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-06
To advertise for locals.

Enlightened BDSM Singles for Boston, MA, Providence, RI, & Manchester, NH, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For people to network with each other openly and honestly about their desires, their feelings, their needs, and their principles in respect to finding that special someone

The Epic Photo Shoot, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those interested in being part of vanilla and kinky photo shoots of groups. New England based.

Fall River area, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Looking for anything at all, friends, love, dirty violent monkey sex, and anything in between. Restricted to: MA/RI residents.

Fall River Area Kinksters (FRAK), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Goal: To create a munch for us local people and anyone who wishes to come.

Faneuil Hall Munch Group, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-28
For all those 18+ of any orientation, experience level or background.

FemDomme-New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Low key Dominant women’s group for education, information and fun. Place to share events and private activities.

Fetish Alliance of New England (FANE), verified 2015-Mar-31
Fetish Alliance of New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31

FeTrix. boston’s new fetish night, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Became The Fetish Alley, which became Enchanted Boston

Fisting in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Fisters from MA-ME-NH-RI-VT

Foot Party Boston / Foot Club, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Sep-08
Private list of hardcore foot fetishists that want to indulge in their kink in a discreet manner and in a private, safe and comfortable setting where they won’t be outed.

Footnight New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Foot fetish events. Restricted to: Footnight attendees, models, and prospective attendees and models.

Framingham ABDLs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-13
For any ABDLs who live near or around Worcester.

Gambling Friendly in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To get together whenever the mood hits for fun (vanilla) times at either Foxwoods/MGM Grand or Mohegan Sun in CT.

GAP-EX, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Greenfield Area Power Exchange. Educational & social BDSM forum. Event and information resource for the NE MA leather, spanking, BDSM, and D/s community.

Gardner Area Kink, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-15
To have conversations about their kinks, meet up or plan events. No drama fun!

The Gate (Your Gateway to BDSM), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
The Gate Munch/News, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Advertises, Promotes, and Educate People of Events. Chapters: Phila, Central Ma. Providing members and other community very relaxed, public and safe place for meeting others with an interest. Welcomes anyone, from novice to experienced. CT-DE-FL-GA-MA-MD-ME-NC-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-SC-VA-VT.

The Gay Bi & Curious Search for Boys, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For New England Gay, Bisexual, Curious, Fluctuating/Evolving, Men, Boys

Gay/Bi Male Enema Doms, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For men who are into role playing and making the bottom submit to very kinky acts of submission such as forced stripping, bondage enmas, ass play, anal sex. etc.

Gay Single Men Of New England, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-16
For gay/bi single men to get together and chat. Looking for love? Fun? Friends?

Geeky Kink New England, verified 2015-Mar-31
Geeky Kink New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Where geeky/nerdy/brainy kinksters of every stripe could have fun–all kinds of fun. Credo: To be super friendly, ultra accepting, and to try to show everyone a good time.

Greater Boston Trauma Survivors and Supporters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Intended for individuals in the greater Boston area who have gone through traumatic experiences, and partners or significant persons in their life who support them. Will also hold events for a wider audience on the effects of trauma and how to support someone who is a survivor.

Haverhill’s Unconventional Group (aka H.U.G.), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For adults with an interest in alternative activities involving BDSM and fetish lifestyles in and around Haverhill area. Gathers on a social basis at local venues to enjoy each other’s company as well as develop and expand friendships. Monthly munch.

Hitchin’ Bitches Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For female-identified rope riggers, rope tops, and/or dominants in the greater Boston area. Welcomes rope bottoms of all identities and genders.

ISO Kinky Interracial Love in Massachusetts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those looking for a long term interracial partner. Welcomes those in interracial relationships already. To meet others looking for more than just the physical but are open to discuss anything regarding interracial sex (play) and relationships or simply anything interracial

Jaded Fetish Networking Party, verified 2015-Mar-31
Jaded Fetish Networking Party – Lowell MA 2nd Saturday, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For the Jaded followers and newcomers to find each other outside of the club and also get all their monthly party updates, past and future acts, artists, local news, photo gallery upload info and much more!

Jewish in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: Jews and those interested in Judaism who live or spend significant time in New England. Not affiliated with “Kinky Jews”.

The Kaleidoscope Munch Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Pansexual, alternative social munch group for people of color and their allies in Boston.

Kinky Birders of the Northeastern U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Birders (and those interested in learning) in Northeastern U.S. of all skill levels and areas of interest welcome.

The Kinky Calendar of New Hampshire (and surrounding Areas)!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For local events in NH-MA-ME and surrounding. Stay ahead of the game and be “in the know” at all times!

Kinky Camping in the Northeastern U.S., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Folks and camping events in Northeastern US

Kinky Massachusetts Outdoors (kayak, hike, bicycle), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Enjoy the outdoors? Like to hike, bicycle, kayak, camp, run, walk…you name it outside. Lets get to know each other in the wonderful outdoors around Boston and Massachusetts and New England.

Kinky Native Americans in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinky Native Americans in New England to hang out and chat about all things Native.

Kinky New England Furs, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-22
Fun and safe place for kinksters in and around the New England area who also consider themselves furs, or members of the Furry Fandom, to connect and socialize. Post your events, links to your artwork, and talk about your Fetishes, furry or otherwise.

Kinky Roleplayers in New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For anyone in New England who enjoys some form of roleplay with their kink. Feel free to share your past experiences, erotica, ideas for future scenes, and general thoughts about roleplaying.

Lactating in Massachusetts, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For women and men who enjoy lactating relationships in MA.

LOVE in New England (NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, ME) Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Only for people looking for serious relationships in the New England area. All welcome who are looking for serious only: Love/romance/long term companion/long term kink partner. Not for people looking for just sex, playmates, pets, etc.

Lowell Area Rope Klub, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Purpose: To arrange for excursions for rope enthusiasts in greater Lowell area, to have fun doing bondage, usually outdoors in good weather, and usually during the day. Outdoor excursions will usually be in secluded areas as it is not our purpose to do bondage “in public”.

Lowell Mass Munch, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Goal: To have fellow kinkers meet once a month for talks of there lifestyle, fetishes, concerns and for people who are new to the lifestyle ask questions.

MA/CT/RI Littles Playground, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For littles to get together and get to know one another, have play dates and Lunch times at fun Little’s places. For littles and their caretakers who Live in and play in these areas

Maine/New England cds,tvs,ts and couples and singles interested in them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For everyone that is curious or interested in all of us either if your single or a couple

MA & NH Threesomes, MFM, FFM etc., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open group for folks in MA-NH interested in exploring threesome play. BI, STR8, Voyeur, Cuckold, Role play or simply good old fashioned pleasure sport. Share your fantasies, your questions and your advice.

Mass Hysteria!?!?!, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Apr-26
Will be having events, munches and more Boston-centric events

Mass over 40 and those who love them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Kinksters in MA/neighboring states who are not kids anymore but still know how to have fun. If you’re over 40 (or 30) or fond of anyone over 30 or 40 you’re welcome to join or attend events

Massachusettes kink and swingers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To set up a monthly meeting of people looking to get sassy… swinging is the idea!

Massachusetts Area Personals, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those in the MA area to find someone, to make it easier to find the Dom/Domme/Mistress/Master/Top, sub/slave/bottom in our area we are looking for.

Massachusetts BBC’s That will flirt with your wife, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-22
Good looking BBCs in MA that will flirt and hit on your wife.

Massachusetts BDSM, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Kinksters in MA who wish to connect, discuss, debate and notify. Event notices are welcome.

Massachusetts BDSM Ads, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
If you are looking, if you are offering, do it tastefully, but do it here. Personals, roommates, wanted, for sale, services offered, you name it.

Massachusetts Bondage Club, verified 2015-Mar-31
Massachusetts Bondage, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Massachusetts Bondage Club, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
For bondage enthusiasts in MA area. Stay in touch with each other, learn from each other, make new friends interested in bondage, find out about bondage events going on in the area, and hold discussions about all aspects of bondage.

Massachusetts Bound in Zentai, Leotards, and Tights, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those who enjoy bondage while wearing zentai, leotards, and tights.

Massachusetts DDLG, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-13
For any Daddy Doms and Little Girls to talk.

Massachusetts Femdom/Sissy lifestylers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Female dominants and the sissies they love. Talk about the dynamics in a female dominant lead Submissive Sissy/CD/TV lifestyle.

Massachusetts Gangbangs, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Hosting and organising gangbangs in MA.

Massachusetts Geeks and Nerds, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Geeks and Nerds of all types. Geeky interests include, but are not limited to. Role Playing, Tabletop Games, Trading Card Games, Video Games, MMORPGs, PC gaming. LARPing, Furry, Cosplay, and Interneting. Find other Geeks near you that share interests beyond Perversion and Fetishism.

Massachusetts Kink, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Masters and subs seeking to connect.

Massachusetts legal help, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For any legal Information or assistance needed in MA.

Massachusetts Massage in the Lifestyle, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Purpose: to discuss how massage can be incorporated into the Kink Lifestyle and to share tips on touch techniques.

Massachusetts Medical Fetish, FetLife, verified 2015-Jun-17
To find doctors, patients, and talk about all aspects of a medical fetish.

Massachusetts Red Flags, FetLife, reviewed 2015-May-18
Exists to share details of scenes, relationships, or interactions that have been abusive, have involved assault that was either not negotiated in a scene or relationship, safe words or hard limits were violated, boundaries were pushed to disturbing/alarming degrees, or involves cyber stalking.

Massachusetts Straitjacket Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31

Massachusetts Sensual Players, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For some of us the aspect of play that is sensual is just as important as pain or power dynamics. Local group to discuss these aspects of play.

Massachusetts (sissy) Maids, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Sissy Maids for women couples and men in MA.

Massachusetts Straitjacket Lovers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: People in MA (or nearby area) who own or covet a straitjacket and their admirers

Massachusetts Transvestites and their Admirers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Transvestites in MA. Western, Worcester, Boston, South Shore and everywhere between. Discuss events, happenings, tips, thoughts and more.

MAsT Mass (Masters And slaves Together: Massachusetts): FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Pansexual support and discussion group for those interested in the Master-Mistress/slave or Dominant/submissive relationship. Persons of any gender and sexual orientation are welcome. You do not currently need to be in a relationship to join. Monthly.

Metrowest/worcester under 35, FetLife, reviewed 2015-Jul-04
For locals under 35.

Mob New England, verified 2015-Mar-31
Mob New England, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For all women, including transsexual/transgender/intersex women who live daily lives as women, and all female-born transgender/genderqueer persons age 21+ who have an interest in BDSM. Social & play events, educational demos, and informal opportunities to socialize, have fun & build community.

Ms. Raven’s Craft Corner (New England, US) sewing & more, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To help exchange ideas and info with others from the New England area and possibly set up other get togethers.

munch for ATTLEBORO kinksters?, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Maybe we can all do a get together somewhere local and possibly plan some play parties.

The Munches of Greater Boston, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Where and when to eat (and occasionally play) with like minded people if you happened into Boston area.

NE Monogamous Kinkster Couples and Singles., FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Restricted to: Monogamous Couples or those that seek monogamy for themselves.

NEKO (New England Kat Organisation), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
NekoLife, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Network for organising social events in the Greater Boston and New England Area: munches, meetups at cons, play parties, demo’s and workshops, etc. for any aspect of neko or any other related kinky cosplay with a fetish flavour.

NELA TSK: Trans* Spectrum Kinksters, verified 2015-Mar-31
NELA TSK: Trans* Spectrum Kinksters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Provides space for education and community building for trans* and gender non-conforming kinksters, a platform specifically for trans* and gender non-conforming kinksters to educate on topics often overlooked or underrepresented at mainstream events; Increase visibility and voice

NEPups, verified 2015-Mar-31
NEPups, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
NEPups, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
Pup ground based in New England. Open and accept everyone.

New Bedford DomiNation, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Anyone who wants to attend is welcome. Restricted to: New Bedford area locals (reasonable driving distance).

NERA – New England Rope Academy, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
= Postponed =

#NewEngland, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Chatroom for refugees of alt, who can no longer deal with the stupidity and frustration of the New England chatroom.

New England 40 and Over Kinksters (You gotta love them), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For kinksters 40 and over (and those who love us), from all over New England and NY

New England AB/DL and ageplayers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Place to post events and meet new people.

New England Aces, Meetup, reviewed 2015-Jul-07
For asexual spectrum individuals and allies. Provides support in an open, affirming environment, builds community based on friendship and respect, and promotes awareness of asexual spectrum identities in New England area through outreach, trainings, and collaboration with community partners.

New England AgePlay AN Babygirls, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Ageplayers an Babygirls all over New England To meet gather and talk.

New England ANR/ABR/ Breastfeeding and Lactation, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For like minded kinksters to share and meet others interested in Breastfeeding, ANR/ABF

New England BBW Kinks and Gang Bangs!, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Welcomes all sizes of large women and men. Must either be a big woman or PREFER big women. New England-update NY

New England Bi / Heteroflexible Guys, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Networking for guys who are either bi curious, bi or “hetero-flexible”

New England Bulls/Hotwife Forum, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Get to know a Bull or a Hotwife! Cuckolds come to receive applications from bulls and humiliation from your hotwives

New England Catfighting/Wrestling Couples, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Where couples into fighting can chat and meet with others.

New England Chastity Wearers, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Wearers and those that like people that wear Chastity Devices whether it be a full belt, trapped ball device or other type.

New England Couples and the men that love to join them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Open to all couples looking for a fwb situation, a poly situation, a cuckold situation or any other situation that suits them, with another guy. Open to guys of all persuasions that want to play with a couple, married or single, bi, gay or straight, dom bull or submissive.

New England Cuckolds and the Women that love them, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
To help Cuckoldresses, Bulls and Cucks by giving information, help, and find local people for this fetish/lifestyle.

The New England Domme Social Club, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For Dominant Women in the New England area to meet for conversation, laughs, experiences and overall good times.

New England Daddydom and Little Girl, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those who wish to share, or are curious about DaddyDom and BabyGirl relationships based in New England area.

New England D/s, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
New England D/s, Yahoo, verified 2015-Mar-31
On-topic discussions, support, and more. For those who live in New England and NY who are interested in, involved with, or live the BDSM, D/s, M/s, and/or S&M lifestyle.

New England Dungeon Society, verified 2015-Mar-31
New England Dungeon Society, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
Pansexual educational, support, and social group. Holds socials, regular BDSM seminars, workshops and demonstrations, as well as many and varied special events. Providing a comfortable environment for people to explore bondage, dominance & submission, and their kinkier side since 1992.

New England Encounters, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For those of us in CT-MA-ME-NH-RI-VT who want to fuck. Anonymous encounters, hook-ups, play dates, 3somes, affairs or more.

New England Erotic Hypnosis Unconference (NEEHU), verified 2015-Mar-31
New England Erotic Hypnosis Unconference (NEEHU), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For official information about the event, hotel rooms, ride shares, hotel room shares, non-hotel housing for the conference (hosting), presentations, etc

New England Feet (NE Feet), FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
For support, information and connection in New England region with foot/shoe/footwear fetishes, partialism, interests, curiosities and/or other kinds of pedular enthusiasm. Will be organizing munches, events, classes and supporting other local organizations and foot events.

New England FemDom Group, FetLife, verified 2015-Mar-31
See yourself as a Female Dominant? Seeking to meet others like yourself? Submissives and slaves welcome to join.

New England Financia